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Big families--I have a new comment for you!


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I've learned that commenting on a large family really is an art that most people do not possess. Daily, I hear, "You sure have your hands full". Boring!! I have learned to really appreciate an original comment about my family size.


The kids and I were waiting for the elevator at the hospital.


A woman and a little boy walk over to wait as well.


Woman: You have five kids.


Me: Yep.


Woman: Do you think you'll have any more?


Me: (so excited to talk about fertility and family planning in front of my children and a lobby full of strangers) Probably


Woman: (with no sarcasm or inflection in her tone at all) Wow, you must be one of those kid lovers.


I think I'm going to have a bumper sticker made. One of Those Kid Lovers.

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I've actually been stopped and gotten plenty of compliments from older folks about having more than 2 children close in age and while I am am young. A lot of, "oh what beautiful young family" and a lot of "that's the way we did it. That's the best way."

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I had a Walmart greeter, a beautiful older lady who I just adore, follow me around Walmart one day talking about how she was one of 13 and how great it was and how much fun they all had. She then told me as adults they would all try to get together and it would be such a blast and that when her mother died she had over 100 grandchildren and double digit great grandchildren at her funeral. It was the best conversation. I really appreciated that time of encouragement.

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I've learned that commenting on a large family really is an art that most people do not possess. Daily, I hear, "You sure have your hands full". Boring!! I have learned to really appreciate an original comment about my family size.


The kids and I were waiting for the elevator at the hospital.


A woman and a little boy walk over to wait as well.


Woman: You have five kids.


Me: Yep.


Woman: Do you think you'll have any more?


Me: (so excited to talk about fertility and family planning in front of my children and a lobby full of strangers) Probably


Woman: (with no sarcasm or inflection in her tone at all) Wow, you must be one of those kid lovers.


I think I'm going to have a bumper sticker made. One of Those Kid Lovers.


OMG, I swear that was the lady behind me in costco the other day! She was going on and on about getting rid of her kids, she just couldn't wait till they left.

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We have 4. The comment we get the most is, "Don't you guys have cable?" I never knew what to say to that, but now dh steps in with, "Yeah, but what about the commercials?"


I was so embarrassed the first time he did it, but then I noticed the looks on the other people's faces. I think they get that their comment is out of line after that, but I can't bring myself to do it.

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Classic! When people say things like "are they all yours" or "you really have your hands full" I just smile and say "yes, we're very blessed." The nice ones agree, the nice so nice ones shut up.


When I only had four kids I seemed to get a lot more negative/judge mental comment. Now that we have 6, it seems like I get more compliments from older people than I did before. But we are in a different area now too, so that may be a factor.

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We have 4. The comment we get the most is, "Don't you guys have cable?" I never knew what to say to that, but now dh steps in with, "Yeah, but what about the commercials?"


I was so embarrassed the first time he did it, but then I noticed the looks on the other people's faces. I think they get that their comment is out of line after that, but I can't bring myself to do it.


(I heard this recently....maybe from here?)





If you like cable more than s@x then you are doing it wrong.




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:D I still remember the day we were trying a new church when I was a young teenager. The actual pastor of that church came up to us and after my parents introduced us he said, "Wow! You took that whole be fruitful and multiply thing seriously, huh?". My parents gave a polite chuckle but all of us kids felt so awkward.

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Lol. When I got pregnant with number 5 a co-worker of my husbands said he needed to get a new hobby. My husband said "Can you think of a better one?" The guy just smiled and said "No, I can't."



This is very much like what one couple we know says. They have 5 now, but even when they only had 3 they often got asked, "Don't you know what causes that?" And they'd reply, "Yes, and we like it!" :D

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I'd have been really tempted to say something like, "No, I just love teA," but honestly, I do kind of really, really like babies and can't get enough of them. Of course, I like toddlers and preschoolers too, and so far, I like bigger kids (but I'm not terribly experienced with them yet, and I've had years of experience with babies). But yes, One of Those Kid Lovers!

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