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new tradition, I guess


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What does the Hive think of the trend of "gender-reveal" parties for expectant parents? As in, all the families and friends get together for the announcement of ultrasound results in some creative way, like cupcakes that are pink or blue on the inside.


I didn't know this was a trend until I saw a FB friend post that she had better start planning a gender reveal party for her brother and his wife who have a baby on the way. My first thought is, really? Is this going to become something that everyone thinks they have to do now?


I blame reality tv. And Pinterest.

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We bought my new son a Build A Bear and dressed him in boy clothes to do a gender reveal with our other kids. However, I have no problem celebrating new babies and will do so whenever and however I am able. If the parents want to do a party (especially one with cupcakes, YUM!) to tell everyone what they are having and they invite me I will be there with a big ole smile! :)

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I think it's silly, but whatever. So far the trend seems mostly harmless.


I'm pretty sure the world wasn't waiting breathlessly to have a gender reveal during my pregnancies. Then again, I've always been pretty confident that the entire world doesn't revolve around me. Others obviously have different opinions of themselves.

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Kind of ties in with the whole "Everyone must be SO INTERESTED in our lives that they'll be willing to take a whole afternoon to come and be oohed and ahhed about what our baby is!! Because you know our baby is TOO IMPORTANT for us to simply tell people what it is! There must be a big too do!"



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The only place I've seen it mentioned is on Babycenter message boards (at least 4 yrs. ago when I was pregnant with DS).


It sounds like a fun way to connect with family and friends who are interested in hanging out with you and celebrating. Because you know, you don't have to attend parties you think are dumb. Some people just like to have parties! I have random parties for things like watching Fiddler on the Roof and trying out Jewish recipes, watching the Avatar cartoon series with fire/water/earth/air themed food for fun, celebrating the 30th birthday of DH's single guy friend who lives far from family with LEGO cupcakes, and just as an excuse to watch the DH and the guys make "bacon explosion" and have a LAN party. I could totally see the dozen women who are begging to know the gender of my baby enjoying such a party! Maybe this is another extrovert/introvert issue? I'm an extrovert and 3 of my 5 dream careers include party planning, photography, owning an indoor play center! :laugh:

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I think it's silly, but whatever. So far the trend seems mostly harmless.


I'm pretty sure the world wasn't waiting breathlessly to have a gender reveal during my pregnancies. Then again, I've always been pretty confident that the entire world doesn't revolve around me. Others obviously have different opinions of themselves.


Really? You say "whatever" but then go on to mock people who do this as obviously self-centered.


Some ladies have lots of friends who are very excited about pregnancy/gender, who like parties. love the mom-to-be, and would think this is fun.


You don't have to be "breathless" with anticipation to enjoy some good fun with friends!

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I think it might be a bit much to have a big party *just* for that purpose, but in my DH's extended family, we had a family dinner that also involved a little gender reveal activity for BIL and SIL. It was fine with me. :)


Some people love a party. I don't see the harm. If one doesn't want to attend, one could just gracefully excuse oneself.

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The only place I've seen it mentioned is on Babycenter message boards (at least 4 yrs. ago when I was pregnant with DS).


It sounds like a fun way to connect with family and friends who are interested in hanging out with you and celebrating. Because you know, you don't have to attend parties you think are dumb. Some people just like to have parties! I have random parties for things like watching Fiddler on the Roof and trying out Jewish recipes, watching the Avatar cartoon series with fire/water/earth/air themed food for fun, celebrating the 30th birthday of DH's single guy friend who lives far from family with LEGO cupcakes, and just as an excuse to watch the DH and the guys make "bacon explosion" and have a LAN party. I could totally see the dozen women who are begging to know the gender of my baby enjoying such a party! Maybe this is another extrovert/introvert issue? I'm an extrovert and 3 of my 5 dream careers include party planning, photography, owning an indoor play center! :laugh:



LOL, I can't decide if I want to be YOU or just be your FRIEND! Those sound like great parties. I love parties, but really stink at having them.

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I haven't heard of gifts being involved. (Though I personally LOVE to GIVE gifts and wouldn't mind another excuse...)


Posted before I finished reading the thread. Now I know we must be friends. I love giving gifts for no good reason. If I'm somewhere and I see something that makes me think of someone I snatch it up (finances willing of course!). I've also been known to snap a picture of a big ticket item and email it to a friend with a note that says, "When I win the lottery, this is yours!" I love giving gifts and would probably bring something to a gender reveal party.

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I was getting a ton of emails in the weeks before my sonogram. Lots of people really were waiting to find out what I was having. They were more excited than I was. LOL Some people every time they saw me they would speculate based on my current symptoms and where I was carrying the baby. I was not exactly sad when the u/s tech told us at first that she might not be able to see gender because baby was scrounged up tight! When baby moved though, I saw the boy part before she did. I had 5 texts waiting for me when I was done with that u/s. I guess we just LOVE babies and everything about them in our circle! :) I would not throw a party for the reveal though, but thats because I stink at throwing parties and I don't like being the center of attention at a party.

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I was getting a ton of emails in the weeks before my sonogram. Lots of people really were waiting to find out what I was having. They were more excited than I was. LOL Some people every time they saw me they would speculate based on my current symptoms and where I was carrying the baby. I was not exactly sad when the u/s tech told us at first that she might not be able to see gender because baby was scrounged up tight! When baby moved though, I saw the boy part before she did. I had 5 texts waiting for me when I was done with that u/s. I guess we just LOVE babies and everything about them in our circle! :) I would not throw a party for the reveal though, but thats because I stink at throwing parties and I don't like being the center of attention at a party.


Yeah, the center of attention part would probably prevent me from actually having one. I love to tell stories and add to the fun of the party, but I feel odd when it's actually "about" me (or the baby inside me). My own baby shower was awkward for me and I wasn't my usual party-talkative self. We've celebrated DH's birthdays 25-29 with friends, but the only "party" I've had for me since age 11 and my baby shower was my 31st b-day. On the day of, I asked 2 friends and their kids/husbands to come over and watch Brave and eat popcorn and candy and pie. I like to play hostess and watch other people enjoy what I've created. I like to throw parties, not have them thrown for me.


I'm very excited to be hosting a baby shower for my best friend's baby girl in April!

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Depends on the crowd and how contrived/structured the party. Assuming it's casual, I think it sounds like a good excuse to get together. :)

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The only place I've seen it mentioned is on Babycenter message boards (at least 4 yrs. ago when I was pregnant with DS).


It sounds like a fun way to connect with family and friends who are interested in hanging out with you and celebrating. Because you know, you don't have to attend parties you think are dumb. Some people just like to have parties! I have random parties for things like watching Fiddler on the Roof and trying out Jewish recipes, watching the Avatar cartoon series with fire/water/earth/air themed food for fun, celebrating the 30th birthday of DH's single guy friend who lives far from family with LEGO cupcakes, and just as an excuse to watch the DH and the guys make "bacon explosion" and have a LAN party. I could totally see the dozen women who are begging to know the gender of my baby enjoying such a party! Maybe this is another extrovert/introvert issue? I'm an extrovert and 3 of my 5 dream careers include party planning, photography, owning an indoor play center! :laugh:


I so wish I could be you. I am terrible at throwing parties. My children's birthdays nearly drive me to drink. So the idea of a new kind of party tradition becoming some sort of obligation horrifies me. I am sympathizing with potential reluctant party-planners.


Hopefully everyone has an AndyJoy in their life.

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I so wish I could be you. I am terrible at throwing parties. My children's birthdays nearly drive me to drink. So the idea of a new kind of party tradition becoming some sort of obligation horrifies me. I am sympathizing with potential reluctant party-planners.


Hopefully everyone has an AndyJoy in their life.


You're so sweet! My best friend who is due in May and suffering from morning sickness let me make her son's 5th birthday cake and I was SO HAPPY to get to do it. He was thrilled. Unfortunately most of my friends are crafty/Pintrest types so I don't get to do that sort of thing very often. I joke that I should have spaced my pregnancies better so I won't have to concentrate my birthday party planning efforts in Aug/Sept!


I just realized I've been planning/hosting parties since I was a kid. My sister requested an Anne of Green Gables party when she turn 7, and I (age 9) helped my mom come up with a lot of the ideas. Then, instead of just attending the party, I talked my best friend into dressing up as a maid with me and serving the food to the younger girls. It was so much fun! I planned her 13th birthday and made the cake for it as well. She likes to attend parties,but not plan them, so she begged me to host her youth group Christmas party when I was home from college my freshman year. I got to pull off a $200 wedding for a couple at church. That was challenging fun! I should have skipped accounting and become a party planner!

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I think it's more an excuse for a party. I don't particularly like parties, but my DD really likes hosting events that she describes as "birthday parties, but without a birthday kid or presents" for various occasions. So we end up hosting semi-educational co-ops at our house around a specific topic or book, doing crafts/games, and eating snacks. (I almost typed eating snakes-and since the next one is her "Happy New Year of the Snake" themed event, that's appropriate. I figure she's learning SOMETHING by planning this stuff, right?


There are two older teen girls in our homeschool co-op who also really enjoy this sort of thing, and I turned over DD's birthday party to them, plus DD. They came up with some really nice party games and activities. All I had to do was pay the church a rental fee on the room we used and bring a cake ;).

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I was going to say that we have a gender reveal party -- via telephone when we call people and say, "It's a girl/boy!" (Although, if this baby is a girl, we might not even need the phone -- DD's shrieks of delight will probably be able to be heard around the world, LOL.)


I don't see myself throwing a specific party for that reason, but I've also never found out ahead of time, so if I did, I could see doing something creative and fun, though a specific party sounds a bit over the top. But if family was getting together otherwise, I think the cupcakes thing would be kind of fun. (Or the PP who said she might bring colored cupcakes to her teen group -- that sounds so fun!)

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I hadn't heard of them but apparently they are sometimes done around here. I'm past my baby years. :) A friend of a friend did the cupcake thing and I thought it was pretty cute. I didn't get the impression there were any gifts involved. I think of it as just another way to celebrate with others if they want to celebrate.


Why be so negative about it? It's just a party. I've seen much, much truly sillier reasons than the celebration about a baby.

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Our youngest was born this past fall and we didn't have a gender announcement party. However, we did know we were having another daughter before the baby shower so that did play into the theme a bit. Of course pink is my thirteen year old's favorite color so I have a feeling it might have worked it's way into the decor even she had been celebrating the impending arrival of a little brother.

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Why be so negative about it? It's just a party. I've seen much, much truly sillier reasons than the celebration about a baby.


I've noticed a lot of negativity around here lately. I hope it's just 'cause it's February, because grumpiness is wearying to keep up all year.

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What does the Hive think of the trend of "gender-reveal" parties for expectant parents? As in, all the families and friends get together for the announcement of ultrasound results in some creative way, like cupcakes that are pink or blue on the inside.


I didn't know this was a trend until I saw a FB friend post that she had better start planning a gender reveal party for her brother and his wife who have a baby on the way. My first thought is, really? Is this going to become something that everyone thinks they have to do now?


I blame reality tv. And Pinterest.




Sounds like another one of those opportunities for a narcissistic gift grab.

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My BIL/SIL did this for their 2nd baby. It was supposed to be a fun party for the family to celebrate the upcoming baby but it ended up being like a baby shower. I didn't realize everyone would be bringing gifts. Since they already had a baby I figured they had the typical baby stuff and I planned on getting their new baby something gender specific. That was a teeny bit embarrassing. It was a fun party; a great reason to get together with family and celebrate a baby.


I am a bit surprised by the responses here since I recall threads about baby showers for subsequent babies with many posts saying all babies should be celebrated, especially if the OP was having a 2nd baby shower. I agree with that sentiment - babies should be celebrated!

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Kind of ties in with the whole "Everyone must be SO INTERESTED in our lives that they'll be willing to take a whole afternoon to come and be oohed and ahhed about what our baby is!! Because you know our baby is TOO IMPORTANT for us to simply tell people what it is! There must be a big too do!"




Pretty much everyone I know and hang out with, I AM very interested in. I am interested in their lives, and certainly in their babies. And an excuse to hang out, have yummy food, and celebrate a new life coming into the world? Yup, that sounds like fun.


I never understand why people find happy things such a burden.

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I am a bit surprised by the responses here since I recall threads about baby showers for subsequent babies with many posts saying all babies should be celebrated, especially if the OP was having a 2nd baby shower. I agree with that sentiment - babies should be celebrated!


Well, hmm, perhaps the difference is:


-- Totally different people are responding to this thread than responded to any of the previous posts regarding 2nd baby showers. After all, this is a huge discussion board.


-- The posts about 2nd baby showers are often/sometimes in terms of people who have already gotten rid of lots of their baby stuff. Some can't afford to replace things, and are wondering if this is appropriate.


-- The "hey, let's celebrate babies!" seems like it applies to the baby announcements and baby showers. Now we're adding yet another, party number 3, after those 2 with the gender reveal.

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Well, hmm, perhaps the difference is:


-- Totally different people are responding to this thread than responded to any of the previous posts regarding 2nd baby showers. After all, this is a huge discussion board.


-- The posts about 2nd baby showers are often/sometimes in terms of people who have already gotten rid of lots of their baby stuff. Some can't afford to replace things, and are wondering if this is appropriate.


-- The "hey, let's celebrate babies!" seems like it applies to the baby announcements and baby showers. Now we're adding yet another, party number 3, after those 2 with the gender reveal.


The first two are good points, as for the third I guess I don't see what the big deal is but to each his own.

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Well whatever excuse for a party!


I'm not huge on partying, but some people are.



But there's all kinds of parties. Our baby shower for our first was a movie party (Free Enterprise, one of our faves). We figured it would be the last time in ages we'd be able to see a movie made for adults in its entirety in one sitting, so best enjoy it with friends.

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