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Bad side s/o. What are you good at?


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- I own a single pair of sneakers that are uncomfortable and years old because i smoke and don't feel right spending anymore money on myself.


- I cook at least twice each day and can't use very many pre packaged foods.


- I may judge the stereotyped food stamp users around here, but i keep it to myself while i give them a ride and/or babysit their kid and feed them a decent meal. And i keep the decent meal to myself by only saying what the kiddo ate, but not going into specifics.


-My kids have the cleanest darn beds ever! Ds's sheets are washed at least twice weekly and dd's at least once. (I'm not perfect! Lol. Ds wets and dd has allergies).


- We may get started later than I'd like some days, but for several weeks the kids have completed school work 7 days each week.


- Ds has gone to bed before 8 all his life. On the rare occasion he's up "late" he tells me he doesn't want to do it again.


- I have finally discovered a workable routine for cleaning, school work, and "me time."

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My house is always clean!


I suspect my family might list that under "bad side" though.


I can pick up languages very easily, something I didn't discover until in my 20s and living overseas. That is awfully handy! I don't know why, really, I'm hardly a genius, but the ease with which I learn languages downright awesome. Dh calls me rain man.

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I am highly organized, almost to the point of OCD. My house is always clean, school is always done on schedule, and things rarely catch me off guard or unprepared. My kids may consider this a bad quality, though!


I cook from scratch almost every night (but this is a spin-off from a bad quality -- I'm too cheap to eat out)


I can write, type and think fast while making very few errors. This allows me to work as a full-time self-employed writer and bring in the bulk of our income, but I only have to work about four hours a day to do it.

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Oh I am awesome at naps too!

I garden/can/cook a lot more than most. I enjoy it and am pretty good at it.

I am good at taking care of the farm when DH is working hours that keep him away.

I'm also good at knitting and can make almost anything I want (when I have the time).

I'm also one of the best procrastinators I know...

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I find untying knots and untangling yarn relaxing.


I could go pro as a nap-taker, I'm that good at it.


I can come up with songs for most occasions.


I'm pretty good at keeping my mouth shut.


Although I rarely put stuff away, I have an amazing memory for where things have been left.

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knitting - I started when dd was a baby and it just clicked with me. I've had people at yarn shops stop to watch me knit....it's fast and I hold my yarn unlike anyone I've met.


putting bookcases together - a good skill to have, considering the number of books in this house. :)


changing strings/balancing bridges on double-locking trem systems - have I lost you yet? ;) It's a guitar thing. They look like this: 300px-IbanezEdge.jpg

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Keeping my mouth shut when I want to whack-a-mole someone. ;)


Can you teach me???


I have been trying to learn this and only recently have moved up to Level 2 - thinking before speaking on a contingency basis.


Keeping mouth shut entirely is Level 10, I think.




I have been told I am a good teacher by more than one person so I'll go with that.

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Can you teach me???


I have been trying to learn this and only recently have moved up to Level 2 - thinking before speaking on a contingency basis.


Keeping mouth shut entirely is Level 10, I think.




I have been told I am a good teacher by more than one person so I'll go with that.




It is a process. Sometimes it is just easier as you know no matter what you say, others will want to argue or pounce on you.


In the same manner I have learned to mostly not allow bad behaviors of others to dictate how I feel or react.


I don't do either with 100% accuracy but I try.. ;)

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I'm very good at at my job.


I've always been able to take care of myself and my family, come hell or high water. I'm very resourceful that way.


I'm the best I know at Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune. I once guessed "Larry Hagman" correctly on the latter with only the "m". :-)


I have an excellent sense of humor and wit. I often use humor to diffuse escalated situations.


And my baby girl just said I'm a very good mom. :001_wub:

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I am pretty good at art, for an amateur with no training. I can draw a little, paint a little, if I sit down and work at it. I don't often, but I like it when I do :)


I am pretty determined and can learn most things if I decide to.


Patience, well, it comes and it goes. It is an ongoing goal of mine, something I am always stiving for.

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I'm good at organizing once I get time to do it.


I'm also great at rationalizing my shortcomings - to myself.


I can go on bustass work marathons and get a week's worth of work out in one night. Good thing, because I'm also an exceptional procrastinator the rest of the time.


I buy mostly organic food, no pop / alcohol / tobacco / drugs, usually opt for the most natural vs. chemical solutions to problems. I do a fairly decent job of keeping my little family healthy.


I am a very good sleeper. If only sleeping were an Olympic sport, I would probably be famous.


I'm a very simple person and would be very frugal if it were only me I had to buy for. My biggest personal expense is travel; I've toured in about 10-12 countries so far, on 4 continents. If you look at the photos, you'll see me wearing the same low-budget windbreaker on each trip, LOL. That jacket is about 20 years old now and still going strong. Thanks, Mom!


I enjoy cleaning and love doing laundry. I almost never have those lurking piles of laundry that others frequently confess. My house still isn't that clean because I don't have enough time to clean it, even though I would like to. I also like doing outdoor work if only I could get the time.


I treat charity / volunteerism as a high priority in my life. I founded a charity and am active on its board and as a contributor. I've been on as many as 5 nonprofit boards at a given time. I've tutored dozens of struggling readers through volunteer organizations. I used to lead a lot of corporate volunteer efforts at my last job.


I'm pretty good at fixing things and putting things together.


I help my extended family out a lot. And I truly feel good about it.


I have a good memory. Like someone else mentioned, I'm pretty good at learning languages. (Not quite RainMan, though.) I can also play the piano well enough to entertain myself. Drawing is another secret and rarely tapped talent I have.


I enjoy reading challenging classic literature, including that written in languages other than English. I've read the holy books of the major world religions, most partly in their original languages.


I completed 21 years of school including 2 graduate degrees at age 25. I added 2 professional licenses soon thereafter. On top of that I've clocked more hours of work than many do in their entire career, though I will not be eligible to retire on SS for another 21 years. I hate to think of how much I've paid in taxes so far. I'm debt free and have some savings for my kids' education.


Physically, I'm exceptionally strong for a woman, though I've never done any organized athletics. The arthritis is starting to catch up with me, though.


Animals like me. I'm not sure why.


Despite not meeting some people's requirements on a line-by-line basis, I think I'm a pretty good mom.

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I am a fierce advocate for my boys. I was told by a local autism 'expert' that I had assembled an 'impressive treatment team' for my guys.


I am an expert on random music trivia. DH says if Name That Tune was still on TV I'd make a fortune.


I can learn about any subject I want to in a very short amount of time.


I am a good reader.


I hug and kiss my boys a lot because I wasn't as a child. They say I'm good at it.


I am a very good school planner.

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