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Password compromised -- wwyd?

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I recently became a sales representative w/ a well-known company.


My "up-line" is in a competition and if she is able to meet certain criteria, she will receive a bonus.


Last sales period, I did not have the minimum order to help her meet that criteria. She tried to get in touch with me, but I was unavailable by phone...


So, the "up-line" changed my password, signed into my account and placed an order to make up the difference. I did not know this until I went to sign into my account and couldn't. I called her to figure out how to fix it -- figuring I had messed it up while typing it in. She nonchalantly told me what she had done.


I couldn't imagine how she did that. Here's how: she only needed my account # and the last four digits of my SSN, which are on the application I completed. :glare:


Now, two weeks has gone by and she has not given me the $$ to pay for her order. She was supposed to give it to me on Sunday and she didn't...


This is making me very uncomfortable. The $$ is due tomorrow before I place another order. I don't want to have to take the $$ from my savings, but I will have to if she doesn't pay up.

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I recently became a sales representative w/ a well-known company.


My "up-line" is in a competition and if she is able to meet certain criteria, she will receive a bonus.


Last sales period, I did not have the minimum order to help her meet that criteria. She tried to get in touch with me, but I was unavailable by phone...


So, the "up-line" changed my password, signed into my account and placed an order to make up the difference. I did not know this until I went to sign into my account and couldn't. I called her to figure out how to fix it -- figuring I had messed it up while typing it in. She nonchalantly told me what she had done.


I couldn't imagine how she did that. Here's how: she only needed my account # and the last four digits of my SSN, which are on the application I completed. :glare:


Now, two weeks has gone by and she has not given me the $$ to pay for her order. She was supposed to give it to me on Sunday and she didn't...


This is making me very uncomfortable. The $$ is due tomorrow before I place another order. I don't want to have to take the $$ from my savings, but I will have to if she doesn't pay up.

I'd report this to the police. This is theft, both identity and actual.

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I'd say you need to contact someone higher up and report what she did. Even if she did pay you on time, she had no business using your social.


There has to be someone in corporate that you can call to complain. That is dishonest & illegal. :glare:


:iagree: That's just bizarre. Is this person a friend? If not, I'd find someone else to be my "upline" if I was interested in staying with the company. If she is a friend, we'd have to have a good, long chat.


I'd report this to the police. This is theft, both identity and actual.


:iagree: :iagree: :iagree:


This isn't something to take lightly. She is an extremely dishonest person, and needs to be reported ASAP. Don't forget to let the company know that she placed the order from your account, so you won't be responsible for paying for it.


What a WEASEL! :angry:

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I'd say you need to contact someone higher up and report what she did. Even if she did pay you on time, she had no business using your social.


There has to be someone in corporate that you can call to complain. That is dishonest & illegal. :glare:


That's what I was thinking...and the more I think about it, the more concerned I get.


Not only did she place an order on my account, she did it with at least 2 other new representatives as well.


Should I confront her first?? I hate confrontation...

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I'd report this to the police. This is theft, both identity and actual.


I would contact the police first, and then a supervisor. I would not contact the lady. Contacting her would give her an opportunity to come up with a cover story; a supervisor catching her off guard would be better. She has proven herself to be dishonest and without scruples.


I despise dishonest people. What rock has she been under that would let her think stealing your social and charging you for mdse was acceptable? :confused: :001_huh:

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I think it depends on if she is a friend and someone you'd see on a regular basis. In that case, I would talk to her, let her know how wrong I felt it was, and if it happens again, I'm feel the right thing to do is report her. And ask her to pay TODAY, otherwise you will have to report her. If she is really a friend, she'll understand and the two of you can move on.


If it's someone somewhere else, that you just happened to get signed up under (I know some recruit heavily and you can sign up under people you've never actually met), I'd just report her and ask to be moved to another team.

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I think it depends on if she is a friend and someone you'd see on a regular basis. In that case, I would talk to her, let her know how wrong I felt it was, and if it happens again, I'm feel the right thing to do is report her. And ask her to pay TODAY, otherwise you will have to report her. If she is really a friend, she'll understand and the two of you can move on.


If it's someone somewhere else, that you just happened to get signed up under (I know some recruit heavily and you can sign up under people you've never actually met), I'd just report her and ask to be moved to another team.


I wouldn't call her a "friend"...but rather someone I know a little. She attends the same church we do. I am in Women's Ministry with her...


Is this an actual company, or a cult that just looks like a company? That might determine how this is ultimately handled. (only bringing that up because you didn't mention what kind of company this was.)


I was trying to keep it anonymous...it is an actual company. It is a well-known name that has been around for over a hundred years.

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What she did is criminal. It is both identity theft and monetary theft. I would file a police report, then notify the company of what she did along with the police report number I would both call in person and send a certified letter. At the very least they should help you recover what she charged and remove her. They may decide to take legal action against her as well. If they don't do anything, absolutely terminate your relationship with this company in writing and find a way to block all future charges from them. You may also want to speak with the other reps she did this to. If you all take similar actions against her, it is more likely for you all to be helped recover your money and for the company to act as well.

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My first instinct is to say no, don't confront, just report. Then I think, "well...maybe if someone says something, she'll realize how serious this is." But then how do you know she won't do this again? And I'm back to "report it."

:iagree: but I'd tell her that I was reporting it.


There is no explanation she can give that would be satisfactory. She was totally and completely wrong, but she should know that she's being reported, and she should know who did it.

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I would call the corporate office. Tell them what happened and that you want the order taken off. It isn't your order and was done fraudulently. I would also consider asking them to place you under someone else due to unethical behavior.


What she did is wrong and should be taken seriously. If she did it this time, she's probably done it before and what's to stop her from doing it again or doing something else with more far reaching consequences.

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Thank you, everyone! :)


I just realized that I'm probably going to have to claim her order when I report income at year-end, correct? It's not a huge amount, but it is just the principle of the thing, KWIM?


It depends on what your sales have been all year. If you are barely making your quota each quarter, you probably don't have enough to claim.


I don't know if your company will do anything about it. From their eyes, an order was placed and they fulfilled it. Now, I would call them and tell them about your upline, however, I can't seem them doing anything about it. I've been with a lot of direct sales companies and people place orders under others all the time to help with minimums/quotas, etc.


I'm wondering why she used your credit card when she placed the order? Why wouldn't she have plugged in her own?

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I don't know if your company will do anything about it. From their eyes, an order was placed and they fulfilled it. Now, I would call them and tell them about your upline, however, I can't seem them doing anything about it. I've been with a lot of direct sales companies and people place orders under others all the time to help with minimums/quotas, etc.


Not every direct sales company is OK with it. On our consultant agreement, this behavior would be grounds for terminating the agreement and the offender not only losing their business, but any bonuses they would have earned. Some companies value their reputation and require their reps to show integrity. I know of 3 people who had their agreement terminated for this behavior.


I'm wondering why she used your credit card when she placed the order? Why wouldn't she have plugged in her own?


Now this is fraud. All the more reason to report her. Also, she needs to be reported to the police for credit card fraud.

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I think it depends on if she is a friend and someone you'd see on a regular basis. In that case, I would talk to her, let her know how wrong I felt it was, and if it happens again, I'm feel the right thing to do is report her. And ask her to pay TODAY, otherwise you will have to report her. If she is really a friend, she'll understand and the two of you can move on.


If it's someone somewhere else, that you just happened to get signed up under (I know some recruit heavily and you can sign up under people you've never actually met), I'd just report her and ask to be moved to another team.


If she did this to a friend I'd think she's even LESS likely to know what the right thing to do was when you confronted her.


Besides, the company she represents is a victim in this as well and should know what's being done by one of their reps. She could do lasting harm to them. The OP is also a rep and so doesn't have the luxury of letting the company just figure it out on her own. Gosh, what would happen if the company found out she'd known about the behaviour but hadn't let them know?

Edited by WishboneDawn
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Not all companies require a payment at the time of order. I believe Avon does not (I was a rep years ago). The OP does not say her cc was used, just that she needs to pay the bill, probably what she owes to the direct sales company, not her cc company.


Oh, I see. Any company I've been with required payment before product was shipped.

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Not every direct sales company is OK with it. On our consultant agreement, this behavior would be grounds for terminating the agreement and the offender not only losing their business, but any bonuses they would have earned. Some companies value their reputation and require their reps to show integrity. I know of 3 people who had their agreement terminated for this behavior.


That's good to hear that some companies will terminate over that. I just got screwed over by a down-line of mine and the company did nothing. It was a clear violation of corporate policy and she got away with it. :glare: I was not and am still not a happy camper over that and my faith in the company is shaken.


I just wanted the OP to be aware that while she can call the company and report her, they often don't get involved in an interpersonal problem. I hope they back her, but I've seen it go the other way too.

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I called to ask AGAIN about the $$ to pay for her order...


She sheepishly admitted she doesn't have it. She has not finished delivering the product -- therefore she hasn't collected the $$.


She says her bonus is being direct-deposited tomorrow and she will pay the full amount tomorrow. In the meantime, she asked me to start a shopping cart, but NOT finalize the order until tomorrow when she has paid. :glare:


My husband is NOT going to be happy...


I'm trying to be fair & patient...I know she is a single mother; I know the tranny just went out on her car, etc. etc. *BUT* this is just not how I want to do business. Urg...

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Why does she want you to open a shopping cart? Is this so that she can pay you? Or will this give her more access to pull this on you again? I would contact your home office, report her actions, and demand that this order be removed from your account. I would also request to be reassigned to a more honest upline. While you may have compassion for her, what she did is illegal and she doesn't seem to be owning up to that. I didn't catch this, but did you change your password? If not, I would do so immediately. If you don't have that capability, demand a new one from home office PRONTO.


You should not be put in a position where your spouse is unhappy.

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Why does she want you to open a shopping cart? Is this so that she can pay you? Or will this give her more access to pull this on you again? I would contact your home office, report her actions, and demand that this order be removed from your account. I would also request to be reassigned to a more honest upline. While you may have compassion for her, what she did is illegal and she doesn't seem to be owning up to that. I didn't catch this, but did you change your password? If not, I would do so immediately. If you don't have that capability, demand a new one from home office PRONTO.


You should not be put in a position where your spouse is unhappy.


The next order is due today, but tomorrow is the ABSOLUTE cut-off. (I thought that I had to pay for the first order before I could submit the next order...and apparently I'm right...hence her asking me to wait until tomorrow to submit the order.)


I did change my password, *BUT* all she needs to do to change it again is:


- click "forgot password"

- enter my Rep #

- enter the last 4 digits of my SSN and VOILA! (she's in...)


**She has all of this info on the agreement I provided.**


I've never seen a password system like this before -- EVER.

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I did change my password, *BUT* all she needs to do to change it again is:


- click "forgot password"

- enter my Rep #

- enter the last 4 digits of my SSN and VOILA! (she's in...)


**She has all of this info on the agreement I provided.**


I've never seen a password system like this before -- EVER.


Holy Moly! All the more reason to report her and demand a new upline. Remove the incentive for her to do this again. If you aren't in her downline, she won't have the financial incentive of quotas and overrides to do this again.


I would also ask the company to fix this huge security risk with passwords. If they are resistant, then I might find another company to work with. That may be a sign that they are a little bit "wink, wink, nudge, nudge" about this illegal practice.

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My husband and I have paid all our bills and more since 1996 with a company that has representatives and uplines. All I can do is BEG you to call the company and report this immediately! Don't call another upline, downline, or friend. Call the company and report this. I'm sorry she's in a tough spot; we've all been there, but this hurts more than you and the two others YOU KNOW OF. That's theft. That hurts others in this same type business and your future.


Please call today. Please don't give her the chance to pay you back. I'm mortified someone would do something like this.


PM me if I can help in any other way.

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I called to ask AGAIN about the $$ to pay for her order...


She sheepishly admitted she doesn't have it. She has not finished delivering the product -- therefore she hasn't collected the $$.


She says her bonus is being direct-deposited tomorrow and she will pay the full amount tomorrow. In the meantime, she asked me to start a shopping cart, but NOT finalize the order until tomorrow when she has paid. :glare:


My husband is NOT going to be happy...


I'm trying to be fair & patient...I know she is a single mother; I know the tranny just went out on her car, etc. etc. *BUT* this is just not how I want to do business. Urg...


I would report this to someone much higher up in the company. I would also report it to the police. The next time could be even worse. :001_huh:

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I called to ask AGAIN about the $$ to pay for her order...


She sheepishly admitted she doesn't have it. She has not finished delivering the product -- therefore she hasn't collected the $$.


She says her bonus is being direct-deposited tomorrow and she will pay the full amount tomorrow. In the meantime, she asked me to start a shopping cart, but NOT finalize the order until tomorrow when she has paid. :glare:


My husband is NOT going to be happy...


I'm trying to be fair & patient...I know she is a single mother; I know the tranny just went out on her car, etc. etc. *BUT* this is just not how I want to do business. Urg...


She is using you and drawing you into her web. She may be a perfectly nice person in other respects, but what she is doing is so wrong. And the fact that she thinks it's acceptable is even more wrong. Please report her, for your sake and also for her sake. This needs to stop, or she will continue and even increase the unethical behaviors (if they are working for her, why would she stop?).


But, be warned that she may blame you for her misfortune and problems. She will spin herself as a victim, and you will be the bad guy. Don't let this hinder you from doing the right thing. Don't get defensive. Just tell the truth.

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I called to ask AGAIN about the $$ to pay for her order...


She sheepishly admitted she doesn't have it. She has not finished delivering the product -- therefore she hasn't collected the $$.


She says her bonus is being direct-deposited tomorrow and she will pay the full amount tomorrow. In the meantime, she asked me to start a shopping cart, but NOT finalize the order until tomorrow when she has paid. :glare:


My husband is NOT going to be happy...


I'm trying to be fair & patient...I know she is a single mother; I know the tranny just went out on her car, etc. etc. *BUT* this is just not how I want to do business. Urg...

Don't do it. Don't let your feelings of mercy allow her to behave without integrity.

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Holy Moly! All the more reason to report her and demand a new upline. Remove the incentive for her to do this again. If you aren't in her downline, she won't have the financial incentive of quotas and overrides to do this again.


I would also ask the company to fix this huge security risk with passwords. If they are resistant, then I might find another company to work with. That may be a sign that they are a little bit "wink, wink, nudge, nudge" about this illegal practice.

I don't care how hard up she is. This is fraud. I'm certain that the company would want to know about how easy this security breach is for those that may try it to obtain an unearned bonus (it's unearned, because she's claiming a sale from you that was not from you).


I agree about asking that they do something to change how your password is obtained (to prevent any further issues with this person) and that you ask for a different upline or to become independent of your upline (most likely, if this is anything like the companies I am familiar with, they will kick her out and you will either fall under her upline person or become independent).

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Don't do it. Don't let your feelings of mercy allow her to behave without integrity.


:iagree: I can understand the desire to help, but do not allow her to do this through the system. Give her a personal loan or a gift if you want to, but don't allow her to force or defraud you into giving her a loan or gift.

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My husband and I have paid all our bills and more since 1996 with a company that has representatives and uplines. All I can do is BEG you to call the company and report this immediately! Don't call another upline, downline, or friend. Call the company and report this. I'm sorry she's in a tough spot; we've all been there, but this hurts more than you and the two others YOU KNOW OF. That's theft. That hurts others in this same type business and your future.


Please call today. Please don't give her the chance to pay you back. I'm mortified someone would do something like this.


PM me if I can help in any other way.


:iagree:Jessica and others are right. If you don't report her, you could have other ramifications from the company later too. Especially if someone else reports her, and they figure out that you knew and DIDN'T report.

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Why are you continuing to let her get away with this? :confused: :confused: :confused:


If she stole your credit card out of your handbag, you'd notify the police immediately. How is this any different?


This woman STOLE from you.


I don't understand why you are so hesitant to call the home office of the company and file a complaint against her.


I'm sorry, but it's one thing to be nice, and another to allow yourself to be played for a fool. You're being played for a fool, and since she sees that you're allowing this to happen, it will absolutely, positively happen again.

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I called to ask AGAIN about the $$ to pay for her order...


She sheepishly admitted she doesn't have it. She has not finished delivering the product -- therefore she hasn't collected the $$.


She says her bonus is being direct-deposited tomorrow and she will pay the full amount tomorrow. In the meantime, she asked me to start a shopping cart, but NOT finalize the order until tomorrow when she has paid. :glare:


My husband is NOT going to be happy...


I'm trying to be fair & patient...I know she is a single mother; I know the tranny just went out on her car, etc. etc. *BUT* this is just not how I want to do business. Urg...[/QUote]


You can't be fair and patient in this. If you go along with this you're her parner in the deception and then what happens to you when one of the other folks she did this too complains?


You're at the point that you either report her or join her in her crime. Which will it be?

Edited by WishboneDawn
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Why are you continuing to let her get away with this? :confused: :confused: :confused:


If she stole your credit card out of your handbag, you'd notify the police immediately. How is this any different?


This woman STOLE from you.


I don't understand why you are so hesitant to call the home office of the company and file a complaint against her.


I'm sorry, but it's one thing to be nice, and another to allow yourself to be played for a fool. You're being played for a fool, and since she sees that you're allowing this to happen, it will absolutely, positively happen again.


:iagree::iagree:with all of this.



You can't be fair and patient in this. If you go along with this you're her parner in the deception and then what happens to you when one of the other folks she did this too complains?


You're at the point that you either report her or join her in her crime. Which will it be?


:iagree::iagree: Again, agreeing with it all.

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[quote name=Catwoman; Sen


I'm sorry' date=' but it's one thing to be nice, and another to allow yourself to be played for a fool. You're being played for a fool, and since she sees that you're allowing this to happen, it will absolutely, positively happen again.[/quote]


Don't do it. Don't let your feelings of mercy allow her to behave without integrity.


:iagree: Both of these are excellent thoughts that can apply to more than this situation. A person like this only thinks of the benefits for themselves not the reprecussions for you and your life.

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