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If you moved a lot did you move far away or stay close by?


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DH:  lived in an apartment till he was about 1 year old then moved to the country

house 2--ages 1-8--in rural area just a few miles from the apartment

house 3--ages 9-27, just 1 1/2 miles down the road from house 2 (and this is rural so it was just a "few doors down" type thing

house 4--when we got married for the first 18 years of our marriage---just 1 1/2 miles from his last house

house 5--our current home--just 2 1/2 miles down from house 4 and within 2 miles of houses 2 and 3 as well.


So you could draw a radius from a main corner in our rural area and dh has never lived more than 1 1/2 miles from that since he was 1 year old.


ME:  lived in small trailer in Columbia, SC ages birth to 1

ages 1-3 lived in small house in Columbia

ages 3 1/2-9  small house in rural area in West Michigan--came for my heart surgery, stayed as grandparents were in the area

ages 9-18--bigger house just 2 doors down from the previous house

ages 19-22--moved to college----just 10 miles or so from home.

got married and moved with DH to the 2 houses we have lived in


So my radius is more like about 8 miles.


We are not very adventurous.


My friend lived a few places growing up and then moved to Alaska after getting married and then lived in several states when her husband was in Bible college, then back to Alaska (to the remove Eskimo villages in the arctic circle) and now back to Michigan.  She is more adventurous than me :-)


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Lived in Germany with parents until I was 22

Moved out and rented apt  with my boyfriend (now husband) on the same street

moved to California for two years

moved back to Germany (different apt in same town) for eight months

moved to Oregon for 8 months

moved back to my German hometown for 3 years

moved to Oxford, UK for 10 months

moved to Missouri where I have stayed the last 12 years


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Born in Western NY


age 9 - moved to SF Bay area, CA


age 42 - move to Portland area, Oregon


age 51 - moved to Philadelphia area, PA 


Many people around here have lived here all their lives.  A few people I've spoken to think they've made a big move if they went from one township to another within the same county.   Or people who move from the city to the 'burbs.   Lots of people can't comprehend moving around.  It's been interesting after living most of my life in the west, where people move around a lot.



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- Born in Nebraska

- Moved to Freiburg, Germany at 4 months 

- Moved back to Omaha, NE around age 3 (moved locally twice)

- Moved to Wichita, KS around age 6 (moved locally twice)

- Moved back to Freiburg, Germany at age 7 (moved locally twice)

- Moved to Schifferstadt, Germany at age 13

- Moved to Mannheim, Germany at age 15

- Moved to Portland, OR at age 18 (moved locally six times)

- Moved to Colorado Springs, CO at age 29 - have lived in same house here for the past 13 years.  Wow.  ;)


The distance between Portland, OR and Freiburg, Germany (the two places I've lived that are farthest apart) is about 5,314 miles.  


My mom was the nomadic one.  I spent my entire childhood moving around.  Now that I'm an adult, I prefer to stay put.   :)

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Born in Utah and lived there till I was 21 except for two study abroads in the Middle East

Moved to New Jersey

Moved to Idaho and lived all over the state

Moved to Kyrgyzstan

Moved to Utah and lived in two cities

Moved to Seattle and had to move twice within the city

Moved to Kyrgyzstan and lived in two cities

Moved to Virginia and have lived in three cities

Moving to Mexico soon


The only short moves I have done were two within the same neighborhood because of major repairs on our house, and two 50-mile moves. All the others have been at least 5 hours away by car.

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Too many times to really count


Kenya, E. Africa most of my growing up years

Some years in Michigan/Indiana as a child

Seattle for college

Los Angeles for 17 years

North Carolina for 8


The above is the short version, moved within those areas but that is the highlight. There were some in-between times as well in places not mentioned.

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Fairly close by.  We've stayed in the north central Plains states; Nebraska, South Dakota, the ND state line, and now the KS state line.  But we've moved a dozen times, scattered about within those boundaries and we're both a good 3-400 miles from our parents/families...

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0-2 small town in Utah

2-9 another small town in Utah, lived in the house my Grandpa build and Dad grew up in, sold sweet corn in front in the summer

9 --spent 9 months in Virginia, two different houses in two different towns

9-11 Guatemala

11-14 France (2 different houses in different towns)

14-16 Bolivia

16-18 Austria

18-21 Back in Utah for college, with visits to Nicaragua which my parents were now calling Home

21-22 Japan, as an LDS missionary

22-24 Back to Utah

24-25 Texas

25-33 California, two different towns

33-35 Utah


Future? Who knows?

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0-1 married student housing, UMD

1-1.5 White Oak, MD

1.5-8 first house in Columbia, MD

8-22 second house in Columbia, MD

18-22 Virginia Tech during the school year

22-23 Stone Mountain, GA

23-25 Atlanta, GA

25-28 apartment Marietta, GA

28-36 first house in Marietta, GA

36-now (43) second house in Marietta, GA


We plan to stay here until we retire to the beach. Unless DH needs to move for his job.

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Many people around here have lived here all their lives.  A few people I've spoken to think they've made a big move if they went from one township to another within the same county.   Or people who move from the city to the 'burbs.   Lots of people can't comprehend moving around.  It's been interesting after living most of my life in the west, where people move around a lot.

That is how it is in our area.  It is changing somewhat but most people were born, grew up, married, and died all in the same area---often the same family property that they just built another house on.


In our neighborhood growing up (about 10 houses but in a rural area surrounded by farms) people would move but it was the daughter of the people around the corner that bought the house next door and then the daughter of the people across the road bought the house on the other side or the son build another house on the family farm type thing.

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Saginaw county MI 0-8

Chippewa county MI 8-22 (at age of 20 moved to various rentals with dh)

Genesee County MI- a few months at age 22 with dh (stayed with his brother)

Saginaw County MI- 22-24 (various rentals with dh)

Ben Hill County, GA 24-28 (various rentals with dh, dd was born here as well)

Iosco County, MI 28- present (one rental then moved to mobile home that we have purchased through land contract, plan on staying here for a long time)

Dh and I have moved 12 times together. I got really tired of moving :)

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Lived on one farm 3.5 miles from town my whole life until 19 when I moved to town.


Then, back home to the farm.


4 hours away from hometown for school.


1 hour away from hometown for first after school job.


Job transferred back to hometown, so back home to the farm until DH and I married.


All of the above is in Canada.


Since being married, we have lived in:


2 apartments in AZ - same apartment building.


4 houses in North Carolina.  One in town, 3 on military base, within a few blocks of each other.


When DH deployed the kids and I rented an apartment in my hometown.


1 house in Minnesota.


1 house in North Dakota.


1 house in California, but just a couple weeks shy of moving to an apartment, 20 miles away.



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I've moved four times since birth, but stayed within 20 miles of the hospital where I was born.  DH has moved seven times, but always lived within 40 miles of where he was born.  Many "natives" here stay, but we're getting a lot of retirees from other areas of the country, and our neighborhood is fairly diverse with younger, working people who've moved here from other areas, including several foreign-born families.

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I have moved several times within the states of Florida and Michigan, about a dozen times depending on how you count returning to same house after living elsewhere for several years. We are currently getting ready for our third move in the UK. This one won't be far, within the village we live in.

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Born in Tehran, Iran (my father was a pilot for an oil company) only lived there 1 year.

Singapore, lived 4 years






Tennessee (college)

North Carolina since 1996


I really hated moving as a kid and I didn't want that for my own children. We have been fortunate that we have been able to live in the same area for 17 years. 


Elise in NC

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Lets see-

San Diego, ca, 3 moves, same city


Bay Area California, 2 moves, different cities

San Diego, ca

South Korea

Northern California

Central coast ca, 3 moves, very close cities

Germany is where I'm at now.


Who knows where we'll be in the future. Probably 4 big long distance moves at least stand between us and a forever home.

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I lived in one place until age 20 months (in one town)

Then moved to the city I still live in...

Lived in one place until age 3

Another place until age 6

Another place until age 14

Another place until age 17

Another place until age 18

Another place until age 22

Married ... lived in 6 places in 4 years

Divorced ... lived in 3 places in 4 years

Married ... lived in 2 places in 4 years

Divorced ... lived in 2 places in 2 years

Married ... lived in 4 places in 3 years

Divorced ... lived in 5 places in 10 years


My daughter came into this picture half way through the first marriage.


The only time we left this area was when I was married the third time and we spend 4 months in northern Minnesota.

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I've lived in all 4 corners of the US, and currently live in another country.  We don't live near any family, even though we get along quite well with all of them.  I don't consider us to be adventerous at all.  We've just kind of moved where we've had to to keep our heads above water financially, so mostly moves of necessity.  I don't like moving.  I'd love to have a little place just outside of a city, and stay put!  But so far, no luck.

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Move #1 - Mid-Michigan to Goshen, Indiana


Move #2 - Goshen to Indianpolis area - specifically Danville - so about 3 hrs. south


Move #3 - Danville, IN to Portland, Oregon - six months in an apartment while house was being built


Move #4 - Portland (well, really it was Clackamus) to Newburg - about 20-25 min. depending on traffic


Move #5 - Newburg, OR to Port St. John's, Fl


Move #6 - Port St. Johns, Fl, to Mid-Michigan


Move #7 - near my folks, only 25 min. difference, same geographical region


But, we aren't staying here forever. We've decided that this isn't our forever place because all of our kids are likely to live East Coast or International. So, about 10 years from now, one more big move. We'll be looking at Virginia, though not near D.C., Northwest Maryland, or maybe northern North Carolina....maybe, just maybe, south Pennsylvania. Trying to stay out of NJ, and the Washington D.C. corridor even though that's likely where three of our four kids will be and the bulk of our grandchildren. It's too expensive, plus we'd like some space for the grandkids to romp when they come visit.

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Good grief.  Let me try to sort this.


  AL, born there and lived there until I was 9 months or so




  AL (few months)


  FL (moved once locally)

  SC (moved once locally)

  AL (few months)



   IL (moved twice locally)


 And then I graduated high school and went to college in AL and got married.  Since then:


  AL (college)



  Germany (moved twice locally)

  GA (moved twice locally)

  Germany (moved twice locally)

  TN (moved once locally)



  Germany (moved from one town to another an hour away)


And in 2 weeks we are moving to Joint Base Lewis-McCord, which is near Seattle.  With the upcoming move, I've got 31 under my belt.  I just turned 40.  Whew!  I'm exhausted just thinking about it.  Oh, and I didn't count the moving back with my parents during the summer in college. 




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DH:  lived in an apartment till he was about 1 year old then moved to the country

house 2--ages 1-8--in rural area just a few miles from the apartment

house 3--ages 9-27, just 1 1/2 miles down the road from house 2 (and this is rural so it was just a "few doors down" type thing

house 4--when we got married for the first 18 years of our marriage---just 1 1/2 miles from his last house

house 5--our current home--just 2 1/2 miles down from house 4 and within 2 miles of houses 2 and 3 as well.


So you could draw a radius from a main corner in our rural area and dh has never lived more than 1 1/2 miles from that since he was 1 year old.


ME:  lived in small trailer in Columbia, SC ages birth to 1

ages 1-3 lived in small house in Columbia

ages 3 1/2-9  small house in rural area in West Michigan--came for my heart surgery, stayed as grandparents were in the area

ages 9-18--bigger house just 2 doors down from the previous house

ages 19-22--moved to college----just 10 miles or so from home.

got married and moved with DH to the 2 houses we have lived in


So my radius is more like about 8 miles.


We are not very adventurous.


My friend lived a few places growing up and then moved to Alaska after getting married and then lived in several states when her husband was in Bible college, then back to Alaska (to the remove Eskimo villages in the arctic circle) and now back to Michigan.  She is more adventurous than me :-)


As a child?  From my home to the family farm - about 12 miles away at age 14.

DH:  From parent's first home to their second (forever) home at age five.


As adults:

College #1 (close to hometown)

College #2 (two hours from hometown)

Home #1 (10 minutes from hometown)

Home #2 (25 minutes from hometown)

Military move (Iowa to California)

Home #3 (hometown)

Home #4 (20 minutes from hometown - LOVED this.)

Home #5 and #6 - Iowa to Oregon and then to another area of Oregon


My hope is that our next move is back to Iowa.  We'll see.  I'm also open to Virginia but it's a second choice.  Adventure is all well and good until you get older and your parents and grandparents begin to get older.  I lost two grandparents last year and my last one is 88.  It really only fairly recently occurred to me that our parents are going to get older and sick.  I miss my parents and my sibs.  DH misses my parents as well.  If we move back to the Midwest, I don't see us leaving it anytime soon ever.

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As a child I moved:

5 mi from original home as a baby (same county in FL)


As an adult I moved (we upgraded houses as our family grew):


25 mi away (same county in FL)

3 mi from there (same county in FL)

13 mi from there (same county in FL)

10 mi from there (same county in FL)

7 mi from there (same county in FL)

800 miles or so to SW Ohio


We weren't adventurous until we moved last year.  I was always in awe over people who moved far away often as I couldn't imagine what it would be like.


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