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Someone please one-up me!

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Got caught in Walmart singing "The Boys of Summer". At least I wasn't dancing.


Putting bag over my head and hiding in embarrassment.


Nope. You win. :D


Although, you should have seen me fall off my stand-up paddleboard yesterday at the beach in about 2 feet of water. The kids thought it was hilarious. The pointing an histerical laughing were an added bonus for me ego. Of course, I had my Wayfarers on, baby. ;)

Edited by Karen in CO
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Nope. You win. :D


Although, you should have seen me fall off my stand-up paddleboard yesterday at the beach in about 2 feet of water. The kids thought it was hilarious. The pointing an histerical laughing were an added bonus for me ego. Of course, I had my Wayfarers on, baby. ;)


Was your hair slicked back??

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Once, when a student teacher, I was alone in a classroom and passed gas.

Knowing the teacher and students would be back any minute, I jumped around the room, frantically flapping my arms and hands around, trying to fan out the place.


Guess who comes in, in mid-flap?






(Annnnd I am hoping that's what you meant by one up you.)

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Once when both dds were littles I was grocery shopping all by myself. I heard a baby start crying and I started singing "Hush, Little Baby". It was kind of loud and there were many stares. I felt so stupid. :tongue_smilie:

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The worst I ever did....


Oldest DD was due for her 1st checkup at the Ped. I'm racing around, getting ready, nervous as heck. Go to the appointment, everything is great, big sigh of relief.


Go to the grocery store, talked to half the city, (you know how that goes) - run some more errands, get to the library and go to use the powder room....


And the entire dang day my ankle length skirt was tucked up in my waistband.


My hind end was just hanging out there for the whole world to see.


I thought all those admiring glances and surprised looks were over the new baby and man I was about 1/2 cm. tall when I realized....

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The worst I ever did....


Oldest DD was due for her 1st checkup at the Ped. I'm racing around, getting ready, nervous as heck. Go to the appointment, everything is great, big sigh of relief.


Go to the grocery store, talked to half the city, (you know how that goes) - run some more errands, get to the library and go to use the powder room....


And the entire dang day my ankle length skirt was tucked up in my waistband.


My hind end was just hanging out there for the whole world to see.


I thought all those admiring glances and surprised looks were over the new baby and man I was about 1/2 cm. tall when I realized....

Not quite the same...

But we once walked out of an Italian restaurant and, at the front door, I turned around to say something to DH and realized... He had nearly a whole plate of spaghetti stuck to his chest!

I have no idea how he didn't notice it or feel it. :tongue_smilie:

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The worst I ever did....


Oldest DD was due for her 1st checkup at the Ped. I'm racing around, getting ready, nervous as heck. Go to the appointment, everything is great, big sigh of relief.


Go to the grocery store, talked to half the city, (you know how that goes) - run some more errands, get to the library and go to use the powder room....


And the entire dang day my ankle length skirt was tucked up in my waistband.


My hind end was just hanging out there for the whole world to see.


I thought all those admiring glances and surprised looks were over the new baby and man I was about 1/2 cm. tall when I realized....

:lol::lol::lol:OH MY WORD! I belly laughed. I think you win.

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The worst I ever did....


Oldest DD was due for her 1st checkup at the Ped. I'm racing around, getting ready, nervous as heck. Go to the appointment, everything is great, big sigh of relief.


Go to the grocery store, talked to half the city, (you know how that goes) - run some more errands, get to the library and go to use the powder room....


And the entire dang day my ankle length skirt was tucked up in my waistband.


My hind end was just hanging out there for the whole world to see.


I thought all those admiring glances and surprised looks were over the new baby and man I was about 1/2 cm. tall when I realized....



I think you win.


Have one for you. I was working for local PBS station pledge auction and one of the items up was for a hair stylist. Runners are yelling out bids for the folks on the phone and one gal screams out just as there is a lull in the noise "500 dollars for the blow job." As you can imagine, we all burst out laughing and she was mortified because we were on the air at the time.

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The worst I ever did....


Oldest DD was due for her 1st checkup at the Ped. I'm racing around, getting ready, nervous as heck. Go to the appointment, everything is great, big sigh of relief.


Go to the grocery store, talked to half the city, (you know how that goes) - run some more errands, get to the library and go to use the powder room....


And the entire dang day my ankle length skirt was tucked up in my waistband.


My hind end was just hanging out there for the whole world to see.


I thought all those admiring glances and surprised looks were over the new baby and man I was about 1/2 cm. tall when I realized....


I can't believe nobody pulled you aside and said, "You might like to know. . ." I totally would have!


I will forever be grateful to the kind stranger in a Chicago hotel restroom who physically pulled me back from the door and let me know I'd tucked my dress into my pantyhose (years ago, for you fashionista types :lol:).

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My Freshman year of college I walked from one end of campus to the other with my skirt ripped ALL THE WAY UP THE BACK. I too got lots of looks and stares. Then when I realized it I rushed into the bathroom...THE MEN'S BATHROOM! Oh the trauma! :leaving:

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Here goes (and I cannot believe I am telling this..)


Last Sunday at church I put my cappuccino (which was in a plastic cup) on the seat next to me. We got up to sing, and when I sat down, I sat on my coffee. :svengo: It pretty much exploded everywhere.


I actually laughed out loud!!! :lol:

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I'm sitting here :lol: at so many of these.... Too funny!


I'll add one to the mix... When I was pregnant with DD4, I was still working full-time. One day late in the pregnancy, I had the most awful gas pains. Nothing was helping, so in desperation I went into an empty conference room, pushed some chairs together, laid down on them, and did leg lifts. Finally, relief! I was really going at it with the leg lifts, when someone opened the door to the conference room to see whether it was available. They quickly exited when they saw me lying on the chairs in all my pregnant glory with my legs in the air.


Thankfully, it wasn't someone who knew me and they didn't stick around to ask questions. I was mortified though... :tongue_smilie:

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Love the stories! A while ago, I was at the library with my 4 kids trying to find my 75 books as fast as I could. I squatted down to search for one on lowest shelf (which is where all the most desirable books live, isn't it?). Anyway, I heard a very distinct ripping sound. I was pretty sure it was my pants, but my pride took second place to my desire to get out of that library. So I found my last few books and then had to go up to the main, high traffic area to spend 10 min. checking them out. Sure enough, when I got home my pants were split clear up the back. I don't know why one of the kids didn't notice.


Just recently my three year old's diaper fell apart at the library while I was conducting an important transaction at the desk. You know, when little pee gels start falling out? It was awesome. (The diaper wasn't that full, but she was wearing a skirt, so I think it had gotten worn thin.) I asked dd9 to shuffle her off to the rest room so I could deal with it there. But she got tired of waiting and came back, which left a trail of pee gels from the desk to the restroom and back. I tried my best with some wet wipes, but we just had to leave.


Plus we owe the library probably $100. They would probably rather we just keep the money and stay the heck away from that place.

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I had to give a presentation a couple of months ago to a government secretary and the provincial finance minister among others. It was in this fabulously large room at the legislature building, which is know for its lovely accoustics. I was very early because I was too nervous to risk being late. I found out that the room had a small stage with a nice suspended floor, and since I had nearly a half hour to kill, I tried it out with a little tap combo. I used to make a nice little living in musical theatre bc (before child) and I couldn't resist that floor. So, I gave it a little go and suddenly remembered a piece of choreography from a show I'd done eons ago. Well, if you're really just a singer and a crappy tapper like me, you remember all your choreography by the song, so I started singing.


Halfway through "Jubilation T. Cornpone" I look up and find myself meeting the finance minister for the first time. He asked if I was Audrey from department xyz. Trying to salvage the very little bit of my dignity that was left, I replied, "Why, yes! I am, and I thought I'd start my song and dance with a little song and dance."


Lucky for me, he had a great sense of humour. :D

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