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Please pray for my daughter--UPDATE


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She is 19 and was taken by ambulance to the hospital when she collapsed during clinicals yesterday. She is in the hospital right now waiting for more tests. All the lab work came back fine yesterday and they were going to process her to be released when her eyes rolled back in her head and she started having severe muscle spasms (she was literally doubled into a fetal position from the spasm). More testing, and close to another release when it happened again! It wasn't as severe this time, but she was admitted for observation and more tests today. It has been a long night.


Please pray that they find out what is wrong and that I am patient with my youngest today (she's 12) who was with me and saw all this happening! Thanks




UPDATE: After a full day of testing (EEG, EKG, echo, cat scan, blood tests) she is severely anemic! The doctor said and more so and we would be talking blood transfusion! So she is getting iron through an IV. Thank everyone for the prayers. My 12yo did great today also.


Oh and she is doing clinicals to become a CNA.

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