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Need Grandma name suggestions

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BTW, my dh's mom is "Grandma" if that matters.

We do it the way my family did when I was growing up. Both grandmas were called "grandma" in their presence, but when we were not visiting them (either at their house, ours, or wherever), we called them "Grandma [last name]." It works well with our kids, too. I've just never cared for the other nicknames like Nana, Mimi, etc...

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We use Grandma FirstName for the step grandparents; always have. Well, one is just FirstName but that's by her choice and we never see her anyway, so it's fine.


For others, we have Granny, a made-up word Yabia (no idea), have used Abuela or just 'Buela (Spanish), and we have just plain Grandma.


Growing up I had Grandma, Grandma First Name, and Mimi, and then my stepmom's parents asked to be MamaFirstName and PapaFirstName as they felt way too young to be grandparents at the time.


Have you asked (or do you care to) the new wife what name she wants? Does she have other grandchildren who already call her something? Maybe you can just use that?

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We do it the way my family did when I was growing up. Both grandmas were called "grandma" in their presence, but when we were not visiting them (either at their house, ours, or wherever), we called them "Grandma [last name]." It works well with our kids, too. I've just never cared for the other nicknames like Nana, Mimi, etc...



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Guest Kfrogg

My dc have already decided I will be called Mimsy when I am a Grandma. Not sure how they decided this. My oldest is 15 so lets hope it is a long while before I am known as Mimsy!

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Some friends of ours had a similar experience, and the kids picked. I want to say they call her Sugar? Or Honey? I don't remember exactly. But it was kind of funny. :)

My grandmother was Nana and her husband was Big Honey. We called her sister Honey. :001_smile:
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I want my future grandkids to call me Me-maw. Other names I have heard used are Nanny (what I called my grandmom), Bubby, Mom-Mom, Grandma First Name,


actually now that I have read the other responses, maybe I will like to be called G G or maybe even J J for Jeannie

Edited by Jeannie in NJ
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We do it the way my family did when I was growing up. Both grandmas were called "grandma" in their presence, but when we were not visiting them (either at their house, ours, or wherever), we called them "Grandma [last name]." It works well with our kids, too. I've just never cared for the other nicknames like Nana, Mimi, etc...


This. Have you asked her what she wants to be called?

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My maternal grandmother is Grammy or Grammy Last Name.

My paternal grandmother is Granny.

My great-grandmas were Grandma Honey (because she called everyone "honey") and Mombo (she said she was too young to be "Grandma" and she picked that herself. Her name was Mary.)


Dh's mother is Nana. Her mother is still alive, and she was Nana to her kids, so that's what she insisted on. But then the first Nana moved to live in the area, so there were two "Nana"s. We tried to call the first Nana "Great Nana" which confused ds#1, who was 3 at the time. Poor "first" Nana changed her name to "GG" for "Great Grandma" (Pronounced GeeGee.) Personally, I think it was really selfish and rude for mil to take that away from her mother. :glare:


My mother (who has a very distant/over-the-phone relationship with my kids) is Grandma First Name. She wanted to be Grammy like her mother, but after what happened with MIL, I said "no way!"

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When I was growing up we called them all Grandma and Grandpa when we saw them but at our house we had to say Grandma or Grandpa and their last initial to keep them straight. My dh had Grandma and Grandpa last name for him mom's parents and his dad's parents were called Grandma and Grandpa Pete because that was grandpa's nickname (his last name was Pederson)

To our kids my dh's parents have taken on the Grandma and Grandpa Pete roles and dh's last living grandparent is GG Pete to them.

My mom and dad had to be different so it was easier to know who we were talking about. Due to my maiden name my mom is known to many as "Mo" so we started out calling her GranMo, but my oldest turned it into MaMo after hearing me call her Ma all the time. She loves it. My dad was always to be Papa, because we called him Pa and his nickname at work was smurf, so we though Papa was very appropriate. My grandma who I always called grandma B has just kept that name for my kids.

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