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What type of thermometer do you use on your kids?


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I have 8 year old boys and I've been using a digital thermometer under their arms for years. I add a degree to the result shown on the thermometer. I honestly don't have to take their temps very often, but they have both had a bad virus within the last 2 weeks and I'm thinking I need to use something different. What do you all use and do you like it?



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We've been using a forehead thermometer - it's digital, and it took a bit to get the hang of it, but it's consistent with our other thermometers (we checked) and so much easier.  We have to add a degree to it as well, but it's a keeper.


Our ear thermometer experiences were never consistent, for some reason.

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I could never get a consistent temp with the ear thermometer. I got a digital and use it orally. I don't know if it's super accurate, but it doesn't fluctuate 3-4 degrees between the times that I'd take it. It is accurate enough that I know approximately what temperature my kids are running. The ear thermometer was terrible for us.

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This is going to sound bad, but a high quality instant read meat thermometer. It's accurate to the nearest degree, which is all we need anyway.



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This is going to sound bad, but a high quality instant read meat thermometer. It's accurate to the nearest degree, which is all we need anyway.




Hey, if it works, it works!

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We use this one:




The temporal ones are nice because you can take your kid's temp without waking them if they're sick.  The temp can be a little off if the child is sweaty, so you have to be careful to go over the neck artery then, too.  

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I don't.


When you're hot you're hot, and when you're not you're not.


Helpful, I know!


PS, watch out, Tylenol has been found to be less safe than previously thought.


I gave up on the accuracy of thermometers (add 2 degrees if you use this kind...this kind really isn't all that accurate, etc...how frustrating!).  If we had a glass one, it would probably get broken in one of our military moves.


My hand is actually pretty accurate, and I know which of my kids usually run hot and which ones are more lukewarm.  If I needed a number I'd probably be like nmoira and use our digital meat thermometer in an armpit.

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My hand on their forehead (this is more accurate than you might think for yes/no fever!).


Ear thermometer if they're awake or temporal if they're asleep (I have 2 of the latter, one name brand one CVS brand and can only get a reading about 1 time out of 4 with either of them) if I need to know specifics when they're sick.


I have a rectal in case I _really_ need to be precise, but have only used it twice (among 3 kids) since they were infants, both to make "go to the ER now?" decisions.


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We have a behind the ear thermometer. I don't think it is accurate but it's a nice backup to my hand for when the doctor really wants a number. I used to have the temporal artery one and it was more accurate but it died on us. We've also had oral, in the ears, and under arms ones. The oral ones were never accurate for my kids because they would not sit still and keep their mouths shut. The inthe ear was tricky because when they were little the ears were so small and they didn't like it. When the girls were in the NICU they had us use under the arms thermometers and that's what we used for a long time until we lost them. I think those were the most accurate because if the NICU trusted it, we trusted it, and it seemed to have the less user error.

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We use this one:




The temporal ones are nice because you can take your kid's temp without waking them if they're sick. The temp can be a little off if the child is sweaty, so you have to be careful to go over the neck artery then, too.

I have this exact thermometer and I love it. I can assembly line style check all the kids when they are sick and feverish without waking them. It's awesome.

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We have a Braun ear thermometer too.  We've had it for 8 years and it still works fine.   I can tell just by feeling their forehead if they have a "real" fever or not.  I will check with the thermometer before calling the doctor, but I've never been wrong about the need.

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We use this one:




The temporal ones are nice because you can take your kid's temp without waking them if they're sick. The temp can be a little off if the child is sweaty, so you have to be careful to go over the neck artery then, too.

This is the one we have, too. When they were tiny I did digital in the rectum, but I love the swipe across the forehead, you're done.

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Thank you so much ladies!!! I can always tell whether they have a fever or not (and whether it is low grade or something more concerning) by putting my lips in the middle of their foreheads. However, the Dr. always wants the temp when I call in on the nurse's line or to make an appt. I think I will get the temporal one to have on hand. Love that you can do it while they are sleeping!


Thanks again!

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Someone once asked me how high the temp went.  I simply said "I don't know, I don't have a thermometer."  They weren't about to deny my kid an office visit over that.


Thing is, if my kid had a rising, concerning fever, I wasn't going to sit and watch it climb higher.  I'd do things to bring it down.  Take off their shirt, wipe them with a wet cloth, maybe give a tepid bath.  If I'm working to bring the temp down, what is the meaning of the thermometer reading at any given time? 

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Someone makes a high-speed digital thermometer that's under $10 and can be used under the arm or orally. That's what I use for taking my own temperatures (for cycle charting purposes), and it's been accurate to a tenth of a degree. I very rarely use it on kids; I don't treat for fevers, unless they get over a certain point (which they never have). When I have used it on kids, I've used it under their arms, and even on a squirmy infant, it's been just fine. It's really fast, and it flashes green, yellow, or red, depending on how hot the person is. I believe Vick's makes it, and it was available at the local grocery store. (I know this because when one of our babies had a cold, I could tell that he had at least a slight fever, so I had DH pick up a thermometer; I'm not great at telling how hot is hot enough to be dangerous for a baby.)

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