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Kung Fu Panda or WALL-E

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Does that mean you saw Kung Fu Panda and didn't like it or you inherently hate pandas?;)


Pandas are adorable. :D I haven't seen the movie... but well... I just think it looks dumb! (I'm sorry!!!) Just being brutally honest! But I think I feel that way about almost every non-Pixar animated film these days... While not all Pixar movies are as good as some (WALL*E really is great though!) I find that, generally speaking, they are a cut above everything that is just plain Disney and at least two or three cuts above all of the others (Dreamworks, etc.)

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We went to Kung Fu Panda last week, it was cute and all the children in the audience were dying laughing, even the young ones (there were quite a few 3 to 7 year olds in audience). I would say that Wall-E looks like a much better movie, if you could see only one I would suggest it over Panda based on reviews I have read. Both are cute however!

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I would go see Wall-E. (Actually, dh and the kids are there now.)


I would pick Wall-E over Kung Fu Panda because Wall-E is Pixar and KFP is from Dreamworks, and much as I love Spielberg, Dreamworks animated movies have consistently disappointed me -- in both quality and theme. And I can see from the trailers that the theme of Kung Fu Panda is not one I want to impress upon my children. Pixar, while they could do to make slightly shorter movies, lol, presents consistently high movie making quality and themes I can live with.

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Did you take children with you to see WALL-E? What are their ages?


Yup. 2, 4, 6 and 8. (Who do we appreciate?!) Sorry. They all loved it. My two year old kept saying, "Where's WALL*E's gillfwend?" Umm... and how do YOU know about gillfwends?!? ;):lol:

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My boys saw Kung Fu Panda last night. They said it was a cute movie, but that parts might be scary for a 3 yo. They were glad we decided not to take our 2 1/2 year old dd!!


Good luck with your decision. I've heard good things about both movies!


I better cross this off then. We had to leave the theaters while watching Enchanted because my son was scared. I think I'm going to go with WALL-E.

Thanks Everyone!!

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We saw both. We've been vacationing with different family for 3 weeks now. We loved Panda. We hated Wall-E. My dh hated it, and the kids said they liked it, but we could tell they were disappointed.


We thought WE would be cute, but it was sad. Imagine I am legend for kids. The first 15 minutes of the movie, Wall-E rolled around by himself pick up and squashing trash. There is almost no dialogue what so ever. And all of the people in the movie were Obese from the computers taking over. I was very disappointed.


It seemed that they cheated with this movie. The animation was very static and seemed cut and paste to me. It could have been much, much better.


Panda, on the other hand, was about being your self and being comfortable and confident with oneself. It was very good and a lot of fun. WallE wasn't fun at all unless sweet and sad with a smidgen of hope at the end is what you like.





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We saw both. We've been vacationing with different family for 3 weeks now. We loved Panda. We hated Wall-E. My dh hated it, and the kids said they liked it, but we could tell they were disappointed.


We thought WE would be cute, but it was sad. Imagine I am legend for kids. The first 15 minutes of the movie, Wall-E rolled around by himself pick up and squashing trash. There is almost no dialogue what so ever. And all of the people in the movie were Obese from the computers taking over. I was very disappointed.


It seemed that they cheated with this movie. The animation was very static and seemed cut and paste to me. It could have been much, much better.


Panda, on the other hand, was about being your self and being comfortable and confident with oneself. It was very good and a lot of fun. WallE wasn't fun at all unless sweet and sad with a smidgen of hope at the end is what you like.




Now I have to rethink my decision. This is what I was afraid of. From the previews it didn't look like much action. Action is what will keep a 3 year quiet during the movie. Thanks for your response.

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My ds3 saw Panda. He is the baby so he has been to the movies before, and he usually behaves well. This was no different.


And he wasn't scared of the movie, but he did sit on dh's lap during the "scary parts with the bad guy." But I find what frightens one child won't necessarily frighten another. My dd hates anything alien related, but can handle violence. And she's 10, :).


Good Luck

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My kids saw Kung-Fu Panda a few weeks ago and they loved it. My parents took them and their cousins and even my parents thought it was cute. The kids laughed and laughed.


My mother and sister took her kids to see Wall*E yesterday and both of them told me not to bother. The 3 year old asked to leave partway through, the 5 year old kept talking through the show and they felt the 8 year old enjoyed it, but that it was not a favorite.


I was so surprised to hear all the great reviews it got on this board after hearing what my Mom and sister had to say.



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My kids (13 and 10) loved the Panda movie. I enjoyed it, also. I just asked my dd(13) as she was walking by her opinion, and she stated Panda was very cute and funny. She said she was interested in viewing the Wall-e movie, but

it could wait until we could order it from Netflix. She didn't feel it was a "must see" movie. So, Kung Fu Panda gets our vote.



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I'm confused. What was the bad behavior in Panda? I know Wall E has a message about too much TV and the amount of trash polluting the earth. So it was about the need to be green and getting back to earth. So there was some condemning of that kind of behavior.


But we thought it was really insensitive to people that are overweight. I can't imagine how I'd feel to walk into a theatre and see that all of the people are criticized for being overweight couch potatoes if I had a similar weight problem. Although it wasn't overt, I don't see why no one has mentioned this in the reviews so far.


I thought it was really insensitive.


edit: I guess you can really tell I didn't like Wall E. And I have been up since 4 am to go to the airport, so I hope I'm not being too snippy. My dh and I feel the same way about the values that the entertainment industry tries to push on kids.



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I haven't seen Wallie yet, but we loved Panda .Yes- it was silly and had a little more body joke humor than I would have liked but dh and kids chortled at all of those jokes.


There is some fighting (it IS about martial arts. after all. LOL) No one actually dies. The villain is just kinda gone at the end.There is clearly a 'good' and 'bad'.


The film even shows a little empathy towards the bad guy and why he acted that way. I don't think it would have frightened my children at 3 , but every child is different.


It stimulated some interesting talks with my 12 and 15 yo about self-confidence and accepting yourself as yourself.



Not to mention my 12 yo now says There is no charge for awesomeness every time she turns in a school paper to me.

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We saw WallE last night and it was cute. The short film before was really funny. I think my kids prefered Panda. I have to say that WallE wasn't nearly as good as The Incredibles. DH and I were talking afterward and we both felt like they needed to add more to the story. If was cute and funny though, I just expect more from Pixar.



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Example of bad behaivor.

But we thought it was really insensitive to people that are overweight. I can't imagine how I'd feel to walk into a theatre and see that all of the people are criticized for being overweight couch potatoes if I had a similar weight problem. Although it wasn't overt, I don't see why no one has mentioned this in the reviews so far.




Making fun of of people who are weight challenged.

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Kung Fu Panda was great! Our whole family really enjoyed it. That said, if Enchanted scared him, definitely go to Wall-E instead. If Wall-E had been out when we went last weekend, we probably would have chosen it over KFP. I just love Pixar. The only down side is that the crowds are going to be killer because it's opening weekend.

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Oh, we are definitely going to see Kit. We have the doll and everything. I don't expect it to be very entertaining for me but my girls will like it.


I haven't seen Wall E, just Kung fu. I did think Kung fu was cute and entertaining. I know nothing about Wall E except I'm not a science fiction fan and it looks too slow for my tastes. Personally, they are probably both fine. You might like them. It's just a matter of personal taste. :)


I'm just happy movies are coming back out in G. I like to have the choice for little ones.

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I am tired of Hollywood marketing bad behaivor to my children and calling it a comedy.:glare:

:iagree:Amen, and Amen!! I am sick to death of not being able to sit through a movie (specifically those directed at children) without tacky dialogue and repeated jokes about bodily functions. Pixar seems to be the only studio out there who doesn't cram their movies full of this garbage. And we wonder why children misbehave? Well, duh! It's called imitation, people. If it gets a laugh on the screen, then kids are going to repeat it in real life! Ooh, ouch, I really strayed from the original question here. Sorry. :blush:


To the OP- WALL*E is a lovely movie, and very entertaining for adults as well as children. (My dd is 7, and loved every minute of it.) I would strongly recommend it!



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KFP was hilarious! And my toddler loved it as well.:)


I agree! My 5yo wasn't scared and I think I laughed a bit more than they did. I was pleasantly suprised we all loved it. My 5yo loved Enchanted but he dosen't want to watch it again because the whole thing with the poison apple has stuck with him. No problems with KFP!:D

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We all LOVED Kung Fu Panda! So much that *I* want to go see it again while it's still at the theatres! It was hysterical, and VERY sweet. The "hero" is very unassuming and finds the power within himself. His father is absolutely adorable ("You had the noodle dream! I've been waiting for this moment!" :D). Everyone learns a great deal about not judging a book by it's cover in this movie.


Two thumbs WAY up. :)


(and did I mention that it was hysterical? :lol: The 7 of us who saw it were quoting it days and days afterwards...)

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Well, my two youngest and dh have seen Kung Fu Panda and they all thought it was great and really funny. We went as a family to see Wall-e last night. I thought the movie was cute but I think there are definitely some "themes" that the adults caught on to quickly. Basically, how we will become so used to technology that it will destroy us and, I'm not sure if others felt this way, but a definite "hint" of Walmart taking over everything and ruining the planet along the way. Although they didn't mention the name, I felt it. However, maybe it was just me.


I thought it funny that Pixar is all technology and throwing off on technology. I found humor there for sure. Anyway, it was cute but boring at times. I don't think the younger dc's will understand these messages though.

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I had less than no interest in seeing Kung Fu Panda. I thought the previews were painfully uninteresting. However, my big boys and I wanted to have an afternoon with just us, so we went to see it. I thought it was truly wonderful. I despise the whole body function humor and I suppose this one might have had one somewhere but it definitely didn't stand out to me. I loved the message of the movie and even provided valuable conversation starters for us.


The WallE previews look incredibly boring to me. Maybe I'm wrong again but I'm not looking forward to seeing it nearly as much as the rest of the family. It looks terribly bleak and uneventful. We'll see.

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Each to his own...we went to see Wall.E yesterday and I felt like I wasted my money. My boys said it was "okay".


We do tend to like more cerebral films, I suppose. :) I loved how little dialogue there was and yet the storyline was communicated very well nonetheless.

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Oh, we are definitely going to see Kit. We have the doll and everything. I don't expect it to be very entertaining for me but my girls will like it.


I haven't seen Wall E, just Kung fu. I did think Kung fu was cute and entertaining. I know nothing about Wall E except I'm not a science fiction fan and it looks too slow for my tastes. Personally, they are probably both fine. You might like them. It's just a matter of personal taste. :)


I'm just happy movies are coming back out in G. I like to have the choice for little ones.



Have you seen the other American Girl movies? I love them! Felicity and Molly more than Samantha, but I thought they were really good for kid movies! I hope Kit is as good.

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I went to see WALL.E tonight and there were several little kids below the age of 5 who were restless and fidgeting and making noise. And the story line is great if you are old enough to understand it. WALL.E has very little dialogue and that alone might make it hard to keep the attention of a 3 year old.


Claire in NM

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My ds (7yo) has seen both. Dh took him to see Kung Fu Panda -- ds thought it was pretty bad & he didn't like it. Grandpa took him to see Wall*E yesterday & ds liked it so much better & really enjoyed it.


So, from here:

Thumbs-down on Kung Fu Panda

Thumbs-up on Wall*E

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