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Not quite 6 weeks pregnant and spotting again.

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:grouphug: Praying that baby is still snug in there and this is just more of the bleeding from the implantation.


With my youngest I bled from like 6 weeks right until I delivered her. It was terrifying the entire time but she was snug in there. The fact it is not showing up on the pad, and is turning brownish is a good sign. Brown means old so likely everything is okay, and luckily you have that u/s already booked for Wednesday.


I will be praying that the bleeding stops and that you have no more scares and can see that little bean with a strong heartbeat on wednesday

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I'm surprised with your history of previous miscarriages they're not giving you an ultrasound. They can at 6 weeks. They gave me one at 6 weeks when I was pregnant with DD just to make sure things were where they should be because I had a previous pregnancy loss. A few days after the u/s, I woke up bleeding and they gave me another u/s. They could tell from the u/s that where the placenta attached to the uterus had torn away from the wall a tiny bit. They said that was not uncommon, it would cause spotting, to avoid sex, and they gave me a progesterone suppository. Within a week and a half I was no longer spotting and the rest of my pregnancy progressed normally. I hope it's something simple like that with you too. If the spotting is slowing down and what you're seeing now is "old blood" that's a good sign from what I understand. :grouphug:


Edited to add: Just read your update. My bleeding was similar to that -- new blood, old blood, new blood, old blood. It's not uncommon. It IS scary though! I'm wishing you and your little nugget all the best and sending sticky vibes your way.

Edited by jujsky
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Thank you, everyone. So I had updated that it was reddish again before I went to bed.


Got up around 6 AM and was paranoid I was going to find blood on the pad, but nothing there. When I wiped, brown spotting. Still unsure what to think.


I am already taking progesterone (orally). I haven't been doing anything particularly strenuous. My dr did not see me yesterday and just sent me to the lab and then had me rest and wait to see what happens. It's now a holiday weekend so I'm sure they won't be in until Tuesday. My appt and ultrasound are scheduled for Wednesday.


I guess my plan for today is continue to rest as much as possible and hope there's no fresh or worse bleeding today. I guess depending on how it goes today I may have to call the dr to see if I'm supposed to go get a shot of Rhogam since I am RH Negative.

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Decided to come to ER just to be proactive. I figure I may need Rhogam (RH negative), that they can give me my beta results from yesterday (used hospital lab), and that maybe I can get them to do a scan to rule anything in or out and if I'm lucky help ease my mind. Or at least let me know whether I should be freaking or not. Waiting to be called.

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Saw dr- he's going to get me yesterday's beta results and repeat test again now to see if still going up, he's going to give me Rhogam, and he's going to send me for ultrasound to see how everything looks.



See about getting those progesterone supplements. I have you and wee one in my heart.

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I am already on 200 mg a day orally.


Well, they just drew like six vials of blood and now I'm waiting for my ultrasound!

Nance-oral progesterone isn't that effective IIRC. I used crinone gel in my first pregnancy (infertility treatment with RE who did crinone (vaginal progesterone gel) prophylactically for most of her pcos patients undergoing treatment at that time).


With my 2nd pregnancy, my levels came back at a 6, which is terrible. I didn't have a regular doc as we had just moved. I had to call and beg for progesterone testing with my hcg testing, and they did that for me. Once my progesterone came back really low, I had to beg for supplementation...I don't think they really said anything, other than what my levels were. Once they agreed to the progesterone RX, my instructions were to take prometrium orally. I opted to use it vaginally.


Look into the oral vs. vaginal. I don't want to give you medical advice or contradict your doctor, but I would investigate how well oral vs. vaginal works. When I looked into it 6 years ago while pg with DD, my conclusion was that taking it orally was less effective for my purposes than taking it vaginally. I've usually had to order the crinone at my pharmacy, so we used the progesterone capsules vaginally as a stop gap measure in the meantime. Crinone is typically pretty expensive.


Many women insert the actual oral capsules vaginally. That's what I did until I got crinone. I had the crinone in advance with my first pregnancy as my doc had me order it so I had it ready.


Ask to have your progesterone retested if you get a repeat beta hcg.


Thinking of you and hoping for the best.

Edited by Momof3littles
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I really don't think that went well to be honest. She was like "just so you know even if everything's fine the dr has to be the one to tell you." I said, "I know it might be too early but if you do notice a heartbeat would you be able to point that out?" and she said yeah. So after a while, she said, "there's really nothing to show you." I said, "is there a sac?" She said, "there's a sac but really nothing showing in it." I didn't press for more details because I know she's not allowed to talk to me about it but she didn't even mention seeing a fetal pole or anything. So now I'm thinking it's a blighted ovum or something. I don't know. Just waiting for dr to come talk to me.

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Hon, I have to tell you that w/Tazzie, I was a freaking wreck. I went for THREE u/s before they were able to find anything. I'd had an ectopic, so *needed* to know if babe was in the right place or not.


So, just b/c she didn't say she saw anything might not mean diddly.


Praying for you. :grouphug:

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I really don't think that went well to be honest. She was like "just so you know even if everything's fine the dr has to be the one to tell you." I said, "I know it might be too early but if you do notice a heartbeat would you be able to point that out?" and she said yeah. So after a while, she said, "there's really nothing to show you." I said, "is there a sac?" She said, "there's a sac but really nothing showing in it." I didn't press for more details because I know she's not allowed to talk to me about it but she didn't even mention seeing a fetal pole or anything. So now I'm thinking it's a blighted ovum or something. I don't know. Just waiting for dr to come talk to me.



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He just came in. Not good news. He said there was a small yolk sac but that it is not in the right spot in the uterus but in the endometrial canal just below the uterus and above the cervix and that this does likely mean it is moving down in the process of a miscarriage that hasn't completed yet and that it is unlikely it could develop normally where it is now. Though he says it is not an ectopic. My betas did rise from yesterday- the were like 3,000 yesterday and 5,000 today (I think they should have been at least 6,000 today if they had kept doubling every time) *and he wants me to repeat them tomorrow, but at this point it just seems like I'm waiting for a m/c to complete. :( It'll be my third loss in a row.

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The #s are about right though, Nance. They're to dbl every 48 hrs, not 24.




I know- they were 370 on 8/24 so if they doubled every two days from there it would have been at least 5,920 today. Between that and the spotting and the ultrasound results- I just don't feel any hope. They did page my OB to ask if I should stay on the progesterone and she said yes and that she's seen this before and I might not m/c but I think that's just false hope. She said she was "hopeful" and "optimistic" last time too after the too small gestational sac but everything I read indicated bad news and I lost it the next day.

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I know- they were 370 on 8/24 so if they doubled every two days from there it would have been at least 5,920 today. Between that and the spotting and the ultrasound results- I just don't feel any hope. They did page my OB to ask if I should stay on the progesterone and she said yes and that she's seen this before and I might not m/c but I think that's just false hope. She said she was "hopeful" and "optimistic" last time too after the too small gestational sac but everything I read indicated bad news and I lost it the next day.

I had a complete breakdown when I got levels that didn't dbl, went for an u/s the next day.


Princess is turning 6 this mth.


Praying for a miracle :grouphug:

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I'm so sorry....I've been there. You may want to consider seeing a miscarriage specialist. I was fortunate in that the best one in the country happens to be in Utah. If you're anywhere nearby and want an appointment, PM me for his name and number.


Any miscarriage specialist should do an anti-phospholipid panel (blood test) as well as test you for auto immune disorders and a few other things. You want all those tests to be negative, btw. And they most likely will be.


As my specialist told me, the overwhelming majority of miscarriages occur because of a chromosome disorder or some other defect to the fetus that is incompatible with life. All the progesterone in the world will not fix that or change it. All the lying in bed with your feet up won't change that. All the herbal remedies you can swallow won't change the outcome. In short, there is nothing you did or didn't do that would have prevented this...or any other miscarriage.


In my case, we figured out that the problem was a genetic defect on my husband's side. We took a family history survey and found that all the women who had married into his side of the family (and were therefore unrelated to each other) had all suffered multiple miscarriages (four or more). Based on that and with some other information, he concluded that the defect was most likely chromosomal and that my miscarriage rate for any given pregnancy was 50% or higher. So, I gave birth to 3 healthy babies and lost 5 (four miscarriages in a row, but the last was twins).


With that reality, I knew that a positive pregnancy test would most likely NOT mean a subsequent live birth for me. So I never even considered myself pregnant until well into my second trimester with my next attempt. I just assumed it would be a miscarriage. That made it easier to deal with because I wasn't mentally invested in the pregnancy. It resulted in the birth of my son, and then I was done. I'll also add that I took nothing (no progesterone, no baby aspirin, no extra vitamins or herbal remedies...nothing) special or different during my last successful pregnancy than I had during the pregnancies that ended in miscarriage.


Recurrent miscarriage is a joy stealer and I was tired of the emotional rollercoaster I'd been on, so I was done after the birth of my last child.


I'm so sorry for your loss. :grouphug:

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I'm so sorry. Please tell me that your doctor is the best high risk ob that you can go to. You have lost too many babies and I can't even imagine what you are feeling right now. I knew someone years ago....she had a terrible time completing a pregnancy. She changed doctors (went to larger city about an hour away to a very well know high risk/infertility specialist ob) and she said it was a world of difference. There are so many things to check, progesterone levels, TSH (thyroid, has to stay at 1.0), length of cycles so there is time to implant, etc. I may be a bit off on my wording because it has been awhile, but there is a lot you need to have checked and rechecked so you can go to term with your pregnancies.

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I'm so sorry, Nance.


As Diane and Susan have already recommended, I hope you will see a high-risk pregnancy specialist to find out what's going on, so that hopefully you will be able to prevent more heartache.


I can honestly say that I would not have my ds if I hadn't gone to an incredible high risk specialist. I absolutely believe that I owe my ds's life to him.


You've been through so much. I was praying that this time was going to be perfect for you. :(

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I've had bleeding with my last 2 pregnancies. With my most recent one (dd is now 7 weeks old) I had a lot of very heavy bleeding. I bled for about 7-8 weeks and for about a week of that it was heavier than any period I've ever had. I had multiple u/s and there was never a cause found. Both pregnancies ended up being fine. I have a "frayable uterus". I'm sure it won't calm your mind at all because I was a nervous wreck even though I knew I had a history of it, but hopefully yours is nothing to be worried about either.

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I am so sorry. Hopefully my advice will be unnecessary but...


If it is a miscarriage and you end up with a D and C request genetic testing. We did and that really helped us to make decisions. When I was younger the tests came back perfect and we were able to work with a specialist which resulted in 2 sucessful pregnancies. My last 2 pregnancies had defects. It sounds really cold when I say it but after 4 miscarriages I decided that I couldn't keep trying at 42. I had spent several years exhausted from trying.

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