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May I ask for prayers please?

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Update in post #30


Back in March, I developed a bad cough. Over time, it has gotten better but not gone away. I keep having days where I think, "I'll be completely over this is a day or two," and then it just seems to pick up again instead. Around the time all of this started, I had inhaled a piece of french toast, so I think it is related to that.


Then last week, I developed symptoms of a UTI. A home test showed slightly positive. I started home treatment for that, but developed a slight fever last night. This morning I still felt cruddy and achy. So I called to be seen for both.


At the doctor's my temp was 99.1 (97.5 is normal for me), my pulse was 104, and my blood pressure was 140/100. My urine was clear, so I guess my home treatment worked for that so she's treating me for possible infection in my lungs.


She understands not having insurance so she's treating with antibiotics first. If symptoms don't improve with treatment, she'll do a urine culture to double check the clear result in the office and chest x-ray at that time.


I would appreciate prayers for healing.

Edited by joannqn
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There is a cough going around, and there was a significant hack a couple months back that is lingering in an asthma-like way for some. People who've never used inhalers are getting them.


Hope you feel better soon, hope your doc covered "atypicals", and hope you stay away from the summer diarrhea that is also starting to spread.

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I will pray for you! You pray for me, too! Im in what sounds like the *exact* same situation, though I don't think I've had this cough since March. No insurance, and it *has* been almost a month now.


I'm not running fever though. I've wondered about whooping cough, or even "walking" pneumonia - but with pneumonia you usually have a fever. Could that be what you're dealing with?


I have almost no symptoms until suddenly I cough and *cannot breathe* for quite a long time sometimes, and often it causes a strong enough gag reflex to cause me to be ill. Very unpleasant, and going on for a good 3-4 weeks now if not longer.


Actually, recalling now - I'd been sick a full week on Mother's Day, on which I was *super* sick to the point of it being obvious to others. THat continued for a while and now it's just still the cough attack out of nowhere several times daily.




Anyway. Prayers sweetie! We all need to come against whatever this is and get it OUT of the country, of the earth! GET OUT! UGh!

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Please ladies, see your doctors if you don't start feeling better soon.


My husband's Hodgkin's presented in his lungs and his symptom was a persistant cough. He thought he had pneumonia when he went in to the doctor. Wish it would have been. He's fine now, but it was long road.

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I'd seen in her post but didn't think to reiterate in mine - lack of insurance is a hindrance. Many won't see you without insurance if you can't pay their minimum upfront, which I cannot, and it's not emergency room worthy. Welcome to the donut hole. ;)

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There is a cough going around, and there was a significant hack a couple months back that is lingering in an asthma-like way for some. People who've never used inhalers are getting them.


Hope you feel better soon, hope your doc covered "atypicals", and hope you stay away from the summer diarrhea that is also starting to spread.


Well, my doctor was unavailable until next week, I think. So, I saw one of the nurse practitioners...the one I like. She asked about my pertussis vaccination. The last one I would have had was in childhood some time, but despite it going around, I really doubt it is that. None of my kids are vaccinated, and they haven't gotten it. (DD just got sick this week but will all of the typical upper respiratory stuff...stuffy nose and regular sounding cough) She asked about hay fever type allergies and about acid reflux. I sometimes get hay fever stuff, but not often. I do have acid reflux symptoms sometimes; it bugs me the most when I'm pregnant and when I drive a lot of water. She's thinking maybe infection started by the food I aspirated. If the antibiotic don't work, her next step is chest x-ray. I don't know what other atypicals you might be talking about.


I will pray for you! You pray for me, too! Im in what sounds like the *exact* same situation, though I don't think I've had this cough since March. No insurance, and it *has* been almost a month now.


I'm not running fever though. I've wondered about whooping cough, or even "walking" pneumonia - but with pneumonia you usually have a fever. Could that be what you're dealing with?


I have almost no symptoms until suddenly I cough and *cannot breathe* for quite a long time sometimes, and often it causes a strong enough gag reflex to cause me to be ill. Very unpleasant, and going on for a good 3-4 weeks now if not longer.


Actually, recalling now - I'd been sick a full week on Mother's Day, on which I was *super* sick to the point of it being obvious to others. THat continued for a while and now it's just still the cough attack out of nowhere several times daily.




Anyway. Prayers sweetie! We all need to come against whatever this is and get it OUT of the country, of the earth! GET OUT! UGh!


I haven't had any illness at all to go with the cough. The first coughing I remember was the choking that came immediately after I inhaled the french toast. It was a small piece bite-wise but huge to be going into my lungs...about 2-3mm by 5-6mm. I remember the piece very clearly because it was the last one on my plate. Anyway, I've been coughing since that day.


Pertussis is going around in this general area, especially the town we used to live in 30 minutes from here. But no one else in my family has gotten it, and none of my kids are vaccinated. You'd think that if it was something super contagious, like pertussis, they'd have gotten it a long time ago. My oldest just started coughing this week, but she also has other upper respiratory symptoms so hers makes sense.


Doubt it is pneumonia...I've had that before. I've been fine other than coughing until yesterday when I came down with the slight fever.


Thank you, everyone, for the prayers.

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Gotta say, I have been coughing for over a month now too. It is finally better. At one point I was on antibiotics, some sort of tessalon thing, codeine at night, claritin, and an inhaler.


Crazy stuff, but according to the drs [yes more than one] it was a combo of bronchitis and allergies. The cottonwood is beyond out of control On at least 3 different days, it looked like a blizzard out side.


:grouphug: to all of you. Hope you are all feeling better soon.

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I don't know what other atypicals you might be talking about.


I haven't had any illness at all to go with the cough. The first coughing I remember was the choking that came immediately after I inhaled the french toast. It was a small piece bite-wise but huge to be going into my lungs...about 2-3mm by 5-6mm. I remember the piece very clearly because it was the last one on my plate. Anyway, I've been coughing since that day.



By atypicals I mean mycoplasma, and say, azithromycin for antibiotics.


The mantra in pulmonology is that a significant aspiration can cause 6 weeks of cough, although this is under the discussion of gastric contents (reflux), with a low pH. Think of the lining of your trachea being traumatized, and reacting to dry air, dust, etc until it is all healed.


Usually, when there is a chronic cough do to a retained foreign body, you can hear the whistling on one side. Tracheas are pretty big and able to be emptied by coughing. Also, I think of inorganic or something "tough" (a peanut down the left bronchus is "famous"), not toast, which the body would work on dissolving. All very perplexing.


But I do know pertussis negative prolonged hacking was heard all over here recently, some people coughing so badly they fainted during the fits.


:grouphug: Such coughs are so exhausting.

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Thanks Kalanamak for the extra info. If I need to go back, I'll refer to it. I definitely have other considerations beyond the french toast. I do have chronic post nasal drip with a now-known cause I'm working on reducing and some reflux symptoms. It's the former that makes it so I sometimes sniff while swallowing...aspiration is not new to me, but this severe is a first.


This morning my temp and pulse are down to 97.3 and 80, respectively.

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I took the first double-dose of z-pack and the day two dose last night. Today I'm tired again and my temp is starting to rise. It's only 98.9, but that's more than a point higher than my normal.


DD12 is now sick with congestion and a minor cough. DS5 has been coughing a little bit upon waking only (never during the day or night) for a while and was a bit congested this morning. DD2 has a very slight runny nose. None of them feel sick.

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Sick kids are well now.


I finished the z-pack on Saturday. I'm still coughing though it seems to be somewhat better. The fever and high pulse rate returned today.


I'll be called the doctor's office tomorrow to see where I need to go for the chest x-ray.

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Sick kids are well now.


I finished the z-pack on Saturday. I'm still coughing though it seems to be somewhat better. The fever and high pulse rate returned today.


I'll be called the doctor's office tomorrow to see where I need to go for the chest x-ray.


I'm glad that the kids are better. I'm so sorry that you are still fighting this. :grouphug:

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