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Can I ask for good thoughts and prayers?

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My oldest son is such a wonderful person. He has a heart of gold and is known to be the person to call whenever someone needs help, support or a shoulder to cry on. He is so generous and is filled with compassion and sometimes gets taken advantage of because of it. :sad:


This is also a kid who just never seems to get a break. If anything can go wrong for him, usually it does.


I have serious concerns for him right now. He moved out of the house last year and is working two jobs. He is going to take a semester off college this coming fall, which is a great idea for him at this time. His main job which pays all the bills is a dangerous one IMO. Dh and I have been concerned since he told us of the dangers he faces at his workplace. First of all, he knew going into the job that the boss was a jerk but when one needs money, one does what is necessary. He is verbally abused practically daily there (and although he doesn't say anything, I know how this bothers him. He is a sensitive guy and treats everyone with the utmost respect. All too often people find it ok to treat him awful!) and the threats to fire him happen regularly. This place obviously has a rotating door because most people either can't handle the treatment or get fired. Ds has been there six months, which is long for this company. The abuse started right at the beginning. But the part that concerns me most is that he is ingesting chemicals there. He is assembling special power transmitters for low wattage lights, wiring them all together, etc. But the workers there use their saliva to mix a silicone powder for the final assembly step. He says nothing else works. He is also breathing in other strong chemicals all day long, chemicals that need to be used with proper ventillation. There are no windows and no air exchange in this extremely old mill building. A couple of weeks ago ds told us that sometimes the guys get nose bleeds.


I have been worried sick about him. We lost two friends to lung cancer, both due to environmental toxins. I know ds wants to make things work and would feel like a failure if he had to move back home. He won't quit this job and it is hard to find another. He has looked off and on for awhile now but said he didn't want a job on his resume for less than six months. He is at that mark now, and a new opportunity opened up for him! He interviewed on Tuesday for a customer service job with a growing company. It is computer tech. He is very good at this as his dad, an engineer, has worked on many things with him over the years. He LOVES to tinker with technology and is questioning a career path in that area. (his other passion is alternative energy). Tere will be training for him. Dh checked into this company and it would be an excellent opportunity for him. After two years there they even help with tuition fees! Unfortunately, there were tons of applicants. Fortunately, he got two references from people who already work there.


If you could please send positive thoughts and prayers for him, I would really appreciate it. i really want him to get out of the dangerous place where he currently works. Also, I just wish this great kid could be blessed for once.


For those of you who remember, this is the kid who put his job on the line when he found out that budget cuts resulted in cut backs for food for the elderly at the nursing home where he worked in the kitchen during high school. He was so upset to have hungry residents, got in trouble for giving extra food, got in trouble for making special treats. He also tracked pts weighloss and reported it all. He was tormented by watching hungry people and at 17 took all upper management on and didn't back down until there was a change. He is back there again working on weekends. The extra money is nice but the kitchen workers, who once also treated him like a piece of carp, are now his friends.

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Just seeing this. Wow, I would be concerned also. I can't believe they get away with the saliva thing due to OSHA.


Praying with you for a big change!


Praying! Also, that first place should get reported to OSHA.


I'd report to OSHA too. You can do so annonymously.


Prayers here that he can get out of there and into the other job.


In a country where over regulation in manufacturing runs rampant, they are allowed to use their saliva to mix chemicals?


NO, really, WTF?


My head, it spins.


That needs to be reported IMMEDIATELY.



Praying for him, Denise. :grouphug:


All I can do is suggest it to him. I do not feel it is my place to do so.



And I do doubt he will report it. :sad:


We've already asked him to pkease go get checked for exposure. He hasn't done it. :sad:

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