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A poll, apropos of nothing

Your q-tips are procured from:  

  1. 1. Your q-tips are procured from:

    • The box under the sink.
    • The q-tip jar, but you refill it if you take them all.
    • The q-tip jar and go about your merry way.
    • Other.
    • I hate q-tips!

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You are going on a trip. You like to pack q-tips. [eta: you even have a nifty case for q-tips, someone close to you purchased it for you] There is a pretty jar with q-tips that stays on the bathroom counter. They are used by all and refilled as necessary from a box under the sink. What do you do?

Edited by Mrs Mungo
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I would take them from the box under the sink. Everyone else in my immediate family would either take them from the jar and not refill it, or forget to take q-tips altogether. :glare:


That said, we're not quite so fancy. Our q-tip box just stays on the bathroom counter. :tongue_smilie:

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I would just grab them from under the sink.


My family on the other hand would probably empty the jar and go about their merry way!


:iagree: I am the only person around here who is capable of replacing empty anything, apparently.

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Grab some and put them in a plastic baggie to take along. If I was feeling leisurely, I'd go digging in the box under the sink. If I was in a rush/running late and it was quicker/more convenient to grab from the jar, I probably would (and would worry about refilling later or let someone else deal with it). :D


But then again I don't bother putting q-tips in a fancy container, we grab from the box always lol.

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I'd get them from the box under the sink. But we dump them from the cardboard box into a plastic box that we keep under the sink. We have no pretty qtip jar. I guess that's a good thing as it would have to be refilled all the time--we love qtips! :D

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In my family culture...


Take all but one from the jar. Leave just one.


So you don't have to answer the question of "Who took all the q-tips?!" Because of course you didn't. There's still one left. :glare:


Marshmallows, chocolate chips, kleenex, baby wipes, etc. Lovely, huh?

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If the amount I needed to take would make the jar empty enough to need refilling, I'd take them from the box, thus saving a step. I'm married to an engineer- his early career focused on how to improve processes- so I automatically save steps when possible. Raising kids was a challenge for this guy- kids don't EVER seem to take the shortest route to anything.


I'm just glad to see others on here who use q-tips. My irl friends think we're weird because we do.

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box under the sink. Don't mess with the arrangement in the bathroom unless you're actually using one of them.


Of course, I have a travel Q-tip container that is always filled and usually in someone's toiletry bag. Since we haven't traveled for so long, it's sitting on top of the Q-tip box in the closet (we don't have under the sink storage). Yes, I'm a tad anal about my linen closet and toiletries. :lol:

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In my family culture...


Take all but one from the jar. Leave just one.


So you don't have to answer the question of "Who took all the q-tips?!" Because of course you didn't. There's still one left. :glare:


Marshmallows, chocolate chips, kleenex, baby wipes, etc. Lovely, huh?

:iagree: This is SOOOOO my family!


Even the *last cookie* will sit on the plate for days! No one here ever wants to take the last one of anything and have to refill/clean up/replace!

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If the amount I needed to take would make the jar empty enough to need refilling, I'd take them from the box, thus saving a step. I'm married to an engineer- his early career focused on how to improve processes- so I automatically save steps when possible. Raising kids was a challenge for this guy- kids don't EVER seem to take the shortest route to anything.


I'm just glad to see others on here who use q-tips. My irl friends think we're weird because we do.


That was my former career - process management systems - and I totally feel his pain.

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Talking about weird - have you met my extended family?

I have seen kids take q-tips from a jar, use them, and put them back. I'd never use a q-tip from a shared jar unless I had filled it up first and knew they were all new.


:ack2: :svengo:

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