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"I will not start fights on the internet . . ." Repeat

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Oh folks. I am Ticked, with a Capitol T.


Help me repeat this "I will not start fights on the internet. I will not start fights on the internet."


I used to have a "friend" on FB who this morning vomited her ignorant opinion of homeschooling and homeschooling Moms all over her page. Do you know how much self-control it's taking not to go make a spectacle of myself on her wall? A year or so ago I would have in an instant, but the longer I homeschool the more I realize that some folks just have a big wall of stupid up about this issue. Funny thing is, this isn't the first time this gal has spouted off and ranted about how awful, intolerant and closed minded people are while she does exactly the same thing. Ignorance is bliss in her case I guess.


Okay. I'm going to go power clean something while I'm riled up and resist the urge to fantasize about smacking her upside the empty head.

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I say go for it. People like that are usually counting on others to just agree with them. They sit in their so smugly, comfortable in their own ignorance.


I've bitten my tongue (fingers?) way too much over the past couple of years. Something must have happened in my brain recently, because I've been all over those types of post for the last several months. Makes me feel better. :D

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Yeah, just remove her. If it was a family member or someone you wanted to maintain a relationship with, a quiet, you know, I'm a homeschooling mom, might be appropriate. But sometimes FB gets cluttered with people who we couldn't care less about their opinions. Time to defriend.

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There is a certain person on my "friend" list who married into my family. She is always posting negative things about sahm's. She herself is a mother and always comments on how glad she is that she has a job and doesn't have to stay home all day, because it would be so boring. I don't take the time to reply or argue with her because to be honest I feel sorry for her.

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Take the high road and let it go. Also, maybe you should delete her.


Thanks for the cyber-shoulder to rant on ladies. I feel much better and my laundry is angrily folded! :D


I did delete her. Homeschooling is hard enough. I can deal with people who disagree, I get that. But I'm not going to invite self-righteous, judgemental, angry people into my life. I have better things to do.


I'm growing a habit here. Take it to the Lord in prayer, take it to the Hive to air.



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You can't fix stupid.


Facebook fights are like wrestling with pigs: the pigs like it and you get dirty.


Hide that story and call it a day.


I agree. And those walls of stupid? Really hard to break through.


If you have some other reason to keep her as a FB friend, hide her.

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Thanks for the cyber-shoulder to rant on ladies. I feel much better and my laundry is angrily folded! :D


I did delete her. Homeschooling is hard enough. I can deal with people who disagree, I get that. But I'm not going to invite self-righteous, judgemental, angry people into my life. I have better things to do.


I'm growing a habit here. Take it to the Lord in prayer, take it to the Hive to air.




Well, there's a siggy motto if I've ever seen one!

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Well said! :iagree:


Thanks for the cyber-shoulder to rant on ladies. I feel much better and my laundry is angrily folded! :D


I did delete her. Homeschooling is hard enough. I can deal with people who disagree, I get that. But I'm not going to invite self-righteous, judgemental, angry people into my life. I have better things to do.


I'm growing a habit here. Take it to the Lord in prayer, take it to the Hive to air.



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Eh...I just don't unfriend people, although I have been unfriended, lol. I just think that the best weapon is to post what makes me happy, and if that is a terrific day of home education, up on the status it goes! If I don't like something someone else has to say about my choices, I just let it go. If they are baiting me for an argument, I just let that go as well. No problemo.


Really, human beings are all about relationships. Sometimes we hurt each others feelings. Sometimes we're selfish. Sometimes we want relationships to be perfection. Sometimes we say we like animals better because they don't act like humans. Yet, other humans are whom God gave us to relate to, whether we like them or not.


I just don't unfriend (well, unless they are extremely abusive alcoholic people who are cussing me out...then yeah...until they get help, yeah...then they probably get unfriended)



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Alright, my evil twin is suggesting you find a post of hers about intolerant, close-minded people and copy that as your response to her.



I didn't realize that I'm your evil twin!! :tongue_smilie: Because that was my exact thought -- screen capture and post her own words back at her.


In real life, though, I just block those people on FB. Currently there's a whole lotta stupid going on in another online forum I use, and I'm just not opening those threads. Some days it takes a lot of effort.

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I had to walk away from one today -- not related to homeschooling, but parenting. We spent the weekend at our friend's camp (they have a big party every year) and they are turning their 4 year-old into an impossible brat. There is NO discipline. None. They think little "Mikey" should do whatever he wants and learn by making mistakes, even if it means disrupting everyone around, like when he was jumping on the back of my friend's chair as he was eating breakfast, and doing somersaults onto the adjoining couch I was sitting on, and his only reprimand was, "Mikey, Mr. Kevin might not want you jumping on the back of his chair." Little Mikey kept on jumping and flipping with a defiant grin at his dad, and nothing more was said. Or when little Mikey made a sand castle in the middle of the beach and he'd have a tantrum when people didn't realize it was a castle and would accidentally step on it. The mom put pool noodles all around it and was directing the traffic flow around it for HOURS. If she didn't pay attention and someone stepped on it, Mikey had another meltdown and she consoled him. She even made my DH, carrying a bunch of bulky water-skiing gear, go around it even though little Mikey built it in the most inconvenient spot on the very small beach -- right in the path to get to the boat and the dock. Little Mikey also talked about himself incessantly in the 3rd person -- probably because his parents speak to him this way and don't discourage it. He greeted us with, "Mikey is 4 1/2!" and seriously didn't use ANY pronouns the entire time we were there. "Mikey wants chocolate." "No Ally! Those are Mikey's crackers! Give the crackers back to Mikey! Mikey wants them RIGHT NOW!" I swear, it was like being around freakin' Elmo from Sesame Street! BTW, there is nothing developmentally wrong with this child. His mom used to post all the time on FB about her DD's developmental delays (she was slow with some of the gross motor things like walking). If there was something going on with him, she'd post about it.


Little Mikey's mom (I like the dad who is DH's frat brother, but not the mom quite so much) also let off some inflammatory opinions around the camp fire. She's one of those highly educated types -- just got a PhD in a field where you can't do much with the degree other than teach college. When she talked about her struggles to find work and said that she didn't want to take the education track, I commented that I was surprised -- I always pictured her as a college professor in a cozy office, surrounded by books and having lively discussions with students. Her response was, "Oh, no! I would never TEACH. I want to actually DO something." Guess what my degree is in? :glare: She also made a comment that "all" she did that year was be a SAHM :glare: I knew none of this was directed at me, so I bit my tongue until it almost bled.


Today when she commented on FB that her 2 year-old's mission in life is to send little Mikey into tantrums, it was all I could do to comment, "It doesn't take much." I walked away.

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That superior, educated sort of mentality was what I was dealing with. One of the many reasons I didn't reply to her was that she's a public school teacher. I know many wonderful PS teachers who aren't threatened by the mere fact that homeschooling exists and don't parrot everything that their union says. This lady is not one of them. Nothing that I could have said would have done anything to lessen her rant. In fact, it probably would have just reinforced in her head what defensive, insecure twits we are.


And Mikey sounds like a gem. That whole "Elmo Speak" drives me up the wall.

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I tutor as a volunteer in a public school with lots of disadvantaged kids. That school loves it that I home school. After all, I know how to teach, have lots of materials to share, and care about their kids.


Delete, ignore, hide, whatever.


and then:party: because you know that you are doing the right thing for your kids and your family.

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Oh folks. I am Ticked, with a Capitol T.


Help me repeat this "I will not start fights on the internet. I will not start fights on the internet."


I used to have a "friend" on FB who this morning vomited her ignorant opinion of homeschooling and homeschooling Moms all over her page. Do you know how much self-control it's taking not to go make a spectacle of myself on her wall? A year or so ago I would have in an instant, but the longer I homeschool the more I realize that some folks just have a big wall of stupid up about this issue. Funny thing is, this isn't the first time this gal has spouted off and ranted about how awful, intolerant and closed minded people are while she does exactly the same thing. Ignorance is bliss in her case I guess.


Okay. I'm going to go power clean something while I'm riled up and resist the urge to fantasize about smacking her upside the empty head.


In my experience, those who talk big about how open-minded and tolerant they are often express rather judgmental, one-sided opinions and believe that their view is the only reasonable, rational view so anyone who holds a different view can only be motivated by stupidity or evil. But that same myopia makes it unlikely that they'll ever see, much less acknowledge, that tendency in themselves, so there is little point in challenging them.

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I don't understand why someone would have a problem with / complain about homeschooling. How does it negatively affect them? We all make the decisions that are best for us. It's too bad people can't just live and let live. That person would no longer be a friend, that's for sure.


Eta: I'm dying to know what she said. I really can't figure out what would make her so mad.

Edited by tammyw
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Ugh, I'm sorry. I don't get why some people have to blather their hard-nosed opinions all over Facebook.


I had to hide a couple "friends" this week because I just couldn't take any more posts praising Ken Ham, and quotations about how if you don't spank your children they will end up ruling over you. :tongue_smilie: I have to force myself to sit on my hands sometimes.

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Thanks for the cyber-shoulder to rant on ladies. I feel much better and my laundry is angrily folded! :D


I did delete her. Homeschooling is hard enough. I can deal with people who disagree, I get that. But I'm not going to invite self-righteous, judgemental, angry people into my life. I have better things to do.


I'm growing a habit here. Take it to the Lord in prayer, take it to the Hive to air.



:) I like that habit.

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