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Why do people need to remind me

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We are in CA, too.... and it sucks.


I'm so sorry for what you are going through.


Every time it looks like we can manage and get bills paid off, multiple things happen that set us off another year or so... and on it goes. While that seems like no big deal because we have jobs. But, we are having to make do with less and less while paying more and more on gas and expenses that we've been slapped with. So, in a way, I kind of understand.



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It does suck. I'm also in CA and I remember when people old me that a few years ago. First I went through a furlough, then my work hours were reduced from 40 to 30 hours per week. Now I'm facing a possible layoff that could happen in August. The joy of working for a city. :tongue_smilie:

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Maybe it's because they know of others who don't have any money coming in? In away, perhaps it's a relief to them that they don't have to worry about you as much?


I'm sure it doesn't make you feel great, but that might be their motivation.

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They say it because they feel the need to say something. They know other people who do not have a job at all and would be grateful to take a pay cut just to be employed. They think they are somehow being supportive.


It does suck.

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They say it because they feel the need to say something. They know other people who do not have a job at all and would be grateful to take a pay cut just to be employed. They think they are somehow being supportive.


It does suck.

:iagree:My dh took a huge paycut last November, just before Thanksgiving, without warning. Yes, I am thankful he is bringing home something,but 1/4 - 1/3 of our previous income is very difficult to manage on. The stress is effecting every part of our family life. I would prefer they just say they are sorry or give me a hug and move on.

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I'm in Michigan where things "stink" too. They say it, I've said it, probably because they spent time without a job (or thought they would) and that in itself is a scarey thing. Having a job sounds better than not. It absolutely stinks that you don't get what you used to get, but (not being snarky AT all) isn't it better to get something than nothing? We are living on 1/2 of what we did before so I'm not speaking from inexperience. And we were borderline on the government poverty scale before. All that to say, I don't think people mean to be insensitive.


I'm very sorry that you are having to walk this path. . . you are right. . . it stinks, A LOT!!!

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My DH took a paycut and *I* said it! I was very thankful DH had a job. People all around us have been losing jobs completely. The headquarters for BofA and Wachovia are here and as they have been struggling, so have those who work (or used to work) there.

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It does suck. I'm also in CA and I remember when people old me that a few years ago. First I went through a furlough, then my work hours were reduced from 40 to 30 hours per week. Now I'm facing a possible layoff that could happen in August. The joy of working for a city. :tongue_smilie:



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I'm in Michigan where things "stink" too. They say it, I've said it, probably because they spent time without a job (or thought they would) and that in itself is a scarey thing. Having a job sounds better than not. It absolutely stinks that you don't get what you used to get, but (not being snarky AT all) isn't it better to get something than nothing? We are living on 1/2 of what we did before so I'm not speaking from inexperience. And we were borderline on the government poverty scale before. All that to say, I don't think people mean to be insensitive.


I'm very sorry that you are having to walk this path. . . you are right. . . it stinks, A LOT!!!


My DH took a paycut and *I* said it! I was very thankful DH had a job. People all around us have been losing jobs completely. The headquarters for BofA and Wachovia are here and as they have been struggling, so have those who work (or used to work) there.


Yes, it is better than nothing and I am grateful! Truly. In a previous line of work, DH was laid of more times than I can count, including the week of our wedding and a couple of years later when I was 8 months pregnant. :glare:


I'm just mad! :lol:

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I agree. We're in Michigan, where the state government keeps helping themselves to larger parts of school employees' paychecks, and his district has pay freezes for everyone but teachers. :glare: Dh is working himself to death for less pay each year.


We don't know many people out of work, so we don't hear that often. But it really doesn't help. :glare:

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We're facing another paycut as well and yes, we've heard that line too many times. Three years of losing anywhere from $50-$250/month minimum is getting hard to deal with. What's especially hard is when the County supervisors voted themselves a pay increase last year. :glare:

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They say it because they feel the need to say something. They know other people who do not have a job at all and would be grateful to take a pay cut just to be employed. They think they are somehow being supportive.


It does suck.


My DH took a paycut and *I* said it! I was very thankful DH had a job. People all around us have been losing jobs completely. The headquarters for BofA and Wachovia are here and as they have been struggling, so have those who work (or used to work) there.



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Yes, it is better than nothing and I am grateful! Truly. In a previous line of work, DH was laid of more times than I can count, including the week of our wedding and a couple of years later when I was 8 months pregnant. :glare:


I'm just mad! :lol:


And I don't blame you!!! :D It's incredibly maddening. We have definitely become more proactive at getting our ducks in a row and not counting on 'them' any more than we have too. If you can call that a silver lining?:tongue_smilie:

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We're facing another paycut as well and yes, we've heard that line too many times. Three years of losing anywhere from $50-$250/month minimum is getting hard to deal with. What's especially hard is when the County supervisors voted themselves a pay increase last year. :glare:



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Maybe because you are lucky your dh has a job - although I would never say that to anyone. When dh lost his job for the second time due to downsizing, we would have been thankful if it had just been a pay cut. It stinks all the way around. Paycuts are hard, I know. Right now dh is making 25% less than his last job, but I am very thankful he's employed and I've said that to him.

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And I don't blame you!!! :D It's incredibly maddening. We have definitely become more proactive at getting our ducks in a row and not counting on 'them' any more than we have too. If you can call that a silver lining?:tongue_smilie:


We had just started our new budget where we were trying to do this. The ducks just got blasted! Lol. We'll be okay but it's going to take longer to get there.

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That we're lucky DH has a job when they find out he is getting a pay cut?


Yes, thank you. But losing money you work darn hard for stinks. The State of California sucks.


That is all.


I totally get it. A couple of years ago my dh, and everyone in his office, received a thousand-dollar-per-month pay cut. Yep, you read that right. Everyone had to do with $1000 less each month. It's not like he was a big level executive, either. When they initiated that cut, we were barely bringing in $1300 per month. It was enough to pay the bills and put food on the table but that was about it.


And people said the same thing to us.


So, yep, I get how you feel. I know people say that to sound encouraging but they don't realized that's not encouraging at all. It's kind of like when you're in the thick of things raising small children (like ages 5 and under) and you just wish for some time alone. I voiced that once to my MIL (whom I love dearly) and she said something like, "Oh, be careful what you wish for.They grow and are gone so fast." yes, thank you, I'm aware of that. But I wanted a break.


Anyway, all this to say that I understand the strain you are feeling. And I'm sorry for the stress. Let me know if I can help in any way!

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Dh has had a pretty good cut in hrs here and we have talked often about how blessed we are. It still stinks though and it isn't the least bit helpful for someone to say that. It is especially helpful when such people saying those things are living it up themselves. Sometimes you need a hug or a shoulder. Thus why it is better to keep to yourself on those kind of things.


You can always find someone worse off, even if someone loses their job they are better off than orphans or refuges in Africa. One could easily say the unemployed a similar maxim, but that wouldn't be helpful either.


It is a good thing to be mindful of our blessings at all times, we are all blessed in some way.

Edited by soror
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We military families get the same sorts of comments when our spouses are deployed.

Yes - it is nice to have job security, I agree, but don't use that as a reason I should be okay with DH being in a combat zone for the 15th time.

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Dh has had a pretty good cut in hrs here and we have talked often about how blessed we are. It still stinks though and it isn't the least bit helpful for someone to say that. It is especially helpful when such people saying those things are living it up themselves. Sometimes you need a hug or a shoulder. Thus why it is better to keep to yourself on those kind of things.


Yeah, we don't advertise it, it was on the news.:) "hey, heard you guys are getting a pay cut!"


Yes, thank you for telling me! :lol:

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I'm sorry you are being reminded. But after being in the no money coming in camp for a year, and now in the some money coming in camp, the second is a lot better. It's easier to make a payment arrangement when you know you will get paid. I'm sorry your DH's hours have been cut - scraping by is no fun. I hope you are able to stretch your paycheck and make ends meet.

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I totally sympathize. Dh had his staff cut by 2/3, workload increased, and he is now not only doing his job, he has no immediate boss so he's doing that job, too...for the third year in a row. And they eliminated the administrative assistant he had for years. Some days, they have him scheduled in three meetings at the same time. All of this started with a pay cut.


And the most frequent comment? Well, at least he has a job. Well, yeah, but this one might kill him.


At least our pay cut wasn't part of the daily news- that would be even worse. I'm so sorry you're going through this.

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I agree. We're in Michigan, where the state government keeps helping themselves to larger parts of school employees' paychecks, and his district has pay freezes for everyone but teachers. :glare: Dh is working himself to death for less pay each year.


We don't know many people out of work, so we don't hear that often. But it really doesn't help. :glare:



I hear ya! In our area of Michigan, the local school district cut 8 teachers, gave everyone else paycuts, but gave raises to the sports coaches and raised the sports budget 20%!!!! They think that if they have a winning team, people will spend oodles of dollars on tickets, school logo stuff, fundraisers, and at the snack shack. :glare: (Oh and that people will transfer their kids into the school district because of the great sports, despite the fact that they eliminated all honors and AP classes for 2012/2013.)


Oh, and our county had a lovely bombhell from the state. There was an audit of the state department that supervises social services and it was discovered that they had not properly billed our county the local portion for foster care for 5 years. The county was paying what was being billed and had no idea it wasn't enough. The state presented the county commissioners with a $500,000.00 bill due by July 1st! They had to make every single department take a HUGE cut-back in order to cover it and because of lost revenue in property taxes, lots of businesses going under, etc. ended up having to drop medical insurance for spouses and children of county employees. Only the employee has medical coverage for 2012. Austerity measures. I was at the county commissioner's meetings. You talk about some very sad, sorrowful, glum guys. They did not want to have to do this, but their backs were against the wall...they had already forgone their salaries and benefits for the year and are doing the job for free so it isn't like they didn't shoulder their fair share of this burden.


OP, we don't share financial info with friends, family, or acquaintances. It's always too touchy. If I need to vent, it's here in relative anonymity or to my sister.


It stinks, it stinks, it stinks and you have a right to feel and express that it stinks!



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We military families get the same sorts of comments when our spouses are deployed.

Yes - it is nice to have job security, I agree, but don't use that as a reason I should be okay with DH being in a combat zone for the 15th time.



:grouphug::grouphug: Honey, I'm sorry. Some people are just out and out IDIOTS! Wow, what a thing to say!



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:grouphug::grouphug: Honey, I'm sorry. Some people are just out and out IDIOTS! Wow, what a thing to say!




I try to be nice. I hear it all the time - from good friends and strangers. I think they just aren't ... thinking? I guess? I get it, and I agree about the financial end. But - still hard to hear, and hard to continue being graceful about.

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And the most frequent comment? Well, at least he has a job. Well, yeah, but this one might kill him.


Been there. My 30 year old husband was trying to leave the hospital because he was needed at work and they couldn't do without him. Believe me, what he does is not nearly important enough for that.


OP-anyone bringing up a paycut they heard on the news is way out of line to begin with. And the response is just as tacky as reminding someone that they are lucky they still unemployment. (We've also been in the not working and not getting unemployment boat.) Less crappy is still crappy.

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I hear ya! In our area of Michigan, the local school district cut 8 teachers, gave everyone else paycuts, but gave raises to the sports coaches and raised the sports budget 20%!!!! They think that if they have a winning team, people will spend oodles of dollars on tickets, school logo stuff, fundraisers, and at the snack shack. :glare: (Oh and that people will transfer their kids into the school district because of the great sports, despite the fact that they eliminated all honors and AP classes for 2012/2013.)


Oh, and our county had a lovely bombhell from the state. There was an audit of the state department that supervises social services and it was discovered that they had not properly billed our county the local portion for foster care for 5 years. The county was paying what was being billed and had no idea it wasn't enough. The state presented the county commissioners with a $500,000.00 bill due by July 1st! They had to make every single department take a HUGE cut-back in order to cover it and because of lost revenue in property taxes, lots of businesses going under, etc. ended up having to drop medical insurance for spouses and children of county employees. Only the employee has medical coverage for 2012. Austerity measures. I was at the county commissioner's meetings. You talk about some very sad, sorrowful, glum guys. They did not want to have to do this, but their backs were against the wall...they had already forgone their salaries and benefits for the year and are doing the job for free so it isn't like they didn't shoulder their fair share of this burden.


OP, we don't share financial info with friends, family, or acquaintances. It's always too touchy. If I need to vent, it's here in relative anonymity or to my sister.


It stinks, it stinks, it stinks and you have a right to feel and express that it stinks! :iagree:



:001_huh: That is wrong on so many levels.
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