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I am down 20 lbs!

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I had quite a bit to lose, but I just wanted to say I am down 20lbs in a little over a month doing LCHF.


First I lost 5, gained 3 back, and then lost a total of 15. Nothing happened for about 1.5 weeks and I had my epic carb fail. I just weighed myself today, after a full week back LCHF and I am down an additional 5 lbs.


Woot! Excited and I feel good!!!


If anyone else has some good weightloss health testimonies please share!

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I'm down to 130, and just slipped into a size 6 from a size 14. I wanted to get to 120, as that was always my natural weight, but I have to see how I go-meaning that after all these kids, weight is distributed differently, and I have to see where my too skinny point now is. Who knows whose body I have now.... :D


I feel better than I have in about 13 years (the last time I was LCHF). I mean, it's flat out amazing. I am really angry at myself for not listening to that inner voice telling me to do this all these years. I could have saved myself a lot of anguish over my hypoglycemia.

Edited by justamouse
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Awesome Job! :party:


My doctor recommended I do this...she thinks I have Celiacs disease. She said high fat and very low carbs and hopefully my stomach will not hurt all day. No bread, sugar and only natural things.


What do you eat daily? My husband does it..and he's lost 25 pounds and feels great. I'm just interested in what others eat. Thanks!

Edited by Tammy in Germany
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I'm down to 130, and just slipped into a size 6 from a size 14. I wanted to get to 120, as that was always my natural weight, but I have to see how I go-meaning that after all these kids, weight is distributed differently, and I have to see where my too skinny point now is. Who knows whose body I have now.... :D


I feel better than I have in about 13 years (the last time I was LCHF). I mean, it's flat out amazing. I am really angry at myself for not listening to that inner voice telling me to do this all these years. I could have saved myself a lot of anguish over my hypoglycemia.


That's *so* awesome.

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:iagree: Can you tell us what you eat in a typical day/week, Juniper?

Jennifer, this is not Orthodox friendly...just a heads up. :)


Begininng of the week I cook a Costco package of Bacon and reserve the drippings.


So, today I had coffee, with fresh goats milk and xylitol and blue cheese wrapped in turkey. I was in a hurry and actually eating as I ran out of the house. I got home and grabbed some almonds and water as a snack.


For lunch, I dump a spoonful of bacon grease in a pan added two of my free range chickens eggs, and a half bag of peppers and onions and some sliced salami, I had left over from mini quiches I made for dinner the other night. I topped the eggs with Zaatar, because I had a craving!!!


When I wanted snack I grabbed a Baby bel cheese I have. I had a chocolate craving this afternoon so I mixed a peanut butter and cocoa with xylitol.


For dinner dh made a Ceasar salad with cucumbers and I sauteed up portabellas, onions, garlic in more bacon grease and white wine I also enjoyed a glass of white wine.


That was today. I often interchange bacon grease, butter and coconut oil.


The other night I roasted okra in coconut oil and herbs and it was delish!


I figured I would give you a real day. It wasn't great, but I feel good and am happy. :)

Edited by Juniper
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I'm afraid I couldn't do that diet. I have trouble digesting proteins. I feel best when I have lots of veggies and a little whole grains and a little if no animal protein. I do enjoy butter though, and coconut oil. :D I don't do well with sugar either, so I avoid refined flours, pastas, & sugars.


Congratulations on the weight loss. It must feel really good! I just got back from the gym. Thanks for the inspiration. I needed to get "back to it."

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