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What's on the menu for Sunday supper?


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I'm trying to get back in the groove of big Sunday suppers.   What's on your menu this week?


I've got a pot roast with carrots and potatoes in the crockpot.  Squash casserole and bacon wrapped green beans as extra sides.  Chocolate cake with ice cream for dessert.    


I'm looking for ideas for next week.  Lay them on me.  :thumbup1:

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We're grilling today! Since my husband is not presently able to grill (and it used to be his thing, not mine), my daughter is taking on that job. She is grilling chicken with mango/habanero sauce, and I'll take care of the baked potatoes, bourbon-soaked baked beans (in the slow cooker), paleo-friendly lemon bars, and some kind of veggie-to-be-decided to put on the grill.

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We're having a roasted chicken w lemon slices and herbs under the skin, purple potatoes from the farmers' market (not sure how yet), steamed corn, and steamed green beans. The girls might have ice cream, I'll have a homebrewed IPA, and dh will have a classic martini (he's allergic to hops so can't drink the beer he brews :( )

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My dh can cook 3 things successfully...oatmeal, grilled chicken, and stir fry.  :D So every Sunday night, he grabs the week's left-overs (left over meat is always frozen) and adds his special chopped veggie mix and creates for me a fabulous stir fry. He uses whatever is on hand that evening so it's always different, but he smothers it with an Oriental sauce. Yummy and quick! Our former habit for Sunday nights was Belgian waffles with whipped cream and fruit, sausage links. Also yummy!

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still too hot to use oven .  We have been having sandwiches, salads and other cold foods all week.  If it does not rain, we are going to the Boardwalk and eat at Hula Grill.  I will get the pulled pork platter with sticky rice and a wonderful salad that comes with it.  Dh gets the Ahi tuna platter.  Dd tries different things and ds won't be with us as he will be working at yoyo store.


There is a new place also on Boardwalk that makes Belgian waffles dipped in dark chocolate, dh and dd will probably get that. I think it is called Waffle Cabin.  I will be good and not get dessert.

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I started making tacos and chicken enchiladas for dinner tonight. Then the kids called and said they won't be home until 10 PM. So with just dh and I, the Mexican food can wait until tomorrow. So we'll probably just have BLT sandwiches.  But reading what everyone else is having is making me hungry!!!

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It's cool enough to run the oven so...


Chicken with 40 Cloves of Garlic (thighs and bone-in breasts... I cheat and buy pre-peeled garlic)

Grand Central sourdough for sopping up the sauce

nectarine, chevre and arugula salad


Well, that settles what I am going to do with the huge pack of chicken thighs I have thawing on my counter.  I was vacillating between teriyaki and bbq but wasn't really feeling either.  


I'm copying you.  

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Slow baked chicken, mashed cauliflower, and green beans cooked with a bit of chopped bacon, sugar free syrup and soy sauce. Family eat french bread with butter while I passed. All and all everyone enjoyed it and I stuck with my Trim Healthy Mama plan.


I made 2 whole chickens so now have a fairly good amount of meat at my disposal. I'll probably make some pasta with some of the chicken in it tonight and some tacos tomorrow and maybe do some chicken salad sandwiches for lunch soon :)

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It's cool enough to run the oven so...


Chicken with 40 Cloves of Garlic (thighs and bone-in breasts... I cheat and buy pre-peeled garlic)

Grand Central sourdough for sopping up the sauce

nectarine, chevre and arugula salad


If you have ever pondered "Does leftover 40 cloves of garlic chicken make a good sandwich with a little mayo, herb salad greens, red onion, tomato and sauteed mushrooms?" the answer is why yes, yes it does.  I used a fat baguette.  Smash the garlic cloves into the bread and spread them like butter. Chop up the chicken any which way like you are making a po' boy. Pile on filling.


I swear my husband fell in love with me all over again when he bit into this sandwich.  Thank you, this recipe is a keeper.  I am making soup with the remaining leftovers tomorrow.  It's like the gift that keeps on giving...

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The left overs for simple weeknight suppers and lunches is what makes doing a classic Sunday supper worth the effort :)


Tonight's dinner will be chicken tacos with my shredded Sunday chicken and for lunch I am making fauxtato soup from my leftover mashed cauliflower. With some bacon and cheese and a bit of gluccie it'll taste just as creamy and divine as a potato soup.


I think I will try to make Sunday suppers that'll provide the basis of meals later in the week.


You never regret it when you have a busy day and can throw together a quick supper.

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