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C'mon.. fess up! Who else has eaten some of the Halloween candy?!

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I just picked up the candy today, and I made the horrible mistake of purchasing my favorite Reese's. Fortunately, I am going to dump it into the candy bowl tonight after the kids go to bed. You know, in preparation for tomorrow night since we'll be gone for most of the day, I may not have time otherwise.


It's not my fault if I notice a package that isn't sealed all the way, right? The responsible thing is to eat it and not give it to some more trick or treater! :D

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Me. :lol: I think I may have to run to the store tomorrow so I have enough to give out. Oops.


This is how it goes at our house. In fact, my six year old thinks we go to the church's trunk or treat to "practice" and get candy to hand out on Halloween. :lol: (We usually run out of the candy we bought and start supplementing with trunk or treat candy.)

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Guilty as charged....


A few years back, I dug into the stash a week or so early and ... pulled off a crown from my back tooth.


I called the dentist and he could work me in, so I drove there and he calmly said to me, "Now, you know, usually we dentists are busy the week after Halloween when the adults all raid their children's candies and pull off crowns. But, you're a first; I've never had to fix a crown due to candy BEFORE Halloween." At least he smiled when he said that.


So, now when I raid the candy before Halloween, I try to avoid the sticky stuff that might take a crown off. And if I did pull a crown off any time in the fall, I'd probably see if a different, anonymous, dentist could fix it for me.

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This is why I buy stuff that I do not like or will not eat. :tongue_smilie:


I bought the huge bag of Dum Dum pops because it was the most economical way to buy a large amount. We have HUNDREDS of trick or treaters. :glare:


I can't afford to get them fancy candy. :lol:


I'll happily steal a few things from my kids tomorrow night. Apparently we have some rich neighbors-last year the kids got 3 or 4 FULL SIZE candy bars. :001_huh:

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I'm being strong this year!


We've lived in this house for 8 years, and we've not gotten a single trick-or-treater (we're in the back of the boonies). Until this year, I've still bought a bag of candy, "just in case." And we all know what happened to that once nobody showed up at our door.


So this year, I'm not buying any. And what do you want to bet we'll get some adorable kid in a princess costume and I'll have to resort to putting a can of tuna in her bag.

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I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one who has this problem. I usually try to wait until the last minute to buy it so I can't do too much damage.


But this year I found an amazing deal on candy about 2 weeks ago. And then I immediately gave it all to my mom to keep at her house until tomorrow. Hopefully I won't be able to do too much damage before the trick-or-treaters arrive.

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We are purposely eating it, grown kids, I have been buying candy on sale for past few weeks and picking out what we like (cookies and cream is gone from the Hershey's pack, and fastbreak is gone from the Reese's pack...), and we will pass out the rest.... which is Butterfinger, Twix, Reece's, Snicker's, Babe Ruth, Neslie's Crunch, Hershey's chocolate. We get a lot of trick or treaters and it is so fun seeing all those cute kids.

Edited by Susan C.
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But you know... hurricane... (sort of)


I think severe weather calls for Halloween candy. Nevermind that our power outage started right around bedtime and ended just before it was time to get up, thus minimizing the inconvenience... and we're on the far west end of the affected area, so potential for danger was really minimal.... But individually wrapped Reese's peanut butter cups were just what one needs to make it through that kind of, uh, trauma. And once the bag was opened, it just made sense to finish it off after lunch.


It's okay though - we only ate one bag among the three of us... and I went to the store this afternoon and got four more to replace it. ;)

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I am awesome and have NOT raided the Halloween stash. (Only because a) we live in the country and no one comes by and b) they haven't gone trick-or-treating yet). I do institute a candy tax for driving/walking those people around. I accept tootsie rolls and Butterfinger bars as payment;).

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:lol: Whether you intended to or not, you've made me laugh!


And I have to say, I applaud those who've been so restrained. I never manage it! A couple days ago I had to go out and buy another bucket of Cadbury's treat size chocolate bars to make sure we had enough!

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Lots. I started yesterday.


I started on my binge about three weeks ago. :lol:


Now that the bags have been opened...I am running around like a squealing pig on a sugar high. Awful. Shame, shame. :D


I was so good today & tonight..... I didn't have one single piece of candy. I do believe I am safe until next Halloween! :D

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I need to update my original post. Now that the kids are asleep, I have been stealing their candy without shame. This is the one day a year where they earn their keep. I deserve those twix bars! And Butterfinger bars. And tootsie rolls. :lol:

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The candy is going away TODAY. I must rid my house of that evil stuff or else I will Sophia Vergara my jeans, which would scare the bejeebers out of any unfortunate witnesses. Ugh. I am soooo fat today.


We only had 4 trick-or-treaters. :( Next year they'll be getting potatoes.

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