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What is your secret weirdness?

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My secret weirdness...and I can't even believe that I'm going to admit this publicly...is that I love watching the Lawrence Welk Show. My dh thinks its hilarious. Its one of my secret pleasures in life. :D

You know if there is a support group for this that you'll be the only one under the age of 80. :lol::lol:

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As a child, I was told that the reflection you see in a dark mirror isn't your own. Yeah, no mirrors in our bedrooms.



And why wouldn't it be one's own reflection?


I do dislike it when people say dumb stuff to kids to scare them. :grouphug:

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You know since you bold all your posts, one can't quote you then bold a specific passage of your posts. :glare: I bet you bold your posts just to be difficult. :tongue_smilie:



Well, considering I've been told that some members have me on ignore b/c of the bolding, I'm sure they'd agree w/you.


It's just me. I can't help living BOLDLY! :lol:

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I have waited to respond to this thread because I can't decide which weirdness to reveal. I can relate to many that have already been posted. I have the fear of height and being afraid I'm going to jump thing, and towels being folded just right. I can't begin a task (or school) until my house is totally picked up and clean. So just a couple of others (there are many more:001_smile:):


I have a thing about even numbers (thus 6 kids), and things being balanced. If someone cuts food and it's not straight, I have to "fix" it.


Large, close crowds and the "hum" of noise they make makes me feel like I am losing my mind. I am always afraid I am going to start screaming out loud. I haven't done that yet, but I have passed out in crowds from the stress of trying not to scream.


So now you know.

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I wear these when chopping onions:






:lol: :lol:


{meekly raises hand] I do this. I do it when I am sewing or craft too. I think I want to be Martha Stewart when I grow up.


did you make biscuits? I am craving me some biscuits made with real butter and buttermilk, baked in my cast iron pan. I also want to smear some homemade peach jam on them.


(yesterday, I wrote an article about cast iron and the uses of it for a website. I wrote about cornbread, catfish and baking stuff like biscuits in it. So now I really want to eat all of the above.)




Nope...sorry. Biscuits wasn't it.


One of the people who don't like heights needs to start a social group for support. :D


Great idea! And, they all can meet at the upper level balcony of a convention center. :lol:


Actually, balconies are one of my fears. I've never imagined that I would hurl myself intentionally over the side (that's a little weird)...but I do fear that somehow I will fall over the edge. Or, that one of my kids will.




What's up with the biscuits?? No, it wasn't biscuits. :001_rolleyes: Frankly Chucki....I feel a little hurt that you don't really know what I baked this morning but you thought it was buscuits. Apparently you don't know me at all! :sad:


And, might I also say that it is ever so interesting that you quote almost each person individually so that you can up your post count like crazy in this thread.



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I am not disclosing anything new when I say I am pathologically afraid of snakes. Well, I pathologically hate them as well! :D


Okay, here is a weirdness I have never disclosed. I do not like the color yellow if it is bright or deep...pale is fine...bright just makes my eyeballs twitch :blink: and I don't know why. My sister-in-law has a BRIIIIIIIIIGHT yellow kitchen with cobalt blue accents and all kinds of Art Deco stuff around. She is an artist and I'm pretty sure that this is probably a very cool, very artistic, hip kitchen. However, it practically burns my retinas to spend time in it. Thankfully, she never has company over; I'm not going blind yet! :lol: So, there is a little Faithmanor bizarreness that ya'll didn't know about before. :biggrinjester:



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Alright: am I the only person who folds towels however they will fit into the current space?


My last house they only fit if I folded them in trifold, my husbands business, they have to be folded in half flat and square, in this house-- either way.


Perhaps the non weird one is the weirdest--- hmmmm...


Nope. I do this too! But they do have to be folded right side out. :)



I do dislike it when people say dumb stuff to kids to scare them.


Me too! My grandmother used to tell me crazy stuff to spook me when I was young. She also knew I was pathologically afraid of cockroaches and so she would catch them (alive) and hold them up by the antennae and chase me with it! Yeah, abuela was a bundle of fun! :glare:


Meaning it was Something Else looking at you from inside the mirror.


Wasn't my grandmother lovely? :glare:

My grandmother used to say stuff like this too. I don't like looking in mirrors at night either. In fact, I always turn the lights on when I have to go to the bathroom at night just so I don't have to have that peripheral view of the dark mirror.


Does anyone remember Bloody Mary?


Okay, here is a weirdness I have never disclosed. I do not like the color yellow if it is bright or deep...pale is fine...bright just makes my eyeballs twitch :blink: and I don't know why. My sister-in-law has a BRIIIIIIIIIGHT yellow kitchen with cobalt blue accents and all kinds of Art Deco stuff around. She is an artist and I'm pretty sure that this is probably a very cool, very artistic, hip kitchen. However, it practically burns my retinas to spend time in it. Thankfully, she never has company over; I'm not going blind yet! :lol: So, there is a little Faithmanor bizarreness that ya'll didn't know about before. :biggrinjester:




You would hate my new neon yellow earrings I just got then. :p



Okay, some of ya'll are truly weird, but isn't there anyone else out there who is a 40 something Christian homeschooling mama who likes to play hard rock/heavy metal on the guitar? Anyone? I'm getting a complex here. :001_unsure:

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When I am on a high place, like a balcony, tall building with an open window, a cliff........I get really afraid that I am going to spontaneously.........JUMP!!



I also can't let my feet hang off the bed because something might get me.


Are you me? :tongue_smilie:

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Nope. I do this too! But they do have to be folded right side out. :)




Me too! My grandmother used to tell me crazy stuff to spook me when I was young. She also knew I was pathologically afraid of cockroaches and so she would catch them (alive) and hold them up by the antennae and chase me with it! Yeah, abuela was a bundle of fun! :glare:



My grandmother used to say stuff like this too. I don't like looking in mirrors at night either. In fact, I always turn the lights on when I have to go to the bathroom at night just so I don't have to have that peripheral view of the dark mirror.


Does anyone remember Bloody Mary?




You would hate my new neon yellow earrings I just got then. :p



Okay, some of ya'll are truly weird, but isn't there anyone else out there who is a 40 something Christian homeschooling mama who likes to play hard rock/heavy metal on the guitar? Anyone? I'm getting a complex here. :001_unsure:


I have to say this makes me feel better about my grandma. She just smacked me whenever I used my left hand for anything. I am ambidextrous. :glare:


She was left handed and was convinced it was a horrible thing to be a lefty and the world conspired against them , so she was determined not to let me. I'm pretty sure it was out of love. :001_huh:

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I have to say this makes me feel better about my grandma. She just smacked me whenever I used my left hand for anything. I am ambidextrous. :glare:


Yeah, my grandma was mentally ill and could be cruel.


That stinks about lefties. I guess it is a throwback to some weird belief in the past that being left handed was evil or some such nonsense. My SIL is a leftie too and she used to get whacked for writing with her left hand too when she was growing up. Now she does everything with her left hand and uses her right hand to write. :001_huh:

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Oooh, I'm so trying this. I've always stuck with vanilla in the past.


I thought of another weirdness:


I am completely grossed out at the thought of swimming in lakes or oceans.


I'm willing to wade up to my ankles at the shore, but the idea of immersing myself in the ick is just, well, ICKY.


Give me a lovely, crystal clear, chlorinated pool any day!


:iagree: Although I will wade in the ocean, I do not swim in bodies of water where I cannot see the bottom. I prefer a pool.

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Large, close crowds and the "hum" of noise they make makes me feel like I am losing my mind. I am always afraid I am going to start screaming out loud. I haven't done that yet, but I have passed out in crowds from the stress of trying not to scream.


So now you know.

Oh, dear! :grouphug:

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What's up with the biscuits?? No, it wasn't biscuits. :001_rolleyes: Frankly Chucki....I feel a little hurt that you don't really know what I baked this morning but you thought it was buscuits. Apparently you don't know me at all! :sad:

Because biscuits are a morning food, silly girl. :D So what did you make? If you tell us I promise to feel appropriately embarrassed for not guessing correctly.


And, might I also say that it is ever so interesting that you quote almost each person individually so that you can up your post count like crazy in this thread.



Shhhhhhh... It is a secret. :lol:


Seriously I haven't been paying attention. I am actually a bit embarrassed by my slightly high post count. I don't talk this much to IRL people. I try not to keep track, but I'd hate to know how many I've actually done this week.

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Is it weird that I don't like dolls, especially really life like ones? Or people wearing masks? Or clowns? And all for the same reason - they seem like they are hiding something. It's very creepy. Dh says I have trust issues.

I don't think that is weird at all. This is coming from the person with a nickname similar the name of a demented doll. That is really why I never put the "e" on the end. I didn't want the written association to that Chuckie.

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I am not disclosing anything new when I say I am pathologically afraid of snakes. Well, I pathologically hate them as well! :D


Okay, here is a weirdness I have never disclosed. I do not like the color yellow if it is bright or deep...pale is fine...bright just makes my eyeballs twitch :blink: and I don't know why. My sister-in-law has a BRIIIIIIIIIGHT yellow kitchen with cobalt blue accents and all kinds of Art Deco stuff around. She is an artist and I'm pretty sure that this is probably a very cool, very artistic, hip kitchen. However, it practically burns my retinas to spend time in it. Thankfully, she never has company over; I'm not going blind yet! :lol: So, there is a little Faithmanor bizarreness that ya'll didn't know about before. :biggrinjester:



I'd love to see a photo of your SIL's kitchen. I wouldn't ask you to take one. That might send you over the edge. :D

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My grandmother used to say stuff like this too. I don't like looking in mirrors at night either. In fact, I always turn the lights on when I have to go to the bathroom at night just so I don't have to have that peripheral view of the dark mirror.


Did these grannies not get the message that grandmas are supposed to be kind and loving and spoil the grandkids?



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Yeah, my grandma was mentally ill and could be cruel.


That stinks about lefties. I guess it is a throwback to some weird belief in the past that being left handed was evil or some such nonsense. My SIL is a leftie too and she used to get whacked for writing with her left hand too when she was growing up. Now she does everything with her left hand and uses her right hand to write. :001_huh:

When I was learning to shoot I found out that I'm cross-dominant (left eye/right hand). Then when the left arm went bad (frozen shoulder/torn tendon) I realized exactly how much more I use my left arm than my right. Then there was a very dim memory of me sitting down to write something as a very young child and my dad making a fuss because I tried to use my left hand.


I've been wondering about it for 3 or 4 weeks now.

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Because biscuits are a morning food, silly girl. :D So what did you make? If you tell us I promise to feel appropriately embarrassed for not guessing correctly.



Shhhhhhh... It is a secret. :lol:


Seriously I haven't been paying attention. I am actually a bit embarrassed by my slightly high post count. I don't talk this much to IRL people. I try not to keep track, but I'd hate to know how many I've actually done this week.


Oh fine. I'll tell you. I made a repeat of this.

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Did these grannies not get the message that grandmas are supposed to be kind and loving and spoil the grandkids?




Well, fortunately in my case my grandma was the only one in the family who was this way. She married in to my grandfather's family who all live in Tampa and he and all his family were always super sweet nice and wonderful. They all seemed to have this gift of making you feel like you were there favorite one. :) I love my family in Tampa to death! My grandma really was the odd man out in a group of wonderful people. :)



When I was learning to shoot I found out that I'm cross-dominant (left eye/right hand). Then when the left arm went bad (frozen shoulder/torn tendon) I realized exactly how much more I use my left arm than my right. Then there was a very dim memory of me sitting down to write something as a very young child and my dad making a fuss because I tried to use my left hand.


I've been wondering about it for 3 or 4 weeks now.


This article is interesting. These two bit in particular I found enlightening. :)


Right-handedness is most common. Right-handed people are more dexterous with their right hands when performing tasks. A variety of studies suggest that 70–90% of the world population is right-handed' date=' rather than left-handed or any other form of handedness.[1'][2]

Left-handedness is less common than right-handedness. Left-handed people are more dexterous with their left hands when performing tasks. A variety of studies suggest that 10% of the world population is left-handed.[3]


Left-handed people live in a world dominated by right-handed people' date=' and many tools and procedures are designed to facilitate use by right-handed people, often without even realising difficulties placed on the left-handed."For centuries, left-handers have suffered unfair discrimination in a world designed for right-handers."[7'] However, as well as inconvenience, left-handed people have been considered unlucky or even malicious for their difference by the right-handed majority.

In many European languages, including English, the word for the direction "right" also means "correct" or "proper". Throughout history, being left-handed was considered negative. The Latin word sinistra meant "left" as well as "unlucky" and this double meaning survives in European derivatives of Latin, and in the English word "sinister.'

There are many negative connotations associated with the phrase "left-handed": clumsy, awkward, unlucky, insincere, sinister, malicious, and so on. A "left-handed compliment" is considered one that is unflattering or dismissive in meaning. In French, gauche means both "left" and "awkward" or "clumsy", while droit(e) (cognate to English direct and related to "adroit") means both "right" and "straight", as well as "law" and the legal sense of "right". The name "Dexter" derives from the Latin for "right", as does the word "dexterity" meaning manual skill. As these are all very old words, they would tend to support theories indicating that the predominance of right-handedness is an extremely old phenomenon.

Black magic is sometimes referred to as the "left-hand path".

Until very recently in Taiwan, left-handed people were strongly encouraged to switch to being right-handed, or at least switch to writing with the right hand. It is considered[by whom?] more difficult to write legible Chinese characters with the left hand than it is to write Latin letters, though difficulty is subjective and depends on the person in question. Because writing when moving one's hand away from its side of the body can cause smudging if the outward side of the hand is allowed to drag across the writing, writing in the Latin alphabet is less feasible with the left hand than the right. Conversely, right-to-left alphabets such as the Arabic and Hebrew are considered[by whom?] easier to write with the left hand in general.

With a fountain pen, left-to-right alphabets can be written smudge-free and in proper "forward slant" with the left hand if the paper is turned 45 degrees clockwise. This prevents the painful bent-wrist "crab hand" often seen in left-handed writers, and it permits a clear view of what has already been written on the current line. It is also possible to do calligraphy in this posture with the left hand, but using right-handed pen nibs. Otherwise, left-handed pen nibs are required in order to get the thick to thin stroke shapes correct for most typefaces, and the left-handed calligrapher is very likely to smudge the text. Left-handed pen nibs are not generally easy to find, and strokes may have to be done backwards from traditional right-handed calligraphic work rules to avoid nib jamming and splatter. These issues have been made almost irrelevant by the near-universal adoption of fast-drying ballpoint and gel pens for everyday use (pen nibs are now a specialty item rarely stocked by office suppliers), and the widespread use of computers and other electronic devices for communicative purposes.

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How often do you do this? Seems if you did it a lot you wouldn't have time for anything else.


I can do it alongside other tasks, of course :tongue_smilie:. I've done the word "counting" thing for so long that I don't really have to think about it, I just find myself doing it unconsciously (multiple times actually, by the time I really notice :glare:).


I continue to be impressed by your responsiveness, btw :thumbup:.

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Did you post it? We need a link.

I submitted it to the webmaster and it should be up in a week or two. I can pm you the link if you want when it goes live.

I didn't include the recipe for the biscuits, but only the cornbread and catfish, because I ran out of words (can only go up to 3000 wds on that particular assignment) But let me tell you, biscuits cooked in a cast iron skillet are DIVINE.:drool5:


I think I'll make some for supper.

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Okay, some of ya'll are truly weird, but isn't there anyone else out there who is a 40 something Christian homeschooling mama who likes to play hard rock/heavy metal on the guitar? Anyone? I'm getting a complex here. :001_unsure:


I can't play guitar, but I am a 40 something Christian homeschooling mama who still likes Def Leppard and AC/DC now and then.

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I can't play guitar, but I am a 40 something Christian homeschooling mama who still likes Def Leppard and AC/DC now and then.


LOVE Def Leppard, AC/DC, Bon Jovi, Poison, and several other 'hair metal' bands from the 80s.


:hurray: This makes me feel a little better. :) There's just something about that distorted growly sound that an electric guitar makes when it's plugged in on high running through some kick arse pedals that makes me grin from ear to ear. Love it! Same with muscle cars. When I hear one opening up the engine and tearing off down the road my heart skips a beat! Love that sound! :)


Yeah, I'm weird. :p

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:hurray: This makes me feel a little better. :) There's just something about that distorted growly sound that an electric guitar makes when it's plugged in on high running through some kick arse pedals that makes me grin from ear to ear. Love it! Same with muscle cars. When I hear one opening up the engine and tearing off down the road my heart skips a beat! Love that sound! :)


Yeah, I'm weird. :p

I'm that way about motorcycles. :D

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Well now, that's quite a bit different from The Lawrence Welk Show. :lol:

Just a tad perhaps. :D


I'm that way about motorcycles. :D


Yeah me too. I love the sound of a Harley going off down the road too, but nothing beats an old school muscle car engine. Swoon! :svengo:

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Hair metal bands ROCK! I am not ashamed to say I am totally in love with Jon Bon Jovi. :D


Who isn't? :D hehehe I love rock. It's my favorite genre of music. Even my kids know all the old 70's bands and like them. One time our homeschool support group had a talent night. My dd didn't want to participate in it so we just went to watch the other kids. After a few kids had gotten up and sung, my dd decided she wanted to sing afterall. The woman who was on the microphone announcing the acts asked if there was anyone else who wanted to perform and dd went up to the front and grabbed the microphone and sang Ace Frehley's New York Groove acapella! :lol: :lol: It was so funny because all of the other kids were singing all these Contemporary Christian songs or worship songs and my dd is up there singing, "in the back of my Cadillac. Wicked lady sittin by my side saying 'Where are we?'....." :lol:


After the show someone came up to me and said, "Well I guess we know what kind of music you listen to." :blushing: hehehehe

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I had Alice in Wonderland syndrome as a kid at night in association with migraines, only I called it the "Big Littles." The weirdest part...it didn't scare me...I thought it was fun. Sometimes I would see an empty boxing arena nearly dark as I was falling asleep as part of that. No.idea.why.


I can't touch fork tines with my lips. Like anorexics.


I read an article about all of the nastiness in food when I was much too young and could only eat if I imagined all of the yuck in processed food (like rodent hair) being pushed to the last bite. To this day I sometimes can't eat the last bite.

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I cannot stand wet bread. I don't want to look at it and if I have to touch it BLECK. Please do not sop your gravy up in front of me and if any of my children leave a bread product in my sink I have to wait until DH comes home to run the disposal because I just cannot stomach looking at it.

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I can do it alongside other tasks, of course :tongue_smilie:. I've done the word "counting" thing for so long that I don't really have to think about it, I just find myself doing it unconsciously (multiple times actually, by the time I really notice :glare:).


I continue to be impressed by your responsiveness, btw :thumbup:.

Oh, I see. My step counting is similar. I don't realize I'm doing it half the time but all of a sudden I'll focus and find myself on 82 or 29. ;)

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I submitted it to the webmaster and it should be up in a week or two. I can pm you the link if you want when it goes live.

I didn't include the recipe for the biscuits, but only the cornbread and catfish, because I ran out of words (can only go up to 3000 wds on that particular assignment) But let me tell you, biscuits cooked in a cast iron skillet are DIVINE.:drool5:


I think I'll make some for supper.

Sure PM me. I'd like to read it.

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Who isn't? :D hehehe I love rock. It's my favorite genre of music. Even my kids know all the old 70's bands and like them. One time our homeschool support group had a talent night. My dd didn't want to participate in it so we just went to watch the other kids. After a few kids had gotten up and sung, my dd decided she wanted to sing afterall. The woman who was on the microphone announcing the acts asked if there was anyone else who wanted to perform and dd went up to the front and grabbed the microphone and sang Ace Frehley's New York Groove acapella! :lol: :lol: It was so funny because all of the other kids were singing all these Contemporary Christian songs or worship songs and my dd is up there singing, "in the back of my Cadillac. Wicked lady sittin by my side saying 'Where are we?'....." :lol:


After the show someone came up to me and said, "Well I guess we know what kind of music you listen to." :blushing: hehehehe



LOL... My son came charging upstairs to get me today because KISS was on an episode of Scooby Doo. hahaha

Edited by DragonFaerie
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:hurray: This makes me feel a little better. :) There's just something about that distorted growly sound that an electric guitar makes when it's plugged in on high running through some kick arse pedals that makes me grin from ear to ear. Love it! Same with muscle cars. When I hear one opening up the engine and tearing off down the road my heart skips a beat! Love that sound! :)


Yeah, I'm weird. :p

Yes! Muscle cars. Now we are talking. ;):D

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I had Alice in Wonderland syndrome as a kid at night in association with migraines, only I called it the "Big Littles." The weirdest part...it didn't scare me...I thought it was fun. Sometimes I would see an empty boxing arena nearly dark as I was falling asleep as part of that. No.idea.why.


I can't touch fork tines with my lips. Like anorexics.


I read an article about all of the nastiness in food when I was much too young and could only eat if I imagined all of the yuck in processed food (like rodent hair) being pushed to the last bite. To this day I sometimes can't eat the last bite.


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Dd does the pacing on the phone thing. I wonder why that happens. I wonder if it is because she talks with her hands but needs the hands for the phone.


You may be on to something there. I do tend to talk with my hands. However, I am sitting now typing and just noticed that my legs are bouncing up and down. There probably just needs to be some part of me moving all the time. Huh.

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I cannot stand wet bread. I don't want to look at it and if I have to touch it BLECK. Please do not sop your gravy up in front of me and if any of my children leave a bread product in my sink I have to wait until DH comes home to run the disposal because I just cannot stomach looking at it.

You have it bad.. :D

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LOL... My song came charging upstairs to get me today because KISS was on an episode of Scooby Doo. hahaha


LOL I remember eons ago staying up super late because KISS meets the Phantom of the Park was going to be showing on MTV and we didn't have a VCR at that time. :p


Yes! Muscle cars. Now we are talking. ;):D


Heck yeah!! :hurray: :auto:

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