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I homeschool my children because.....

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I want time flexibility and I love my dd creativity and I want her to create all day long if she wants to and hear her stories. Time is to short. Oh yes, and customize her curriculum to where she is at vs. staying at grade level.


My ds, after learning his core subjects I want him to enjoy learning and exploring his own interests.


add yours:D

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Because God gave my kids to me to raise. I also saw, first hand, the "therapeutic" placement where my then non-verbal son would have wound up had I allowed it. My older dd would have wound up in a similarly stimulating environment had I put her in school. I was praying for answers and I believe I received very eye opening ones. We have never looked back.

Edited by jelbe5
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I originally started homeschooling because I knew public school would eat my Aspie son alive, and I didn't want him to fail. I knew he was smart, but in a particular way, and I knew that he wouldn't last half an hour in a noisy classroom without a lot of help. I kept him home instead.


I continue to homeschool, even my neurotypical daughter, because I have discovered I absolutely adore teaching them. I love finding all the great resources to help them learn more, I love being available to find answers to their constant questions, and I love the extra incentive for me to keep reading and to keep my mind fresh.


I could put my son in school now and I know he would do just fine, but I believe I can offer both of my kids a better education than they could get anywhere locally, except perhaps one of the private schools that does a good job (but gives as much homework each night as we do of schoolwork each day).

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the school wasn't meeting the needs of my son who has some special needs. As well my daughter whose always been an avid reader and loves to learn was beginning to dread school. I want them to love learning so we brought them home and are excited about our first year.

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I homeschool my children because most the time it is fun.


(and academics, etc...)


But mostly fun, I like hanging out with the little squirts everyday, why should someone else get the joy of spending the day with my kids!

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I always wanted to but I didn't think I could. Then she started having problems in PS so I thought I better figure out how to. All the terrible things that I was told about her from PS teachers are now a non issue. I also really enjoy homeschooling, kiddo enjoys it and I know that I'm really fortunate to be able to not work out of the home.

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We do not have a 9-5 work schedule. The public school schedule does not fit our family. I would not see my kids 4 days a week if they went to PS. I happen to enjoy being around my babies :).


The PS could not provide what my son needed. He is advanced for his age in many subjects. The school would not even test him. I could not even find a private school to test him.


I know that I can privide my kids with a better education by tailoring it to their needs.


I love it!! Especially the buying curriculum and books part ;) homeschooling feeds my book addiction :).

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I hs my children because it makes me a better mom.


(to elaborate- our one on one time is better than before, I am more focused on each of their personalities, wants and needs. I try harder to find stimulating, fun, educational opportunities. I am just BETTER as a homeschooling mother than I was before we started)

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I have children.

I want to raise my children.

I enjoying raising my children.

I don't want to turn them over to someone else to raise for the majority of their waking hours.

My children are happy.

My children are not stressed.

My children love learning and exploring and trying things out.

My children are not subject to the whims of a bureaucratic system that thinks of them as numbers.

My children are not constantly subject to the unregulated social maneuverings of a mob of age peers.

I have something more significant than laundry, cleaning, running errands, or pleasing a boss to spend my time thinking, planning, dreaming, and working for.


Oh, and I get to interact with a whole bunch of really fun, engaged parents who share my obsession with curricula and methods and plans and ideas for helping children achieve their dreams and ours!

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I homeschool because:


I want my son to embrace his unique qualities

I want my son's varying academic needs to be met where he is, not just at a grade level

I want my son to be able to sleep in during his teens years

I want my son to have time for hobbies not homework

I want to met his academic needs by not doing every test in multiple choice and fill in the blank

I want my son to be able to study his diverse interests in a academic setting, not just crammed in after school

I want the flexibility that homeschooling affords

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Our local schools are overcrowded and cutting corners everywhere. My stepson attended through graduation and was passed from year to year although he could not write a coherent sentence or do simple arithmetic. After graduation he could not get even a temp job through M-Ploy because he couldn't pass their basic skills tests. Partying, drugs, alcohol, and sex were the main focus of the student body, with a large percentage of the kids boasting in class of vandalism, shoplifting, and other petty crimes. Who in their right mind would send their kids to a school like that?

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I homeschool my kids because I want them to have a Godly foundation. I don't want to have to undo a secular worldview. I want them to excell in academics so they can engage their world for Jesus. I want them to do well because you always do your best- not because they have a state test to prove themselves and prove their school is doing a good job.



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It bothers people.


I started for different reasons, but today, at this moment, I am doing it to irritate the living bejeeminies out of some people I know.


It's the principle of the thing, really.


Dd would say it's to help them become capable, intelligent adults.

Ds the elder would say it's because homeschooling is the best idea I could come up with while staying up all night plotting ways to make his life hard.

Ds the youngest would tell you it's because I am obsessed with reading. At least that is what he said this morning.


It really is Monday.

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The schools here are crummy no matter what they say or how much they increase our taxes!


....the social scene at the school stinks too.


....I want my kids to have close relationships with us, each other and the Lord.


....it is more fun:D


...what else would I do? I have been at this over 17 years....it is what we do!

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Because we are able to, have the resources, and it works/worked for our particular children. I do love the freedom, yes.


I don't hs because I love my children 'more' than the decent schooling families I know do, or because I think it makes me a better parent.

Edited by LibraryLover
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I homeschool my children because:


1. We are military and move frequently. I don't want to continuously have to worry about changing school districts.


2. We want to take time off when Daddy is home from deployments (flexibility)


3. Personalized education


4. Academic rigor


5. Ability to mention God


6. I like to be in control!

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I started out because of an incident at a local school.


I am continuing because . . .

I love being around my kids

I love learning with them

I want to control how and when they learn certain things

I want to encourage, cultivate, and inspire each of my kids individual qualities

and I wouldn't complain about the increased pajama days, either. ;)

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I love this thread. I've been having trouble justifying homeschooling to myself and a few select people. This thread is exactly what I needed.


I homeschool my children because, right now, it's the best thing for every one of them. :)

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I love this thread. I've been having trouble justifying homeschooling to myself and a few select people. This thread is exactly what I needed.


I homeschool my children because, right now, it's the best thing for every one of them. :)


And to bug those people. When they demand to know why, look them in the eye and say, "You."


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Tazzie, tis the season to question hser motives ;) I have found that some people will believe you hate the gov. and want to raise children of the corn regardless of your eloquence and perfectly normal kids. The best I can figure to do is go with their fear of things they don't understand and exploit their paranoia to buy me some peace. Once they think it might be their fault they suddenly want to avoid the topic.




And it's fun to see the confusion.

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For many of the above reasons and more!


I love our close knit family and I love that family comes first- not the school schedule or peers or homework, etc.


The freedom to take time off when we need and to vacation whenever we want to. The freedom to use what works for each individual child.


The one-on-one education they are getting. As much as I may doubt the education I am giving them at times, I know the individualized time I can give them is far above what they would be getting in traditional school.


I don't have to worry about what they are being exposed to in school bathrooms, or about bullying or peer pressure.


I don't have to worry about school lunches, uniforms, running them around, picking them up from school at different times, sick days, homework.


Lots more. I really do love this lifestyle. I was always a rule breaker, I never liked to just go along with the system.

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Right now I simply want more control and time with them. I want to choose what they are learning about and what materials are used. I also do not want my 7 year old in a class of 30 kids with an overworked teacher and away from home 40 hours per week. Childhood is too short to have a young kid spending that much time away from home and stuck in a school building.

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