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I know it's my civic duty and all that....

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But, I'm so angry, upset, and frustrated that I have jury duty tomorrow.

This is 4 times in 8 years which is the max. Why? Why? Why?! A cousin of mine has been eligible for jury duty for 28 years and has never gotten one. It just doesn't seem to be a fair system.

I don't really mind the jury duty itself, it's that they make it so hard to comply.

My list of complaints:

The parking garage is 5 blocks from the court house in a bad part of town (I used to work in the court house and would never walk without a coworker or escort. They don't supply escorts for people replying to jury summons) and it's July in the desert.

I have to wait until after 6pm tonight to find out when my time slot is. This makes child care arrangements difficult. The court system expects me to just arrange a sitter for the entire day. Which I have. That's not nice.

And I am expected to sit in a yucky building (where I can't bring in food or beverage, so I have to buy it there) until 5pm. And I don't have the money to buy stuff really, so I'll just be hungry or spend money I don't want to.

I had to cancel my house-cleaning job for tomorrow, so I won't make any money.

Plus, I have anxiety and IBS issues so doing things outside of my routine is very stressful for me.

I really, really wanted to be able to toss the dang thing in the trash, but I'm a good girl and was raised properly so I feel I must comply (and that makes me mad).


This is JAWM post. Please don't bash me for hating jury duty. And if you're the good-vibe sending, praying type, could ya send some my way? I could really use them.


I'm taking books and my lesson plans with me to work on our next school year, but I'd rather do that in my own house at a table. Ya know? And my mom said she would drop me off so I don't have to stress about parking and walking, but now I feel like I'm inconviencing her, too.


I know it's my civic duty; the system just makes it so hard!

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My dh and I were discussing this the other day. It really is such a flawed system, and yet I don't have any suggestions. They have such a wide variety of people to attempt to accommodate, and I know it would never be possible to please everybody. I recently had to serve, and it was just a frustrating experience.


Praying your time goes well and smoothly!

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There are no exceptions in my county. I was called when I had a nursing newborn and was given a 3 month extension. They told me I had three months to wean him or get him to take a bottle. Awesome.

The only person who can excuse you is the judge, which means you have to show up to be excused.

The last time I went I sat there for 8 hours to be excused at 5pm.

My dad did get a pass because his doctor wrote a note that said he was in the hospital and oxygen dependent.

It is a really flawed system. And I too, don't know how to fix it. I think I'll get excused regardless because I worked in the court system for so long and know lots of the attorneys, court reporters, clerks, etc. At least that's what I'm hoping!

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I just went through this. Hopefully you won't get picked! The inconvenience is awful, and I don't know how anybody is able to do it. My hubby was able to get out of going down, even though I hadn't been able to, because he is the sole provider for our family (at least I *think* that's why.)


In the case I was called to (and not selected, thankfully) it was a severe child abuse case. When it came time for the q & a, I basically told them why I was already biased against the accused--because it was so blatantly obvious, and that even if he wasn't guilty of the exact named crimes, he was guilty of something, namely not caring for the children under his watch, and if all the defense had in its pocket was to try to shift the blame to a 4-year old sister then they should be embarrassed, etc.


Well, I got an Amen from the dude behind me, and the prosecutor shut me up. LOL, I'm thinking, wait--I'm on your side! Everything I said in front of the court was true and I was so upset I simply couldn't keep my mouth closed. The whole thing was very creepy and wrong. Was glad to later see the guy got convicted.


What finally happened before I got excused, was that I decided I could set aside my life for 3 weeks, if necessary, because the little girls deserved justice. God even put it on my heart that I should be cautious about praying for a situation if I wasn't willing to do my part.


All the best to you, OP--I know it's frustrating! Hope it works out!!!

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Kaleh you have my sympathies!!! Oh do you!!


My dh and I were discussing this the other day. It really is such a flawed system, and yet I don't have any suggestions. They have such a wide variety of people to attempt to accommodate, and I know it would never be possible to please everybody. I recently had to serve, and it was just a frustrating experience.


Praying your time goes well and smoothly!


I agree! I've been called in my "home" state 4 times in the past 5 years.....never mind the fact that the very first time I showed proof that we lived out of state with military orders.


I have even had a warrant out for my arrest for not showing to a multiple notice summons. DUH!! I lived in Japan and was NOT showing for duty!


Stupid system.



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I've done jury duty almost every single year I've lived here. I got a 2 year break after serving on a jury twice. It's a huge inconvenience.


Okay, you win, Catherine. Ick! I've never had to serve, just show up. I'm too opinionated, I think! At least I haven't had one a year. I do feel a little better.

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There are no exceptions in my county. I was called when I had a nursing newborn and was given a 3 month extension. They told me I had three months to wean him or get him to take a bottle. Awesome.

The only person who can excuse you is the judge, which means you have to show up to be excused.

The last time I went I sat there for 8 hours to be excused at 5pm.

My dad did get a pass because his doctor wrote a note that said he was in the hospital and oxygen dependent.

It is a really flawed system. And I too, don't know how to fix it. I think I'll get excused regardless because I worked in the court system for so long and know lots of the attorneys, court reporters, clerks, etc. At least that's what I'm hoping!


I've mentioned that I could bring my 4 children with me...aged 11, 7, 4, and 1. That was my only option. (those were their ages when I was called.)

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Wow, what jerks where you live. I think I'd be contacting LLL and the local news if someone told me to wean my kid by 3 months. That just *&*&* me off thinking about it. I think iirc I had a summons once but called and talked about having kids and it was excused, so I've never served.

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Oh, I know! I cried! I was told that they had passed a law for no jury duty exceptions because EVERYONE had an excuse and they couldn't get enough to serve. So they made it law that only the judge could excuse you. I was told if I had a problem, I needed to talk to my state representative. Okay.

In my county, the summons doesn't come registered mail. There is no way to prove that I actually got it. I could have thrown it away and ignored it, but my conscience wouldn't let me do it. I tried. I really did. I just couldn't do it. I'm a first born. I've heard we have problems breaking rules.:tongue_smilie:

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I was called once and while I really would be willing to serve our local court because I want to do my part and be a good role model to my children, at the time, I was VERY pregnant. The first day of court was my due date, this was my 4th pregancy and my labors go very quickly, and all of my children have been born on or before their due dates. I tried explaining all of this to the clerk and she was just about as nasty an individual as I've ever had the displeasure of talking with...she did not give a rat's rear.


So, I wrote a letter directly to one of the judges on the circuit court bench, told him my plight, and explained exactly what I thought of the county clerk that I'd dealt with and that if I went into labor in the courtroom, I would not be able to be moved because I dilate from 5-10 in about 15 minutes wanted him to know that if I had to deliver in a non-sterile courtroom in front of a jury, court officers, lawyers, a defendent, and who knows who else watching the case, that he could bet I'd be suing the county.


I received a personal letter from him profusely apologizing for the "a$$" (his words, not mine) who refused to issue me a waiver. He said that I was excused from jury duty for a term of 10 years and that I was to keep the letter in case there was another screw up by "bureaucratic a$$es" (his words again, not mine) and would need to prove that he'd issued the dismissal. He was very, very humbly apologetic. Sometimes I wonder how many judges really understand how kicked around juries can be by the time they actually get chosen. It certainly isn't helping anyone get a fair trial!


Japan??? Wow! Just WOW! Did you ask how low their IQ was because I would have been seriously tempted?



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Civic duty, blah, blah, I hate it anyways LOL. I got my summons about six weeks ago. Thankfully, if I have a child 6 and under in my full time care and I'm unemployed then I am exempt. I currently have two of them!


I know you mentioned IBS....my mom has that and got summoned about a year ago. When they asked if anyone needed be exempt, she told the person that she has IBS and could have to run to the bathroom at a moment's notice. That wouldn't fare well in the middle of a trial. So she was excused.


To the poster who mentioned their nursing baby, I would have been LIVID if they replied to me with the options of weaning or forcing a bottle. That's crazy!

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I totally get it.:grouphug:


Your area court system sounds completely awful.


I got called for jury duty last month. There are certain automatic exemptions here for certain things. One of them is being the full time, not employed outside of the home parent/guardian of a child under 6. Apparently the assumption is that 6yo and over would be in school.


Well, my child is older than six, in fact she is thirteen. Yet, I am not yet ready to leave her alone at home for hours on end. The time before that, I had been there from 8 am to almost 6 pm.:001_huh:


They have a blank on the form where you can fill in a reason that is not listed as one of the automatic exemptions. So I filled in that I was a parent of a child who is homeschooled. Well, the following week, I got a call from a clerk that the judge had denied my request for excusal. I asked what I was supposed to do -bring her with me? She replied that I could not do that. No one could be there who was under 18.


So it was a situation of too bad too sad if you have a child older than 6, but younger that 18. Also, it is summer and school was out so parents whose children are usually in school anyway would have to find child care also.


Anyway, I did find someone she could stay with. The good news is that I was only there until 11:30. That was a relief. Now I know I don't have to report for at least a year.


OP, I know it stinks and I hope you get lucky and maybe they will release you early too. :grouphug:

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Does anyone know what they would do if you just showed up with your kids and a cooler full of snacks?


I got called ONCE and forgot to report! Nothing ever came of it. My son had just been diagnosed with muscular dystrophy when the date landed, so i was in that fog, and I didn't realize until weeks later that I missed it. I found out from a cop friend that they don't do anything unless you blow it off twice. I got REALLY lucky.

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I was called once and while I really would be willing to serve our local court because I want to do my part and be a good role model to my children, at the time, I was VERY pregnant. The first day of court was my due date, this was my 4th pregancy and my labors go very quickly, and all of my children have been born on or before their due dates. I tried explaining all of this to the clerk and she was just about as nasty an individual as I've ever had the displeasure of talking with...she did not give a rat's rear.


So, I wrote a letter directly to one of the judges on the circuit court bench, told him my plight, and explained exactly what I thought of the county clerk that I'd dealt with and that if I went into labor in the courtroom, I would not be able to be moved because I dilate from 5-10 in about 15 minutes wanted him to know that if I had to deliver in a non-sterile courtroom in front of a jury, court officers, lawyers, a defendent, and who knows who else watching the case, that he could bet I'd be suing the county.


I received a personal letter from him profusely apologizing for the "a$$" (his words, not mine) who refused to issue me a waiver. He said that I was excused from jury duty for a term of 10 years and that I was to keep the letter in case there was another screw up by "bureaucratic a$$es" (his words again, not mine) and would need to prove that he'd issued the dismissal. He was very, very humbly apologetic. Sometimes I wonder how many judges really understand how kicked around juries can be by the time they actually get chosen. It certainly isn't helping anyone get a fair trial!


Japan??? Wow! Just WOW! Did you ask how low their IQ was because I would have been seriously tempted?




Oh, my goodness. That is awful. In my county, being an expectant mother is one of the automatic exemptions. You could have just checked that on a form that comes with the summons and been exempted with no problems, phone calls, or having to show up at all.


I am glad it worked out for you.

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Well, if it makes you feel any better, my husband was just called for six months of federal jury duty! He needs to make himself avaliable the full term, and they can call him as many time a they want during those six months. :001_huh:


We got the letter a week and a half before we were supposed to be leaving for France for 3 months! Requests for deferral had to be submitted in writing, and then they said to give them two weeks to decide if he would be deferred or or not... Umm, we were supposed to be on the other side if the Atlantic by then! The amount of stress it added to our lives during an already very stressful time was amazing. After a bunch of work, and almost bursting into tears on the phone, I finally found a kind soul who helped me. He got a deferral for the time we're gone, but he has to be avaliable for the remainder of the time when we get back. What a mess.


I hope you don't have to go in when you call!

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:grouphug: What a mess. What if you have no transportation? We have one working car and if I get called for anything besides local I have NO WAY to get there. There are no bus lines or public transport. Dh needs the car for work and there is no way we could afford for me to drive him, as it's 30 minutes from here and we barely have enough gas money for HIM to get to work. Fortunately, I haven't had to deal with it.


My dad had federal jury duty when we were kids, I remember what a hassle it was for him.

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I've been called once, in IL. At the time I was a young mother with two children 2yrs and infant and we were part of a pacifist group. I was able to obtain a religious exemption with a letter of verification from our minister (in some ways, I wish I had served, but I was also a nursing mother).


PA has a very open law that allows for exemptions due to hardships. You have to send in a request before your date. A few courts have childcare at the courthouse for jurors.

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Here you have to show up, but then you can ask to be excused by the judge. That is what I did the last time I needed excused. Dh stayed home from work for one day, I went to court, explained our situation (new foster child with special needs--no special needs caretakers available for her, as we couldn't just use any babysitter). I was excused for the week and home by noon.


Sorry you state is making it more difficult than it needs to be.

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Does anyone know what they would do if you just showed up with your kids and a cooler full of snacks?


I got called ONCE and forgot to report! Nothing ever came of it. My son had just been diagnosed with muscular dystrophy when the date landed, so i was in that fog, and I didn't realize until weeks later that I missed it. I found out from a cop friend that they don't do anything unless you blow it off twice. I got REALLY lucky.


Yikes! When I lived in Nashville, I just wrote a letter stating that I homeschooled my children and was the sole caretaker. Never heard from them again. But now we live in the county just south of there, and it's very difficult to get an exemption. I served last summer for a week - fortunately my 2 oldest were old enough to hold down the fort for the day I actually had to serve on a jury. We are also limited to serving once every 2 years.

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Japan??? Wow! Just WOW! Did you ask how low their IQ was because I would have been seriously tempted?




LOL, in the county's defense they didn't _know_ I was in Japan. Last they knew I was in WA state.


A friend of mine saw my name on a bench warrant (first name maiden name-married name---- VERY unusual) and emailed me. When I contacted the court clerk she basically told me I'd have to come in and ask for a blah-blah-blah.


Did you NOT hear me? I live in JAPAN! I am NOT coming into court. If I am doing anything other than making a few phone calls it is to go to the JAG office and get an attorney to deal with this problem.


The lady was much nicer after that and found a superior who knew what he was doing.


I'm "excused" until we either live in the state again OR until I register to vote in the state we live in. I'll wait to vote locally until dh retires.



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Kaleh you have my sympathies!!! Oh do you!!




I agree! I've been called in my "home" state 4 times in the past 5 years.....never mind the fact that the very first time I showed proof that we lived out of state with military orders.


I have even had a warrant out for my arrest for not showing to a multiple notice summons. DUH!! I lived in Japan and was NOT showing for duty!


Stupid system.




I got a jury summons for my home state that was sent to my (at that time) California address, where I received my absentee ballot. Uh, if I am receiving an absentee ballot in California, then I am clearly not living in the state. But, I just checked "moved out of state" and I have never received another one.

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Yikes! When I lived in Nashville, I just wrote a letter stating that I homeschooled my children and was the sole caretaker. Never heard from them again. But now we live in the county just south of there, and it's very difficult to get an exemption. I served last summer for a week - fortunately my 2 oldest were old enough to hold down the fort for the day I actually had to serve on a jury. We are also limited to serving once every 2 years.

I live on the North side and they exempted me. I suppose it all depends on who you talk to. I think in our area there's plenty of seniors who are glad to serve. I probably won't mind myself once my kids are all older.

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Dh is prime jury material; he could easily get a colleague to cover for him at short notice, and would enjoy serving. He only got called up once, years ago. When he was asked about his employment, they didn't understand what his job involved, so he explained that he taught logic and wrote papers explaining the flaws in bad arguments. He was dismissed on the spot and never called back.


Meanwhile, I've been called up multiple times, but always had a small enough child to be excused.


Kalah, I'm so sorry for your situation. How lousy.

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I've also been called the maximum number of times. A month before my kids were born, I was called to be on a big federal trial that was predicted to last at least three months. That one they just excused me for carte blanche. I also got called for grand jury, which takes months, but I got it deferred to petit. Being the primary caregiver to minors hasn't flown so far, but luckily every case I've been called to has been something where I had experiences that led the lawyers to ask for me to be excused. So um, I guess whiplash and having a deadbeat brother are good for something? It's at the point where I'd kind of like to get called, schedule it for a time when I could lose a week of my life and then just do a small trial and get it over with. Because then there's a longer lag before they call you again.

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Twice I have received a notice. They have you call an automated system everyday for 7 days, after 6:00pm and enter your number. The system then tells you whether you are needed or not.


I've never made it beyond the phone call. It always said I was not needed.



:grouphug:to the op. I have IBS so I totally get that! Hopefully, you'll be dismissed.

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After my sister spent months sending in copies of death certificates, etc, officers showed up at her door to arrest her deceased husband for failure to show up for jury duty.


She calmly handed them his urn of ashes.


The officers, who of course were not responsible for the fiasco, apologized profusely and left.


The next month, he received another summons...

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We thankfully haven't run into this. Here they exempt you if you provide documentation of homeschooling. The law states that you can be exempt if you are caring for children at home and have no options for alternate care, and they've thankfully extrapolated this to cover home education. I've heard that they don't buy the homeschooling exemption as readily though if you have a kid over 16 who can stay home all day with the younger ones.


We know several people who got genuine medical waivers and were exempted.

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Sharon in Austin: Dh is prime jury material; he could easily get a colleague to cover for him at short notice, and would enjoy serving. He only got called up once, years ago. When he was asked about his employment, they didn't understand what his job involved, so he explained that he taught logic and wrote papers explaining the flaws in bad arguments. He was dismissed on the spot and never called back.




Oh, that's funny! :lol: Yep, you sure don't want HIM!


I've voir -dired a few juries in my time and sat in a few jury call days. The goal is to get the most favorably biased, least intelligent (as a group), least flexible jurors possible, unfortunately. Jury selections are very interesting processes. A lady upthread said something in agreement with the prosecutor, who tried to shut her up. He tried to shut her up because he wanted to keep her! The more you say, the more likely you will be dismissed. There are only a few peremptory challenges permitted in my area - those are challenges just because - but there are unlimited cause challenges.

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I've always stated that I am the sole caregiver to minor children, and if I am serving on a jury, my children are not able to be educated (and fulfilling the state's compulsory attendance law). They've always excused me.


Oh that's good. We have hours, not days and no state notification, but I'll look into that.

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I have been called a few times, and actually was selected to serve on the jury the last time I was called. It is definitely an inconvenience.


My ds got a summons while he was deployed to Afghanistan. It took forever to get him excused. I finally had to call the governor's office, and they took care of it. Crazy!

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I have been called a few times, and actually was selected to serve on the jury the last time I was called. It is definitely an inconvenience.


My ds got a summons while he was deployed to Afghanistan. It took forever to get him excused. I finally had to call the governor's office, and they took care of it. Crazy!

What happens to soldiers that have no one checking their mail for them? It would be a mess to come home to contempt of court orders and warrants for one's arrest.

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There are no exceptions in my county. I was called when I had a nursing newborn and was given a 3 month extension. They told me I had three months to wean him or get him to take a bottle. Awesome.

The only person who can excuse you is the judge, which means you have to show up to be excused.

The last time I went I sat there for 8 hours to be excused at 5pm.

My dad did get a pass because his doctor wrote a note that said he was in the hospital and oxygen dependent.

It is a really flawed system. And I too, don't know how to fix it. I think I'll get excused regardless because I worked in the court system for so long and know lots of the attorneys, court reporters, clerks, etc. At least that's what I'm hoping!


Wow! That's ridiculous! I would be furious! I was called while pregnant but was able to get excused with a doctor's note since I was so close to my due date. I was afraid they would just postpone my date and that I would have to go when I was nursing. DD is 10 months old and I haven't been called yet. What irritated me is that DH would have to take the day off to watch DC. If he had been called, he would have been compensated for missing work but if I get called I get no compensation since I'm "unemployed".

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But if you were called and you went and sat there, but was not picked for the jury, dont you get a certificate stating that you completed the requirements of jury duty? Thats what I got in CT, I dont remember now, how long the certificate is valid for, but atleast a few year iirc

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There are no exceptions in my county. I was called when I had a nursing newborn and was given a 3 month extension. They told me I had three months to wean him or get him to take a bottle. Awesome.



Ridiculous! I had some children that WOULD NOT take a bottle. I tried going back to work after #1 and he cried and screamed himself till he crashed...the whole morning until I got home. DH worked 3rd shift, so this was torture on him as well. He couldn't get the baby to take a bottle and eventually could only put him in the swing till the poor thing wore himself out (he was about 3mos). My job lasted only a few weeks. I couldn't let my baby keep doing that.


The laws need to be updated. This borders on abuse in the system. A jury is more important than caring for an infant?!



Wow! That's ridiculous! I would be furious! I was called while pregnant but was able to get excused with a doctor's note since I was so close to my due date. I was afraid they would just postpone my date and that I would have to go when I was nursing. DD is 10 months old and I haven't been called yet. What irritated me is that DH would have to take the day off to watch DC. If he had been called, he would have been compensated for missing work but if I get called I get no compensation since I'm "unemployed".


Yeah, and you are expected to pay for childcare. Again, the law needs to be updated. We don't live in a society where everyone has a relative or neighbour they can trust with their child.

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FWIW, the one time I was called in, I was selected for a trial. It was attempted murder with gang and gun charges, and it was quite fascinating. So much more interesting than TV crime shows because it was real. (Guilty on almost all counts, just FYI.)


Of course, I just got called for a long-term federal jury case and I explained that child care would cost quadruple the daily rate so serving was a hardship, LOL.


Maybe when my kid is in school I can serve again, because it was actually tremendously gratifying and the system seemed to work better than I would have ever imagined. Very inspiring civics lesson!

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