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Latest in pregnancy you've flown?!?

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I don't remember exactly how many weeks I was, but I was 7 mos. along with DD when DH and I took a weekend getaway trip to San Antonio. The flight crew did not look happy to see me. (To be fair, DD had already dropped and I carry way out in front anyway, so I was GINORMOUS. But I didn't have any problems.)

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Most of the time I think 36 weeks is the limit for how late in pregnancy the airlines want you flying. I think you need a letter from your doctor after a certain point, certifying that you are in good health and cleared to fly. That will vary by airline.


It's pretty safe to fly in a normal pregnancy, even up to 36 weeks. You just want to be sure to keep your legs moving to avoid blood clots and so that you don't get too swollen, and you are at greater risk of getting dehydrated. But other than that, there aren't really any serious risks. It may be more uncomfortable than flying when not pregnant, though.

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Dd could be as far along as 37 weeks when they leave Hawaii. She has several concerns about relocating at that point, one being having to find a place to have the baby and a midwife, or dr. that will be easy to work with in such a short time.


She is contemplating coming back home with me at about 32-33 weeks and staying here until the birth. Meanwhile her dh would get them moved and situated in their new location, then he'd take leave and come here shortly before her due date. He gets an automatic 10 days after, plus any other leave he'd already have would add to that. I'd fly with her or drive her (depending on location of course) to their new home when the baby was 6-8 weeks.


Of course with the military, it's all up in the air until September, so it's not like there is a rush to decide. We are just trying to look at options.

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I flew back home to L.A. from a 2 week vacation in Alabama around October 4th or so and had ds a week overdue on Nov. 19...so, about 34-35 weeks. I didn't look that big, so the airline didn't say anything. I did get up and walk every 30 minutes.


I got to tell you, though, that navigating the teeny tiny bathrooms was really difficult!

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The cut off here is 28w i believe. I had to get a Dr letter and fly with a more relaxed airline when i flew at 32w with bub #2. Knowing what i know now that cabin air pressure can cause preterm labour and having had a micro prem there is no way i would fly later in pregnancy. Does your DD have an alternative to flying? Has she contacted an airline for more information?

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She is contemplating coming back home with me at about 32-33 weeks and staying here until the birth. Meanwhile her dh would get them moved and situated in their new location, then he'd take leave and come here shortly before her due date. He gets an automatic 10 days after, plus any other leave he'd already have would add to that. I'd fly with her or drive her (depending on location of course) to their new home when the baby was 6-8 weeks.



Any chance they could go sooner? 37 weeks seems iffy, especially for a PCS. I think I'd go with the stay behind and let hubby get things organized before coming. I'm wondering if she'd even pass overseas screening that far along? I think one of the questions they should be looking into is if the military will move her that far along.

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35 weeks, went into labor...hospital in NJ would not give me medicine to stop labor bc after 34 weeks they consider baby viable...got redeye flight back to Seattle...craziest day ever! My company hired a limo to get me to hospital...the limo driver was afraid I would have the baby in his car...as long as I laid down, contractions stopped, so for the hour drive to the airport..I was laying down trying to assure the driver I could make it...the minute I got on the plane (who was alerted of my condition) I put my seat back (not all the way, but enough to give me some recline)...the rude passenger behind me Kicked my chair and rudely said, "Hey, do you mind? I am trying to work here!" To that, I leaned my head around and in my meanest mommy voice said, "hey! Do you mind? I am trying NOT to have a baby here!". The flight attendant heard me and apologized that they had not read the roster notes yet, after that the gentleman was very quiet and I slept the whole five hours home! I had not even called my husband, knew e would panic...he was very shocked to see me...went on bedrest and she ended up coming 2 weeks late! She just turned 13 yesterday!

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35 wks with my third child and not one person mentioned my *situation*. I looked like I was carrying full grown twins at that point and delivered on my due date, an 11 lb. 4oz dd. I think it's fairly safe to fly at that stage if the pregnancy has been developing normally.

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