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Prayer request

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Hi everyone, As some of you may already know I am going through a divorce. I am currently in school to be a nurse practitioner. I just met with our accountant and found out that I can't borrow money from our IRAs to pay for college as I had planned to do, so I must take out loans and there may not be enough time before next semester.


I applied for a sort of scholarship called a traineeship that would pay for everything for school. If you could, please pray that I would get this as it would give me some much needed financial security.

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Nurse practitioner is a wonderful position and will serve you well! These next few years will be tight, but you will make it!! So sorry for your hurt and loss and hopeful that you will help show your children how to forge through life's pits...if it makes you feel any better, we had 2 mortgages for 31 months, wracked up more in debt to stay afloat than most come out of college with...it will take us 4 years to get out of that debt...and then, guess what? We'll have 3 in college!!! I expect to work several jobs during those years...it never is easy, know that you are not alone...give your kids some hugs and inquire through local churches, many have funds for families in need at times like these!!

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