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Mid life Crisis post.....

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So....what are you planning for yours??


So far....

I have joined a gym and have been trying out all the classes

We have gotten concert tickets for all sorts of stuff this summer

I am thinking about what I want to be when I grow up....and how I am going to make some money....so I can have some fun...finally.


How about you??


Tell me YOUR plans for your own mid life crisis.....

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I went to trapeze class with my 13yo dd. We both joined a combat/self defense style martial arts class and I am getting certified to teach Womens Self Defense. If and when I finally get a black belt, I am planning to get a tattoo to "mark" the occasion. We bought kayaks and take them out often. And I lost 40 lbs.


In general, I wanted to recapture the adventurous spirit I had in my youth, but am finding it a bit silly to risk as much time and money on pointless things that don't really produce any fruit other than the momentary thrill. The trapeze class was part of dd's 4H project, so that did have some additional value. The MA benefits are obvious. The kayaks are just a fun, recreational thing for the family to do.


If I had unlimited time and money, I think I would also travel more, take classes to become a better shooter, spruce up my wardrobe, and maybe have a little "work" done to tighten up some lose skin after losing weight.


I like being middle aged. In the immortal words of Popeye, "I am who I am!". I feel more centered in my own skin. I have become more focused and directed and feel that this may be the most productive period in my life. I'm having a good time!:D

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So....what are you planning for yours??


So far....

I have joined a gym and have been trying out all the classes

We have gotten concert tickets for all sorts of stuff this summer

I am thinking about what I want to be when I grow up....and how I am going to make some money....so I can have some fun...finally.


How about you??


Tell me YOUR plans for your own mid life crisis.....


Can I borrow your mid-life crisis? Yours sounds a lot more fun and organized than mine does. :D

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I have been trying to talk DH into buying me a Challenger or Camaro for the past year, but he insists it wouldn't be practical. :glare: I'm tired of being practical.

In the meantime, I have decided to become the gym rat I was back in my younger days. (Only problem: my gym has no daycare. :tongue_smilie:)

I think I may take up trail running this fall, when the weather is nicer.

I quit cooking. Does that count?! :lol:

I just feel so antsy and distracted. I want to do something wild and fun. DH suggested we go camping for the weekend. :001_huh: In July. In Texas. So not my idea of wild or fun.

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I am not allowed to have one until my last kid moves out. At that point I plan to have a good one and go find me some hot young cabana boy ;) I'll be hitting 50, a early 20s stud would be the perfect way to kick off my midlife crisis


Yeah. I keep threatening to take up with the pool boy. It's a funny because we're in a relatively poor, rural area, pools are the above ground collapsible kind that do not traditionally come with pool boys, and if you hired a "pool boy" he'd likely be a redneck who drives his lawn mower to your house.


I really don't have plans for a midlife crisis. I pretty much take each stage of life as a new adventure.

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I'm still trying to do the math to figure out exactly when my mid-life would be! :D


I don't really have any mid-life crisis plans. I'm getting older, but I've really not felt any major changes yet. Minor adjustments, sure! But, I have no bucket list. Maybe because I didn't become a Mom until so late (40)? I had so much "me" time through my 20s and 30s, that heck, I'm happy to run a lot, surf a little, swim with the kids in the ocean, and such. That's enough for me.


Well, that and an occasional alcohol-fueled dance party. :ohmy:

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I don't know. I'm almost 48, but I've never had anything like a mid-life crisis and I'm not planning on one. Exactly what does a mid-life crisis entail anyway???


I'm almost 49 and I haven't had one yet, either, but Faithe's sounds like so much fun that I'm thinking I might be missing out on something good.

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Do they have to be "plans" or can they be "would like tos"? :D


Seriously thinking of trying Botox (and maybe fillers under my eyes for my 'luggage', but I do not NOT want to look like the Hollywood pillow faces!)


Some lipo. :blush:


A Mustang or Charger once the "mommy van" bites the dust.


I thought about a tattoo, but don't think I would do that. If I did, it would be small ~~ maybe a dolphin or something to show my heritage.


I have an ear piercing planned (the upper cartilage) once the daggummed (sp?) infection I have in my regular piercing clears up (on abx now!).


Give me some time... I'll think of more to add!! :D


I did botox, found a great stylist, get occasional pedicures, let my dd give me a makeover (she did an excellent job), have more tea with dh, etc. I want to have fun. I love my 40s & I plan on loving my 50s and on.


I considered a tattoo, but decided that since my oldest was turning 18 I didn't want him to run out and get one. He should wait until he's older. I strongly dislike the turning 18 tattoos. Wait until you've lived a little kid.

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I'm 33.


The idea of a mid life crisis sounds, um, tiring.

Does that make me lazy?


Nope....I was exhausted at 33!!!!!

I am still exhausted, but used to it....and ready to have some fun! Real fun! Do new things, travel, wear new outfits, get new hair color, manicures, massages....I am ready to be good to me.


Maybe not so much a crisis....but a mid life pick-me-up!

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I think I have already had mine. :001_smile: I am 47.


I have done the tattoo thing, had my bOOks picked up, bought a 2-seater convertible (which I didn't keep long - how impractible can you get!), and now I am content to just enjoy each day.


I AM planning to go a little crazy when all the dc are grown. :tongue_smilie:

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Turned 50 last year, refreshed the wardrobe and got 4 ducks and 2 dwarf goats for my birthday :D. My version of a midlife crisis. Why yes, I am quite the Wild Thing.


If I waited to have my "midlife" crisis until all the children were gone, that would put "midlife" at 63 if youngest leaves at 18. Suppose that's pushing it to plan on living to 126?

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I'm taking notes. I'm sure I'm at the point where I'd like to have a mid-life crisis, but I'm not feeling creative or energetic enough to come up with something on my own!! :D


One thing I have realized lately: I miss dance. I took dance lessons for years, was a cheerleader in high school and on dance team in college. Then for 15 years... nothing. I need to change that. I don't want to do zumba or aerobics or anything, I need a real dance class for adults, or time in the studio, or something.


I would love to go on vacation by myself, just to lie on the beach, maybe with my BFF.


If money were no object, I would get my own studio apartment, decorate it however I'd like, never let anyone else in (except maybe a girlfriend just to squeal over it), and disappear there once or twice a week and have my VERY OWN SPACE.


Tattoos and babies are both out of the question for me. :D

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I have just started going through some change of life things here . . .


I have suddenly decided I don't care what others think and I have decided it is okay to speak up and advocate for myself. My only concern is that, in a fit of hormones, I may fly off the handle.


Today was nearly one of those days . . . but I sat on the email I was getting ready to send and modified it after I got a grip. But I still stood up for myself.


So I am hoping that is one good thing that will come out of this!;)

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Hm, mine is still in the planning phase. After I yank myself out of slumber of denial, I'm going to buy a Jeep and drive around with the top down (on the Jeep!)


In preparation I have decided to:


Not let my hair go grey yet. a $3.00 bottle of hair color brightens my day, much like the $3.00 bottle of Sangria my budget allows. :lol:


I took great gusto cutting up the AARP cards my dh is now really eligible for. I'm not quite yet. He doesn't want an account.


I'm taking the I refuse to grow up stance this year. I crank my 80s music loud. Ds has recently expressed an interest in metal music and Guns-n-Roses. We may do a unit study on hair bands of the 80s, loudly of course. :tongue_smilie::lol:

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I went back to college. Unfortunately, my program was put on hold for a couple of semesters. I was going to take one semester off and then take a couple of general core classes the next semester and be back on track. But nope! When I was home, things happened with my high schoolers and they needed me. So I haven't been back. My mid life crisis fizzled out.

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Hm, mine is still in the planning phase. After I yank myself out of slumber of denial, I'm going to buy a Jeep and drive around with the top down (on the Jeep!)


In preparation I have decided to:


Not let my hair go grey yet. a $3.00 bottle of hair color brightens my day, much like the $3.00 bottle of Sangria my budget allows. :lol:


I took great gusto cutting up the AARP cards my dh is now really eligible for. I'm not quite yet. He doesn't want an account.


I'm taking the I refuse to grow up stance this year. I crank my 80s music loud. Ds has recently expressed an interest in metal music and Guns-n-Roses. We may do a unit study on hair bands of the 80s, loudly of course. :tongue_smilie::lol:

See.....this is what I am talking about:D:001_smile:

Lol...we just took all the kids to see Blue Oyster Cult....oh goodness! Did we have fun.....and NO ONE stops an 8 year old From going up front with a camera. We have the best pics!

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I went back to college. Unfortunately, my program was put on hold for a couple of semesters. I was going to take one semester off and then take a couple of general core classes the next semester and be back on track. But nope! When I was home, things happened with my high schoolers and they needed me. So I haven't been back. My mid life crisis fizzled out.


Oh, you can have your crisis back when you are ready. That is the cool thing about the " mid life crisis"......you can have several, if you wish....or many starts and stops....It's your crisis...have it however you want:D


I definitely want to go to school for my next one! I may take the Real Estate course and buy properties! And sell them! Like on tv:D

Or take a totally frivolous degree...just because I want to....( we would need the money for that one though....I can pretend if I want)

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I think I have already had mine. :001_smile: I am 47.


I have done the tattoo thing, had my bOOks picked up, bought a 2-seater convertible (which I didn't keep long - how impractible can you get!), and now I am content to just enjoy each day.


I AM planning to go a little crazy when all the dc are grown. :tongue_smilie:


Did all this happen when your youngest was about 7 or 8??? Lol. I finally realized that I could actually get a nights sleep....we could go out without dragging all the gear....and we could DO things....what an amazing epiphany!


I haven't done the car thing (yet) ....did the tattoos when I was 20....BUT, I am determined to have a better 2nd half than the first half was.....and I am determined NOT to get bogged down in stuff I have no control over....

I am going to hit 50 like a new woman!

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Oh, you can have your crisis back when you are ready. That is the cool thing about the " mid life crisis"......you can have several, if you wish....or many starts and stops....It's your crisis...have it however you want:D


I wish! But the kids are too close to college and their education is more important than mine. We don't have plans to pay for all of their education. They will need loans. But we know that we might have to provide some assistance. If I spend the money on me, we won't have it for them. But I'm okay with it. I'm satisfied right now working with my ds16 on his high school work, although Trig/PreCal is kicking my rear end right now. And when he's finished, I'll just continue with other programs. I use the high school board for inspiration. :)

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Did all this happen when your youngest was about 7 or 8??? Lol. I finally realized that I could actually get a nights sleep....we could go out without dragging all the gear....and we could DO things....what an amazing epiphany!



You might be onto something there.... :D

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Oh, you can have your crisis back when you are ready. That is the cool thing about the " mid life crisis"......you can have several, if you wish....or many starts and stops....It's your crisis...have it however you want:D


I definitely want to go to school for my next one! I may take the Real Estate course and buy properties! And sell them! Like on tv:D

Or take a totally frivolous degree...just because I want to....( we would need the money for that one though....I can pretend if I want)[/quote


Yes! I think mine is ongoing. I've been accused of having one many times, but I don't think they were real. Any time I talk to Dh about a large purchase he thinks I'm having a midlife crisis. :rolleyes:


First there was the piano. I found a great used piano, but it wasn't within his budget (set with no regard to what the actual going rate for a piano was). That was crisis number one, and there was no way we could ever afford it (according to Dh)............kids have been using it for the last 8 years. We paid for it outright. :001_huh:


Next was the Cocker Spaniel that took forever for Dh to agree to. Crisis number 2! He's Ds's 4H dog now and has been for the last 5 years, though we had no idea it would work out that way. I don't think he considers Dd's dog my crisis since he agreed to get him so Dd could have her own 4H dog.


I think currently he believes my new laptop is crisis #4! He's wrong.


Basically, I am struggling with the sacrificing of my time and all the things I'd like to do, but can't, especially creatively. Also, the fact that I went to college for something practical (teaching/English) instead of following the things I am passionate about. Now, here I am, probably not wanting to go back into teaching eventually.


Sometimes I think about how homeschooling has made me virtually unemployable once I'm done, because so many other people have been completing advanced degrees and further their skills. Then I'm not sure how I would want to be employed and what I would want to be doing. Top that off with no extra $$ for classes and I think my thoughts/feeling might qualify for a mid-life crisis.


Like Faithe, I'm thinking about what I want to be when I grow up....but finding it frustrating to realize I'm back at the beginning when I thought I was so much further along!


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See.....this is what I am talking about:D:001_smile:

Lol...we just took all the kids to see Blue Oyster Cult....oh goodness! Did we have fun.....and NO ONE stops an 8 year old From going up front with a camera. We have the best pics!


How cool! I will occasionally hear Godzilla coming from upstairs. The song, not the actual Godzilla.

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My mid-life crisis is multi-tiered.


My "career" mid-life crisis is slightly different from my "I look old" crisis. Yet... they happen simultaneously--leaving me feeling paralyzed without the benefit of paralyzing my facial muscles enough to relax my forehead wrinkles!


I'm thinking about botox or injectibles for my worry lines. Here's the catch-- the worry lines are there because I worry alot and I also worry about some weird side-effects from anything a doctor might use to erase my worry lines!

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Sometimes I think about how homeschooling has made me virtually unemployable once I'm done, because so many other people have been completing advanced degrees and further their skills. Then I'm not sure how I would want to be employed and what I would want to be doing. Top that off with no extra $$ for classes and I think my thoughts/feeling might qualify for a mid-life crisis.




I've thought about this too. That and how old I'll be once I'm done. When dd starts college I'll be turning 52. I've about decided that the best use of my time then will be to get the house and dh's and my stuff in order so that we can retire without problems a lot of people run into.


I also have this almost irrational fear of not having money for food. I don't want to be an old lady eating cat food. I'll be putting a lot of effort into stocking up from our gardening. I'll be stocking food and seeds.

Edited by Parrothead
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I'm 54 years old but I still have a eleven year old to raise. After having given all my time and energy to homeschooling my five older children who have now graduated and left home, I just looked around and came to a realization that I have almost nothing to show for it financially and in outside achievements. I don't have any official recognition from society for any of my accomplishments as a home school mom and housewife. I do have a B.A. degree in English but that's about it. It's kind of overwhelming to think that by the time my eleven year old graduates, I'll be 61 years old and he will be leaving home too. I'll definitely be too old for most of the careers or jobs by then. I used to happily spend a lot of money on home school for my other kids but I don't feel like doing so for my youngest. I'm not as willing to spend all of my time and energy into homeschooling as I used to. I had made friends with other homeschooling parents with kids same ages as ours only to find that after my kids left home, I don't really have that much in common with them anymore. So I'm not that willing to make friends with the new group of homeschooling parents with kids the same age as my son with the assumption that we'll be friends forever. But I'll be looking around for friendship with people who may or may not have children but that we have things in common.

My sister and two of my cousins have written books and many articles. Another cousin is a successful professor in an elite college in D.C. And they get recognition and pay for their work. And so on. I know I have to accept the consequences of my decisions I made when I first began homeschooling my kids and I am so thankful for how my kids have turned out. They are truly amazing people and doing very well but I'm not a big part of their lives which is how it should be but I'm finding it harder than I expected to move on especially since I still have my son at home for seven more years.

I have decided on one thing at least. Since I am determined to home school him, I am going to make it as fun and interesting for myself as for him which will mean making some changes in our home school. And keep my eyes open for any opportunities to put myself out there in the community to do whatever I can and to enjoy myself. Maybe write something for publication.

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I also worry about my career prospects. I will be on the younger side when I'm ready to return to that... 45 when DS graduates, and we're not leaning toward homeschooling high school, so possibly even as young as 40. That said... I don't want to return to what I was doing before, and unfortunately, young or not, I'll have nothing to show, professionally speaking, for a full dozen years of my life.


I have thoughts about what I'd enjoy doing but no clear direction.

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1. Pick up sports and hobbies that I used to be involved in before I got married: distance running, drawing.


2. Reinvent myself professionally: work part-time, go back to school, teach in a community college.


3. Allow myself a few indulgences: concerts, read, improve my teA-making skills, take dancing lessons.


4. Love with a purpose: God, my husband, my children, my friends, my dog, my co-workers, strangers, etc.


Claire in NM

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I've thought about this too. That and how old I'll be once I'm done. When dd starts college I'll be turning 52. I've about decided that the best use of my time then will be to get the house and dh's and my stuff in order so that we can retire without problems a lot of people run into.


I also have this almost irrational fear of not having money for food. I don't want to be an old lady eating cat food. I'll be putting a lot of effort into stocking up from our gardening. I'll be stocking food and seeds.


I worry a bunch about this too.....but I just realized...heck, I am a book keeper. One of my kids will most likely own a business, or inherit our...jeez, I will work for one of them:D. The least the owe me is a job!

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