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Ds was not admitted to SAT this morning

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Could he take the ACT next weekend? You would have to pay a little more for late registration. You could pick up a state ID in a couple of hours at the DMV. I believe you can also pay a small fee to defer his test until next fall. So sorry!

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Arg! I wish they'd been able to accept some alternative form of ID. Please don't be so hard on yourself - everyone makes mistakes and this is not going to make or break his life.


Is he a rising senior applying to start in the fall of 2014?


No guarantees but one option would be to pay extra and register for standby for the ACT. The deadline is June 3.



There is also a SAT test date in the fall on October 6.

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Oh!!!! I am so sorry!!!!

We,too, have had trouble with expired passports. Well, not we, *I*. It was an expensive mistake. I've done it not once but twice (once for me, once for a child). UG. It is SO easy to do. Is there a standby option for another test date?


Lots of tea and sympathy,


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:grouphug: I agree with at least seeing if you can pay a small fee and have him take it in Oct - plus perhaps try the ACT next weekend to have some score sooner. :grouphug:


Then head out for ice cream (or some other treat) today. Mistakes happen. 5 years from now this will just be a story you laugh about. Until then. :grouphug:

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TY for posting. Maybe someone on the West Coast was saved by it and thereby your mistake is redeemed in the universal order. Seriously, I am glad you posted and shared because it sounds like just the sort of thing I would do and need to remind myself to watch for.

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(((so sorry!!)))


I just did the same thing with my older daughter.... we planned a whole trip to Canada... my son and I got passports for the first time.... and then two weeks before the trip we realized that hers was expired. : ( It was a very expensive mistake on my part. And here I was thinking we were on top of everything. I didn't even think that it was a possibility!


:grouphug: Is he a rising senior or junior?

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(((so sorry!!)))


I just did the same thing with my older daughter.... we planned a whole trip to Canada... my son and I got passports for the first time.... and then two weeks before the trip we realized that hers was expired. : ( It was a very expensive mistake on my part. And here I was thinking we were on top of everything. I didn't even think that it was a possibility!


:grouphug: Is he a rising senior or junior?



My passport mistake probably tops yours, if you want to feel better.


Four people, plane tickets overseas, rental car, hotel, family having bought food for our stay, etc, etc. Ds' passport had expired by LESS THAN ONE MONTH and we didn't find out until *we were packing the car to leave for the airport!* I had no idea back then that kid's passports expired in five years and there was no indication it was different from ours other than the tiny expiration print inside. Despite the passport only being one month expired and despite the fact that he had just turned SIX and was obviously the kid in the photo, they wouldn't let us fly. This was before 9-11, too. Talk about having a crying jag! All these years later, I still get upset with myself over that when I think about it.


OP, I agree with a previous poster who thanked you for posting. You may have saved someone on the west coast the same agony. :grouphug:

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Lol, Wildcat, I might top yours! Me and three kids traveling to the US, we live an hour away from the airport, flight at 3 am. Dh drops us off at midnight, I tell him to go on home because he had work the next day. Dd had a renewed US passport, with the UAE residency visa inside, but the stamp from when she last entered the country was in the old passport. Which was back home. Too far to drive and get back in time. It was an immigration issue, so we had checked in already, all the luggage tagged and taken, it was only when we were in immigration that the problem came up. And the agent said, "she can't go" and stared at me, and I stared at him in shock, lol, for like a minute. What does it matter if you don't see the entry stamp? We're leaving! A very, very kind local man came to my rescue, arranged to get our luggage -- they had to go back inside wherever it was on route to the plane, I called dh to come back, called my family in US, and the next day had to call the airline and get new tickets -- with an additional fee for each person.


Again, OP, I'm so sorry, I sure do know how painful it is right now!


As a side note, I don't really get what difference it makes if the passport was expired, I mean it's just about verifying the person standing there is the person signed up for the exam, isn't it?

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I'm so sorry for the OP -- I can totally see how this can happen.


As a side note, I don't really get what difference it makes if the passport was expired, I mean it's just about verifying the person standing there is the person signed up for the exam, isn't it?


I know it is the college board's rules, but I agree with the above. When you renew your passport, they mail you back the old one. I was always curious about this, and asked someone, and they told me that an expired passport can be used for ID for some situations that accept it.

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Oh, no!!!!!!! I'm freaking out that dd will be turned away because I only put her first and last name on her registration/ticket yet on her ID it has her middle name as well.


This is nerve wracking.


I was slightly worried about this as well, and it was not an issue for daughter's SAT in May.


OP, that's awful. I am sure your son wanted to yell, "It's still me!" What a stupid policy. I spent a couple of hours that I'll never get back trying to make sure my daughter's photo on her ticket was head and shoulders only, not any of the rest of her upper body. Hours, I tell you, but I was not about to send her in with a picture that showed her torso, no matter how impossible it was to deal with the College Board's site. No frickin' way was I leaving it up to the discretion of the rent-a-proctor.

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My dd was turned away from the May SAT. In the admission ticket photo, her bangs covered one little bit of one eye. The person who turned her away was one of her teachers and knew her! Yes, maddening. They rescheduled her for today for a small fee and reset her so we could upload a new photo; that took an hour on the phone with them.

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My dd was turned away from the May SAT. In the admission ticket photo, her bangs covered one little bit of one eye. The person who turned her away was one of her teachers and knew her! Yes, maddening. They rescheduled her for today for a small fee and reset her so we could upload a new photo; that took an hour on the phone with them.



That is so maddening!!! I can't believe that!

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Could he take the ACT next weekend? You would have to pay a little more for late registration. You could pick up a state ID in a couple of hours at the DMV. I believe you can also pay a small fee to defer his test until next fall. So sorry!


Yes, this!


I'm sorry that happened. Wow.

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My dd was turned away from the May SAT. In the admission ticket photo, her bangs covered one little bit of one eye. The person who turned her away was one of her teachers and knew her! Yes, maddening. They rescheduled her for today for a small fee and reset her so we could upload a new photo; that took an hour on the phone with them.


You have got to be kidding! A little bit of one eye! Arrgh


I raced in panic to the school ID that mine has last night, after reading the requirement that the ID must match the sign up name EXACTLY. I was afraid her school ID didn't have her middle initial.


It did. Whew! I was also concerned that the hair color change that is now growing out might be a problem, as she didn't have a photo with the current hair. Apparently that was ok. There were still streaks of her original color through the hair.


Unbelievable that someone who KNEW yout daughter would turn her away.

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Wait...what? Passport? Hair over the eye? No torso showing?


What in the world are you talking about? I never took the SAT. You have to have a passport to take the SAT? You can't have your torso in an ID picture? Is that for the picture on the passport?


This all sounds so bizarre. I know I have 6 more years to figure all this out before SATs, but threads like this leave me terrified that I'll mess up my kids because I don't understand something that everyone else seems to understand.


I really don't know what you are talking about. Please explain!

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My dd was turned away from the May SAT. In the admission ticket photo, her bangs covered one little bit of one eye. The person who turned her away was one of her teachers and knew her! Yes, maddening. They rescheduled her for today for a small fee and reset her so we could upload a new photo; that took an hour on the phone with them.


That is ridiculous!

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Ohmygosh. I'm so very sorry. That must feel horrible.


We had our own drama last night. One of my test takers couldn't find his ID, and we still haven't found it. I called the college board late last evening to ask what could be done. Turns out you can print off a form from their website, get it notarized, and that will work in lieu of an ID. So late last evening we were at Walgreens getting a passport photo, Kinko's printing off the form, then to a notary to make it official. We made son pay for it since he is the one who lost his ID card. But until we learned that we could do the alternative, I was in a panic about him not being able to take the test. So I completely feel your pain.


You need a great big hug. Just remember, in the whole scheme of your child's life, this is a mere bump. Try not to make it seem more severe than it really is. You will overcome this mistake. ((hug))


My word! You had your own drama, too! Thank you for your kind words and hug. They reached me! :)

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TY for posting. Maybe someone on the West Coast was saved by it and thereby your mistake is redeemed in the universal order. Seriously, I am glad you posted and shared because it sounds like just the sort of thing I would do and need to remind myself to watch for.

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TY for posting. Maybe someone on the West Coast was saved by it and thereby your mistake is redeemed in the universal order. Seriously, I am glad you posted and shared because it sounds like just the sort of thing I would do and need to remind myself to watch for.

What a lovely thought! That would be very redemptive, if indeed someone was spared as a result of my error. Thank you for that perspective! :)

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As a side note, I don't really get what difference it makes if the passport was expired, I mean it's just about verifying the person standing there is the person signed up for the exam, isn't it?


I agree. I'm all about following rules, but somewhere common sense has its place. Just not with the College Board, I suppose....

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Arg! I wish they'd been able to accept some alternative form of ID. Please don't be so hard on yourself - everyone makes mistakes and this is not going to make or break his life.


Is he a rising senior applying to start in the fall of 2014?


No guarantees but one option would be to pay extra and register for standby for the ACT. The deadline is June 3.



There is also a SAT test date in the fall on October 6.

He is a rising senior. Thank you for the kind words and suggestions. I truly appreciate it!

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How crazy and now paranoid because I think dd's photo has some torso - they didn't mention it in May but pretty sure there is another test in her future. And her photo and her ID don't really match each other, much less how she looks at the time, because she keeps her hair a few inches long and gets it shaved down short and various styles and changes colors often.

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Thanks to those who cheated, the security system for the entire testing process is on the rivaling the airport security. Body scans and biometrics in our future?



I agree with this - it's too bad a few bad apples have spoiled it for everybody else :(


Imeverywoman, I'm SO sorry this happened to your ds. I am shocked the person denied your ds even though they knew him personally - that's better than a document bearing his picture, whether it's expired or not.


Hugs to both of you, and hoping today is a better day.

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Wait...what? Passport? Hair over the eye? No torso showing?


What in the world are you talking about? I never took the SAT. You have to have a passport to take the SAT? You can't have your torso in an ID picture? Is that for the picture on the passport?


This all sounds so bizarre. I know I have 6 more years to figure all this out before SATs, but threads like this leave me terrified that I'll mess up my kids because I don't understand something that everyone else seems to understand.


I really don't know what you are talking about. Please explain!


Because of the recent cheating scandals, test takers now have to upload a photo when they want to register for the SAT or ACT. At the test, they need to show an ID so that it can be verified that

person taking test =person as on the uploaded photo = person of the registered name.


There are certain requirements for the photo. The instructions are all on the SAT page. You only have to upload the photo one time for the SAT and it is good for all the different SATs as long as the student looks like the photo.

Since the ACT is administered through a different organization, it requires a separate registration and photo upload.


The ID requirement has been in place for years. The student is not required to have a passport. A driver license or non-driver government ID (can be obtained cheap at the DMV for younger students) or school ID suffices. Homeschooled students can download a form and have it notarized (but honestly, it sounds easier to just get the government ID.)

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I agree with this - it's too bad a few bad apples have spoiled it for everybody else :(


Imeverywoman, I'm SO sorry this happened to your ds. I am shocked the person denied your ds even though they knew him personally - that's better than a document bearing his picture, whether it's expired or not.


Hugs to both of you, and hoping today is a better day.


:iagree: I can not see this happening at my school. If the person knows the student and they have an id (expired or not), I just can't see this happening here. Sometimes people get way too focused on the letter of the rule and not the intention of the rule. That both saddens and amazes me. The intent is to avoid cheating - not deny students a chance to test.

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Just in case it is of interest to anyone...

Here's a 60 minutes interview with one of the SAT cheaters that lead to these more stringent rules (which some schools are obviously struggling with and being overzealous about enforcing). Watching this with your teens might be a good starter for a conversation about ethics and how there will always be people who really don't have them. http://www.cbsnews.com/video/watch/?id=7393498n

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Thank you :). It looks like we'll have this looming over us until September.



He is not, by any chance in the running for a National Merit scholarship is he? Because if he is, I *think* taking it in the spring is a requirement to qualify. You may want to check on that if it applies.

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Good concern to raise. For the 2013 year (this year's seniors) the SAT could be taken up until December 2012 as long as it was submitted on time to NMSC. If it is a concern good to check with NMSC, but unless the rules change significantly for 2014 taking it in the fall should be okay.

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The entire nation of South Korea had their scores invalidated/tests cancelled yesterday due to some kids cheating.


It doesn't fix anyone's pain, but it kind of puts things in perspective.





If I read the headlines correctly, the May scores from there were cancelled too.


I'd be livid. It's really annoying when the actions of a few affect the rest of us (but understandable when they can't get a lock on just the cheaters).

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???? You have to have a passport to take the test???? Is that everyone? American citizens, too? I never heard that! My oldest will be starting 9th next year, but I never heard of this! Ugh! There are so many things I can totally scr#w up! Yikes! How long does it take to get a passport!

Hot Lava Mama

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???? You have to have a passport to take the test???? Is that everyone? American citizens, too? I never heard that! My oldest will be starting 9th next year, but I never heard of this! Ugh! There are so many things I can totally scr#w up! Yikes! How long does it take to get a passport!

Hot Lava Mama


No, you do NOT need a passport. You just need an acceptable ID.

you can easily get a non-driver government ID at your local DMV.

Homeschoolers can download and print out a form and have it notarized.

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Lol, Wildcat, I might top yours! Me and three kids traveling to the US, we live an hour away from the airport, flight at 3 am. Dh drops us off at midnight, I tell him to go on home because he had work the next day. Dd had a renewed US passport, with the UAE residency visa inside, but the stamp from when she last entered the country was in the old passport. Which was back home. Too far to drive and get back in time. It was an immigration issue, so we had checked in already, all the luggage tagged and taken, it was only when we were in immigration that the problem came up. And the agent said, "she can't go" and stared at me, and I stared at him in shock, lol, for like a minute. What does it matter if you don't see the entry stamp? We're leaving! A very, very kind local man came to my rescue, arranged to get our luggage -- they had to go back inside wherever it was on route to the plane, I called dh to come back, called my family in US, and the next day had to call the airline and get new tickets -- with an additional fee for each person.


Again, OP, I'm so sorry, I sure do know how painful it is right now!


As a side note, I don't really get what difference it makes if the passport was expired, I mean it's just about verifying the person standing there is the person signed up for the exam, isn't it?


Wow, Kate. I'm not sure if I should be happy or not that I'm not alone in making such a costly error! :tongue_smilie:

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OP, I just want to say again how sorry I am for you and your ds.


The stories I have read on this thread have just stunned me. Students being turned away by people who know them? What the heck is going on? Has this country lost all common sense?

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