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Honestly, what time do you...

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finally get out of your pjs?


I'm just curious if I'm the only one who likes to linger in her pajamas for a little longer than she should. Although I love getting up early, I'm not a morning person, so this is something I going to have to work on with only a few weeks left before we officially start our homeschool schedule.



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I'm just curious if I'm the only one who likes to linger in her pajamas for a little longer than she should.


I'm sure you're not the only one, but I'm not a lingerer myself. Just like I mentioned in another thread today, I don't like sleeping in; by the same token, I dislike hanging around in pajamas. This time of year, I usually just wear a t-shirt or tank top to sleep and I might first throw on some running shorts or warm-up pants with that for a short time first thing in the a.m.

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When I get up, I usually throw on some sweats, or a similar outfit for summer. I will wear that around the house forever unless we have something going on. And if we do go out, as soon as I get home, it's back into the sweats.


My jammies, I ALWAYS have them 'on' ;)

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Usually by mid to late morning. We don't get up really early here. So breakfast is anywhere between 8 and 9. Then we get started on lessons after that, usually by 930. After I have had my coffee and gotten them started on something they can do independently, I will hit the shower, on average around 1030.

Me too!

Or whenever the toddler is napping! Sometimes a bit later....

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I lay out clothes the night before and get dressed immediately. Literally, as soon as my feet hit the floor, I am getting dressed. I don't even go down for coffee first. However, I like to put them on early in the evening. When we've had dinner and the dishes are cleared away, I put on my pajamas for the rest of the evening, even though I won't be going to bed for several hours. If I go somewhere in the evening, I change into pajamas the minute I get home. For me, getting dressed means it's time to get started and putting on pajamas means I'm "done."

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I am usually up early, but at this time of year (winter here) and am lingering in y PJs until 8am or so. But I like to be dressed for when school starts at 8.30. I find PJs dont put me in such a good frame of mind for the day- and I find the same with the kids, too, so I insist we are all dressed for schooltime unless someone is sick.

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I get dressed the night before and sleep in my clothes (I actually do know some other people that do this!) unless I'm going to be wearing something nice. In the summer ds does this too because he usually wears shorts and t-shirts.


I did that in college. People called me "sleep and wake girl" but I didn't care. I couldn't make a 7:30 class if I had to "get ready" in the morning.

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I get dressed after I've been up a couple of hours. When we are doing school I make sure to be dressed before we start.


We started homeschooling in first grade and I loved being able to wear pjs to school. Until I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror and realized this would be the vision ds had of his first grade teacher. Fuzzy hair and my saggy self in old sweats and holey t-shirt. Not pretty.

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If I don't get dressed immediately out of bed then I'll wear them all day. Dh teases me sometimes when he gets home from work and I'm still in my pj. Although, it's a source of pride for him to be able to provide for us so that I CAN stay in my pjs all day if I want. Just don't tell anyone esle, okay?

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In winter, right after I do my morning yoga/take a shower (within 30 minutes of getting up).


In summer pretty much immediately because we're living in a house full of people!


I sleep in so little I have to put on something anyway as soon as I'm running around the house. I may as well just get dressed.

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Well *blush* it's 11am and I'm still in mine.

I was just pondering getting dressed. Actually I said to DH that I stay in my PJs because I've run out of tidy casual clothes. My sweats are all stretched and ugly and my jeans are so big they fall down on me, so I just stay in my jammies.

I need to go clothes shopping!

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I wake up, get up, make the bed, and get changed. I usually wait until after my first cuppa to put in my contacts though. Unless I'm running first thing; then the contacts go in, the teeth get brushed, and out the door I go. Then I shower, change again, make the bed, then have my cuppa.


My mother stays in her night gown all day long every Sunday. Makes me crazy. The only time I can do that is if I'm flat-on-my-back sick.

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Well, I'm trying to work on our morning schedule so that I'm up earlier. Although I PREFER to get up earlier, it's not necessarily the norm around here, KWIM? I shower at night before bed (hair and all) so when I wake in the morning I just brush teeth, wash face and go - getting dressed is usually later unless we have to go somewhere that day. One of my problems about staying in my pjs is that I like to eat breakfast and get the house picked up and vacuumed before I change my clothes, but if we start lessons at 8am that means I will have to push the chores to the afternoon or get up much earlier. I have a german shepherd who sheds all year around... so, ummm, I am a compulsive vacuumer (is that a word).


I suppose in the end it will all work itself out, right? That is to say, getting dressed... I just need to do it! Wake up, brush teeth, wash face, breakfast, GET DRESSED, lessons, lunch, chores and errands, daddy gets home from work, dinner, dessert and family time, showers, PAJAMAS, read, and finally lights out? I think I can, I think I can, I think I can! :tongue_smilie:



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I'm a slacker. I love my sleeping clothes - usually yoga pants and a t or cotton shorts and a t. I leave them on while I go through my morning routine - especially in the summer. I do our laundry in the garage and it's HOT out there. If we don't have to be anywhere, I get a shower mid-morning and change after I've done the sweaty stuff of the day. (Also, I have a kind of a petty thing going on with our mail lady. She's vocally anti-homeschool and nosy about my mail. I try to make it a point to be outside to greet her in my bathrobe or pj's every morning. Stupid, I know, but it makes me happy to make her crazy.)

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I lay out clothes the night before and get dressed immediately. Literally, as soon as my feet hit the floor, I am getting dressed. I don't even go down for coffee first. However, I like to put them on early in the evening. When we've had dinner and the dishes are cleared away, I put on my pajamas for the rest of the evening, even though I won't be going to bed for several hours. If I go somewhere in the evening, I change into pajamas the minute I get home. For me, getting dressed means it's time to get started and putting on pajamas means I'm "done."


I thought I was the only one, Ashleen! I love, love, LOVE to put on pj's right after dinner - and now that dh works out-of-state, I do it more often.


But don't ask me about the night that I was downstairs, heard a doorbell ring, and came upstairs to find our Pastor Emeritus visiting with

dh. . . . :blushing: The Lord was working humility in me that night, for sure!

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I sleep in a tshirt and just slip jeans on when I get up. Then later if we're going somewhere, I change into going out (clean jeans, t, and bra type) clothes. Dd will stay in pj's until forced to change. ds12 changes as soon as his feet hit the floor and ds7 changes at random times, somedays early, somedays not till told to. ds2 changes when mom gets to him.

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If we have to go somewhere, I shower and get dressed before the kids get up (between 7 and 7:30). If we do not have to go anywhere, I take a very quick shower and get dressed while the kids have their morning break at 10 am. So, most days, I am not dressed until 10 am :D



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During the cold months, if I know we're not leaving the house, I tend to just change into fresh jammies.


mmmmm, that sounds good. I think I'm going to fake the flu this year, just so I can do that without having to explain myself. (Wait, didn't I say on another thread that I never lie to my kids? I didn't say I didn't lie to my dh, now, did I?)


This is why I love homeschooling. Cold winter mornings, all cozied up at home with a hot breakfast and hot cocoa. Perfect.

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