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What's your current read aloud?


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I am reading 'The Pinhoe Egg' by Dianne Wynne Jones to both children at bedtime. This was Dd's choice.

I am reading Ds 'Children of Winter' by Berlie Doherty because we usually have some extra time during our history session together and this is about children who are taken back to the time of the Plague.

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We have three on the go now, plus picture books.


With dd, we are reading At the Back of the North Wind by George MacDonald

With ds, we are reading Paddle to the Sea by Holling C. Holling.

With youngest dd, we are reading picture books. I am a theme girl. Each month we have a theme in which I try to find picture books. Jan. was Jan Brett month. Feb. is snow picture books.

As a family read aloud, we are reading Caddie Woodlawn.




mom of 3 (8,7,5)

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Finished The Tales of Tiptoes Lightly by Reg Down and The Courage of Sarah Noble.


Reading American Girl: Felicity Bindup off all the books in order.


Coming up is Paddle to the Sea by Holling C. Holling and Franklin by D'Aulaire after that.



We're taking our time and having fun enjoying our read alouds.:)

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We have some Redwall fans here, so we are reading Loamhedge right now. Earlier this fall we went to see Brian Jacques and really enjoyed listening to him. What a fascinating man, with a vivid imagination, and a true talent for animal tales that aren't too scary! Apparently he was a delivery man, delivering milk to an orphanage for blind children in England, and he made up his Redwall tales to entertain the children. Since they couldn't see, he made his language as visual and memorable as he could. That's a good tip for an author!

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we're reading Sea of Monsters, the sequel to The Lightning Thief. I even broke my rule about not reading books in a series in a row because we all enjoyed The Lightning Thief so much. :D


For school, we are reading D'Aulaire book of Greek Myths and A Midsummer Night's Dream from the Leon Garfield Shakespeare book.



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Tomorrow, we will start The Great Turkey Walk as our family read-aloud.


We are also reading The Terrible Wave.


My oldest & I are reading King Arthur and His Knights. I'm hoping to start The Wonder Book with my third grader. I'm reading Fifty Famous Stories Retold and Blue Fairy Book with my first grader. And I'm doing a variety of picture books with the two preschoolers - Eloise Wilkin Stories being one of the main ones right now.


For iPod school, we are supposedly listening to Farmer Boy... but our time in the car lately has been spent listening to a bunch of shorter things.



(who felt vaguely guilty that I wasn't reading enough, until I started to respond to this, and I realized I am covering everyone!)

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We just finished Mr. Popper's Penguins (what a hoot, my 6 yo loved this one!) and started Prince Caspian on Friday. We want to have lots of time on that one before the movie comes out in May. My will-be-8-year-old wants to have a "Prince Caspian" themed bday.


I think next we're going to do Pyle's Robin Hood or Swiss Family Robinson.


I am also doing FIAR books with my 4 yr old, with occasional older listeners who keep shouting, "I remember that book!"

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Guest LittlePrairieSchoolhouse

We are reading our way through the "Caroline Years" series, which precedes the Little House on the Prairie books. We just finished up Little Clearing in the Woods, and tomorrow we will start On Top of Concord Hill. We've really been enjoying these! :)

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OK, confession time! We are currently reading aloud something that is not at all educational, but that is COMPLETELY fun and wacky...."Fractured Fairy Tales."


Remember those cartoons on "The Rocky and Bullwinkle Show"? Well, they've written them in story form and published them in a book. Side-splitting!

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