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Favorite Paula Deen recipes?


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What are your favorite Paula Deen recipes? Not including seafood (I don't like it- sorry!)


Any other types- main dishes, sides, desserts...there are so many to choose from on the internet and I have a few of her books. It's hard to figure out which ones to choose next! It's a dilemma!

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Seriously Bill,


We live in a free country. She is from the South. She is showing Southern recipes. We watch her all the time. If you don't like her, you don't have to watch her. She's no more of a menace than Anthony Bordain and his smoking and terrible language.


OP, the gooey butter cake looks divine!

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Seriously Bill,


We live in a free country. She is from the South. She is showing Southern recipes. We watch her all the time. If you don't like her, you don't have to watch her. She's no more of a menace than Anthony Bordain and his smoking and terrible language.


OP, the gooey butter cake looks divine!


I dare you to Google "Obesity Rates by State" and look at the image maps.


It looks like a thermonuclear device hit Mississippi and left a trail of destruction radiating through the South. Same with Type II Diabetes.


36% obesity rate (not overweight, but obese) in Mississippi now, with projections it will be in the mid-60s by 2030.


Deep-fried twinkies (et al) are a bigger threat to this nation than al Qaeda.




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My point is that as Americans we are free to choose our own way. I don't care if someone eats twinkies all day and never exercises, or they eat only raw foods and run marathons. We have the right to do what we want without other people judging our choice. I would guess that the majority of her viewers know about moderation. I for one have no desire to live in a Nanny society where someone else thinks they know what is best for me. My grandpa ate a southern diet his whole life, and he lived to be in his 90's. He ate ice cream everyday. So much of the type 2 diabetes rise has to do with genetics and or lack of exercise. It isn't just diet. My guess is that you are not from the South. I am! When people criticize the culture I come from, I will get defensive.

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I seriously can't stand Paula Deen but this recipe looks so yummy. I'm going to show it to my kids and see if they would eat it (they are strange about what they like/don't like).


My grandfather ate red meat and drank whiskey 7 days a week and lived to be 90 (and in amazingly good health till nearly the end).

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I make her Sweet Potato Bake every year for Thanksgiving. I also love her Spinach and Artichoke Dip that I usually bring for get-togethers. Both recipes are from her Lady and Sons cookbook. Her cooking reminds me so much of my grandmother. She was from the low country of South Carolina and passed away last year at the age of 91.

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My point is that as Americans we are free to choose our own way. I don't care if someone eats twinkies all day and never exercises, or they eat only raw foods and run marathons. We have the right to do what we want without other people judging our choice. I would guess that the majority of her viewers know about moderation. I for one have no desire to live in a Nanny society where someone else thinks they know what is best for me. My grandpa ate a southern diet his whole life, and he lived to be in his 90's. He ate ice cream everyday. So much of the type 2 diabetes rise has to do with genetics and or lack of exercise. It isn't just diet. My guess is that you are not from the South. I am! When people criticize the culture I come from, I will get defensive.


It is not "defending" anyone to not recognize the diet promulgated by Paula Deen is suicide-by-food-choice. It is manifestly unhealthful and a threat to public health.



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Does this woman have any recipes that don't promote heart-disease, obesity, and diabetes?


She's a menace to public health.




Holy Generalizations, Batman!


What does any recipe 'promote?' Recipes don't have agendas. I think I'm healthier than most people half my age. I dance at least 8 hours a week and am lucky enough to naturally prefer healthy foods. However, the dish I took to my dance troupe's Christmas party on Saturday was Paula Deen's Not Yo Mama's Banana Pudding. It's so rich you can only eat a little bit, but it's a crowd pleaser and a well-deserved treat.


I'm more satisfied by a small amount of rich, creamy, fatty goodness than by a whole plateful of a lighter, 'smarter' dessert.

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It is not "defending" anyone to not recognize the diet promulgated by Paula Deen is suicide-by-food-choice. It is manifestly unhealthful and a threat to public health.




Do you really believe that ANYONE who publishes a cookbook expects people to cook with only those recipes every day?

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Do you really believe that ANYONE who publishes a cookbook expects people to cook with only those recipes every day?


I think an ethical cookbook author would publish a variety of nutritious recipes that people could eat day in and day out that would promote their heath and well-being. Publishing manifestly unhealthful cookbooks makes one a merchant of death.



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I just made an adapted version of her caramel apple cheesecake bars for Thanksgiving



They were fabulous, but very rich. Definitely a special-occasion kind of dessert. I think I'd halve it and make just a 9x9 next time because a 9 x 13 was too much.

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Love me some Paula Deen around here, but only on special occasions like other pps have mentioned.


Smothered Porkchops (this one is not bad for you)


Cream Biscuits (only two ingredients and no butter or shortening)


Symphony Brownies (the best brownies EVER!)


Black and Blue Cobbler (this is Paula's base cobbler recipes but I switched the fruit from peaches to blueberries and blackberries)

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Holy cow. I enjoy baking, but I'm not huge into sweets.


I told K and A today I want to bake lots of cookies, but who will eat them all?! A said, "Mom, I will eat anything sweet for you, you don't have to worry, I can help you with this problem." LOL



:lol: How nice of them.

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I dare you to Google "Obesity Rates by State" and look at the image maps.


It looks like a thermonuclear device hit Mississippi and left a trail of destruction radiating through the South. Same with Type II Diabetes.


36% obesity rate (not overweight, but obese) in Mississippi now, with projections it will be in the mid-60s by 2030.


Deep-fried twinkies (et al) are a bigger threat to this nation than al Qaeda.





Well, we should just let all those southerners die off and let the healthy Californian liberals take over! They can spread their enlightenment all over the country. Oh snap, I totally forgot about ObamaCare....well that does ruin the plan. And come to think of it, liberals don't seem to reproduce nearly as much as everyone else. This is going to be much harder than I thought. Darwin, you so crazy!

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Well, we should just let all those southerners die off and let the healthy Californian liberals take over! They can spread their enlightenment all over the country. Oh snap, I totally forgot about ObamaCare....well that does ruin the plan. And come to think of it, liberals don't seem to reproduce nearly as much as everyone else. This is going to be much harder than I thought. Darwin, you so crazy!


If you dare, take a look at the "life expectancy" maps of the Unites States. It is the same overlay as the obesity and Type II diabetes maps. Absolute devistation in the South.


It is not like this sort of "diet" doesn't have serious consequences.



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If you dare, take a look at the "life expectancy" maps of the Unites States. It is the same overlay as the obesity and Type II diabetes maps. Absolute devistation in the South.


It is not like this sort of "diet" doesn't have serious consequences.




You're such an agreeable guy.

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They are divine.


I'll shave a few of my life expectancy if it means eating good food AND staying skinny. :rolleyes:


It is more than "a few" years. And it is not just about life expectancy, it is also about quality of life. One can eat very delicious food that sustains life.



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I think an ethical cookbook author would publish a variety of nutritious recipes that people could eat day in and day out that would promote their heath and well-being. Publishing manifestly unhealthful cookbooks makes one a merchant of death.




Soooo, it's unethical to publish a cookbook on a single topic like desserts or breads?

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Guest inoubliable

Just had an image of Paula Deen dressed as the Grim Reaper, scythe in one hand, a plate of Gooey Butter Cakes in the other.


I want this on a tshirt. Someone make that happen?


I can't stand the woman. Her recipes make my arteries clog and harden just thinking about them, and they don't even seem tasty! JMO. Plus, I met her a while back when she came through a town to promote a..Virginia ham product. Her accent is nothing like how she speaks on TV or for reporters. That annoyed me.

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I want this on a tshirt. Someone make that happen?


I can't stand the woman. Her recipes make my arteries clog and harden just thinking about them, and they don't even seem tasty! JMO. Plus, I met her a while back when she came through a town to promote a..Virginia ham product. Her accent is nothing like how she speaks on TV or for reporters. That annoyed me.


Interesting. I've long thought that her accent sounded "put-on". Actually her whole persona, right down to her insanely-unhealthy recipes seem that way.

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Guest inoubliable

Interesting. I've long thought that her accent sounded "put-on". Actually her whole persona, right down to her insanely-unhealthy recipes seem that way.

She was incredibly fake-sweet when she was there. And her accent was waaaay less thick, until her "people" told it was time to roll. So...yeah. She sorta disgusts me just like her food. LOL.

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Wow! Lots of replies!


I have to say, I don't really care about the health food aspect of Paula's cooking, I think her foods are meant to be eaten sparingly. I will make one of her recipes once or twice a month, from organic food- I don't think I'm going to help give my family diabetes or heart disease from one or two meals a month. I think a better way to get sick is to eat non-organic, pesticide and GMO laden foods!!


I think some of the recipes sound fabulous! The French toast and pork chops are right up my alley, and if I would make the Krispy Kreme donut pudding, hubby would be delighted. He's NOT going to get the KK pudding, by the way! Talk about a heart attack on a plate!


I made her 5 layer bars (aka Hello Dolly Bars) this weekend as a test for Christmas goodies to give out. They were DIVINE! I only ate about an eighth of a cup of the fallen-apart bars, and couldn't eat any more because of the richness. I don't care if she's fake or her accent is too much, the woman can cook!!


Can't wait to try out more recipes! Thanks everyone!

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Guest inoubliable

I laughed so hard at this. My family made me stop reading the comments aloud. They didn't share my enthusiasm. ðŸ‘



"I subbed in carrots and this came out great. I take on every recipe as a personal challenge."

That one had me laughing so hard, it was really just me snorting over and over again.

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