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Kari in SC, thinking of you today


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I have written down that today is your son Tim's birthday. I'm praying for you as you face another birthday without him. I hope today brings some happy memories along with the tears for you and all yor family.


Maybe you could think of him eating cake at his first birthday. Was he covered in cake sitting in his high chair?


You raised a fine son, and I am sorry you didn't get more time with him.




(Please forgive me if I have the date wrong for Tim's birthday, I can't find where I found the date to write in down. Things are beyond stressful at my house right now, and I'm making lots of crazy mistakes. I hope I didn't make one here, but some extra prayers and hugs are always good.)

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Wow! Y'all are amazing. I just came out on my porch to relax a bit and check in here. I saw my name and just... Wow... Thank you for being so kind. I'm gonna share my Facebook post from this morning here.


"I will not fall apart today. I am telling myself that, yes, it has been 3 years since my sweet boy had to leave. But it is just a number on the calendar. It changes nothing. It is just reality. I miss him everyday and one date over another should not hold such power over me. There is a doc appointment and park day to attend... I'm telling myself over and over... Now to just get my heart in line with my mind. I love and miss you my sweet boy... Until I see you again."


I was feeling overwhelmed this morning, but I pushed through. It turned out to be a nice day. I feel so much love from near and far. Thank you again.


ETA... His birthday is March 5. Today is his angel date. I still can't believe y'all keep track. So blessed.

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I'm so sorry for getting the reason for the date wrong. I guess I shouldn't yell at my son as much when I can't read his handwriting, since I couldn't read my own.


I am glad the day went okay. Hugs to you since I know you miss him every day, not just the big days. I just wanted you to know I was praying for you on one of the big days.

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I'm so sorry for getting the reason for the date wrong. I guess I shouldn't yell at my son as much when I can't read his handwriting, since I couldn't read my own.


I am glad the day went okay. Hugs to you since I know you miss him every day, not just the big days. I just wanted you to know I was praying for you on one of the big days.


No worries AT ALL. I'm just blessed that you remember. THANK YOU!

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