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what little -isms does your family have?

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when dd4 and I hug each other we say "I'm going to squeeze you like toothpaste"


It made me wonder what cute sayings or -isms your family has


we will ignore most of the sarcastic stuff for now (I have many of those but I have listed them in a thread in the past), this thread is for the cute things your family says and does with each other.

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DS has a night light on a timer that turns on when he is allowed to get up in the morning. When he was little I often said , "good night, see you in the morning when your little light turns on" now he says that to me and I say, "Good night little light" because he is my little light.

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I don't know what started this...but I have always called my kids some form of food. nugget, pumpkin, sweet pea, sweet potato, pop tart, dumpling, peanut, etc...

I was told the other day by my ds4 that I can only call him food that he likes, "like pizza, or pickles, or ice cream" LOL

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I don't know what started this...but I have always called my kids some form of food. nugget, pumpkin, sweet pea, sweet potato, pop tart, dumpling, peanut, etc...

I was told the other day by my ds4 that I can only call him food that he likes, "like pizza, or pickles, or ice cream" LOL


That's funny. When not calling dd4 princess I call her peanut. I often call my bigs pickle head.

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"You are my favorite x year old."

Lately, I've been telling my 12 yo, "Good night, sleep well, I'll likely kill you in the morning." (From Princess Bride, of course. I get a smile, which is hard-won.)

My dh and I, when we're saying good-bye, always say, "I love you. Come back to me." We've said it so long, it's second nature.

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"You are my favorite x year old."


I say "You're my favorite" to all my kids -- in full hearing of the others LOL. In fact, I Uppercase'd it and now it's on our bathroom mirror.


This thread is making my brain go into Uppercase overdrive. < I don't need to design every cute/sweet thing I hear, I don't need to design every cute/sweet thing I hear .... >

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We had fun once Digby learned his name. You could call him anything and he would always have to deny it. For example:


Me: "Digby, you're such a goofball."

Digby: "I not a goofball, I Mao-um"

Over and over, round and round. He would even deny being a human, a mammal, and a boy because he not a boy, he's Mao-um (how he pronounces his name).


Also, I used to call the kids turds. In a loving way. It's weird, I know. But DH didn't approve, so then when I slipped and started calling them turd, I had to add a little "l" sound. So now they are all my turtles.


Pigby and I used to have a lot, but those have gone by the wayside as I got slammed with sleep deprivation from the younger two and just don't have that much energy anymore. I blinked an he grew up

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You know how so many littles are afraid of the vacuum noise? Especially if they're not expecting it? Until recently we always started a vacuuming session by calling out "Loud noise!" Now that my youngest is 7 and not afraid of the vacuum noise we no longer do that, but we did it for many years.

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I was chuckling when I saw sunshine and buttercup already listed - long time standbys around here as well.


I always called the boys little bears when they were small. DH and I both call our youngest nephews bears - one is buddy bear and the other is Freddy bear.


DH often tells children he likes them so much he "wouldn't trade them for a spotted pony". His other phrase is "You are a good kid, I don't care what your mom/dad/brother/sister says about you when you aren't around".

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I don't know what started this...but I have always called my kids some form of food. nugget, pumpkin, sweet pea, sweet potato, pop tart, dumpling, peanut, etc...

I was told the other day by my ds4 that I can only call him food that he likes, "like pizza, or pickles, or ice cream" LOL


My sister has always called my nephew "sweet pickle" :)

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"squishes and kisses" instead of hugs and kisses. Especially when a kid gets on the couch behind another person, who leans back and squishes the other person.


"a thousand sixty-two" and " 1062 to you too" Ds17 told me he love me 1062 when he was about 4yo. It was the biggest number he could think of. It stuck and we still use it today.


"have I told you I love you today" always said to dd13 on about the 3rd or 4th time the person has heard it that day.


We always call school "Schooly whooly" I don't know why but we always say things like 'how was schooly whooly today?'.

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Most of ours have come from stuff the kids have said over the years that we still say. A couple examples:


"I'm trying my best, what do you respect?!"


"You say potato, I say tomato" (This came actually just the other day from my beautiful, very blonde, 12 year old dd <sigh>)


We go to the "movie zuhvater" when we feel like seeing a film.


I never liked correcting them when they said words wrong because I always thought it was so cute and I knew they'd figure it out eventually and I'd lose my giggle.


Oh, and we love each other more than collards & cornbread.

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"You are my favorite x year old."

Lately, I've been telling my 12 yo, "Good night, sleep well, I'll likely kill you in the morning." (From Princess Bride, of course. I get a smile, which is hard-won.)

My dh and I, when we're saying good-bye, always say, "I love you. Come back to me." We've said it so long, it's second nature.


We do this one lots. Although there is a 5 week period in teh summer I can't say that because my 2 bigs are the same age.


I also will say "you are my favorite" to each of them at least once a day usually in response to them saying or doing something nice for me.

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We've always called our dd Punkin, and I've referred to her often as "the ray of sunshine in our lives." But I think the best one is something I've said to her since she was a baby. I tell her that I love her "...more than the moon, and the stars and the whoooooooooooooole world"!




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when dd4 and I hug each other we say "I'm going to squeeze you like toothpaste"


It made me wonder what cute sayings or -isms your family has


we will ignore most of the sarcastic stuff for now (I have many of those but I have listed them in a thread in the past), this thread is for the cute things your family says and does with each other.


I was ready to post a book until I got to the bolded part. Hmmmm I may have to think awhile if I can't choose sarcastic ones. :p hehehe



Okay I've got one.. When my dd was little (she's my high functioning kiddo) I would always say to her, "You're so.........." and let her fill in the blank which she would say, "good" or "smart" and I would say, "you're the best girl in the whole wide....." and she would say, "world" and I would say, "I love you so....." and she would say, "much" and I would say "I love you to the moon...." and she would say, "and back again" and I would say "that's right" I used to say it to her every day. She still remembers it even now and can fill in all the blanks. :)

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My youngest says he loves me "witch's most" which is shorthand for a scene in the movie Tangled.

He also tries to outdo me with love at bedtime:

"I love you infinity times infinity times how big God is times seventy frentilion times the earth times the number of hairs there are on all the people on earth.....continued for another two minutes..."

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To ds when he was little...


Me: I love you all the way to the moon.

Ds: I love you all the way to the stars.

Me: I love you all the way to the sun.

Together: I love you AAALLLLL the way around the world!


I guess we stopped saying it for a while because I said "I love you all the way to the moon" the other day and he didn't say his part. They grow up too quickly! :(


When helping my dd get dressed, before I pull her shirt up over her head I always say "Arms up, buttercup!".


I have always called ds "Charlie Brown". As a matter of fact, when he was about 2 years old, he was watching an old VHS tape at my aunt's house. One of the previews at the beginning was for a Charlie Brown show. When ds heard the name Charlie Brown, he exclaimed, "They said my name!" I guess he didn't know at that point that Charlie Brown was a cartoon character.


I always call dd "Little One". But she had her preschool graduation tonight and she is no longer quite so little! :tongue_smilie:

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My youngest says he loves me "witch's most" which is shorthand for a scene in the movie Tangled.

He also tries to outdo me with love at bedtime:

"I love you infinity times infinity times how big God is times seventy frentilion times the earth times the number of hairs there are on all the people on earth.....continued for another two minutes..."


Awwww that is sooo cute! hehehe :001_wub:

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I used to tell my kid I was going to sell him to the gypsies. Not very pc.


I often tell my son You are precious to me.


Oh goodness Chris! I used to say that to my kids all the time until one day my dd # 3 yelled "They sold me to YOU!!!!!". :lol::lol:


Kids are funny.


Same dd....her favorite dinner is meatballs and forget it.


We have lots of lovey words...and each kid has a baby name known only in our family.


My dd # 2 became a vegetarian at age 4 because " Cats eat meat, but cats are meat."

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My youngest says he loves me "witch's most" which is shorthand for a scene in the movie Tangled.

He also tries to outdo me with love at bedtime:

"I love you infinity times infinity times how big God is times seventy frentilion times the earth times the number of hairs there are on all the people on earth.....continued for another two minutes..."



Awe! I do this with my boys too.

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"That is not going to turn out well." "No good will come of it." .


If one of us is doing something and it's not going well, that person might announce in a narrator sounding voice, "This does not bode well for our hero!"


If dc ever ask what's for dinner, snack, etc., the automatic answer is "pine bark and prune juice".


We say "sugar" instead of "kisses". Apparently my dad did not know this. He was watching dd1 and ds when ds was a baby and dd was 4. He went to put ds down for a nap and dd ran behind him asking repeatedly for sugar. Dad replies, "I'll get it in a minute. I have to put ds down first." :001_huh: Yes, he really thought she was asking for plain sugar and didn't find anything weird or wrong about that. When I asked him if he actually gave her some, he looked sheepish and changed the subject. Oh, and this was all told to me while he was wondering why she didn't eat at church that night when they had Wednesday night supper :lol:

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I thought of one more. We call everything cool, "Toe-lly Liquid!" My youngest was 2 and wandered around saying that for weeks and weeks. Never understood what he was saying. Then, one night, we were watching The Incredibles. At the end, the neighbor kid yells, "That was TOTALLY WICKED!" Eureka! Everything has been Toelly Liquid since.

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I've always called my kids by goofy names.


I call my oldest Gigantor now because he!s as tall as me.

I call my dd stinkerella, not sure why.

I call my youngest Bubba, because he used to say things like "mama, when are you going to learn me to read?" and just looks like he should be named Bubba.


I also grab my youngest and hug him tight and say. "I will love him and keep him, and call him George". He giggles and then always says "I'm not George, and you can only keep me til I'm a grown up."


Every night when he goes to bed he also says "love you guts mom". I always respond, " love yours and the rest of you too"

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I also grab my youngest and hug him tight and say. "I will love him and keep him, and call him George".


Oh my gosh I do that EXACT same thing with my son! lol How funny. I guess we know what cartoons you watched when you were growing up. :p


We do the funny names too. EVERYONE in our house has at least 8 nicknames. :p hehe

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My dd is our sunshine, that is what we have always sung to her.


I love the idea of calling each one the "favorite." :)


My dd always calls me her "best best best friend" and she likes getting into arguments with me on which of us loves the other the more.


My 5yo used to say "I love you wiff all my hearts" and he made sure to enunciate the "S" on the end, so if we'd respond "I love you with all of my heart, too" he would say, "NO, TWO HEARTS!!" So we will say "I love you wiff all my hearts."


Around the same age, he would also say he was "pig and puff" instead of "big and buff" LOL


I make up funny nicknames for the babies that everyone here teases me for. My last baby was my manny-bear (his name is Sam). This baby is my goose, or my tiggy-too (his name is Tadhgan). I called one my chicken face, another one zippy, another one buzzbee. I don't know where I come up with this stuff, it just comes out. :tongue_smilie:

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I've told mine I was going to sell them to the gypsies, too.


My "ism" is whenever they ask where we're going, I usually reply with "Crazy" or insane, our outta my mind. :)


I'm sure there are more, but I can't think of them right now because they are just so much a part of us as a whole that I can't separate the parts.

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You know how so many littles are afraid of the vacuum noise? Especially if they're not expecting it? Until recently we always started a vacuuming session by calling out "Loud noise!" Now that my youngest is 7 and not afraid of the vacuum noise we no longer do that, but we did it for many years.



How funny! We did that with the vacuum, blender, food processor...

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We have so many, I can't even think of them all. But one we all use (dh started it) is that any time anyone asks a question that starts out "Where.." the answer has to be "your left nostril."


Examples: Where did I leave my brown shoes? Your left nostril.


Where do babies come from? Your left nostril.


For some reason, "xyphoid process" and "pancreas" come up a lot, too. :tongue_smilie:


We also use words that our kids used when they were little, like duffy=story, mau mau= blanket, Habercram Clinkin = Abe Lincoln, and many more.


And the kids have so many nicknames we've lost count. Dh and I have nicknames that started when we were first married and have morphed into others. We never use our real names with each other unless we're in public.

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I make up funny nicknames for the babies that everyone here teases me for. My last baby was my manny-bear (his name is Sam). This baby is my goose, or my tiggy-too (his name is Tadhgan). I called one my chicken face, another one zippy, another one buzzbee. I don't know where I come up with this stuff, it just comes out. :tongue_smilie:



The nicknames are the best part though my mom chewed me out last time because she thought I was verbally abusing the kids calling them by their nicknames :001_huh: Oldest has been monkey butt since he was a baby but lately in a sing song baby voice I will sometimes call him my chunky monkey (he is almost as tall as me, weighs 140lbs and has not even hit his growth spurt yet-plus he thinks it is funny), or I call him macho man. DD12 is Medusa speckle fish, occasionally pickle head, or just medusa. Ds8 is Boo bear, he will always be Boo bear, he has been boobear since he was inutero. DD4 started out as princess poopoo, now she is just princess or peanut.


I thought of another one too as dd4 climbed into my lap this morning she asked for her snuggle buggle.


And last night I offered to sell my kids buy 3 get one free. I have also said I would sell to the gypsies, or to the zoo. Sometimes I say I will put them up for sale, 25cents 1buyer takes all. Usually that one is said around gramma and she offers to buy them and gives them a hug and kiss.


I mentioned in the heck thread about the "word list". aka the imaginary list of approved words the children may say, and is checked from time to time when a foul word is said to verify it is not on the list.


Another one that came to mind when my children call me, and then follow with "where are you?" I usually respond with "hiding from you" (I do this without even thinking now, in public or at home) and when asked what's for snack/dinner etc I just respond with "food". They will ask "what kind of food" My response everytime "the edible kind"

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I also remembered: Anytime DH says something about them, I respond with a line from the LOTR movie, in my best :lol: Ian Holm voice.


DH: Chuck sure is cute.

Me: Course she is, she's a Baggins!


DH: Pigby is really a good reader.

Me: Course he is, he's a Baggins!


DH always wonders what sort of hanky panky went on with me and a fictitious hobbit :D Ha!

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I also remembered: Anytime DH says something about them, I respond with a line from the LOTR movie, in my best :lol: Ian Holm voice.



In our house it's the Darth Vader voice when someone expresses doubt:


dc: I'm going to stop eating pizza for a month!

me: Really? I don't think you can.

dc: (in DV voice) I find your lack of faith disturbing.

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We have so many, I can't even think of them all. But one we all use (dh started it) is that any time anyone asks a question that starts out "Where.." the answer has to be "your left nostril."


Examples: Where did I leave my brown shoes? Your left nostril.


Where do babies come from? Your left nostril.


For some reason, "xyphoid process" and "pancreas" come up a lot, too. :tongue_smilie:


We also use words that our kids used when they were little, like duffy=story, mau mau= blanket, Habercram Clinkin = Abe Lincoln, and many more.


And the kids have so many nicknames we've lost count. Dh and I have nicknames that started when we were first married and have morphed into others. We never use our real names with each other unless we're in public.


LOL about your left nostril and Habercram Clinkin! :lol:

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Around here, instead of going to work, dh used to go to 'worky-jerky'. Now he and the boys call it 'the rat race'. :D


I also call my boys all sorts of weird names. I think the weridest one is 'chicken livers chicken legs'. I'm *pretty* sure that started when I read some random thing online about a mom telling her dh that she could call out any nickname, and at least one of the kids would come. Her dh didn't believe her, so she called out something like 'hotdog' or 'chicken leg' or something. Two of her kids responded. :001_smile:

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Around here, instead of going to work, dh used to go to 'worky-jerky'. Now he and the boys call it 'the rat race'. :D


I also call my boys all sorts of weird names. I think the weridest one is 'chicken livers chicken legs'. I'm *pretty* sure that started when I read some random thing online about a mom telling her dh that she could call out any nickname, and at least one of the kids would come. Her dh didn't believe her, so she called out something like 'hotdog' or 'chicken leg' or something. Two of her kids responded. :001_smile:


Mine do this. I can call out any random thing and at least 1 kid will respond. Especially if I start it with "hey"


DD12 just reminded me too of our being like Hagrid. We intentionally give too much information on something (like a favorite dinner being served) with our poor attempt at Hagrid's voice "I shouldn't have said that" like we accidently let the cat out of the bag.

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You know how so many littles are afraid of the vacuum noise? Especially if they're not expecting it? Until recently we always started a vacuuming session by calling out "Loud noise!" Now that my youngest is 7 and not afraid of the vacuum noise we no longer do that, but we did it for many years.


We had to do the same thing!

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I tell them I love them so much I'm going to stuff them and keep them in a little box under my bed so I can take them out to cuddle with every night.


And then they giggle and say they have to grow up and the police would put me in jail.


And I tell them once the police saw how cute the kids are, they would understand.


I realize this makes me sound a little Kathy-Bates-in-Misery-ish. But my kids ARE empirically adorable.

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