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Movies that make me cry.....every.single.time.

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I always cry during Anne of Green Gables when Matthew dies - like boohoo sobs. Also at the end of Anne of Avonlea. I cry sometimes even during cheesy, terrible movies. I think the music gets to me.


The wedding scene in Pride and Prejudice (BBC), Sense and Sensibility when Emma Thompson sobs in the realization that Edward is not married. Any movie with a yellow lab/golden retriever like Old Yeller or Homeward Bound.


One of my favorite memories is of being in the theater as a kid watching a re-release of Cinderella. During the part where the step sisters are tearing apart the dress that the mice made for Cinderella I looked over at my dad and he was crying:001_smile:

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Steel Magnolias.

I start losing it when Sally Fields is walking down that hospital hallway with "that look" on her face, I'm bawling my eyes out in the cemetery and then I lighten up a little when they're running to the hospital to have the baby at the end!


I've seen that movie so many times and I cry every time.

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There are good cry movies, then bad cry ones. These are the ones I watched once and never will again:


Grave of Fireflies

I Am Sam


50 First Dates


Good cries are harder because I tear up at a lot of stuff. The most recent that got me was Deathly Hallows 2. I was probably a mess the last half hour of that movie, more so than the Dobby scene from Part 1. Also, strangely, the newer Pride and Prejudice movie, the last scene between Keira Knightly and Donald Sutherland made me cry. We've also been watching all 6 Star Wars with my oldest. I've only seen Revenge of the Sith once (at the theatre), so it's been awhile. The last Anakin and Obi Wan scene made me cry. Embarrassingly, I didn't realize I was a crier until DH pointed it out to me. Apparently he and dd make bets. :glare:

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E.T., when E.T. tells Gertie to "Be good."


The Help...any of the scenes with Aibileen and Mae Mobly (having read the book, I knew what was coming).


I think Toy Story 3 wins the prize for turning me into a sobbing mess though...it just hit every single soft spot, especially since it was one of the first movies we saw with my oldest. :(

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The last time I cried in a theater was while watching The King's Speech. When Colin Firth was sobbing saying over and over again, "I can't be king, I can't be king", and the queen is saying 'You dear man. You, dear, dear man." I sobbed and sobbed.


Truly, Madly, Deeply had me sobbing for DAYS afterwards. I made my dh watch it with me after that and we both sobbed on each other's shoulders. LOL!


And my son and I watched UP together and sobbed, clutching each other, during the first part.


One movie I haven't seen mentioned is an oldie but goodie. Cap'n's Courageous with Spencer Tracy and Freddie Bartholemew. The scene where Tracy drowns while Freddie is watching. Heartbreaking!

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Toy Story 3 - thinking about the day my own boys will grow up and move away. I'm almost crying just thinking about it.


Yeah. When that came out, my Andy was in college.


I cried when Dobby died.



The Way We Were always made me cry when I was young.


Jeremiah Johnson. I'm dating myself.


Fiddler on the Roof.

Brian's Song.


I don't watch many movies that make me cry any more.

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I can't believe the notebook was only mentioned once! It gets me every time. So does The Bridges of Madison County. And the usuals- Beaches, Steel Magnolias. Oh, and Courageous. The first time was awful! My face was swollen for two days.

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Mr. Holland's Opus, without fail, every time, in four places- 1. when he finds out his son is deaf, 2. when the drummer dies in Vietnam, 3. when he sings to his son at the school for the deaf, and 4. at the end when he conducts the Opus. I absolutely know when each part is coming and I still cry.



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Mr. Holland's Opus, without fail, every time, in four places- 1. when he finds out his son is deaf, 2. when the drummer dies in Vietnam, 3. when he sings to his son at the school for the deaf, and 4. at the end when he conducts the Opus. I absolutely know when each part is coming and I still cry.



Oh my gosh, yes, this movie. *sob*

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One I just thought of was City of Angels. I cried my head off, and never wanted to see it again. I saw it when I was first married, maybe 15 years ago...and I really should watch it again and see if it was really that bad :lol:!

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Steel Magnolias


The Family Stone - the ending scene. It is a sad scene but it makes my DH bawl every year because his Dad died Christmas morning when he was 19 and then two years later his mum died of cancer. He say it one Christmas Eve and just came to bed sobbing his heart out, and we have watched it every Christmas Eve since then. Weird tradition but it is cathartic for him.


Bambi when his mom dies.


Anne of Green Gables when Matthew dies.


I actually rarely cry in person but I do cry at movies.

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I just thought of another one, but I feel kind of stupid admitting that I cry.


Fox and the Hound


I sob watching that cartoon. "We'll always be friends, Tod." But they aren't friends and can't be friends. I'm getting worked up just thinking about it. :crying:


We own it, but I told the kids that they cannot watch it unless they warn me so I can get out of earshot.

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Hope Floats- when the dad leaves and the little girl is chasing after the car.... uncontrollable, heaving sobs


PS I love you


Fiddler on the roof


Philadelphia- I was a teenager and I just couldn't believe how cruel people were to him


Steel Magnolias-especially when my friend with diabetes was pregnant

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You'll think I'm weird for this....


Armageddon. Every time. The part where the girl's dad tells her he's not coming home, right before he blows up the asteroid. The actress looks just a little too much like dd for me to get through that.


I don't think you're weird!!! I sob at that part every time--big, honking sobs :001_huh: I'm a total daddy's girl, and that part is way too close to home. I accidentally slipped and told my mom about that part before she watched the movie and she was annoyed with me. After the movie, she called and said thank goodness I'd warned her about that part, because it wrecked her too :lol:


Other than that, it's the old Terms of Endearment/Steel Magnolias combo for me :tongue_smilie: I also sobbed and snorked through the last 20 minutes or so of Toy Story 3 and, for some bizarre reason, most of How to Train Your Dragon :confused: DH and the girls were completely confused, and no one else in the theater was crying. I have no idea what I was so touched by that movie!


Out of Africa for me.


Oh yes, that one too. Oh man. I even knew what was coming, so I started sobbing when her husband showed up at the house, before he even said anything. It gets me every time. Again, DH was dry-eyed and bewildered the first time. I love that movie.

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Terms of Endearment


Steel Magnolias


I might have to watch one of these movies tonight.



I love Stepmom. The part that gets me is when the little boy turns around and asks her a question about after she is dead, and Susan Sarandon has this stricken look on her face.



wish I had it to watch tonight....

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I have been thinking about this... I remember crying for an hour after watching Bridges of Madison County. And Dumbo is now unwatchable for me... even the music makes me sob. I cried during the fireworks at Disneyland while they played the song.


And to whomever said Fox and the Hound... the part where she drives Tod to the game reserve is the most tear inducing part in any movie ever... I haven't been able to watch it since my childhood dog died.

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I just thought of another one, but I feel kind of stupid admitting that I cry.


Fox and the Hound


I sob watching that cartoon. "We'll always be friends, Tod." But they aren't friends and can't be friends. I'm getting worked up just thinking about it. :crying:


We own it, but I told the kids that they cannot watch it unless they warn me so I can get out of earshot.


Oh man, I forgot about that one! That line gets me every time. That and ET were my first childhood cry movies.

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You and I could probably go to the movies together. :D I also cry at the read footage of Secretariat. He was one of my all time heros.


I cry every time I watch the Natural. I LOVE that movie.


Steel Magnolias is a given...it's meant to be a sweet/sad story. I cry at the end of Second Hand Lions...'They really lived..."


The Man in the Iron Mask...when the newer Musketeer says all his life, he wanted to be HIM (D'tagnian. Sp?! Sorry.)


Homeward Bound. Every time the old dog comes over the hill....sob.


It's a Wonderful Life.


Momma Mia...when Mom and daughter are prepping her for the wedding...'slipping through my fingers....' Yeah. I get it.


Yes, we should be movie buddies! You do know, don't you, that the 2nd race, the Preakness, when you see Penny's family watching it on tv, that's the real race! The real Secretariat! What a neat way to include it. Now, I'm going to start tearing up again.

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The Color Purple.


I just watched it again today and cried again - several times.


Others have already been mentioned:

The Notebook


The Fox & the Hound

Toy Story 3

Steel Magnolias

The Outsiders


The part in The Help with Cicely Tyson

Any dying animal movie


I've been avoiding seeing Up. I have to mentally prepare myself for it, lol.

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...for some bizarre reason, most of How to Train Your Dragon :confused: DH and the girls were completely confused, and no one else in the theater was crying. I have no idea what I was so touched by that movie!




Me tooooo! The people I went to the theatre with were making fun of me. :glare:


And Dumbo is now unwatchable for me... even the music makes me sob. I cried during the fireworks at Disneyland while they played the song.




Don't even get me started about the fireworks at Disney (and Epcot). Tears just streamed the entire time. My daughter thought I was nuts. :tongue_smilie: And now most of you probably will too. :D

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