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"Pay What You Want" on resources at CurrClick


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I just downloaded a whole bunch of great stuff! Mostly history because I have an obsession for that subject... :lol:  I shared the link on my homeschool group and then someone mentioned about the people participating in the sale being "robbed blind." :( Now I feel bad!  Thankfully many of the items I got were from the "bigger names" and were already marked with low prices before the sale (some were even free items that I never noticed before).

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I just downloaded a whole bunch of great stuff! Mostly history because I have an obsession for that subject... :lol:  I shared the link on my homeschool group and then someone mentioned about the people participating in the sale being "robbed blind." :( Now I feel bad!  Thankfully many of the items I got were from the "bigger names" and were already marked with low prices before the sale (some were even free items that I never noticed before).


That doesn't make any sense to me.  The only way they could be "robbed blind" is if CurrClick didn't negotiate the sale with the publishers ahead of time, which I find highly unlikely.  If the publishers agreed to participate, then they agreed to the terms.

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That doesn't make any sense to me.  The only way they could be "robbed blind" is if CurrClick didn't negotiate the sale with the publishers ahead of time, which I find highly unlikely.  If the publishers agreed to participate, then they agreed to the terms.


Thank you.  This was what I thought too!  I noticed that there were many publishers on their site who were not participating.  I took that to mean that you could participate or not and having read the above posts about publishers pulling out midsale, I feel less guilty!

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Build Your Library's unit studies are included- I paid for mine (a discounted price) because they are FANTASTIC.  I can't say that I have ever seen a nicer lit based unit study.  I think if everybody would pay a little for the nice stuff, more publishers would participate and they'd offer nicer stuff.

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I paid for what I got, definitely not a lot - but all that I could this week. I didn't get a lot of stuff either - just what I felt we would use over time. I also made it a point to thank the publishers on CurrClicks FB page because it was a huge blessing for me in a couple of areas. There were other things from those publishers I was interested in for the future - so I will buy them later.

I was shocked when CurrClick posted on their FB page asking customers to limit their carts to 100 items or less because it was overwhelming their system. I was shocked - and figured that meant people were paying nothing :( I didn't pay under a $1 for anything I bought.


But I could easily see how it could get out of hand - and I wonder if there was a limit on how much certain publishers were "donating". 

I saw Build Your Libraries units on there, and was interested in them - but knew we wouldn't use them "right now", so refrained and will just buy them when I'm ready.

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I've never ordered from CurrClick before. When do you have to download the items you purchase? Is there a time limit or do the download links always stay there in your order history?


Your account maintains its own "library" (I think it's actually labeled that) with download links for all your past purchases. It will even note which ones have been updated.

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I sell on CurrClick. They sent an e-mail asking sellers to sign up, as they do with all of their promos. It's totally up the sellers.



That doesn't make any sense to me.  The only way they could be "robbed blind" is if CurrClick didn't negotiate the sale with the publishers ahead of time, which I find highly unlikely.  If the publishers agreed to participate, then they agreed to the terms.


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I've seen people bragging about putting $0.00 in for prices... I'm not sure that was the intent. CurrClick had to see that coming.

I couldn't do that...... there is no "support" shown to the publishers that were generous enough to partake in the first place when you do that - and you can be sure that some of them will not do it again. :(

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I paid about 50% of typical pricing-mostly for state history stuff (since DD's getting to the grade level that it's covered in PS) and a few reptile related things-including an alligator-themed handwriting book that's simply adorable even though DD really is beyond it. I'm thinking I might print that one AG doll sized ;).



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I don't know that putting 0.00 is anything to brag about, but I don't know that it requires shame either.

Support comes from the data publishers (presumably) will have access to about their product, the fact that several people will still pay something and that the publishers will build their fan base and their products will receive extra advertisement word of mouth amongst their audience.


Or, even just knowing whether or not they will participate in such an offer again.

These are digital products so they aren't incurring a loss on things like shipping and labor.


If they didn't want to give away potentially thousands of downloads for free, they'd have a) opted out of the promotion or B) set a minimum price.

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I'd think it would be easy enough for CurrClick to set a minimum price if they didn't want anyone to choose zero.


I didn't pay $0, but I don't begrudge anyone who did.  They advertised "pay what you want" and didn't set a minimum, so they had to expect that most people, especially those who have never purchased from CurrClick (assuming the promo was to bring in new customers), are going to choose to pay as little as possible.  They might as well have called it the "come and get your free samples, leave a tip in the jar if you're so inclined" sale.  

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I'd think it would be easy enough for CurrClick to set a minimum price if they didn't want anyone to choose zero.

Very true.... but sometimes when things are set up they aren't thinking of the massive, "i will pay nothing and get it all" take on the offer. 


Like I said, I couldn't do it - and because I couldn't I limited it to what I could pay something for and thought I'd use this coming year. I did pick up something that I probably won't use after looking at it, but I figure it means I just paid a bit more for what I did get that is useable. 


Heck, I felt guilty about "only" paying $1 for a couple of things!

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Very true.... but sometimes when things are set up they aren't thinking of the massive, "i will pay nothing and get it all" take on the offer. 

This is the internet. They are doing business--selling digital products--on the internet. While you as a consumer might not think like that, it is their job to think like that. If they were worried about stuff like that, they would've set a quota or taken some other counter measure


Like I said, I couldn't do it - and because I couldn't I limited it to what I could pay something for and thought I'd use this coming year. I did pick up something that I probably won't use after looking at it, but I figure it means I just paid a bit more for what I did get that is useable.

This is great, and tons of people will probably do the same or similar things. Thus off setting the expense of their giving away products to tons and tons and tons of others.


Heck, I felt guilty about "only" paying $1 for a couple of things!

Bless you! Many of the products that are being offered in the sale are $1-5 dollars. I don't think "only" paying $1 is going to be offensive to many of the publishers.

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I think it's great that you can pay zero, some families cannot afford to buy even the small extra's. This a chance for those who cannot to get some help.

When a nice gesture is abused the giver is less likely to be as generous in the future.


I'd like to know what the original intent of the sale was. I hope those taking advantage of this sale are doing so with a thankful heart not the heart of a glutton.

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When a nice gesture is abused the giver is less likely to be as generous in the future.


I'd like to know what the original intent of the sale was. I hope those taking advantage of this sale are doing so with a thankful heart not the heart of a glutton.


How it is an abuse of the system? Bragging about a great deal (free!) doesn't mean they were abusing the system. I know I am excited when I get a great deal.  But I haven't seen the "braggart" posts you have seen, perhaps I am missing something.



Again, I think it's great that those who need to can get the items for free. There have been many times such an option would have been wonderful for me.

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Not to anyone in particular....just an observation here...




I think there is a lot of judgment going on. I think the idea of a "pay what you want" sale is to "pay what you want'. For some, that will be a portion of the original price, for some it will be $0. If paying nothing wasn't an option, it shouldn't "be" an option. There could be a minimum if that was what they wanted. 


No one knows why people pay what they do-- maybe they can't afford it...maybe they would have never bought it otherwise. 


I don't know what the intention of the sale was, but they chose to have it and publishers chose to be a part. Some decided they didn't make an informed decision and pulled out...completely understandable.


I do know that for someone like me, I bought items I never would have otherwise bought and a few that I am impressed with I will be much more inclined to buy from them in the future. 


I don't think anyone should be judging someone else for getting it cheap or free when that was the idea. They could have said, "hey if you can't afford these great items, here is an opportunity to get them discounted, pay what you are able." and then yeah, I would say don't be greedy. But there were no explanations or disclaimers...just pay what you want. So, hey, if you want to pay nothing, I guess that is what you pay. If you feel that isn't right, well, then don't do it. :) 


Maybe a "Pay what you are able" would be a better idea next time if that was what they were looking for... Pay what you want is rather subjective. ;) 


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I think it's great that you can pay zero, some families cannot afford to buy even the small extra's. This a chance for those who cannot to get some help. 


I also think it's great for families that are really struggling...However, the comments about people buying 100+ items and not paying seems extreme.   When I first saw the sale, I was pretty sure this would happen.  

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I do know that for someone like me, I bought items I never would have otherwise bought and a few that I am impressed with I will be much more inclined to buy from them in the future.


Exactly. I wonder if they might have known all along exactly what people would pay. But having had a taste of some of the products, they would generate more business in the future. I picked up a few things (not for $0.00, for sure, but for less than usual). If I like them, I will buy more at full price.


Now, it is not right for people to have the braggart issue..."I bought 300 things and paid $3" or something like that. I don't agree with that at all. But the company allowed no minimums, so there should be no complaining. :)

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Are there people who abuse a good thing? Absolutely. Will some people in need benefit from it? Undoubtedly. I'd bet there was a lot of people that paid at least some amount for their products. This whole thing reminds me of Amanda Palmer's (who, btw, has pay what you want downloads for her music) TED talk. She said “I think people have been obsessed with the wrong question, which is, ‘How do we make people pay for music?’ What if we started asking, ‘How do we let people pay for music?’†Obviously we aren't talking about music, but the idea is the same. I believe on the whole, people are good and sales like this could only increase overall sales.

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Maybe a "Pay what you are able" would be a better idea next time if that was what they were looking for... Pay what you want is rather subjective. ;)

'Pay what you are able' seems just as subjective with an added layer of guilt. Am I able to pay $500 for a workbook? Yes, I am. Am I able to pay even more than that? Yes again. I could take money out of savings or max out my credit card. Am I going to? No way. Do I like being made to feel bad if I don't give a publisher every penny I am able to scrounge up? No, I don't.


I didn't buy anything and haven't looked (we have to pay for gigabyte for Internet so downloads don't make sense for us) but I thought of this sale as a way for publishers to show off what they have for sale while potentially getting paid a percentage of what they would otherwise charge. The income potential from people who downloaded one item, like it, buy more at regular price, or tell their friends about it could be significantly more than the value of the downloads people bought for a penny.


There are also many people who bought items for a small amount who otherwise wouldn't have made the purchase at all. Selling 100 digital downloads for $50 is just as much profit as selling ten copies for $5 each if those other 90 people would not otherwise have purchased at all.

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I haven't bought anything (yet; I might still peruse the selection), but I did pass the info along to a couple of people I know who are really struggling, financially. Of course some people will abuse the deal; there will always be people who do wrong. But what a blessing for people in need, and for people who want to try something without investing a lot. I know I have bought a few things on CurrClick that were listed as free or on a very deep sale, and that's encouraged me to buy other things from the same publishers. I totally agree with the above poster who said that selling more at a lower price is the same profit as fewer at a higher price if the majority simply wouldn't buy at the higher price at all.

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Well, Currclick just put on their Facebook page that you could put 0 in for the amount, of course keeping in mind that donations help the homeschoolers that put out these resources...that tells me (which I already assumed) that the publishers involved are in it for exposure and future purchases...which I think they will get. :) 

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I bought several things and I paid nothing and I am not ashamed to say it. The samples are lousy, do not show much of anything, and I do not have the resources to pay for something that is not going to work for me. If I try these and like them, I may go back and purchase more things from those publishers at the regular price. I think that is the point of the sale.

If there were things I already knew I wanted, I would have paid something for them.


However, I did not load up my cart with hundreds of free items "just because." I chose several items that looked like they might be useful, and after downloading I see that really only 2-3 of them will get used. If there were a very simple way to go back in and pay a dollar or two for only those items, I might do it. Or maybe not. I might just consider that I will buy more things from that publisher next year and recommend them to others and they will get their money's worth in that way.

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I dont know about anyone else but I'm having the worst trouble getting on that site today.


I agree that its mainly for advertisement and am not worried about people paying nothing.


That being said I think the people who are downloading things just because they can are a pain in the butt because they are blocking up the site. I'm pretty  sure if you download 300 items you wont use even half of them.


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I have been finding items that were in my wishlist that I could not afford at full price and will be using for sure.  I am paying a little bit for each because for myself I would feel guilty to pay nothing(actually I never even thought that was an option), but I am not going to download them onto my hard drive until the sale is over the site not so jammed up. Just searching through the pages to find the perfect products takes long enough kwim.  I think it is a fabulous sale, I got items I really "needed" and could not afford and several I had not heard of that will lead me to buying more from those companies if they work well with the kids

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Just on Facebook -- they have ended the sale.

Here's what they posted (for those not on FB):

Good morning Everybody. "The Pay What You Want Sale" has ended. Unfortunately, our servers were just running way too slowly to keep the sale going. We appreciate your patience, enthusiasm and understanding. Many publishers (as well as customers) are asking us to make this a yearly event and we will sincerely try to make that happen. We will simply need to make sure our servers are ready for so many visitors! We apologize to anybody who still had more shopping to do but our Back to Homeschool Sale is coming up on August 7th with prices up to 70% off. Thanks to all of you!







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You might be in luck.  New FB update:


UPDATE: we've communicated your concerns with our tech team, and they are now working hard to get the servers up and running so we can extend the sale. The massive response is nothing we had planned for and we sincerely hope that you'll extend some understanding our way. We'll let you know as soon as we get the sale back up.





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I appreciate this sale so much and hope they'll do it every year. I bought a bunch of stuff for 10 cents each, then I got some stuff for a penny each, and I did get some stuff for free. If they didn't want you to pay nothing they wouldn't have allowed you to put in .00 (as was stated already). I thanked them on Facebook and I Liked them on Facebook. I figure whenever I use one of the downloads I will be sure to leave a nice positive review at their site for that item. I got some wonderful stuff I am super excited about (especially the stuff from Homeschool Bits; their stuff looks so great). Previous to this I had only ever purchased 1 download from CurrClick...I don't generally like downloads or printing. But...now I've changed my mind. :)

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Latest update:


"Pay What You Want Update:" Okay everybody, we've managed to get the sale back up and running. We've also decided to extend it to Tuesday morning at 10:00 due to the down time this morning and the slow server speeds. Thanks to everybody for the wonderful, kind and encouraging comments. CurrClick customers are the very best.




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