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Downton Abbey Season Finale


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HOnestly, I'm glad it was him and not Anna. I was worried it was her. But how horrid. How on earth do you break that news to a new mother?????


That aside, I loved the scenary. I was married in Scotland, right near Inverness, so basically right in that area. We even stayed in a castle similar to the one shown for our honeymoon. It brought it all back.


Oh, and I'm glad they fired the maid. She was a hussy. My husband thought I was being silly but I didn't like they way she was moving in on Branson like that.

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Oh, and I'm glad they fired the maid. She was a hussy. My husband thought I was being silly but I didn't like they way she was moving in on Branson like that.




Buffer....Spoiler showing in preview....















Double LIKE! She was trying to make him feel small and like a hypocrite so that she could be a part of Downton Abbey - imo. I wanted to hug him when he cried about feeling lost without Sybil.


I'm mad about the Matthew. There was promise there and now....


And I'm sick to death the way they keep snatching the rug out from under Edith. Enough already.

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Yes. Please let Edith just be happy. Now she's living Jane Eyre. It's lame. But the Scottish cousins are worse. They remind me of that little kid that was added to the Brady Bunch after the other kids weren't young and cute anymore.


Matthew. Sigh. I wish the actor weren't leaving the show. At least he produced an heir so that some other guy won't inherit.

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I did not know the actor (Matthew) wanted off. (I just don't pay a lot of attention to that sort of news.) For some reason that makes the ending more forgivable. Otherwise it is way too predictable and seems like the writers ran out of ideas.


It's pretty transparent to see where next season is headed with Edith, and it seems pretty far-fetched. If only the Bates' would move away--open an inn somewhere or something, anything so I won't have to watch any more picnics and smiles. They have become cardboard cutouts instead of real characters.

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Yes. Please let Edith just be happy. Now she's living Jane Eyre. It's lame. But the Scottish cousins are worse. They remind me of that little kid that was added to the Brady Bunch after the other kids weren't young and cute anymore.


Matthew. Sigh. I wish the actor weren't leaving the show. At least he produced an heir so that some other guy won't inherit.




THIS! I couldn't go through any more story lines about the safety of the inheritance!

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dd and I were just saying 'no' over and over again. After the show we were grumping about saying 'I hate british tv' (we don't really). Then we googled and have decided that we will 'allow' Dan Stevens to move on with his own life no matter what we think. :D


The show will probably be better for it but it was soooooo sad!

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Buffer for spoilers...








I'd seen "hints" of the ending and was almost positive I knew what was coming. I was. But I was still sick to my stomach when it happened. Good grief... How much is a family supposed to endure?


And poor Mary. Wow. Also glad they got rid of the maid. I didn't like her one bit. Ugh... And now we have to wait until JANUARY again?!?

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Oh, the maid!


Well I suppose it is wrong of me, but I watched that episode knowing how it would end and found myself much more disturbed by the maid than by the crash. Good riddance to that one.


As for the rest of it, I've decided to not hold my breath for the next season. I'm feeling rather blasé about the show after this last one.

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I just hope Dan Stevens does well and doesn't end up on Dancing With The "Stars" in a couple years.


Any Season 4 predictions?

Edith finally gets happy?

Matthew's mom marries the doctor?

Branson hooks up with Mary? Just kidding (I hope).


I bet they at least explore the Mary/Branson idea. It would make sense in a weird sort of way. I just think Branson deserves better than Mary, and I can't see him putting up with her.

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Yes. Please let Edith just be happy. Now she's living Jane Eyre. It's lame. But the Scottish cousins are worse. They remind me of that little kid that was added to the Brady Bunch after the other kids weren't young and cute anymore.


Matthew. Sigh. I wish the actor weren't leaving the show. At least he produced an heir so that some other guy won't inherit.



LOL, Oliver!



Glad for the heir also, but now the birth of the son seems contrived rather than happy. I wish they would have written Matthew out another way. Death is so.....uncreative.

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I assumed Edith would eventually end up with the long-lost cousin with amnesia who didn't die on the Titanic. (And that sentence right there proves that "soap opera" is the right term for this show!)



The fact that he wandered right out of their lives was weird. Patrick? They could expand on that. It would have been a great battle between him and Matthew for the estate, though Matthew probably would've rolled over and let him have it.

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I just hope Dan Stevens does well and doesn't end up on Dancing With The "Stars" in a couple years.


Any Season 4 predictions?

Edith finally gets happy?

Matthew's mom marries the doctor?

Branson hooks up with Mary? Just kidding (I hope).



LOL!!!! You're so right. But if he did.....


I'd watch....


Yeah, I'm a sucker.

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I was devastated when the episode ended because it was so harsh. I agree with others who said they could have written him off in another way... leave it open for him to return at some point, maybe?  I do wish him well, and I commend him for wanting other things (most importantly time with his family), but I will miss him with Mary.

I also wondered if they would explore the Mary/Branson story line since they both understand that deep loss. It will be interesting, I'm sure.

I'm not done with the show, but I can fully understand how some people are.

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Ugh. If Mary winds up with Branson, I am DONE! I am not a fan of his. I'm hoping they bring in some other delectable British actor that Mary can spar with before finding love again, but I think it will take her a while again for her to trust and open up with someone new. But I do think they will have her with a series of affairs before that happens.


I thought that the long-lost "cousin" with amnesia left because he wasn't really the cousin. He was the cousin's friend who'd been on the Titanic with him. Once his face had been destroyed in the war, he saw a chance to cash in with his intimate knowledge of the family. They kind of alluded to that with some of his "memories" of growing up at Downton. He left when Lord Grantham decided to look up the cousin's friend to make sure that it wasn't him. I would think that story line is finished.

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I read an interview with Julian Fellowes and he stated that they wanted Dan Stevens to commit to coming back infrequently, so that they could write a plausible story that takes him away for an extended period of time. However, he refused. I guess he is performing on Broadway (and is fielding other offers) and did not want to deal with the constant transatlantic travel that filming would require. Julian Fellowes felt that the only way to make the story line believable was to kill him off. They didn't want the entire episode devoted to Mathew's death so they ended it there. I still don't like it, but I understand it.

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Thanks to spoilers, I knew what was going to happen to Matthew (and preferred knowing in advance), but I found the very last scene of him way too graphic. I don't watch TV or violent movies and it was a bit too much for me. I'd rather just have obvious evidence of a car crash than bloody details.

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I am hoping that Matthew's death sets up Mary of the executor of her son's estate, which now includes Downton (I think). This scenarario would allow her character to grow from the snobbish old school Mary into a modern woman. I think it could provide some great character development.


I agree about Rose being annoying--don't look forward to her as a regular.

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I actively avoided spoilers, so I was pretty shocked. I knew it was coming the moment they showed him driving home from the hospital though.


I too am irritated with the rush-rush feeling of the show. And it seemed like there was a lot of extraneous nonsense in last night's episode. Why the whole big deal about whether Matthew was going to accompany Mary home from Scotland or stay, blah blah blah? And what is the deal with the 30-second love interests of Mrs Patmore AND Matthew's mom?


Also it was very wrong to pick an actor that looks like Sean Connery's long-lost brother and call him "Shrimpie". Also a shocking lack of kilts for an episode set in Scotland ;)

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Ugh. If Mary winds up with Branson, I am DONE! I am not a fan of his. I'm hoping they bring in some other delectable British actor that Mary can spar with before finding love again, but I think it will take her a while again for her to trust and open up with someone new. But I do think they will have her with a series of affairs before that happens.



I kind of wonder if they won't leave her single and focus on Edith for a while. I could see her settling into the single-by-choice wealthy widow role. I remember in an earlier episode she said that being single and wealthy like her aunt sounded heavenly. Not that the producers seem especially concerned about continuity. . .

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My brother commented that Dan Stevens probably wanted to leave because all of his lines this season were so horrible. And I have to admit, some of them were pretty bad. But he would have gotten to do more interesting things since having an heir is now out of the way. ***sigh***

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My brother commented that Dan Stevens probably wanted to leave because all of his lines this season were so horrible. And I have to admit, some of them were pretty bad. But he would have gotten to do more interesting things since having an heir is now out of the way. ***sigh***



Seriously. The guy was like a walking sappy Hallmark card for most of the season. If they showed Matthew and Mary lounging in bed, my fingers started itching for the fast forward button. His character went flat as a pancake the minute they married him off to Mary.

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Adding my 2cents. I also felt Rose was like Oliver in Brady Bunch. I found her a bit annoying too. New maid--also annoying. I wonder if she'll reappear next season though, like Ethel did. At one point I thought Ethel was done but then she was back and had her own story too. Mary and Branson? I hope they don't go there!


I'm curious to see if they will expand on the footman/kitchen maid love quadrangle. And if Daisy will move to the farm. And if Anna will get pregnant and how that will play out. Can't wait until next season!

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I was devastated when the episode ended because it was so harsh. I agree with others who said they could have written him off in another way... leave it open for him to return at some point, maybe? Anyway, in my shock, I googled and found this: http://www.telegraph...nton-Abbey.html. I do wish him well, and I commend him for wanting other things (most importantly time with his family), but I will miss him with Mary.


I also wondered if they would explore the Mary/Branson story line since they both understand that deep loss. It will be interesting, I'm sure.


I'm not done with the show, but I can fully understand how some people are.



Thanks for posting!

Great article...

“Hound’s bum abbey time†**snort**


I see 'soap opera' thrown around like it's a bad thing! Soap opera: "a television or radio drama series dealing typically with the daily events in the lives of the same group of characters."

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Yes. Please let Edith just be happy. Now she's living Jane Eyre. It's lame. But the Scottish cousins are worse. They remind me of that little kid that was added to the Brady Bunch after the other kids weren't young and cute anymore.


Matthew. Sigh. I wish the actor weren't leaving the show. At least he produced an heir so that some other guy won't inherit.


Did he? What was Mary doing in London? Hedging her bets? Was the baby "a month early?" Hmmm....


My prediction: "Patrick" really was Patrick. He finds a way to prove he is Patrick, gets his face fixed, comes back and reclaims the title, and proposes to Edith -- who is only too happy to kick Mary and Progeny out of the Queen Bee Seat.


Closing line:


Mary says, "Edith, darling, do you think that perhaps from now on we can be closer?"

Edith says, "I doubt it." Fade to black.


OTOH, do we know that Matthew is really dead? Perhaps he's only "mostly dead." True love...

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OTOH, do we know that Matthew is really dead? Perhaps he's only "mostly dead." True love...


Or maybe it was all a dream...







They've already found a new love interest for Lady Mary.




Sorry, but that man will never be as adorable as Matthew. No way.


Hmmm...I think they can do better. I wonder what Colin Firth is doing?

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Haven't watched it yet - but know what happens. I'm not sure I'll knock myself out to watch it tonight!


Did y'all see the cartoon on fb today? (I'm having uploading issues. . .. )


It said, "Send in your pledge, or another Downton character DIES!"

(The most successful PBS pledge drive ever)



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Please, PLEASE can we not have spoilers for Season 4? PLEASE??


That needs to be labeled in a separate Season 4 spoiler thread. I ignored your spoiler warning because this thread is about the Season 3 Season Finale, which I have seen.


It is bad enough that I was inadvertently spoiled as to what happened last night by several posts that dropped very heavy hints about the Season 3 finale/Christmas special . . . in threads that simply began as discussions of the current Sunday night episode. :(

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I figured someone would die, but I thought it was going to happen via a stray bullet from those tedious hunting scenes. Either that or maybe Anna would slip while dancing and have some sort of a head injury.


I didn't realize it until Matthew was gushing so much to Mary in the hospital about his love for her. That gave me a premonition, but when they showed him driving, I knew it was over. I kept announcing it out loud as he was driving, but my family didn't believe me til it happened.


Don't like Rose either, or that trampy maid.

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Sorry, but Mary is NOT good enough for Mr. Darcy! :toetap05:



Oh come now, if there is anybody that could get rid of her pride and prejudice it would be him. :D


Besides, it doesn't even have to Colin Firth. I'll take that yummy Mr. Darcy who played opposite Kiera Knightly. He had some gorgeous blue eyes himself!

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Did he? What was Mary doing in London? Hedging her bets? Was the baby "a month early?" Hmmm....


My prediction: "Patrick" really was Patrick. He finds a way to prove he is Patrick, gets his face fixed, comes back and reclaims the title, and proposes to Edith -- who is only too happy to kick Mary and Progeny out of the Queen Bee Seat.


Closing line:


Mary says, "Edith, darling, do you think that perhaps from now on we can be closer?"

Edith says, "I doubt it." Fade to black.


OTOH, do we know that Matthew is really dead? Perhaps he's only "mostly dead." True love...



As in "slightly alive. "



Couldn't resist....

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