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needing prayers and good thoughts


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Without saying too much for privacy, I am asking for prayers and good thoughts. My twin is in the hospital with a possible heart attack. He is headed to the cath lab in the morning. We are under age 40. I live 2000 miles away, and I can't be there. I love him very much. Thank you for interceding.

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:grouphug: Praying for you and your brother.


I know what you are going through. My brother had his first heart attack at 41, his second at 43, and his third at 45, which resulted in a quadruple bypass. I live 1000 miles away, but was able to make the trip to be with him when he had his 1st and the last one. He finally learned that he must live a healthy lifestyle and keep taking his medications. He's doing great now!

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Do you have early heart disease in your family? If your dad had a heart attack early, that is one of the biggest factors in early heart attacks, if drug use isn't involved.


Early heart disease runs in my family. He stopped smoking last year. No drug use. He does have some other health concerns.


Thanks for praying.

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Thank you everyone. We have good news and ???'s


His angiogram came back with no blockage which is wonderful, but we still have no clear diagnosis. They sent him home on meds to treat his symptoms. arrgg! We need to know what's causing his issues. Thanks again. I really appreciate it.

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Thank you everyone. We have good news and ???'s


His angiogram came back with no blockage which is wonderful, but we still have no clear diagnosis. They sent him home on meds to treat his symptoms. arrgg! We need to know what's causing his issues. Thanks again. I really appreciate it.


I'm glad it wasn't a heart attack. :grouphug: I hope you get a diagnosis soon.


It took 3 ER trips for chest pain, a nuclear medicine stress test and about 2 dozen EKG's before the doctors would listen and scan my DH's gallbladder three months ago (he only had mild abdominal tenderness during the attacks). He had a very large single gallstone in the neck of the gallbladder that would move up and occlude the duct, then drop down. While it was blocked he was in agony and ended up with emergency surgery because of concern over rupture. All it took was a simple ultrasound to diagnose. It was a scary time.

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I'm glad it wasn't a heart attack. :grouphug: I hope you get a diagnosis soon.


It took 3 ER trips for chest pain, a nuclear medicine stress test and about 2 dozen EKG's before the doctors would listen and scan my DH's gallbladder three months ago (he only had mild abdominal tenderness during the attacks). He had a very large single gallstone in the neck of the gallbladder that would move up and occlude the duct, then drop down. While it was blocked he was in agony and ended up with emergency surgery because of concern over rupture. All it took was a simple ultrasound to diagnose. It was a scary time.


He had his gallbladder out last year, but I wonder if they left stones in the ducts? Severe reflux needs to ruled out as well. I'm glad your dh is better.

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