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Found a great house except....

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the master bedroom sort of sucks. It is only 11x11 which is much smaller then our current bedroom and I want to buy a bigger bed. All of our current bedroom furniture wouldn't fit and the closet pretty much sucks too. It is the only bedroom with a bathroom which is why it is the master. So, today I have to decide if we deal with it or pass on an otherwise pretty good (not perfect but cheap enough that that is okay) house.

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the master bedroom sort of sucks. It is only 11x11 which is much smaller then our current bedroom and I want to buy a bigger bed. All of our current bedroom furniture wouldn't fit and the closet pretty much sucks too. It is the only bedroom with a bathroom which is why it is the master. So, today I have to decide if we deal with it or pass on an otherwise pretty good (not perfect but cheap enough that that is okay) house.


That's tough.


1. Can you expand room in the future?

2. If not, would you be satisfied to call that your home?

3. Or, would you rather keep shopping around?

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That's tough.


1. Can you expand room in the future?

2. If not, would you be satisfied to call that your home?

3. Or, would you rather keep shopping around?


These are questions I'm working on today. We might be able to expand it but it would turn a 4 bedroom into a 3 bedroom. We could build out on the other side, above the garage (I assume that would be expensive). It is a nice house in a nice area with a low price..so tempting except for the bedroom.

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Is there another room that is larger? When we lived in Southern California, we didn't have a "master bathroom." We all shared. It was an older house, before a master bath was the norm. We were fine with it.


I would be fine with not having a master bath again if it meant a bigger room.



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I would keep looking. This house doesn't sound like a good fit.


Except for the bedroom, it is pretty good. See how I'm going in circles?!?


-well lit front room with hardwood floors

-family room off the kitchen

-remodeled (but small) kitchen

-decent sized, fenced yard

-basement rec room

-extra room in the basement (school room??)

-nice neighborhood

-$20K cheaper then the other houses we looked at

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Except for the bedroom, it is pretty good. See how I'm going in circles?!?


-well lit front room with hardwood floors

-family room off the kitchen

-remodeled (but small) kitchen

-decent sized, fenced yard

-basement rec room

-extra room in the basement (school room??)

-nice neighborhood

-$20K cheaper then the other houses we looked at


Hey, you're talking me into it!:lol: My view is clouded by just struggling to rearrange master bedroom furniture and not having enough room. We have a king sized bed with a large frame, and that is our issue. I say you move the master bedroom to the basement rec room! :D


Also, we have looked into adding onto our house to accommodate an elderly relative. We ended up not doing it, but the contractors we spoke to said that it is easier and cheaper to build an entirely separate structure than to add on to an existing one. Food for thought...

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A small master wouldn't be a deal-breaker for me. After all, you're unconscious ninety percent of the time you're in there. ;) I'd be much more concerned about the living area and the kitchen. From everything else you've told us about the house, I think it sounds wonderful!

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A small master wouldn't be a deal-breaker for me. After all, you're unconscious ninety percent of the time you're in there. ;) I'd be much more concerned about the living area and the kitchen. From everything else you've told us about the house, I think it sounds wonderful!




We've been in our house for just over a year. Our bedroom is small, we couldn't get our dresser up the spiral staircase and had to downgrade to a smaller one, and we share a bathroom with our 12-year-old daughter.


But the kitchen is great, and the office (where I spend most of my time) is fantastic.:iagree:


There are things I would change about the house, but the bedroom honestly isn't one of them. All I do in it is sleep. How much space do I need?

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I think it's easier to buy new furniture for a house than to buy a house to fit the furniture.


If you have heirloom furniture ignore the above. Otherwise could a shopping trip to a furniture store make a big difference?


The sucky closet makes me leary. I love a great closet.

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If you get over bed shelves instead of night stands, that will free up a lot of room. I would go to IKEA and the container store and look at options to go vertical and free up room in the bedroom.


We have moved 8 times in the last 10 years. Small master bedrooms have not been a problem with creative furniture arrangement.

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I would snap it up ;) But we currently have a 10x11 bedroom with a king size bed. Yeah, it's snug...but the only time spent in there is when we are in bed! Our last house had a huge (to us) master bedroom, and we didn't live in it a bit differently than we do in this tiny one.


I like are tiny bedroom (most of the time). It's even smaller than 10X11. We have two double beds in it. We use to have a King, but even without a bed frame we couldn't position the bed in anyway that would let us open and close the doors. (One to the hall, one to the roof - it use to be a patio but the previous owners removed the patio part so now it's just a door to a roof)


Mind you I know dh, I know myself. We don't keep out room clean. So with less than a square meter of floor space even if we let the room get really really messy it's easy to clean quickly.


And our closet is a joke. A total joke with it's size. I have never seen a smaller one with the exception of a broom closet.


Sorry, I posted before getting to my point. If you enjoy spending time in your room then I would wait for a better house.

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How much time do you spend in your bedroom? If it is just for sleeping, then all you need is a larger bed, and you don't need as much furniture. If you use it as a relaxation space or office, then can you have this space in another room in the house? I actually prefer our master bedroom to be very small--a cozy little room where a large bed fits, and a couple of dressers.

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The thing that worries me most isn't the size of the bedroom. It's your comment that it's "cheap enough that it's OK."


It sounds like you're trying to talk yourself into buying a house that you don't really want. OK, so maybe it's a bargain price for the neighborhood, but that's not a good enough reason to buy a home. You'll be living there for years to come, and if you don't love it (or at least like it a lot) when you buy it, you will never be happy there.


If you said, "Should we rent this house?" I would have said to go for it, but I wouldn't purchase a home that you're not excited about. The "bargain" price may not be anything to consider, anyway, because for all you know, the house could be worth a lot less in 6 months or a year. The housing market isn't exactly stable right now. If you said it was your dream house, I'd say you should buy it because you love it and even if the price drops a bit, you won't feel too badly about it, but if you don't love it, please don't settle.

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These are questions I'm working on today. We might be able to expand it but it would turn a 4 bedroom into a 3 bedroom. We could build out on the other side, above the garage (I assume that would be expensive). It is a nice house in a nice area with a low price..so tempting except for the bedroom.


This is what my siste/bil did. Don't remember if it was over the garage, patio or what, but they are so glad they did. They have a huge br suite now! You may want to consider the cost to help decide. Can you call for a quote?

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The thing that worries me most isn't the size of the bedroom. It's your comment that it's "cheap enough that it's OK."


It sounds like you're trying to talk yourself into buying a house that you don't really want. OK, so maybe it's a bargain price for the neighborhood, but that's not a good enough reason to buy a home. You'll be living there for years to come, and if you don't love it (or at least like it a lot) when you buy it, you will never be happy there.


If you said, "Should we rent this house?" I would have said to go for it, but I wouldn't purchase a home that you're not excited about. The "bargain" price may not be anything to consider, anyway, because for all you know, the house could be worth a lot less in 6 months or a year. The housing market isn't exactly stable right now. If you said it was your dream house, I'd say you should buy it because you love it and even if the price drops a bit, you won't feel too badly about it, but if you don't love it, please don't settle.



Everything she said! Buying a house is a LOT of money and it being "okay" doesn't sound like something I'd want to drop a load of money on. I'd rather wait until I found something that I loved or at least really, really, really liked before spending that much. It's too much of an investment for it to be "okay." You should also think of resale value. You may plan on being there for the rest of your life, but you never know, and if you need to sell it, do you think it will be easy to find someone who won't mind an 11x11 master bedroom? That might make it difficult to sell if you need to.

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Responding to some comments--


The master bedroom furniture is heirloom, we love it and it is really the only furniture we own that has any value. Our home is done in early-Target :lol:.


When we made the list of what we want in a house, a bedroom that is bigger then what we have now was high on the list. We hang out in our room to hide from the kids!


On the issue of the house just being "okay"--I'm trying to accept that the house I would love doesn't exist in our price range. This is the biggest, nicest house we have looked at and it is on the low side of our price range. I can't discount that fact. The house has everything else on our list of wants to some degree. It isn't perfect but I really don't think that the perfect house is out there.


House value--does a 3 bedroom with an awesome master bedroom, bathroom and closet have more or less value then a 4 bedroom?? I need to consult some experts and see if there is even a way to combind two of the rooms (bathroom locations might make it difficult). If we can do that without spending a fortune, we might go for it.


There is also the not small issue of selling the home we currently own :001_huh::001_huh::001_huh:.

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House value--does a 3 bedroom with an awesome master bedroom, bathroom and closet have more or less value then a 4 bedroom?? I need to consult some experts and see if there is even a way to combind two of the rooms (bathroom locations might make it difficult). If we can do that without spending a fortune, we might go for it.


FWIW, I don't think it's an issue, because with five kids, you need as many bedrooms as you can get! I wouldn't even think about taking another bedroom for myself in your situation.


Honestly, I think the house you're considering may not have enough bedrooms for your family. Are you planning to have any more kids in the future? If you are, be sure the house you buy can accommodate everyone comfortably.

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House value--does a 3 bedroom with an awesome master bedroom, bathroom and closet have more or less value then a 4 bedroom?? I need to consult some experts and see if there is even a way to combind two of the rooms (bathroom locations might make it difficult). If we can do that without spending a fortune, we might go for it.


I noticed that you have 4 children. Where would they sleep if took away one of their bedrooms? I guess two in each room, but what if you have more children?

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We have a tiny master bedroom. With a super tiny closet. I have really learned to keep my wardrobe to a minimum. I would rather sacrifice master bedroom space than kitchen or living area or even kid bedroom space. All I do in my room is sleep and read in bed. I didn't like it when we first moved into the house, but it doesn't bother me at all now.


So, I would still highly consider the house.

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Responding to some comments--


The master bedroom furniture is heirloom, we love it and it is really the only furniture we own that has any value. Our home is done in early-Target :lol:.


When we made the list of what we want in a house, a bedroom that is bigger then what we have now was high on the list. We hang out in our room to hide from the kids!



See, this is why I just could not talk myself into this house and be happy in the long run. If you have furniture you like and don't want to replace, then you'll be very disappointed if it doesn't fit into the new bedroom. Also, if you need space to get away from the kids now and then, I would think the lack of this ability would begin to wear on everyone very quickly.


We used to live in a very open house and I was THRILLED the day we moved out and into an older home with (gasp) doors. I need my space and quiet time.

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Are you attached to the bedroom furniture? Would it work if you put a wall of cabinets in, and had drawers under your bed? And used small dressers for night stands? (This is coming from someone who doesn't like her bedroom furniture anyway, and has lived in places where the perfect house didn't exist).

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There is a 5th bedroom in the basement but I was thinking of using that as a school room. There is also a rec room in the basement so all the toys will be down there--all the need are beds and dressers in their rooms.


Again, this is the largest home we have seen in our price range.

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We have a teeny-tiny bedroom and I actually love it! Ours is probably smaller than 10x10. We have a queen bed in there and we each have either a side table or that small wooden shelving alongside the bed. That's it. You have to walk sideways to get past the end of the bed, LOL. I have my clothes (the ones I wear most) on hooks on the wall along the side of my bed with my smaller socks/underthings (ideally) in a basket under the shelving.


The two things that make this work for us: there's an attached toilet/sink next to this room and there's a larger closet out the door the other way for the rest of our clothes (I hardly ever use it; I don't have a ton of clothes). Another plus is that it's at the far end the house away from the other bedrooms so it's very, very quiet.


I love that it's cozy and comfy being the size it is. I love that it's small to keep clean.

Edited by milovaný
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My bedroom is 11x11 and I find it plenty big. My closet is laughable. I have a bookshelf and 3 dressers in here along with a queen sized bed (clothing for 4 since we took the dressers out of the twins' room due to the climbing hazard). DD's bedroom is 9x10 with an even smaller closet, and it still fits 2 bookshelves, a queen bed, an end table and a large dresser.


Also, how big are the other bedrooms? How about taking a bedroom without an ensuite bath to get more space? We use the hall bathroom (only bathroom upstairs) and it's fine.


That said we are "bedrooms are for sleeping" people, so we don't feel the need for spreading out space. I prefer more space in the living areas and less in the bedrooms. Some people like it the other way around.

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My bedroom is 11x11 and I find it plenty big. My closet is laughable. I have a bookshelf and 3 dressers in here along with a queen sized bed (clothing for 4 since we took the dressers out of the twins' room due to the climbing hazard). DD's bedroom is 9x10 with an even smaller closet, and it still fits 2 bookshelves, a queen bed, an end table and a large dresser.


Also, how big are the other bedrooms? How about taking a bedroom without an ensuite bath to get more space? We use the hall bathroom (only bathroom upstairs) and it's fine.


That said we are "bedrooms are for sleeping" people, so we don't feel the need for spreading out space. I prefer more space in the living areas and less in the bedrooms. Some people like it the other way around.


It might be worth the OP's time to measure out the furniture and see if it wouldn't fit after all. Just standing in a bedroom and trying to imagine the furniture fitting can be deceptive.

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It might be worth the OP's time to measure out the furniture and see if it wouldn't fit after all. Just standing in a bedroom and trying to imagine the furniture fitting can be deceptive.


That's an excellent suggestion! I know I'm always 100% sure something will (or won't) fit in a particular room... and then I measure it and usually discover that I was wrong. :blush:


Also, can any of the bedroom furniture be used in a different room if it doesn't fit in the master bedroom? Sometimes a vanity can double as a desk or as a table for the front foyer. Nightstands can become end tables. Small dressers can be TV stands.

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Responding to some comments--


The master bedroom furniture is heirloom, we love it and it is really the only furniture we own that has any value. Our home is done in early-Target :lol:.


When we made the list of what we want in a house, a bedroom that is bigger then what we have now was high on the list. We hang out in our room to hide from the kids!


On the issue of the house just being "okay"--I'm trying to accept that the house I would love doesn't exist in our price range. This is the biggest, nicest house we have looked at and it is on the low side of our price range. I can't discount that fact. The house has everything else on our list of wants to some degree. It isn't perfect but I really don't think that the perfect house is out there.


House value--does a 3 bedroom with an awesome master bedroom, bathroom and closet have more or less value then a 4 bedroom?? I need to consult some experts and see if there is even a way to combind two of the rooms (bathroom locations might make it difficult). If we can do that without spending a fortune, we might go for it.


There is also the not small issue of selling the home we currently own :001_huh::001_huh::001_huh:.



I would tend to say go for it, especially if you like the neighbourhood and the location generally. I think being in a good location is a big part of satisfaction in a house.


But if you have an extra bedroom, why not consider putting your dresser in there and using the closet space for your things, and leave mostly the bed in your own room? You could add in a few comfy chairs and call it your "dressing room".

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That's an excellent suggestion! I know I'm always 100% sure something will (or won't) fit in a particular room... and then I measure it and usually discover that I was wrong. :blush:


Also, can any of the bedroom furniture be used in a different room if it doesn't fit in the master bedroom? Sometimes a vanity can double as a desk or as a table for the front foyer. Nightstands can become end tables. Small dressers can be TV stands.


Large dressers make nice dining room buffets! I'm using one for that right now and it looks better in there than the bedroom!

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I think I'd rather replace/repurpose bedroom furniture than to settle on a lesser-ideal home. But I say this coming from the perspective that a bedroom is basically just that - where you sleep, where the bed is. I'm not into the "master retreat" thing, so if you are ... if that room is your personal hub in the home ... you'll never be content knowing you settled for one so small.


Tough decision!

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Large dressers make nice dining room buffets! I'm using one for that right now and it looks better in there than the bedroom!


Yep! In our previous apt, I had the large dresser that had been in our bedroom (we got new furniture) in our dining area and used it as a buffet. I stored extra linens, holiday stuff, etc in the drawers. I loved it. In our current apt, it had to go to the basement as we had to put the piano in the dining room because we lost our 3rd bedroom (Han Solo eventually had to have his own room). I miss having the dresser. I considered getting rid of it, but I kept it because I'm hoping to use it as a buffet again in our next home. I think repurposing furniture, as long as you have space for he stuff that should go in it, is fine. Why buy a buffet when you can use a dresser you already own?

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Well, we moved into a home with a master that is less than 1/2 what our old home. I cannot fit all our previous bedroom furniture. We are putting the extra in the family room when we get that room done. I'd prefer a larger bedroom but it's for sleeping to me. The rest of the house matters a lot more. There were big reasons this was the right house for us.

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We moved from a place with a large master to a much smaller. We like having the bedroom simple and uncluttered. It's small but it is just the two of us in there and what do we do in our bedroom besides sleep and read? (Besides the obvious, lol). We have a double bed, a nightstand on one side and a shelf on the other. Across from the foot of the bed is a tall dresser we share and there is a small closet to the right of the bed. It works. We like it way more than our previous room, where we were prone to put more stuff there than we needed.

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It really depends on your needs. I need a king to fit, and still be able to walk around three sides of it. If I have a big enough closet, I need less space for dressers in the actual room. I do need space (in the master) to put up the ironing board. Dh is not into dragging the iron room to other parts of the house.... he does more ironing than I do.

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There is a 5th bedroom in the basement? I would definitely go for it then. When the oldest is a teenager (which won't be long at all) that would be fine for him to move down to.


Or, you can keep some things down there that don't fit in your Master.


We are all about making things work even with weird or funky lay-outs.



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I would definitely go for it then. When the oldest is a teenager (which won't be long at all) that would be fine for him to move down to.




Well, you can just hush your mouth right now! My baby is only 11. 11!! Still my baby!! La la la, I can't even hear you!!




We're talking a tape measure and a good friend to go look at the house this afternoon. Our realtor received a call from the homeowner and she mentioned that she is an eager seller. Not sure what exactly that means. Guess we'll find out!

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You can't stop it! I tried! I forbade it. I kicked and threatened.....it still happened. Dang disobedient kids for continuing to age when I told them not to!. :001_tt2:


We looked at a house recently (we are considering moving) that had 5 bedrooms. The 2nd floor had 3 bedrooms and 1 large shared bath. The main floor had one very strangely placed bedroom with a bath but it wasn't even big enough for a queen bed, so couldn't be a master. Then the basement had one bedroom.


It was a very quirky house and the layout was strange, but we liked it!




Well, you can just hush your mouth right now! My baby is only 11. 11!! Still my baby!! La la la, I can't even hear you!!




We're talking a tape measure and a good friend to go look at the house this afternoon. Our realtor received a call from the homeowner and she mentioned that she is an eager seller. Not sure what exactly that means. Guess we'll find out!

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We're talking a tape measure and a good friend to go look at the house this afternoon. Our realtor received a call from the homeowner and she mentioned that she is an eager seller. Not sure what exactly that means. Guess we'll find out!


If you put a contract on it, make sure to have a home inspection contingency. Don't even ask how I know this....:tongue_smilie:

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A small master wouldn't be a deal-breaker for me. But then, lol, I have a small master and a teeny-tiny closet (we had to get custom hangers 'cause it isn't deep enough for normal ones), lol, and I've lived with it pretty happily for eight years now. Just being "small" wouldn't make me "hate" a master bedroom. You just might need to get a little creative and consider giving up some of your current bedroom furniture or finding other uses for it in the house and perhaps take over another closet in the house for some of your clothing storage needs, etc.

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