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What do you do with Christmas Eve?


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For some reason, I have always felt like Christmas Eve day *must* be industrious. Maybe because we will be in a food coma after the meal for a few days. Anyway, I have gotten an insane amount of stuff done today - made Christmas brunch to put in the oven, decorated the table, fixed several little things that needed fixing, cleaned the basement, vacuumed everywhere... It helps that dh took the kids to hear a Kennedy Center concert earlier to get them out of our hair and is now cuddled with them napping upstairs.


Later this evening, we'll be all devices and screens off, total family focus with way too many traditions to list.


So what do you feel like Christmas Eve day is for?

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Making Christmas cookies -- the butter cookies that take forever to make. I am currently covered with flour, and the kids are cutting out the entire cast of The Hobbit from the dough. Later they will decorate them.


We've done this every Christmas Eve for about 10 years, although past years have had different cookie themes, of course.


This evening we will have other traditions.

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Wrapping gifts

Preparing the sticky buns for tomorrow's breakfast (this takes all day with the rising/rolling times)

Last minute gift shopping

My sons attended a youth group Ultimate Frisbee and lunch event (I wonder if this will become an annual event)

Tonight -- attend Christmas Eve service at church

Decorate the Christmas cookies and watch A Christmas Carol

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It's different for us every year. Sometimes we see family, sometimes we stay home. Probably the thing we've done most often is have Christmas with my husband's side at my IL's. Tonight, we are staying home and I think we'll watch a Christmas movie, have chili, and let DS open one gift, as is our tradition.

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Christmas Eve is historically my Dad's side of the family's time. Today we saw the big extended family (grandparents, cousins, etc.) for lunch and we'll see just my dad/stepmother/siblings at another gathering tonight. We have brunch here tomorrow with my mom and family (DH's family is all out of state or things would be REALLY hectic) and then a friend's house in the afternoon, so it means we really have to plan things out as far as house/food prep and be ready to go with a clean house and food to take to 4 separate gatherings by the 23rd.

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My in-laws visit on Christmas Eve. They usually bring my stepson (they live much closer to his mother than we do), but he is 16 now and actually working today, so we saw him yesterday..... In-laws will still come in the evening, kids will open their gifts, we'll have a massive buffet dinner, the kids will open new jammies, and there are sure to be some family phone calls and a holiday movie.

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Growing up this was our big Christmas event with extended family and celebrating my mom's birthday. Now my little family lives 3 states away from family. Currently, my girls are having a discussion about smacking while my dh sleeps (works nights). This Christmas Eve is rather boring. Hopefully things will pick up this afternoon. We are headed to a new friends house to have Utah style scones. This will be a new experience for us. Merry Christmas!

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Sitting in front of the tv apparently. That's all that happens once MIL gets here.



Oh, I've got those family members. Where turning off the TV is like trying to cut off their oxygen. None here now though, thank goodness.


I hope it's at least Christmas themed TV.

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BAKE!! It is the only day all year where baking is a pleasure because I don't have a hundred other things to do. So far today I have made homemade rolls, a pumpkin pie and homemade crust, chocolate chip cookies, and peanut butter fudge.


I have washed and folded laundry along the way, and the girls and I boxed up the cookies and delivered them to neighbors. Tonight we go to church. Dh has to work late and won't be home until late, so we will only have appetizers to eat, lots of junky snack foods. When he gets home the girls will get to open up their Christmas P.J.s and put them on for pictures in front of the tree, then bed to wait for Santa.


Dh will then have to put out the Christmas gifts from the garage. This is the first minute I have had to sit all day. I am about to start chopping veggies and things for snack trays. But I needed a minute.



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This is my big cooking day. I don't cook at all on Christmas Day. Today I did one last grocery run, we made cookies, I'm currently getting the enchiladas started, and will make the lasagna in a little while. We'll go to church at 4:30, come home and eat, prob watch a movie and then dh is taking the kids back to church for 11:30-12 service. I'm staying home, wrapping and cleaning. Tomorrow will involve no cooking, cleaning or other chores of any kind.

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Christmas gift shopping is now my new tradition for Christmas Eve Morning!


Every store was fully staffed with cheerful employees who tracked down different colors and sizes. I hardly had to move - just walked in with my list. The stores were not very crowded either. I got everything on my list and had time leftover for oldest dd to try on a new outfit which I can now put under the tree for her.


Best part? Free gift wrapping!

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Christmas Eve morning is for last minute shopping like for perishables for Christmas Eve dinner and Christmas Day dinner. We eat sole or flounder on Christmas Eve so I always have to buy it that morning. The rest of Christmas Eve is making food, listening to music, gift wrapping, then dinner, Christmas Eve service and then presents. The last three are in different orders some years depending on when we go to a Christmas Eve service. Our church is having three- a kids one at 4:30, a traditional service at 7pm and a jazz service at 11pm/ We are going to the 7pm one since our daughters are singing in that service. Then the last thing we parents do before going to bed is fill the stockings. In the morning we have undoing the stockings, Christmas breakfast, everyone do it yourself lunch and then finally a Christmas Day feast.

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I get everything done beforehand so that Christmas Eve is a relaxing day. And post-Christmas is cleaning/decluttering week in our house, so I don't feel the need to have everything deep cleaned until the tree is down and out.


I do a few tasks on Christmas Eve: Take my ds to the bakery for his birthday cake, prepare breakfast for Christmas morning, prep a dish or two for Christmas dinner. I've got ingredients for cinnamon rolls measured and sitting out on a tray so I can throw them together later to rise while we're at church. But the house is clean and the laundry done so that I can mostly lounge around in my pj's with the boys. (Dh, otoh, is always rushing around doing last minute Christmas errands. I think he likes the bustle of all the last-minute shoppers.)


The rest of the day is simple. We eat at MIL's so that means no meal to prepare, then we go to 7 p.m. candlelight service at church, then home for family time. Ds12 wants to have a family singalong this year. :) Then we fill the stockings together and eat Santa's cookies, boys go to bed, dh and I finish preparing for the morning.


This is such a busy time of year that I want--crave--simple. So I try to make these couple days as relaxing and easy as possible. :)



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The kids and dh attend an annual Christmas Eve street hockey game at a local park. Every year a different mix of neighborhood/ church kids and dads attend and play. After a few minutes the little guys get bored and wander off to the playground equipment and then the real hockey game begins. Sometimes the moms go and visit or play and sometimes they take the kid-free hours for whatever they want.


Then we make the last minute cookies for Santa. Every year my dd asks Santa what his favorite cookie is and every year he says something different, so we have to make something different.


Dh vowed not to be wrapping at midnight, so he is almost done.


Merry Christmas to the hive.


Amber in SJ

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Cooking, eating Christmas Dinner, then watching the Muppets Christmas Carol. Presents the next morning, then we're done. :)




Rosie, we always watch Muppet Christmas Carol on Christmas Eve. We all look forward to doing that as a family before bed on Christmas Eve.


During the day, we spend it with my family. Christmas Eve has always been a big deal since I was a little girl and it continues. Usually, we all congregate at my brother's around noon and eat, laugh, play games and open presents. This year was shortened as several family members had to work today but we spent the evening there and then came home to watch our movie and put the girls to bed. Tomorrow will be presents here in the morning and then to my MIL's house for the afternoon. A very low-key day.

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We all sleep in and have a late breakfast. My tradition is to bake, finish wrapping, prep things for Christmas dinner, and put a breakfast casserole in the fridge. My husband and daughter's tradition is to do their shopping last minute and brave the madness. My son helps me a bit and does his own thing. In the evening we have a cheese fondue dinner with steaks and a fruit and chocolate fondue dessert. We usually watch a Christmas movie after that.

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Tonight was a gluttony of fish. (Italian Feast of 7 Fishes)



linguini and clams

mussels marinara


crab cakes

flounder--we didn't eve make it to the sole

(baccala is traditional, too, but I'm the only one who likes it)


Normally we then go to mass, but my parents came over tonight because they were headed to my great aunt's tomorrow.


Right before they came I was cleaning the bird cage (that is bigger than I). That will NOT be a new tradition.

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Christmas Eve is when we celebrate Christmas, which is German tradition. My mom tried when we were kids to continue the tradition of keeping the kids out of the room where the tree was for a day or two for a big reveal of tree and gifts on Christmas Eve (like in the Nutcracker, with Clara and Fritz jumping at the door trying to see inside), but our house had the living room as the only place for both tree and living, so it didn't fly. And between my lack of time organization and a kid with a birthday a week before Christmas, I've never been able to pull that off either. When we went to my grandmother's house, she did, though. :)


Anyway, so these days, my parents and brother's family come with us to church at 4pm, then we all head over to our house for supper - cold cuts and sandwiches (I think this also morphed from a traditional German supper), along with a couple of cold salads, then cookies and coffee. Then we all open presents. We also always get dressed up for Christmas Eve - men in suits, women in dressy outfits.


Christmas morning is just stockings, and until this year there was a Santa gift (I added this - growing up, it was just stockings), but now with the kids older and wanting less but bigger items or money, it was just stockings with chocolates and an orange.


We're off to MIL's house this afternoon for dinner, then to my brother's for dessert (my parents will be there too).


When the kids woke us up this morning to go down for stockings, I was feeling so glad the big festivities were over and it was just a low-key morning. I am not a morning person, and the thought of having to be excited about anything that early is exhausting just thinking about it.

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For the past 17 years this is our tradition - candle light church service, then to my BFFs house (when she is out of service), eat pizza, drink wine and have desserts that everyone brings. Then we open stockings there and have a gift exchange with her and her family. On Christmas day, we spend the day with my family.

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