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For the love of all that is right and holy, please, I beg of you

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Did not know that. I have always thought it was kerfLuffle. However, I looked it up after your post. Check out the synonyms. Williwaw, foofaraw? Why have I never heard these words? Love them!!


Synonyms: ado, alarums and excursions, ballyhoo, blather, bluster, bobbery, bother, bustle, clatter, clutter [chiefly dialect], coil, corroboree [Australian], disturbance, do [chiefly dialect], foofaraw, fun, furor, furore, fuss, helter-skelter, hoo-ha (also hoo-hah), hoopla, hubble-bubble, hubbub, hullabaloo, hurly, hurly-burly, hurricane, hurry, hurry-scurry (or hurry-skurry), commotion [chiefly British], moil, pandemonium, pother, row, ruckus, ruction, rumpus, shindy, splore [Scottish], squall, stew, stir, storm, to-do, tumult, turmoil, uproar, welter, whirl, williwaw, zoo

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It's the amazing knowledge like this that keeps me coming back. Without these threads, I wouldn't know how to teach my children proper grammar, proper vowel sounds, or even the importance of cupcakes. I would never have known how vital it was to think carefully over whether I should dress my boys is kilts, tunics, or even jeans. I owe so much to these discussions. :D


In all seriousness, you ladies never fail to give me a good laugh on days when I am in SERIOUS need of one. Thanks.

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I'm going to need to see some documentation of this. I thought sure it was kerfLuffle! I want it to be kerfluffle. It just rolls off the tongue better than kerfuffle. Let's be tolerant and teach both please. This is SUPPOSED to be a welcoming board. :glare:

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Google yields 144,000 hits for kerfuffle, and 15,800 for kerfluffle.* As a descriptivist, I am forced to conclude that kerfluffle, while as yet nonstandard, will soon be an acceptable form of the word. One or two more heated WTM threads should do the job.




*1,070 of those hits were from forums.welltrainedmind.com.

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It's kerfuffle in my dialect too!


And I still haven't wrapped my head around you Yanks (Australian dialect usage) saying you've lucked out when you mean the opposite.




That is confusing!!! ...and I just realized that as I read it over your post 10 times trying to figure out what you were saying!!! :D

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That is confusing!!! ...and I just realized that as I read it over your post 10 times trying to figure out what you were saying!!! :D




The amount of times I've read "We lucked out" and I've thought "Well! If that's your idea of bad luck, you're sitting pretty!"




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Makes one think of the term, "hoo-hah" is more than just describing female anatomy. I heard the region being called "biscuits" too. ;)


Oh dear. Am I making a kerfuffle over hoo-hahs and biscuits??? Eeek. :D


That is who-who, not hoo-hah. And it is hoo-fer-aw, not foo-fer-aw.

But....it is Little Rabbit Foo-foo or Little Bunny Foo-foo?


15 long years ago, a long flame war over this issue culminated in this, from the hyper-verbal Michelle Tepper:


"Sigh. You know, Harry, there was a time when we thought you really had a gift. It's so sad to see a young flamer with so much promise just p*ss it

all away, repeating what was once fresh and innovative in his aesthetic

until itÕs just so much hackwork.

Really, it's tragic. And while I could respond in kind, Harry, while I

could easily encourage your timid refusal to seek out new ideas by playing

your game and calling you -- oh, I don't know -- a low-life pockmarked

pondscum potty-mouthed rank vile disgusting drooling tick-infested

snotfaced bunny-blinded corrupting-of-the-youth-of-America hopeless

helpless clueless worthless so-dumb-we-have-to-water-you-twice-a-day-and-

keep-you-by-a-sunlit-window big-sellout tacky shingles-ravaged

foo-foo-abusing useless insipid pretensions-of-grandeur Southern-accented

revolting-human-egg fetid cowardly can't-even-buy-dress-shoes-for-your-own-

****-wedding mocha-drinking running-on-your-intellectual-rims would-be-

literate friend-of-earthworms old-hat vicious foul irrational dull

plague-afflicted unable-to-p*ss-into-a-boot-without-printed-instructions

former-Baltimorean evil diseased noisome loathsome repellent malevolent

bet-you-need-a-dictionary-to-keep-up-with-me incoherent song-wrecking

fetid-brained amoral useless-as-a-chocolate-teapot-and-not-as-much-fun

death-to-taste-manners-and-civilized-living video-game-designing

can't-flame-without-your-thesaurus rollerblading ugly-dog-owning

underfed-in-infancy shameful affront-to-decency Etch-a-Sketch-brained

abuse-inviting rabbit-bashing party-pooping disgraceful lying vulgar

whining roadkill-on-life's-highway greasy no-good little runt who is such

a shame to his loved ones that they look on in this group like passing

drivers at a car crash, unable to change the brutal facts yet somehow

unwilling to tear their eyes away from the awful sight. I could say all

those things, but that wouldn't help you grow as an artist.

We're all here for you, Harry. Really."

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So kerfuffle:

World English Dictionary

kerfuffle , carfuffle or kurfuffle *(kəˈfʌf ə l)


— n

1. informal chiefly *( Brit ) commotion; disorder; agitation


— vb

2. ( Scot ) ( tr ) to put into disorder or disarray; ruffle or disarrange


[from Scottish curfuffle, carfuffle, *from Scottish Gaelic car *twist, turn + fuffle *to disarrange]


carfuffle , carfuffle or kurfuffle


— n


— vb


[from Scottish curfuffle, carfuffle, *from Scottish Gaelic car *twist, turn + fuffle *to disarrange]


kurfuffle , carfuffle or kurfuffle


— n


— vb


[from Scottish curfuffle, carfuffle, *from Scottish Gaelic car *twist, turn + fuffle *to disarrange]





Word Origin & History



"row, disturbance, c.1930, first in Canadian English, ult. from Scot. curfuffle.


Just tells me how the word has changed over time.


My vote is for kerfluffle. That's what I hear.

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I've always known it as 'kerfuffle', but since the widespread use and acceptance (until now) of 'kerfluffle' here, I rather feel that it describes many Hive controversies rather better than 'kerfuffle'. It gives a much better feel for the crazy, 'fluffy', nature of many disputes here.


I vote that 'kerfluffle' stays :001_smile:.

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That is who-who, not hoo-hah. And it is hoo-fer-aw, not foo-fer-aw.

But....it is Little Rabbit Foo-foo or Little Bunny Foo-foo?


15 long years ago, a long flame war over this issue culminated in this, from the hyper-verbal Michelle Tepper:


"Sigh. You know, Harry, there was a time when we thought you really had a gift. It's so sad to see a young flamer with so much promise just p*ss it

all away, repeating what was once fresh and innovative in his aesthetic

until itÕs just so much hackwork.

Really, it's tragic. And while I could respond in kind, Harry, while I

could easily encourage your timid refusal to seek out new ideas by playing

your game and calling you -- oh, I don't know -- a low-life pockmarked

pondscum potty-mouthed rank vile disgusting drooling tick-infested

snotfaced bunny-blinded corrupting-of-the-youth-of-America hopeless

helpless clueless worthless so-dumb-we-have-to-water-you-twice-a-day-and-

keep-you-by-a-sunlit-window big-sellout tacky shingles-ravaged

foo-foo-abusing useless insipid pretensions-of-grandeur Southern-accented

revolting-human-egg fetid cowardly can't-even-buy-dress-shoes-for-your-own-

****-wedding mocha-drinking running-on-your-intellectual-rims would-be-

literate friend-of-earthworms old-hat vicious foul irrational dull

plague-afflicted unable-to-p*ss-into-a-boot-without-printed-instructions

former-Baltimorean evil diseased noisome loathsome repellent malevolent

bet-you-need-a-dictionary-to-keep-up-with-me incoherent song-wrecking

fetid-brained amoral useless-as-a-chocolate-teapot-and-not-as-much-fun

death-to-taste-manners-and-civilized-living video-game-designing

can't-flame-without-your-thesaurus rollerblading ugly-dog-owning

underfed-in-infancy shameful affront-to-decency Etch-a-Sketch-brained

abuse-inviting rabbit-bashing party-pooping disgraceful lying vulgar

whining roadkill-on-life's-highway greasy no-good little runt who is such

a shame to his loved ones that they look on in this group like passing

drivers at a car crash, unable to change the brutal facts yet somehow

unwilling to tear their eyes away from the awful sight. I could say all

those things, but that wouldn't help you grow as an artist.

We're all here for you, Harry. Really."

HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA... :smilielol5::smilielol5::smilielol5:


Good one.


BTW, in my childhood camp days, it was Little Rabbit Foo-Foo. Hehehehee.

Edited by tex-mex
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When the whole kerfuffle posts began I asked a Columbian friend. We decided that the Spanish term was kerfuffalo.


Wait ... I can do this....




A limber young bato from Buffalo

At limbo excelled - he could shuffle low.

When señor so well-built

Did his moves in a kilt

The unveiling produced a kerfuffalo.

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Wait ... I can do this....




A limber young bato from Buffalo

At limbo excelled - he could shuffle low.

When señor so well-built

Did his moves in a kilt

The unveiling produced a kerfuffalo.


:rofl::rofl::rofl: I.AM.DEAD. That is sheer awesome.


I vote kerfluffle. It sounds better and is more fun to say. Ker-fluffle! I like to say words though because they amuse me. Zamboanga. Say it. Now say it like Zam-bo-ANGA! Tell me that's not amusing. My apologies to all the Zamboangans. Zamboagi? Zamboangians?

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Did not know that. I have always thought it was kerfLuffle. However, I looked it up after your post. Check out the synonyms. Williwaw, foofaraw? Why have I never heard these words? Love them!!


Synonyms: ado, alarums and excursions, ballyhoo, blather, bluster, bobbery, bother, bustle, clatter, clutter [chiefly dialect], coil, corroboree [Australian], disturbance, do [chiefly dialect], foofaraw, fun, furor, furore, fuss, helter-skelter, hoo-ha (also hoo-hah), hoopla, hubble-bubble, hubbub, hullabaloo, hurly, hurly-burly, hurricane, hurry, hurry-scurry (or hurry-skurry), commotion [chiefly British], moil, pandemonium, pother, row, ruckus, ruction, rumpus, shindy, splore [Scottish], squall, stew, stir, storm, to-do, tumult, turmoil, uproar, welter, whirl, williwaw, zoo


Epic! I love words and this is a fantastic list!


SWB used kerfluffle. It is an acceptable alternate spelling. I am going with that.




That is ALL I need to know. I accept it on SWB's authority. Plus, I like it better with the intermediary L.





The amount of times I've read "We lucked out" and I've thought "Well! If that's your idea of bad luck, you're sitting pretty!"





:lol: This is so funny!


That is who-who, not hoo-hah. And it is hoo-fer-aw, not foo-fer-aw.

But....it is Little Rabbit Foo-foo or Little Bunny Foo-foo?


15 long years ago, a long flame war over this issue culminated in this, from the hyper-verbal Michelle Tepper:


"Sigh. You know, Harry, there was a time when we thought you really had a gift. It's so sad to see a young flamer with so much promise just p*ss it

all away, repeating what was once fresh and innovative in his aesthetic

until itÕs just so much hackwork.

Really, it's tragic. And while I could respond in kind, Harry, while I

could easily encourage your timid refusal to seek out new ideas by playing

your game and calling you -- oh, I don't know -- a low-life pockmarked

pondscum potty-mouthed rank vile disgusting drooling tick-infested

snotfaced bunny-blinded corrupting-of-the-youth-of-America hopeless

helpless clueless worthless so-dumb-we-have-to-water-you-twice-a-day-and-

keep-you-by-a-sunlit-window big-sellout tacky shingles-ravaged

foo-foo-abusing useless insipid pretensions-of-grandeur Southern-accented

revolting-human-egg fetid cowardly can't-even-buy-dress-shoes-for-your-own-

****-wedding mocha-drinking running-on-your-intellectual-rims would-be-

literate friend-of-earthworms old-hat vicious foul irrational dull

plague-afflicted unable-to-p*ss-into-a-boot-without-printed-instructions

former-Baltimorean evil diseased noisome loathsome repellent malevolent

bet-you-need-a-dictionary-to-keep-up-with-me incoherent song-wrecking

fetid-brained amoral useless-as-a-chocolate-teapot-and-not-as-much-fun

death-to-taste-manners-and-civilized-living video-game-designing

can't-flame-without-your-thesaurus rollerblading ugly-dog-owning

underfed-in-infancy shameful affront-to-decency Etch-a-Sketch-brained

abuse-inviting rabbit-bashing party-pooping disgraceful lying vulgar

whining roadkill-on-life's-highway greasy no-good little runt who is such

a shame to his loved ones that they look on in this group like passing

drivers at a car crash, unable to change the brutal facts yet somehow

unwilling to tear their eyes away from the awful sight. I could say all

those things, but that wouldn't help you grow as an artist.

We're all here for you, Harry. Really."


That was THE most fun I have had with my clothes on in several months!


Wait ... I can do this....




A limber young bato from Buffalo

At limbo excelled - he could shuffle low.

When señor so well-built

Did his moves in a kilt

The unveiling produced a kerfuffalo.


Brilliant! YOU WIN!!! God, this needs to go somewhere on the Hive permanently. I wonder if we could have a little animation that skitters across the opening page????

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When the whole kerfuffle posts began I asked a Columbian friend. We decided that the Spanish term was kerfuffalo.


No, no, no. Spanish doesn't use K's (well, except in kilometro and such), and never uses double letters (rr and ll don't count). And I'm also opposed to that "a" you added. Why'd you do that? Might as well add an "l" to the second syllable while you're at it...


So it would have to be querfuflo or if we went with one of the original Scottish vowels, carfuflo or curfuflo. :D

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No, no, no. Spanish doesn't use K's (well, except in kilometro and such), and never uses double letters (rr and ll don't count). And I'm also opposed to that "a" you added. Why'd you do that? Might as well add an "l" to the second syllable while you're at it...


So it would have to be querfuflo or if we went with one of the original Scottish vowels, carfuflo or curfuflo. :D


But ... but ... the meter....

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No, no, no. Spanish doesn't use K's (well, except in kilometro and such), and never uses double letters (rr and ll don't count). And I'm also opposed to that "a" you added. Why'd you do that? Might as well add an "l" to the second syllable while you're at it...


So it would have to be querfuflo or if we went with one of the original Scottish vowels, carfuflo or curfuflo.


My dictionary gives the Portuguese bufalo as the source of "buffalo," so I'm going to permit the -alo on the grounds that my young man's mother was from Rio. Also his name is Kiki and he would walk un kilometro for el karaoke. :D

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