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Poll: In totally honesty,.....

How often do you really and truly change the sheets on the beds in your house?  

  1. 1. How often do you really and truly change the sheets on the beds in your house?

    • Weekly on most of the beds
    • Monthly on most of the beds
    • It averages out to every couple months on most of the beds
    • When the seasons change
    • Only when I notice (or when it is brought to my attention) that they NEED to be changed
    • I change my sheets more often than the kids'
    • obligatory other

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Ds has the cleanest bed in the house. His diapers frequently leak, so his sheets are washed a few times per week. If we have had a non leaky week, i still do them 2-3 times to readjust all the pads.


Dd's bed probably needs better care! Her mattress is protected like ds's but her sheets are nit washed nearly enough. Same for my bed. I guess ours get done monthly.

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:lol: I think if you win the lottery you should pay someone to wash the sheets. You shouldn't do it yourself, even with an ironing machine.;)



I voted monthly but it's really more like every 2-3 weeks.


But I love the machine! I wouldn't want someone else to have all the fun!


I don't know if I could handle having someone wash my sheets. Too personal...

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Weekly here... (I love clean sheets and would wash them more often if I didn't have to do it.:lol:)


If we have guest, I change the guest bed the day they arrive and wash them the day they leave.


Mil, doesn't change the guest bed(s) and it creeps me out, so I take fresh sheets & pillows with us. Dh's relatives are nice, but I freak out a bit knowing different people sleep on those almost never washed sheets....Should mention that we slept in the room for 3 days, and were leaving...Dh's aunt was flying in and sleeping in the room that night. I offered to wash the sheets and make up the room and mil...said they were fine. gag...

Edited by Tammyla
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It looks like a pretty even 30/30/30 split between the once a weekers, once a monthers, and all the others who are apparently bad at changing sheets (or never sweat).


I'm in the bad about changing them camp. My children's sheets get washed when they need to be (i.e. company coming that will be using their bed, dog got muddy paws on bed, someone wet the bed, etc.) It averages out to maybe once every or every other month.


My husband is oily and we cosleep with spitty babies (not currently spitty, but we go through seasons), so ours end up changed more often, 1-2 times a month. They definitely could use a weekly washing but I just can't manage it at this point in my life, with 5 littles to take care of and homeschool.

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Weekly (at least) on my bed, sometimes less than that on the kids...


MUCH depends on if your kids have baths before bed. Mine always does.


I think I am a little freakish on the sheet issue though. I don't really judge those who change sheets less frequently....

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I'm going to skew the poll but I change the sheets in our beds around 2-3 times per week. Let me explain... We co-sleep. I have a king bed with bunkbeds next to it.


And we're night owls in this family. Last night, we were up until 12:30 eating popcorn (in bed) watching Frozen Planet. And while DH and I get most of the popcorn in our mouths, somehow the kids still miss about 1/4 of it. :D


And we cosleep with our animals so we always have two dogs in the beds and various cats that stroll in and out throughout the night.


So I wash the bedding frequently. Otherwise, I have to sleep in schmutz. And ew to that.


Argh. The refrigerator... :tongue_smilie:


i *LOVE* this!!! Awesome!!!

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I change ours weekly, and the kids', monthly. I'd love to have theirs washed more often, but they have loft beds and hate making their beds (and I don't want to have to do it, either), so our compromise is monthly.


This question is for all who only change the kids' sheets monthly...do they get baths every night?

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There are people out there changing their sheets WEEKLY???


:blushing: Slinking away now, with more thing to add to the Guilt List...


It's something I tend to feel pretty guilty about, because DH has dust allergies.


But I'm the only one doing laundry for 5 people (plus the primary one who washes all the napkins and dishtowels for 7 people). And we don't have a dryer. And I work full time. Something has to give. If DH really wants all the bedding done weekly, as he'd prefer (understandably), he's more than welcome to take initiative and get it done.

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I voted once a month, but I try for every other week. I wish I was more diligent about it. I love clean sheets. Somehow though I just don't get around to it as often as I would like.


Part of the problem is that I don't have extra sheets. I have to pull them off, wash and dry, and put them back on before bed time. So, I don't do it unless I know I'm going to have the time. Sometimes I have the time, but I don't feel like it. I should break down and buy extra, but never do. That would be too easy. :tongue_smilie:

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I've been working very hard to get the sheets changed bi-weekly.


I have a chore list that I print out for the kids to do each morning. Every other week they have to strip the beds. If the sheets are on the floor in a pile then I'll wash them.

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