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Whose already ordering 2013/2014 curriculum?


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I have most of what I need for next year, as I have been ordering it used as I found it. I still need to get:


MCT Island teacher manuals for Sentence Island, Music of the Hemispheres, and Building Language.

Student and Teacher books for Practice Island

Handwriting books for both kids

Singapore 2A/2B workbooks (SE)


I'd like to get, but not necessary:

Beast Academy 3A-D (I have the guide for A)

Singapore US edition HIGs for 3A/3B

IEW theme book

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What do I have??


The American Odyssey for American history

various Art of Problem Solving texts (she'll be finished w Geometry in Sept, will finish Alg 2, and will do Number Theory. After that, who knows?)


And that's it :lol:



I have to decide between Giancoli and Knight for algebra-based physics (both are sitting on the table w me). Oh, and lab supplies.

I have to choose an English course (outsourcing this).

I have to buy Make:Electronics and purchase the supplies to use as an electronics elective.

And I need to research programming options.

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Does thinking about it count? ;) We use MFW as our history/bible spine so the planning is all done, just have to order it. We'll be in 1850-Present next year. We use TT for math. Growing with Grammer and Megawords for LA. Bought Latin this year, only cracked the book once ( I know, I feel really badly about that) so it's a priority next year but I least I already have it. Need to make decisions on vocab, writing and science.


I can't believe we are heading into sixth grade! And, since they are twins it makes it really easy on me, I order the same curriculum for both!

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I wish I could! I am looking at a major switch up for ds--different Latin, writing, maybe math. And dd is so very different from ds that much of what I thought I would reuse may not work. In previous years I would just order the next level and fiddle with science and history, but this year feels like walking on quicksand...

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The Great Courses - World History, Fertile Crescent to the American Revolution to go with the boy's AP World History Text which is already here.


Signed Ds up for Icelandic lessons from a UK professor using skype - waiting on text to arrive.


Waffling on a new trig/pre-calc book. We used dh's old text from when he tutored in college (he went directly to calc 2 his freshman year but the same semester, tutored pre-calc and was given a student text). It is an awesome, very worn out text. However, he doesn't have an instructor's manual and he had to walk through every one of dd's solutions step by step since he couldn't just look for the right answer and the skip over those and look for the errors in the incorrect ones. It would take a while to grade her assignments and then he had to create all of her tests, also very time consuming. He will still teach pre-calc for me, but his time is more limited than 5 years ago when he taught dd, so I think I need to find a newer text with an instructor's manual and a solutions key. I have only begun the research on which course to use.


I also ordered eldest ds's Ancient Egyptian language books and middle ds's college zoology text.



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I picked up RSO Biology 2 in PDF form while it was on sale, so I am putting together a very expensive order from Home Science Tools. :ohmy: I need a new microscope, so that is a large chunk of the order.

I am also planning on buying the new Lego Mindstorm EV3 set. I'm hoping the co op will have a group buy on this before I place an order but I don't see it listed in the upcoming buys.

From Memoria Press I wlll be ordering The Book of the Ancient Romans and The Middle Ages, both by Dorothy Mills, as well as The Trojan War set.

Math is as yet undecided. Ds is behind in math, so we will keep going over the summer. I hope to start pre-algebra in September but I'm unsure which program. I may pick up Hands On Equations while there is a group buy going on.

I should be receiving High School of Your Dreams today, which is a Catholic high school planning guide put out by Catholic Heritage Curricula. I'm hoping it will help with some ideas for putting together interest-based classes.

As always, I will be ordering plenty of books from Amazon over the course of the year. For now, I will order one or two science encyclopedias and a few interesting looking books on weapons, warfare and battles. Ds prefers to read on the Kindle, so we will look for some free reading together.

For writing, I will probably try IEW this year. I've been thinking about WWS too. This is another problem area for ds.

I am going to try one Shakespeare play with ds, using Shakespeare in Bits on the iPad. If it doesn't work out well I will hold off for a year.


This will be our most expensive year of homeschooling. I generally buy a good amount used with money from selling our old stuff, but it is getting harder and harder to sell and we really need some big ticket items this coming school year.

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  • 2 months later...

Lots of people are busy, busy planning and buying if the activity at the FB group is any indication! Jumped about 500 members in last several weeks and lots more activity than there used to be. I'm continuing with the Charlotte Mason based Orthodox program we've been using the last two years.


{*} Homeschool Used Curriculum Swap -- got its start here at WTM.




Jumped 500 members in the last *week* so apparently end of May / start of June is a busy time, too! The group is at about 3500 members now, up from 1600 about two months ago. I've been finding some of what I need for history, anatomy, and math recently at https://www.facebook.com/groups/hsucs/ -- how's everyone else doing? Set up for next year?

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Jumped 500 members in the last *week* so apparently end of May / start of June is a busy time, too! The group is at about 3500 members now, up from 1600 about two months ago. I've been finding some of what I need for history, anatomy, and math recently at https://www.facebook.com/groups/hsucs/ -- how's everyone else doing? Set up for next year?



I have pretty much everything that I need with a few exceptions. I want to order some stuff from linguisystems but have to wait, and I will be ordering some slide sets etc in the fall when my funding kicks in again. Otherwise I either picked up all I needed at conference this year, or ordered it back in march/april


I did notice a big pick up of activity on that group. Normally it is pretty quiet but I am seeing a lot more in my feed lately so it must be curriculum shopping time for lots of people. I think lots like to see what they can find used now so they have time to order the remaining stuff new and get it on time for the fall. I like to order my stuff in april so that it is before the busiest time of the year for curriculum sellers and so that if anything is back ordered or I need to search for an older book etc I have time to find them.

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I know what I'm doing for next year, and have ordered about half of it :). I am still on the fence about starting an actual math curriculum with Jax, who will turn 4 in August. Will there be sales in the summer before te school year starts?


ETA: I just requested to join the FB group.

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I have a very short list of things I still need for next year (a much longer list of wants...lol). But, I've been picking things up as I find them (on sale, or free-cycle, for example). Mostly everything that will be used this year is an old edition of something (probable exceptions are books for Pre-K and rising 1st grader). I have to stay about 1-2 years out with planning, so I can take advantage of good deals when they happen...lowering expenses tremendously. I spent about $25 total on everything for a 7th edition Campbell/ Reese Biology text (study guide, work book, teacher CDs, text, art notebook), we probably won't use it all...but I'm glad I have it. I picked up an older Apologia Chemistry book & Solution manual for $2, an entire Abeka grade 11 literature, free, Basic Math Free, The better part of English 8, English 10 and English 11 were free...and then I found missing components for $1!! (in like-new condition, no less!). I'm heading to the HEAV convention next weekend, and will be going to the Used Curriculum Sale to (hopefully) find the last missing pieces for next year, and purchase them. The only thing I'm dreading is pulling everything together...cobbling these resources together (for history & Latin, especially) is rather daunting. At least the Biology text is mapped to a HippoCampus course...so I can pretty much follow that...of course, that Bio course will on longer be available after 2014!

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I've got almost everything. I'm still finishing up school with the kids, and then I've got to try and sell more books. I hope to finish it out by the end of June because we start at the end of July. I need some time to get it all together and do my yearly filing/schedules.

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I purchased all my core curriculum about 2 months ago. I am waiting on the "extras / supplemental stuff" from my homeschool charter and will need to order some misc. school supply stuff / materials this week, like magnify glasses, binoculars, folders, etc.


I planned to start our school next week, right after finishing this school year, but we're rediculessly burned out! I think we might take six weeks off and then start.

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I have my list but have yet to order. Some of the things for my youngest may have to wait til I get college guy and the (non public) high schoolers' textbooks ordered. I can piecemeal/great books for a stretch with my 3rd grader, but the big kids will need everything on hand by first class day. Right now that seems far away, but it will soon arrive, and their books are the most expensive.

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I've had to parcel everything out, unfortunately. :( I bought the MFW CTG set at the end of March and was just Friday able to order some things from CBD and RR. I still have to buy Latin, IEW, and all my stuff from CLE. Then book basket books too. I hope I can get everything on time!

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I've already bought most of what we need. I have a few duplicates I need to buy, science supplies, and a few minor things for the littles.


DD (9th grade):

MCT Level 4

MUS Algebra 1

Science Shepherd Biology

Trisms Discovering the Ancient World


Oak Meadow Photography Syllabus


DS (7th grade):

MCT Level 4

AoPS Intro to Algebra

Science Shepherd Biology

Trisms Discovering the Ancient World



DS (1st grade):

Spectrum Spelling Grade 2

Phonics Pathways (last half)

HWT Grade 2

MUS Alpha


Apologia Zoology 2 Swimming Creatures


DD (preK or K4)...because she demands her own curriculum:

Phonics Pathways

HWT Grade K

MUS Primer

SOTW1 as interested (probably just activities)

Apologia Zoology 2 Swimming Creatures as interested (probably just activities)

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Having one graduated (at last!) I have little to actually buy anymore. We have entered the years I promised dh - the cheap years.


We will continue on with TOG. D and R level books have all been purchased. I think. I may have lost a book or 2. It happens. But since I have the stuff in print, I won't have to follow the updates and have to purchase new books b/c things go out of print. So that's HISTORY and LITERATURE.


GRAMMAR - Rod and Staff. Again all purchased through their 10th grade book. I just need to buy tests and editing sheets. I don't buy the worksheets.


MATH - Saxon. Again all purchased through Calculus which the first ended up taking at the CC.


SCIENCE - Apologia. All purchased through physics. Oldest did not take b/c she switched to the CC. Middle is taking Anatomy this year at a co-op type. I think I need to buy a coloring book and that's it. Youngest will be in Physical science this year. I will continue to teach at home as much as possible so I don't need to buy new editions.


VOCABULARY - Wordly Wise 3000. Do need to buy these as they are workbooks.


SPELLING - Rod and Staff. Previously purchased.


FOREIGN LANGUAGE - this is taken at co-op type. Middle is in Spanish, no book this year! Just a $20/30 materials fee to the instructor. Youngest hasn't started yet.


ELECTIVES - this is what I may need not buy, but not right now.


There are probably things I haven't thought of, but since I haven't thought of them ... well I can't buy them yet, can I?

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I've purchased and started some of "next year's" curriculum, just because I am so DONE with this year! This year we did a very loosey-goosey kindy, and I am ready for more structure. So we started CHOLL and WWE 1 a couple of weeks ago, and have also started in on the list I designated "first grade read alouds." I'll probably hold off on science (NOEO Physics, I think, which I haven't bought yet) for a couple of months. And we're just continuing on with LoF, although I may start adding in a little MotL as we get to trickier concepts.

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Well...I've bought pretty much everything we need already. The only thing I'm lacking are Spelling (don't know what to do) and Art (waiting for Atelier to go on sale at HSBC again). I do have to do all of the prepping, like cutting the bindings, getting things bound, making reading/book lists, etc...

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You organized people are annoying. I'm still limping along trying to finish THIS year.


Having next year figured out and bought doesn't mean this year is done. We got way behind. So far behind that I scrapped a lot of my plans for history, gave up on doing any experiments for science, and am looking at doing math and state history all summer to finish. Oh, and planning for state history isn't finished yet. I'm trying to do both so next year can start and finish well.

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OP, did you cross-post with the K-8 board? They field these questions regularly, with great feedback!


I am not well-organized. I have crippling ADD/ADHD and live in a stressful home environment (because of "Life", not because of bad family, I should clarify). DD enters the ninth grade this fall, so she and I absolutely had to plan far ahead. I finished purchasing our curricula in early May.

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I am feeling smug: I got nearly all my materials for this semester off of my curriculum shelf, because I pretty much have everything I want for every grade now. One of the advantages of having graduated a child! (I'll try not to think about how much I'll be spending on textbooks for that child this semester, though.)


All I ordered new for summer/fall was:


1. Galore Park, So You Really Want To Learn English, Book 1 and answer key


2. TOPS Science: Solutions; Pressure & Buoyancy; Earth, Moon, and Sun


3. And on the spur of the moment, I bought the Ladybird Book of British History, for Wee Girl. Because there it was. I read it and she begs for more.


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You organized people are annoying. I'm still limping along trying to finish THIS year.


Buying next year's curriculum was/is really just an escape from the fact that some subjects will be dragging on until mid/late July (that means you, Math!). Why face reality when planning can induce manic insomnia?

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I will be teaching my 3rd grader, my 5th grader and my 11th grader. I finally have all the components and have started the process of dissecting and putting things back together like Frankenstein's curriculum. My highschooler needs as much independence as I can give her. My littles will be doing the appropriate Mammoth Math, SOTW 3 that I make into history scrapbooks & timelines, science will be a chemistry/ physics/ technology conglomeration that I slap together and LA will be a Brave Writer/ Grammar practice hybrid I put together.


Did I mention that I am doing the same thing for a friend's 7th grader, 5th grader, 3rd grader and 1st grader.


I keep telling myself if I get it all planned out, I can take a nap. Somehow I never quite get there.


Amber in SJ

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