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Keen sandals?

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Are Keen Sandals worth the money? I'm hard on shoes. Will they last? I could cough up the money if the sandals will last for years. I'm looking at the Venice or the Whisper.


Yes and Yes!! I have Newport H2s. They haved lasted just about 9 years and look almost as good now as they did then.


If you are looking for all around great fit for sore back and/or feet pain, I also like Chacos and FitFlop.


My dd who has terrible feet problems (think surgery in her future) really likes Alegria shoes and sandals. They are really $$ IMHO, but they are the only sandal (or shoe for that matter) that she can wear for any length of time.

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I almost exclusively wear a pair of slip on Keens, purchased about two years ago. I was having pain in my calves and my Dr. Recommended trying the Keen brand. When I saw how much they were, I put off buying them until I found this pair on clearance. My shoes have dark plastics sections adhered to the shoe base; two of those sections are loose, probably from shovel use. I think I can glue them back on. Bathe fabric sections and cords are still in very good condition. I am very hard on my shoes and wear them while digging in the yard which I do a lot. I mean, really a lot; virtually every day (weather permitting) I am tearing up some poor unsuspecting clump of grass or transplanting a shrub to a "better location". My legs do feel much better now also. If I wear a different pair of shoes for the day, my feet tend to hurt. This winter I wore them out in the snow too, with extra socks. :).

Still, I am amazed at how expensive the shoes are! I am keeping my eye on the local sporting goods store and hope to buy a new pair the end of summer.

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Keens are great, but I prefer my Chacos. You should get years from either brand.


Do Chacos have a bumptoe sandal? That's really the best option for me. I've got ugly, wide, hobbit-like (minus the hairiness) feet and I don't like to show them off. Why do you prefer Chacos?

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LOVE my Keens. I have a pair of their flops that I've worn for 3 or 4 years and they are still going strong.


Also, I have the world's funniest Big Toe Tan Line :D



I wear Keen...Daytona, I think. And I have these trapezoid and triangle tan marks on my feet.


This is my 2nd pair of the same style of Keen's. I got 3 years out of the first. This pair will be going through their second summer. And I wear them from spring until fall, all the time.

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Do Chacos have a bumptoe sandal? That's really the best option for me. I've got ugly, wide, hobbit-like (minus the hairiness) feet and I don't like to show them off. Why do you prefer Chacos?


I have bad toes too. I had a toe injury while wearing my Keens and then DD had an ingrown after wearing hers for several weeks. In my Chacos, I comfortably display my ugly piggies with no toe problems. I can walk for miles in my Chacos; they are as comfortable as my runners. I still buy Keens for DH ... his toes are really bad. :lol:


Really, you can't go wrong with Keens. We put ours in the washing machine and they come out looking new.

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I'm extremely hard on shoes and I've had several pairs of Keens.


My experience is that the sneakers and the newer sandals are good, but they still only last one to two years.


However, the classic Keens, like the Whisper, last really, really well. I had a pair that I bought when my kids were 2 yo to wear hiking in Costa Rica. Those shoes went EVERYWHERE. They lasted five years. They finally wore out this year in Africa when one of the soles gave and split and I knew it was time to get new ones when I got home. The new soles also claim to be less smelly, which so far (after taking them hiking and camping as well as just walking around) seems to be true, but I'll pass full judgment in another couple of years when they're properly broken in.

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I'm extremely hard on shoes and I've had several pairs of Keens.


My experience is that the sneakers and the newer sandals are good, but they still only last one to two years.


However, the classic Keens, like the Whisper, last really, really well. I had a pair that I bought when my kids were 2 yo to wear hiking in Costa Rica. Those shoes went EVERYWHERE. They lasted five years. They finally wore out this year in Africa when one of the soles gave and split and I knew it was time to get new ones when I got home. The new soles also claim to be less smelly, which so far (after taking them hiking and camping as well as just walking around) seems to be true, but I'll pass full judgment in another couple of years when they're properly broken in.


Would the Venice qualify as a classic Keen?

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I have a pair of Keens, Venice I think. I've had them for about 3 years now and I really like them. My kids have some too, I get gender neutral ones and pass them down. If the get stinky or get something unmentionable on them then I just throw them in the wash.

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yes - if they fit right, they are comfortable, great to hike in, and very durable.



I have a pair I bought years ago when we went to Costa Rica. They've done zip-lines, trails, and rafting. Then they moved on to Boy Scout Camp :D They are still going strong. Love 'em

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I have a pair of Keens, Venice I think. I've had them for about 3 years now and I really like them. My kids have some too, I get gender neutral ones and pass them down. If the get stinky or get something unmentionable on them then I just throw them in the wash.


We do this too...the entire family has worn them for years now and they are the best! Mine still look new and they are about three years old and have been everywhere through all terrain. They are great for tide pooling! :)

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Those look nice!


I have a pair of Whispers.


FYI...Ladies with size 6-ish feet. The girls shoes come in 4,5, & 6 are just a bit wider/roomier and cost about half the price of the ladies.


You guys convinced me. I ended up getting the Venice. They should arrive tomorrow. I think they'll be worth it. I've got a knockoff from Payless, and they're less than a year old and they are falling apart.
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I have a pair of Newports that I have had for at least 6 years. They have held up very nicely and I don't forsee getting rid of them any time soon. My mom just bought me a pair of the La Paz thongs. I can't wear flip flops because of a cyst between the joint of my big toe and my second toe, but I can wear these. One of my twins wears Keen Mary Janes and boots all fall and winter. We are big fans of Keens in this house.

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