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Stardust and the *real* Pride and Prejudice. :glare: That's right, we will never be watching Kiera Knightly's terrible version. It makes me all twitchy just thinking about it.


Hmmmm...need to go check out the DVD cabinet


Better Off Dead



Hudsucker Proxy

Hudson Hawk

Legally Blonde (SQUEE!!!!)

And not technically a movie, but Pushing Daisies. Kids ought to know where their nicknames came from.

Galaxy Quest (DH told Pigby a few nights ago that he can't wait to show it to him when he's older)

What's Up Doc?


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You know that movie about the storm chasers with Hellen Hunt? I know, LAME! But, we are watching that with the kids this week :D


I forget the name and don't wnat to go look


Twister! I am from Oklahoma. ;)


Stardust and the *real* Pride and Prejudice. :glare: That's right, we will never be watching Kiera Knightly's terrible version. It makes me all twitchy just thinking about it.


Hmmmm...need to go check out the DVD cabinet


Better Off Dead



Hudsucker Proxy

Hudson Hawk

Legally Blonde (SQUEE!!!!)

And not technically a movie, but Pushing Daisies. Kids ought to know where their nicknames came from.

Galaxy Quest (DH told Pigby a few nights ago that he can't wait to show it to him when he's older)

What's Up Doc?


My kids have seen several of these. They LOVE Galaxy Quest!

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Every zombie movie ever made.


:iagree: My 11 year old is suddenly super interested in horror movies. About 6 months ago, we though we'd start easing into it with him and I watched Poltergeist with him. Which was one of the first scary movies I saw. We also have watched The Birds, Alien. He really wants to see the Exorcist.


When my daughter gets to be 12 or 13, maybe we can do some Molly Ringwald!? :D

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A New Leaf




The Fog of War

Blood Simple

The Enigma of Kaspar Hauser

The Loneliness of a Long Distance Runner


The L Shaped Room

Secrets and Lies

High Hopes

A Day in the Death of Joe Egg

Shadow of a Doubt



Wag the Dog

Dr. Strangelove

The LadyKillers (1959)

The Wages of Fear


I could go on.....

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My children finally got old enough to watch the campy "horror" movie House.

It is now their favorite and I have to make sure they don't show it to everyone that comes here.


Princess Bride




Better off dead


We watched the entire series of Land of the lost (original) They loved it!!

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Twister! I am from Oklahoma. ;)





That's IT!! I don't know why but I have watched that movie one thousand times. Mom and I were in college at the same time sooooo many years ago :001_wub: and we had "homework movies..,"a.k.a. movies we have seen so many times it is like good classical music in the background (runs away with bag over head.)

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:iagree: My 11 year old is suddenly super interested in horror movies. About 6 months ago, we though we'd start easing into it with him and I watched Poltergeist with him. Which was one of the first scary movies I saw. We also have watched The Birds, Alien. He really wants to see the Exorcist.


When my daughter gets to be 12 or 13, maybe we can do some Molly Ringwald!? :D



Seriously: watch House-- funny and scary

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Fifth Element is my son's favorite movie.


There are some serious movie I want him to watch like Blood Diamond and The Road. I also want to watch Departures (a Japanese film) with him this year.


Some not so serious we will probably hit this year:



Shaun of the Dead

maybe 28 Weeks Later (I let him watch 28 Days Later a few years ago)


Zefferelli's Romeo and Juliet



There are a few others we're holding off on for now, but the titles escape me at the moment.

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A New Leaf




The Fog of War

Blood Simple

The Enigma of Kaspar Hauser

The Loneliness of a Long Distance Runner


The L Shaped Room

Secrets and Lies

High Hopes

A Day in the Death of Joe Egg

Shadow of a Doubt



Wag the Dog

Dr. Strangelove

The LadyKillers (1959)

The Wages of Fear


I could go on.....


My kids got to see Psycho this year! My ds said a lot of things make sense now. (so many references in other places) Mine are teenagers, so they have pretty much seen anything we would want them to see. We had a horror movie marathon one week, so they could watch all the stupid slasher movies. They're pretty much caught up now, except they still want to see Friday the 13th and Freddy Krueger. :001_huh:

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Stardust and the *real* Pride and Prejudice. :glare: That's right, we will never be watching Kiera Knightly's terrible version. It makes me all twitchy just thinking about it.


Hmmmm...need to go check out the DVD cabinet


Better Off Dead



Hudsucker Proxy

Hudson Hawk

Legally Blonde (SQUEE!!!!)

And not technically a movie, but Pushing Daisies. Kids ought to know where their nicknames came from.

Galaxy Quest (DH told Pigby a few nights ago that he can't wait to show it to him when he's older)

What's Up Doc?



Wow. It's funny how much I agree with you, except when I really don't. But I'll stick with the ones I really agree on.


You listed Serenity twice (hee!). I second the Firefly part. (I don't know why I didn't like the movie quite as much, but I didn't.)


And boy, do I second Galaxy Quest. (My husband's and my first date! What a winner!) I consider it the sci fi equivalent of The Princess Bride (which, of course, my sons already watch).


As for What's Up, Doc? -- my sons already watch this. There isn't anything profane or unacceptable in content, and the chase scene is a big hit without being particularly violent. It's one of the few physical comedies I can really enjoy, because it isn't mean-spirited--kind of like Buster Keaton or something, you know?


Other movies I'm waiting for my sons to grow up enough to watch:


Holes. Even though this is a kid's movie, I think of it as more junior high than elementary. (The book is even more awesome, of course, but I was pleasantly surprised by how incredible the movie is in its own right.)


Ladyhawke. Hey, it's a guilty pleasure!


Star Trek: The Original Series. As a bonus, watching this will enable my sons to "get" a lot of the humor in Galaxy Quest, but the interest just isn't there, yet. Then again, they do love old Dr. Who.


X-Men, Iron Man, Captain America, The Avengers, etc. All incredible movies, just way too violent for children. And okay, yes, I'm a major geek.

Edited by morosophe
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Ha! My kids love Land of the Lost! We have it on DVD! We got these lizard sunglasses from Sonic one time when they were little, and they used them to be Sleestaks! It was hilarious.


My kids (especially my older girls) have seen a ton of the movies you guys list from Princess Bride to Shaun of the Dead. Not Heathers though. I don't know that I am ready to explain quite all of the things mentioned in that movie.

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Mostly, a lot of newer (late 70s & newer) horror movies. They all ready watch a lot of the older, black & white ones.


Real Genius

Pump up the Volume

The Doors



I don't know. It's hard to think of specific movies right now. We already allow them to watch so much. Just about everything I would list, ET1 can watch now. So, I'll get a few years watching all of them with her. It'll be about 4-5 years before ET2 is allowed to watch them.

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Oops! Didn't read your entire questions! (That's what I get for skimming)


Revised list:

Gladiator (wondering if 7th graders could watch this with some parental editing)

Psycho or any of the Alfred Hitchcock movies

Pride and Prejudice (the BBC version)

To Kill a Mockingbird

Edited by Michelle in TX
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and you cannot wait until your kids are old enough to watch them?


I am not talking about great classic movies like To Kill a Mockingbird, but movies that they might not watch otherwise.


I am watching Fifth Element right now with my eldest.:lol:


We love Fifth Element, but we've only watched the TV version.


My choices would be John Hughes' classics that I grew up watching and adoring- Pretty in Pink, Breakfast Club, Sixteen Candles. I tried watching Weird Science the other night with my 12yo. Too much s e x. He was embarassed and I stopped the movie about 15 minutes in. LOL I forget sometimes.


I'm also looking forward to them watching Shawshank Redemption, one of my favorites after the teen years.

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My big kids are old enough now to watch most of the ones I want to share with them.


Probably my all time favorite: Life is Beautiful. I recommended it to my 19 year old about a year ago and he finally watched it. When he told me I said, "Oh I cried like a baby through that movie." He said, "I did, too.":)


Shawshank Redemption is another that I love and both my older kids now have it on their list of favorites.


It's so rewarding being able to share some favorite films with my kids!

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Wow. It's funny how much I agree with you, except when I really don't. But I'll stick with the ones I really agree on.


You listed Serenity twice (hee!). I second the Firefly part. (I don't know why I didn't like the movie quite as much, but I didn't.)


And boy, do I second Galaxy Quest. (My husband's and my first date! What a winner!) I consider it the sci fi equivalent of The Princess Bride (which, of course, my sons already watch).


As for What's Up, Doc? -- my sons already watch this. There isn't anything profane or unacceptable in content, and the chase scene is a big hit without being particularly violent. It's one of the few physical comedies I can really enjoy, because it isn't mean-spirited--kind of like Buster Keaton or something, you know?


Other movies I'm waiting for my sons to grow up enough to watch:


Holes. Even though this is a kid's movie, I think of it as more junior high than elementary. (The book is even more awesome, of course, but I was pleasantly surprised by how incredible the movie is in its own right.)


Ladyhawke. Hey, it's a guilty pleasure!


Star Trek: The Original Series. As a bonus, watching this will enable my sons to "get" a lot of the humor in Galaxy Quest, but the interest just isn't there, yet. Then again, they do love old Dr. Who.


X-Men, Iron Man, Captain America, The Avengers, etc. All incredible movies, just way too violent for children. And okay, yes, I'm a major geek.



Oh please oh please oh please. Where do you disagree? Is it the P&P? I know it's not a popular opinion, but I just love that Colin Firth. Yum yum. And I'd rather poke my eyes than watch Jena Malone play Lydia.


I didn't realize that I posted Serenity twice! Ha, thanks for catching that. When picking something to watch, I'd rather watch the movie, mostly because it sums up all that is great about the show in two hours. That doesn't mean I don't love the series, I just can't watch it all in one sitting.


What's Up Doc? I don't think has anything objectionable in it, maybe beyond the part of her in the towel. I'd rather he not watch that kind of thing yet. And while he would probably love the slap stick comedy of it, the movie is such pure genius that I want him to understand and appreciate it a little more when he first sees it. I don't think he'd get the passing of the bags; they'd probably just confuse him.


Pretty much our entire movie collection. The kids still have their movies and we have ours. We're very picky about the movies we get, so *I* think all of ours are really good and there's just so much I want to watch with them when they get older.

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Real Genius



My dd and her friend watched this at their last sleepover, lol!


Gladiator (wondering if 7th graders could watch this with some parental editing)

Psycho or any of the Alfred Hitchcock movies

Pride and Prejudice (the BBC version)

To Kill a Mockingbird


My dh LOVES Gladiator. But it is very, VERY bloody and the whole thing with the Emperor constantly hitting on his sister? Ew. We just recently let eldest watch it with us.


We recently watched Rear Window!


All of my kids have seen multiple Jane Austen films, including the 6 hour P&P *and* the miniseries version of Jane Eyre with Timothy Dalton. They have also already seen clean, highbrow movies like To Kill a Mockingbird and funny old movies like Bringing Up Baby. :)


My choices would be John Hughes' classics that I grew up watching and adoring- Pretty in Pink, Breakfast Club, Sixteen Candles. I tried watching Weird Science the other night with my 12yo. Too much s e x. He was embarassed and I stopped the movie about 15 minutes in. LOL I forget sometimes.


I think one weekend dh is gone I should have a moms and teen movie marathon night for movies like these!

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A Knight's Tale with Heath Ledger is a family favorite and we watch it it once a year. In fact, Jen just took it with her to college to watch with her roommate. We've watched:


Ferris Bueller

Breakfast Club

Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure

Holy Grail


Never Ending Story

Princess Bride


Multiple times as well

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funny old movies like Bringing Up Baby!


That reminds me...I haven't pulled out my old copy of Philadelphia Story in years. My favorite pre-70s movie. Oh, and the kids just had a "witch mountain" movie marathon and loved all three of them. Those of you born closer to 1980 probably have no idea what those are.

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Oh please oh please oh please. Where do you disagree? Is it the P&P? I know it's not a popular opinion, but I just love that Colin Firth. Yum yum. And I'd rather poke my eyes than watch Jena Malone play Lydia.


I've never seen the Keira Knightley version: the bits I saw of the *costuming choices* were enough to keep me far, far away. And why would I want to replace the perfection of the five-hour BBC version, anyhow? It's just that my sons probably won't even pretend to care for anything like that until they're dating.


Better Off Dead is one of my husband's favorites, but I'm just not a big fan of Cusack.


And I've never seen Hudson Hawk, Legally Blonde, or Pushing Daisies, and absolutely do not want to see at least the middle one there.


What's Up Doc? I don't think has anything objectionable in it, maybe beyond the part of her in the towel. I'd rather he not watch that kind of thing yet.


Ha! I've never considered that particularly off. She's just so cold. Now, the scene leading up to it, with the bath, is a little off-color, I agree. But I honestly don't think my sons are old enough to really catch it; besides, they'd rather watch the chase scene ad nauseum.

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I just finally decided that my girls were old enough to watch one of my all-time favorite movies American Dreamer and we watched it Saturday. They didn't like it as much as I do, but they did appreciate it.


I had hesitated because of one explicit conversation ("Would you like to be on top?" "Would you rather be on the bottom?")

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I've never seen the Keira Knightley version: the bits I saw of the *costuming choices* were enough to keep me far, far away. And why would I want to replace the perfection of the five-hour BBC version, anyhow? It's just that my sons probably won't even pretend to care for anything like that until they're dating.


Better Off Dead is one of my husband's favorites, but I'm just not a big fan of Cusack.


And I've never seen Hudson Hawk, Legally Blonde, or Pushing Daisies, and absolutely do not want to see at least the middle one there.




Ha! I've never considered that particularly off. She's just so cold. Now, the scene leading up to it, with the bath, is a little off-color, I agree. But I honestly don't think my sons are old enough to really catch it; besides, they'd rather watch the chase scene ad nauseum.



EEP! You get it! You must be the first person I've ever heard that's recognized that the P&P movie is only 5 hours long, not 6. DH is always whining that it's 6. 'Scuse me, mister *snap snap snap* it's only five!


And as for the rest, meh. That's not so bad. I was expecting something much, much worse.

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EEP! You get it! You must be the first person I've ever heard that's recognized that the P&P movie is only 5 hours long, not 6. DH is always whining that it's 6. 'Scuse me, mister *snap snap snap* it's only five!



You must not own the version with the making of documentary?;)

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You must not own the version with the making of documentary?;)


I do, but it's not technically part of the movie. And I wish that part were five hours long too! And that it had Colin Firth in it. *sigh* I may just have to watch it sometime soon to watch his lovesick longing.

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Monty Python! They've seen The Holy Grail (only skipped one part), but looking forward to showings of The Life of Brian and The Meaning of Life :001_smile:.


:iagree: When my son was 7, he wrote a short paragraph about the plague. He quoted Monty Python and The Holy Grail. You know he got an "A" for that one! I LOVE Monty Python!

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Every Coen Brothers movie ever made! I cannot wait to watch The Big Lebowski, Fargo, O Brother Where Art Thou, etc. with my kids. Add in Pulp Fiction and you pretty much have the whole list.


My kids love O Brother Where Art Thou, lol! Well, my girls at least. There are always talking about whether is someone is bonafied or whether they thought someone was turned into a toad.

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Stardust and the *real* Pride and Prejudice. :glare: That's right, we will never be watching Kiera Knightly's terrible version. It makes me all twitchy just thinking about it.


Hmmmm...need to go check out the DVD cabinet


Better Off Dead



Hudsucker Proxy

Hudson Hawk

Legally Blonde (SQUEE!!!!)

And not technically a movie, but Pushing Daisies. Kids ought to know where their nicknames came from.

Galaxy Quest (DH told Pigby a few nights ago that he can't wait to show it to him when he's older)

What's Up Doc?



My boys actually liked Pride and Prejudice. We got it because our oldest was reading it for school and the two younger ones just sat and watched it, too. They like to mimic Mrs. Bennett. The older two like Stardust, but it scares my youngest. They all like Better Off Dead.

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and you cannot wait until your kids are old enough to watch them?


I am not talking about great classic movies like To Kill a Mockingbird, but movies that they might not watch otherwise.


I am watching Fifth Element right now with my eldest.:lol:


Oh, my dh couldn't WAIT until our oldest was old enough for this one. They've watched it countless times. They're the real movie people in te family.

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Princess Bride


Oh, wow. Am I terrible?! My kids have all seen this...like last year. :lol: We all love it!


Monty Python! They've seen The Holy Grail (only skipped one part), but looking forward to showings of The Life of Brian and The Meaning of Life :001_smile:.


I am super excited to let DS9 watch Holy Grail with DH this year when we study medieval times. Not sure about DD and DS6. It's been too long since I saw it and I don't remember what's appropriate or not because I didn't look with motherly eyes when last I viewed it. :lol: We'll see...


All of my kids have seen multiple Jane Austen films, including the 6 hour P&P *and* the miniseries version of Jane Eyre with Timothy Dalton. They have also already seen clean, highbrow movies like To Kill a Mockingbird and funny old movies like Bringing Up Baby. :)


Mine too! I've let my kids watch many of the old movies, although sometimes DD is the only one who makes it through some of them. (Not Mockingbird yet. They're not old enough and I'd like to read the book first, but lots of older movies in general.) They loved Bringing Up Baby! Laughed the whole way through! I had never seen it before but we watched it because it was recommended in The Best Old Movies for Families, which I bought to give me some inspiration for our weekly family movie night. I'm happy to say that my kids also like musicals. Their favorite is Singing in the Rain but we have watched them all, I think. Seven Brides for Seven Brothers is a favorite but I do think someone is going to pick up on the...ahem...theme soon. I'm a little :001_huh: that they haven't yet but whatever. :tongue_smilie: My kids know that when Mom is stressed or sad, Hello Dolly is going on. DD will ask me sometimes, "Do you need me to put Hello Dolly on, Mom?" :lol:


Honestly, I'm excited to watch ALL the movies with my kids. DH and I are movie lovers, through and through. Our favorite date has always been dinner & a movie and we are so enjoying being able to watch more, in the theater and at home.

Edited by Alte Veste Academy
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Oh Brother, Where Art Thou

Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels


The Princess Bride

The list is going to get embarrassing fast


Lake Placid


Blues Brothers

Wayne's World

Monty Python movies and sketches

Eddie Izzard stand up

Ferris Bueller

Galaxy Quest

The Nightmare Before Christmas

My Cousin Vinny (family classic, with lots of inside jokes)

Christmas Story



I also keep coming with ones I used to love or found really funny, but just do not want to watch with my kids.

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Christmas Story


:001_smile: This is DH's favorite Christmas movie and the one we watch with the kids every year on Christmas Eve. Then the kids go to bed and we watch It's a Wonderful Life alone. They're not old enough to appreciate it yet, I think. I don't want them to watch that one until I'm sure they will get it and love it.

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