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Recommitting to my weight loss efforts!

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Putting it out there in public!


As a lot of you know, I started my weight loss efforts at 247.6 lbs.


By going pretty much grain-free and walking, I lost 59.2 lbs in a relatively short period of time, getting down to 188.4 lbs.


So I didn't quite hit my goal of 60 lbs when I found out I was pregnant. And then I did something stupid. I totally stopped eating the way I had been, stopped walking most days, and just didn't think about healthy eating at all. I ate whatever I felt like eating, including way too many carbs and sugars.


Then, 6 days ago as I'm sure you all know, I miscarried.


Well, this morning, needing to focus on something positive for a while, like losing a bit more weight, I stepped on the scale.




That means I'm up 7.8 lbs from my low. BUT, I'm still down 51.4 overall, which is nothing to sneeze at.


I do NOT want to hit 200 lbs again. And I DO want to start my next pregnancy (fingers crossed!) at as healthy a start weight as possible. So today, I'm going back to my grain free diet, and I'm going to start walking again, and I'm going to hopefully hit that 60 lb goal and then some prior to conceiving again.


Wish me luck!


P.S. if you haven't seen it/joined yet and you're trying to lose weight, too, the Weight Loss Challenge social group is quite active these days, and it's a fantastic group for motivation, encouragement, support, info, and fun weight loss challenges to try to accomplish!

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Yep....I need to focus again. I just joined the gym and have been going to yoga classes to help my back pain. I walk every day too.


I am now down almost 80lbs. It took me almost 10 years to do....slowly....with a few pregnancies in there. You are doing great!! Good luck Nance!! I am rooting for you!!!

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I am back to trying harder too. When I got pregnant and all through pregnancy, I ate really well and a couple weeks after dd was born I was down about 40 lbs from my highest. A couple of weeks ago, I got on the scale and had gained it all back. I just can't eat anything that I want and that is hard to accept at times. I know it gets worse when major changes happen in life, that is what always trips me up.


Go for it, you can do it!

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Thank you for this. I've been on WW for 3 weeks now, combining it with some wonderful eating strategies and plans that a sweet member here shared with me, but have only lost 4 pounds with all that attention and effort. :tongue_smilie: This morning was 'weigh in' and I just felt like quitting. I think with my perfectionist personality, I have to 'recommit' every morning. :grouphug: and good wishes to you!

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Thank you for this. I've been on WW for 3 weeks now, combining it with some wonderful eating strategies and plans that a sweet member here shared with me, but have only lost 4 pounds with all that attention and effort. :tongue_smilie: This morning was 'weigh in' and I just felt like quitting. I think with my perfectionist personality, I have to 'recommit' every morning. :grouphug: and good wishes to you!


I've been eating very low carb and it's taken me a over a month to lose 5 pounds. It can be slow! I too have to recommit every day! Some people lose weight easily and some of us just... don't.


This is the 2nd time I've seen that weight loss challenge group mentioned. I think I'd better go join!

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Thank you for this. I've been on WW for 3 weeks now, combining it with some wonderful eating strategies and plans that a sweet member here shared with me, but have only lost 4 pounds with all that attention and effort. :tongue_smilie: This morning was 'weigh in' and I just felt like quitting. I think with my perfectionist personality, I have to 'recommit' every morning. :grouphug: and good wishes to you!


I am having the same issues. I started very seriously exercising and watching what I eat a little over a month ago. I lost 5 lbs the first week and was thrilled. Since I haven't lost any, and occasionally climb back up. I am determined. I definitely feel better, and that is a big plus to being more active. I may look up that group too. I would love to lose 10 more.

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*Pat on the back* Great job! :)


I am working on losing the 50 pounds I have gained over the last 10 years (FYI: having 5 kids in 7 years and then fighting cancer for 2 years is NOT good for your waistline, LOL). I joined WW 7 months ago and have been slowly working my way down, I should make my 25 pound goal in the next few days. I know others are more strict and lose faster, but I choose to still eat out and have an occasional dessert, so it is taking me longer. I'm fine with that -- it seems like the people I know IRL who lose it slowly have better success at keeping it off, and the people who lose a lot quickly gain it back.


Motivation of the day: Losing weight lowers your chance of getting breast cancer and makes it easier for your body to fight it. TRUST ME when I tell you that you DO NOT want to have breast cancer.

Edited by Colleen in SEVA
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I am recommitting too! I was up 12 lbs 3 weeks ago and have lost 8 since. I am doing low carb (no bread, pasta, rice, sugar) I am at 199. I have got to get these last 39 lbs off this year. I have to. I am really done with losing weight it has been the thorn in my side my entire life and I am just so over it.


I read the book Made to Crave and have ordered the devotional and it has really been a game changer for me. I have to hit the "whys" of my overeating and not focus 100% on my actual diet.

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Thank you so much for the motivation! I needed to see that this morning! I have struggled with being overweight my whole adult life and no grain is the way to go for me. I do well for a while and then life and parties, celebrations, cook-outs, church dinners get in the way combined with southern cooking (aka white flour nightmare) and I am off track again. Any suggestions on handling a summer of this? I love eating gluten free and feel so much better when I do. So why do I get sucked back in?:glare:


I feel like exercising now:D

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Thank you so much for the motivation! I needed to see that this morning! I have struggled with being overweight my whole adult life and no grain is the way to go for me. I do well for a while and then life and parties, celebrations, cook-outs, church dinners get in the way combined with southern cooking (aka white flour nightmare) and I am off track again. Any suggestions on handling a summer of this? I love eating gluten free and feel so much better when I do. So why do I get sucked back in?:glare:


I feel like exercising now:D


Congrats to everyone else who is recommitting or already has!


Summer tips? Hmm. I'm nervous, too! But I plan to eat things like burgers and hot dogs without the buns at bbq's. I eat the skin on my chicken, I eat the salad dressings etc, just not the breads and pasta salads and desserts!

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Nance, again, so sorry to hear of your loss. :grouphug:


Very happy to have you back on the social group however, since I just joined eight days ago. As of this morning, I'm down 8 lbs in those eight days! Yipee! Just 107 more pounds to go! :glare: :D Ok, well, I guess mabye for a while I'll just focus on how much I've lost instead of how much more I have to lose, LOL. I'll hit my first personal goal in about 8 more pounds. That'll be nice.

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Congrats to everyone else who is recommitting or already has!


Summer tips? Hmm. I'm nervous, too! But I plan to eat things like burgers and hot dogs without the buns at bbq's. I eat the skin on my chicken, I eat the salad dressings etc, just not the breads and pasta salads and desserts!

This is my goal, too. I blew it a few days ago, when I knew we were having hamburgers on Memorial Day--I had fully planned to have the burger without the bun, then I automatically took a bun and put the burger on it before I remembered my plan. I didn't want to waste the bun, so I ate it. I should have given it to dh (but then, he needs to loose weight, too).


I just joined the weight loss social group, Nance.

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Yay for healthy eating!! I was over 200 when DS was born, then lost down to 170something, then back up to JUST over 200 again.


I don't know what happened but I finally got with it. I totally got in to fitness in a very healthy and natural way and lost down to about 126-7. My body fat is VERY low, but healthy. I wear a size zero. And I am not joking. I can post pictures to prove it :tongue_smilie:. It almost seems crazy to think I lost 100 pounds. I know it's a big deal, but it wasn't until I told a few ladies at the gym who were complaining/struggling losing and they about fell over that I realized I guess I could be inspirational LOL. I lift weights 2-3 times a week for 30 minutes and I run 3 times a week for 20-30 minutes.


You can do it!!!!


The only thing I cut out is sugar. I eat ZERO sugar. I am addicted to it instantly if I cave. I need carbs because I don't feel great without them and I exercise, but I eat pretty balanced and keep my calories in check.


For summer: I eat burgers like the rest of them! I LOVE grilled food. I make or buy whole grain thin buns, and I prefer turkey burgers. Grilled peppers and zuccini is heaven! I could eat pounds of sliced and grilled zukes drizzled with EVOO

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I'm trying another round of The 17 Day Diet, starting this morning. I haven't even tried losing weight since my mom died in September, and I have gained back everything I lost and then some.:glare: I definitely have an issue with emotional eating. I've joined and quit WW online 3 times. For some reason I can't get my brain wrapped around the new points program. My plan is to go through a few cycles of the 17 Day Diet and switch over to WW. I'll have to check out the social group. I really need some motivation.:001_smile:

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The only thing I cut out is sugar. I eat ZERO sugar. I am addicted to it instantly if I cave. I need carbs because I don't feel great without them and I exercise, but I eat pretty balanced and keep my calories in check.

Can you expand on that (the zero sugar part)? Do you eat things like ketchup or store bought spaghetti sauce--they contain added sugar. What about fruit? Veggies that have natural sugars? (onion, tomato, etc)

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Can you expand on that (the zero sugar part)? Do you eat things like ketchup or store bought spaghetti sauce--they contain added sugar. What about fruit? Veggies that have natural sugars? (onion, tomato, etc)


I pretty much make everything from scratch. My kids eat store bought ketchup but I do not. I am not a huge ketchup fan though I do love homemade marinara. If I had to buy store bought I would avoid ones with corn syrup but it wouldn't be the end of the world if it had a tad bit of sugar. I dont eat cups at a time anyways. I do not avoid anything that grows out of the ground and eat tons of veggies AND fruit. I love fruit! I also make snack bars with a medjool date puree as a base. I use a tiny bit of honey in dressings. I eat lots of sweet potatoes too.


Ok I was dramatic about the zero sugar.....but I do not use white sugar for almost anything I eat. We are not huge sweet fans but i do bake goodies for the kids sometimes. I just totally lost a taste or craving for sweets. I do not like sugar subs because they just keep me wanting sweets. If I were making tomato soup, I would use a tsp of sugar or so, but that's about it.

Edited by 425lisamarie
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Haven't read all the replies but great job to all of you especially when you started with a really large goal. It really is all about perseverance.


For all of you who are disheartened by slow progress, let me tell you about slow progress! I am fit, yes, and I didn't have a lot to lose it's true but it took me YEARS of HHAAARRRRRDDDDDD work to lose a single dress size. No matter how slow, you are still moving forward.

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I'm just in awe of your 50+ lb weight loss...


I've been making small changes in my life since the end of last Oct (more veggies, small/healthy portions, exercising daily etc...). Lost 10 lbs by Christmas, gained 5 of it back over Christmas (sigh. Homemade Fudge = no self control), stayed at that weight until early February and then got a bit more serious about it again. I'm down 28lbs since February 7th and now I'm only 65lbs away from my goal weight, which sounds much more manageable than 90 or 95...


(But still... sigh.)


Good luck to you!

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holy $!@#$#!!!! So yesterday morning, my scale said 196.2. Up 7.8 lbs from my low, as I said. I'd been eating pretty bad. So yesterday, I walked 2 miles and went back to eating completely grain free, and to drinking nothing but water (other than one cup of morning decaf).


And this morning I got on the scale expecting to be down 1, maybe 2, lbs from yesterday. Know what it said? 192.8! That's 3.4 lbs down after only one day of being back on track! I know it's gotta be a bunch of water weight, but WOW. And I don't think my scale is broken lol- it's been pretty consistent with whatever it happens to say when I have to go to the doctor or whatever each time- but even if it was off by a lb or something I'd still be ecstatic.


Nice to think that I'm only up 4.4 lbs from my low instead of 7.8! And that I'm still down 54.8 lbs overall! :D


This certainly gives me incentive to do well again today and to keep pushing to get the heck back out of these 190's!! And to try to get down even lower than my initial low weight of 188.4!

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Thanks for this thread. I've just logged back into my Weight Watchers online account and logged breakfast. I fell off the wagon about a month ago and have slipped back into some bad habits/ self-deceptions about food and need to start over. Why isn't this an easy thing to do?

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Good job, Nance!


I did well today--was at a cookout today following dd8's rollerskating show, and I had a hot dog & hamburger without buns, a couple of grape tomatoes and unsweet tea (don't like sweet anyway). I resisted the chips and all the yummy desserts that were there. This morning I had 2 McD's breakfast burritos, so there was the tortillas for those, but that'll be the only grain for today (had unsweet tea with that too).


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You go girl! I am right there with you. I weighed myself last week and was so discouraged to see I weighed 196lbs, up from 183lb's a few months ago. I have been walking/running and trying to eat mostly vegies/fruit/ and chicken. I also replace one or two meals with a protein shake. Today I weighed myself and I was down to 188.8lbs. I am soooooo happy! To lose 50lb's is AMAZING! You should be so proud of yourself. Just don't worry about the past, look forward and make good choices in the moment. You can do it!!


Off to join the Weight Loss Group :001_smile:



Edited by quiverfull
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Yay for healthy eating!! I was over 200 when DS was born, then lost down to 170something, then back up to JUST over 200 again.


I don't know what happened but I finally got with it. I totally got in to fitness in a very healthy and natural way and lost down to about 126-7. My body fat is VERY low, but healthy. I wear a size zero. And I am not joking. I can post pictures to prove it :tongue_smilie:. It almost seems crazy to think I lost 100 pounds. I know it's a big deal, but it wasn't until I told a few ladies at the gym who were complaining/struggling losing and they about fell over that I realized I guess I could be inspirational LOL. I lift weights 2-3 times a week for 30 minutes and I run 3 times a week for 20-30 minutes.


You can do it!!!!


The only thing I cut out is sugar. I eat ZERO sugar. I am addicted to it instantly if I cave. I need carbs because I don't feel great without them and I exercise, but I eat pretty balanced and keep my calories in check.


For summer: I eat burgers like the rest of them! I LOVE grilled food. I make or buy whole grain thin buns, and I prefer turkey burgers. Grilled peppers and zuccini is heaven! I could eat pounds of sliced and grilled zukes drizzled with EVOO





Oh please post pictures!!!! I LOVE success stories. They totally motivate me! I've started watching "I Used to Be Fat" and "Extreme Makeover-Weight Loss Edition" and I love the stories. I cry in just about every episode, because I am so happy for the people, and I can relate to their emotional eating struggles. It is very inspiring to hear that it can be done!

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Good job, Nance!


I did well today--was at a cookout today following dd8's rollerskating show, and I had a hot dog & hamburger without buns, a couple of grape tomatoes and unsweet tea (don't like sweet anyway). I resisted the chips and all the yummy desserts that were there. This morning I had 2 McD's breakfast burritos, so there was the tortillas for those, but that'll be the only grain for today (had unsweet tea with that too).


Yay for good choices! And your daughter is adorable!


You go girl! I am right there with you. I weighed myself last week and was so discouraged to see I weighed 196lbs, up from 183lb's a few months ago. I have been walking/running and trying to eat mostly vegies/fruit/ and chicken. I also replace one or two meals with a protein shake. Today I weight myself and I was down to 188.8lbs. I am soooooo happy! To loose 50lb's is AMAZING! You should be so proud of yourself. Just don't worry about the past, look forward and make good choices in the moment. You can do it!!


Off to join the Weight Loss Group :001_smile:




That's awesome! You're doing a really good job getting the weight back off! Glad you joined the group! :)

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Well, I feel very lucky because this gain I'd put on while eating carbs over the last few weeks seems to be melting off in these first few days of not touching them again!


Yesterday morning the scale had said 192.8, and this morning it said 190.4! I've now completed two days of not touching a single grain type carb, drinking only water (other than one cup of coffee in the AM), and walking (ended up walking three miles yesterday).


Now I'm only up 2 lbs from my low weight of 188.4!! Can't wait to get back to that...and below! Down 57.2 total (it was 59.2 at my low).


I don't know if my body just reset itself with all those months of no carbs followed by a few weeks of carbs, followed by going back to no carbs, or if I just had a lot of water weight to get rid of, or what it is, but I am loving how fast it is dropping off right now! I'm telling you, this grain free thing is the way to go for me. In all my years of Weight Watchers and such, I've NEVER dropped weight the way I do eating grain free (but still eating plenty of fat)!

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And if anyone can stand one more post to this thread (or is even reading it still lol), today it said 188.4!!! Woohoo! That means any gain is now GONE and I'm right back to where I left off, at my low weight! Down 59.2 lbs again and more than ready to finally hit that initial 60 lb weight loss goal I had and then some!


Still haven't touched a single grain or white potato, eating whatever fats I want, eating plenty of fruits and veggies, and have walked 2 (or sometimes 3) miles a day. It's working wonders!

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And if anyone can stand one more post to this thread (or is even reading it still lol), today it said 188.4!!! Woohoo! That means any gain is now GONE and I'm right back to where I left off, at my low weight! Down 59.2 lbs again and more than ready to finally hit that initial 60 lb weight loss goal I had and then some!


Still haven't touched a single grain or white potato, eating whatever fats I want, eating plenty of fruits and veggies, and have walked 2 (or sometimes 3) miles a day. It's working wonders!




I'm off to look at the group...I really need some motivation. I have much more to lose, and it gets disheartening just thinking about it. I know I need to focus on smaller goals, and not be discouraged. It's really motivational reading about your success!

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And if anyone can stand one more post to this thread (or is even reading it still lol), today it said 188.4!!! Woohoo! That means any gain is now GONE and I'm right back to where I left off, at my low weight! Down 59.2 lbs again and more than ready to finally hit that initial 60 lb weight loss goal I had and then some!


Still haven't touched a single grain or white potato, eating whatever fats I want, eating plenty of fruits and veggies, and have walked 2 (or sometimes 3) miles a day. It's working wonders!


Nancy, you and I may have similar body-types in that the simple carbs really seem to just put our systems on the fritz! I am attempting to lose 20 lb. right now, and started with the new Atkins 3 days ago. The water-weight purge has been pretty spectacular. But, it all counts. ;)


BTW, I can't keep up with how fast the board moves, and had no idea of your recent loss. :grouphug:

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Nancy, you and I may have similar body-types in that the simple carbs really seem to just put our systems on the fritz! I am attempting to lose 20 lb. right now, and started with the new Atkins 3 days ago. The water-weight purge has been pretty spectacular. But, it all counts. ;)


BTW, I can't keep up with how fast the board moves, and had no idea of your recent loss. :grouphug:


Thank you! Yeah. It was really devastating. :( But I am coming to terms with it and focusing on something positive like continuing to get as healthy as possible and losing more weight, and the fact that it happened relatively early and naturally and didn't require any medical intervention, so I can try again right away, and meanwhile I'm going to lose some more weight first!

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Good job, Nance!

I am attempting to lose 20 lb. right now, and started with the new Atkins 3 days ago. The water-weight purge has been pretty spectacular. But, it all counts. ;)

Can you tell me about the new Atkins? I have an older book, published before he died.


I posted an update on my weight in the social group.

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P.S. Sorry -- I noticed when you quoted me back that autocorrect botched your name!


I'm on my PC now, so it should stick, Nance!



As for the new Atkins, it's really a rework of Dr. Atkins program to include new science, like Gary Taubes books. It's not without its controversy. Hardline Atkins folks feel like it's a cave in. Folks who think super-low carb is wrong for everyone can't get happy with it either. The amazon reviews are make me :). What I like about the book is their general theory that everyone's setpoint will be different. It takes you through enough scenarios to "get it" that you won't exactly match anyone else. And, it's really given me hope that I just need to look at my carb intake and plan my days to make it all work out. And it isn't crazy hard planning.


For the first stage, which is usually 2 weeks (I'm only going 10 days, because the program online and the book suggested I start at the second stage), it's simple: meat protein and salad. That's pretty much it. Close to zero planning. Then they have you slowly add back in carbs in a particular order to see what your body can handle and where it stalls out. That's where I can see the planning of my days to make it all work out so I can occasionally have a hamburger roll, for instance. ;)


I hope my explanation makes sense. I'd never make a good summarizer!

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For the first stage, which is usually 2 weeks (I'm only going 10 days, because the program online and the book suggested I start at the second stage), it's simple: meat protein and salad. That's pretty much it. Close to zero planning. Then they have you slowly add back in carbs in a particular order to see what your body can handle and where it stalls out. That's where I can see the planning of my days to make it all work out so I can occasionally have a hamburger roll, for instance. ;)

That sounds like the original book (meat and salad for the first two weeks, maybe eggs and cheese were included in that, then gradually add certain carbs over the following weeks until weight loss stalls, then back up 5 carbs so you continue to lose weight slowly). The rest of the book talks about the science/reasoning behind it all.

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That sounds like the original book (meat and salad for the first two weeks, maybe eggs and cheese were included in that, then gradually add certain carbs over the following weeks until weight loss stalls, then back up 5 carbs so you continue to lose weight slowly). The rest of the book talks about the science/reasoning behind it all.


Yes! I think they do mention exercise and overall calorie intake sometimes, which is why folks say it isn't pure.


What I do like is the concept of the "net carbs." Now if it'll work for my carb-hating body...time will tell! :tongue_smilie:

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Where is the weight loss group? Didn't see it in a search...


I have to get losing, too. I was up to 198 last week, and back down to 194 again, thank goodness. I'll be forever grateful to get down to 165 a second time. Still heavy according to charts there, but sure felt great there!

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