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s/o Slide Thread- No Coats Outside


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Haha, this is funny because I rarely yell or make a big fuss out of coats. But, I will yell to put on a hat. So odd right?? But no, my kids will come back and put more clothing on as needed, even down to carharts. We live in the country though so great grandma is the only one to make a fuss when she comes over ;) If I had neighbors they would probably turn me in for letting them be so free range, lol! It fosters creativity.

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I insist on socks in winter boots and mittens on hands when there is snow on the ground. I've dealt with frostbite from wet hands and it's not fun. But I don't insist on coats. I feel that when my kid is old enough to do up their own jacket, they're usually old enough to decide whether they are cold enough to need it or not. I'll walk across to the barn or to check on the horses in the field at -30 in just a sweater. My dd usually puts a coat on as soon as there's freezing temperatures but my oldest ds will often run across the yard without a coat and play outside in just his sweater, until -10C.


I bow to your fortitude. If its below 50 I have to plan extra layers to be happy outside. My whole family prefers it cooler than I do, but they'll put on coats if it's freezing. I'm sure I would die instantly if I went outside without a coat in negative temps.


You are some sort of super hero!!!

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I bow to your fortitude. If its below 50 I have to plan extra layers to be happy outside. My whole family prefers it cooler than I do, but they'll put on coats if it's freezing. I'm sure I would die instantly if I went outside without a coat in negative temps.


You are some sort of super hero!!!



Yay!!! I don't think I've ever made it to superhero status before!

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I do insist the kids take raincoats if we're going to be more than five minutes from the house and there's a potential for rain (no jokes please... it's not ALL year round), but we have the fold-into-a-pocket kind that are easily carried or tucked into a bag.

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Am I the only horrible parent that let's my children be the judge as to whether or not they have to wear a coat in the cold? If we're going somewhere I make them at least bring a coat, but if my son wants to go play outside without his coat I really feel that it is his decision. If he's cold he'll put on a coat, right?!


Plain responsible parenting 99.94% of the time :)

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My rule is that below 20 degrees you have to wear shoes! I don't know how many times I've seen middle dd out feeding sheep, quite happily, barefoot, in snow. The corollary is that if you get chilblains, you don't get to do gymnastics. Not my problem. The kids have all learned, through trial and error that you don't lick metal fence posts at -25...

I felt bad that mine will run out when it is freezing without shoes :)

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I took my kids to the eye doctor in September. Normally, it is warm. The day before had been hot! The temp dropped overnight. It was in the 40s, not bad. I told the kids to get coats. Dd listened, DS did not. We arrive at the office and he was in shorts and a t-shirt, no jacket. I had to get the stroller, one month old, diaper bag, and 4 year old out. He jumped put of the car first, instead of waiting, and immediately started to complain of being cold! I said "Tough, next time you will listen." Some kid getting put of the car with his dad overheard the conversation. He told me I should have brought a coat for my kid. The dad immediately grabbed his son and rushed him off....my son.now keeps a coat in the car and asked my opinion on what he should wear or asks for a weather report :) lesson learned.

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I think this depends on your child's age, the climate where you live, and what else they are wearing.


My son is 4 and chooses what he wears each day. If he decides to wear a short sleeved shirt in winter then yes I am insisting that he wear a fleece hoodie or warm jacket (and probably hat) when he goes outside (we live in Canada). If he runs around and gets too hot then he can choose to remove the outerwear.


When he is older it will be up to him to judge what clothing is needed.


It does bug me when I pass by the nearby elementary school and see almost no child ever wearing a coat when playing outside unless it is snowing (and often not even then).


My ds is never cold. And I mean never! He would wear shorts, a t-shirt, and crocs every day if I would let him! I rarely force him to wear a coat (only if it is REALLY cold outside). However, I have started making him take a jacket to school. Honestly, I hated for my kid to be the only one without a coat for recess and I don't want to look bad to the teachers. How's that for blunt honesty???

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My rule for DD11 is that she has to have her coat in the car (in case of an emergency breakdown) but she doesn't have to wear it.


She is a hot kid too. She will out skiing at -10F with just a wool sweater, cap, and gloves and a light wind breaker. Any more layers and she melts.


Once my kids got to about 6 or 7yo, they made their own coat choices, though they had to have a set along in the car always.

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I took my kids to the eye doctor in September. Normally, it is warm. The day before had been hot! The temp dropped overnight. It was in the 40s, not bad. I told the kids to get coats. Dd listened, DS did not. We arrive at the office and he was in shorts and a t-shirt, no jacket. I had to get the stroller, one month old, diaper bag, and 4 year old out. He jumped put of the car first, instead of waiting, and immediately started to complain of being cold! I said "Tough, next time you will listen." Some kid getting put of the car with his dad overheard the conversation. He told me I should have brought a coat for my kid. The dad immediately grabbed his son and rushed him off....my son.now keeps a coat in the car and asked my opinion on what he should wear or asks for a weather report :) lesson learned.

When DS wore shorts, t-shirt and flip flops to his bro's hockey games a few weeks in a row, one mom told me,"no child of mine would come to a hockey game dressed like that!" I told her,


"That's why God sent him to me!"


She laughed.


What is wrong with some people? Why do they offer up advice that we don't ask for? Gah!

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I usually let my kids decide. Mostly because I wear shorts and not coat almost all year (in Pennsylvania) and I am comfortable! :tongue_smilie:


I do, however, gently encourage DD7 on appropriate clothing level because with her sensory issues she wears a tank-top dress and crocks.... even if it is 5 degrees out....and does not seem to feel the cold!

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When my kids were little, little old ladies in my neighborhood would stop me to tell me to put coats on my children. I thought it was pretty funny.


I learned as a mom very early on to pick your battles. My kids survived childhood without coats many a day. If they are cold they always managed to put a coat on.

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Am I the only horrible parent that let's my children be the judge as to whether or not they have to wear a coat in the cold? If we're going somewhere I make them at least bring a coat, but if my son wants to go play outside without his coat I really feel that it is his decision. If he's cold he'll put on a coat, right?!


Apparently, I'm in the minority because now 3 different parents have yelled at my child to go back in the house and get a coat on. After the same parent yelled at my child for the 3rd time last night I told her that I was perfectly capable of yelling at my own child if I felt that it was something worthy of yelling at. ;)


The kicker? We're from a northerner state, and so what they consider cold here isn't too cold to us. All of the parents are worried that he's going to get a cold from not having his coat on. I thought that was an old wives' tale?



It's similar here for us too. It's not as cold as other think since we too come from a colder climate. I make them take jackets with them and if they take them off no biggie. I am mom and parent so my call. I did have an issue when my DD was 6 and in school. It was snowing outside and she forget to take her coat with her to lunch. The teacher said she and her friend could not go get their coats and they were outside huddled against the door waiting to go in. I was not happy and let it be known. Their reasoning was they should have remembered to grabbed their coats and I was like they are 6. They still need to be reminded. Thankfully here no one has yelled at my kids but have heard the, that kid should have a coat on.

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You know, the social worker was just here visiting the little girls (adoption not final yet) and she was getting on my boys (ages 8 & 9) for being outside barefoot. It's 50 degrees out, the sun is shining. They go barefoot year round.i figure, if I make adequate clothing available, I am doing my part. At their age I should not have to nag them about what to wear outside. If they are uncomfortable, they can do something about it.

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I don't even say anything to my kids, if I think it's going to be cold I'll grab one for them and keep it in the car. They can choose to wear it or not, but I get the credit for being a weather forecasting genius!


Actually, I do sometimes say something to DD, she'd rather wear the pretty dress than look out the window and consider dressing practically!

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We make them bring one if we're going somewhere, but if it's above 40, I can all but guarantee all of them are out playing in short sleeves, no coat.


I insist on socks because otherwise their feet stink up their shoes.

We do, too. This morning, I came in to hearing my husband saying "take off those socks. If I see them again, I'm burning them." Apparently, we now need to work on wearing *clean* socks.

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I do push the issue in certain circumstances. Sometimes we will be outside all day and I don't want to lug my kids' coats around. They often "think" it is not cold when they first get out and then quickly find they are freezing to death. As my son has gotten older, I've told him he doesn't have to wear the coat, but he does have to carry it (if we're out on a field trip or something). He always winds up putting it on after about 15 minutes because he's cold. I'm sure there are other children that are better judges of whether they need a coat or not. If mine were like that, I wouldn't require coats.

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My daughter's OT told me to let dd make the decision about coat, socks, etc., and let her go without said items and suffer natural consequences. This was in response to the issue of dd refusing to focus on getting ready in the mornings. So there's a professional opinion for you!


At dance they make the kids put on a sweater before leaving class because they say it's not healthy for the kids to go directly into the cold after getting heated up in class.

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I never make them wear a coat. I will take coats if we are going to be out all day and I know the weather is going to change or I think they will regret not having one. I don’t typically make my 3 year old wear one but I will encourage her more strongly than I do the boys.

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My daughter's OT told me to let dd make the decision about coat, socks, etc., and let her go without said items and suffer natural consequences. This was in response to the issue of dd refusing to focus on getting ready in the mornings. So there's a professional opinion for you!


At dance they make the kids put on a sweater before leaving class because they say it's not healthy for the kids to go directly into the cold after getting heated up in class.


I'm sure your muscles should cool down more gradually, to avoid stiffening up, and there's probably something about your body being chilled when it's in the process of trying to cool your core... Not that it causes illness, but I'm sure that probably does stress the body.

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Mine are all older, so obviously, they can choose on their own.


But I know that my personal thermostat runs hotter than most people's. I am in shorts when everybody around me is wearing jeans and jackets and I'm usually still hot.


My youngest and oldest tend to get cold pretty easily. My middle dd doesn't seem to notice heat or cold.

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