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Did anyone else struggle with the time change?

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Oh goodie, I was feeling like such a schmuck for having let it mess me up. I felt like I went through 3 time zones yesterday!


Today will be better, but just in case I hit the mid day droops, I'm packing a five hour energy in my purse for the afternoon. I love that stuff... :)

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It is killing me this year! Of course, the early spring we are experiencing is making things worse. I like trees in theory, but when they start budding I want to cut down every single one of them. Stupid allergies. And stupid time change. I need more caffeine.

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Us, too. The kids have been CRANKY. DD2 is teething and getting 4 in at one time. Sleep isn't happening. Add in the time change and I'M CRANKY as well. Since last night was an all-nighter with teething girl, I let all the kids sleep til 7am. It was nice. I dozed and listened to the radio til everybody woke up. Usually, the kids are up at 5/5:15am so sleeping until 7:30am for 2 ds's was delightful. It usually takes us about a week to get back on track. For some reason, I think this year it might take longer. It just feels off more than usual.

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I had to be at work at 6:00am on Sunday. In addition to losing an hour of sleep, I woke up frequently to check to make sure that my phone (which has my alarm) had *really* automatically changed times. Next time I'm just setting an alarm for 3AM or something so I can check once and be done with it.


Oddly, losing an hour of sleep didn't actually phase me that much physically. It was a bit of a problem at work though, as the night shift had lost an hour of time to get stuff done, so there was a lot not-done that really should have been.


Today was the first day I didn't work, and it was oddly more difficult. I'm used to the sun being up when the baby wakes me on non-work days, and now it isn't, so it feels like she's waking me in the middle of the freaking night, even though it was actually later than she's been waking up the past few weeks.

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Yes, it's been horrendous here. We've had a hard time getting to bed on time, then it's hard to get up, then because we got up later and felt sluggish all day...it's hard to go to bed that night :glare:


Yesterday was absolutely awful. I felt like I had been hit by a semi-truck. I think it was the combination of the time change and a super dreary day (we had beautiful weather for nearly a week, then...THUD...it was like January again. ICK.)

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Yes, especially for dd5 who was on the perfect wake/sleep/med schedule for her activities. Yesterday, she slept in, took a late nap which I had to wake her up from, and went to be late. Uuuugh. Why can't they just leave it alone! It will problably take 2 weeks to adjust her internal clock. Unfortunately, she has to be out of the house at 7:30 am so there is not wiggle room.


Every one in my house woke up late today and then that leaves us scurrying around the house, bumping into eachother with our routines that usualy work around eachother. 5 people getting ready at one time, who usually have a finely meshed pattern....is not the way to start the day.

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HA! I'm on a homeschool schedule. I can just adjust a few minutes a day until I catch up with the clocks. I LOVE the light at the end of the day. Our one morning activity is co-op. It's not til Thursday and doesn't start til 9:30 :D.


I think they should just LEAVE it on DST all year!


(Please excuse me. It's 75 here today and I have spring fever.)

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Um yeah, me and at least two of my girls are not only draggin' butt but are grumpy as all get out. Luckily, we have a light week and plenty of time for snoozing.


ETA: Also dogs are waking me at odd times and everyone's allergies are on high alert due to total lack of winter this year.

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hate time changes.....haven't had any issues with it really (since we usually don't have to be anywhere early in the AM)---but ever since the time change we've been sleeping to about 9:30--even kiddo that is usually up at 6something LOL....we have an appt in the morning so we're going to have to set an alarm LOL....UGH!:lol:

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I was really dragging yesterday and had to run around getting tax info together to send to the accountant and go to the grocery store. Dd didn't nap either yesterday or Sunday so she was wiped out too. She didn't wake up until about 10:00 this morning. If I can keep her awake today and put her to bed early tonight we might end up close to being on schedule tomorrow. I do feel better today than I did yesterday.

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Did anyone else struggle with the time change?
"Did" is optimistically past tense. It takes me at least a week to adjust. The kids sailed right through this time though, and I'm thankful for that.
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Since DH is the only one who has to watch the clock and be somewhere at a certain time, the kids and I haven't really been too affected by it. We just get up when we get up, and do school when we get around to it.


DH got double whammied, though. Time change, and he had to be at work an hour earlier than he normally would have yesterday, so he basically had a two hour jump. Poor guy.

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I just ignored it.


Last week or so, we flew from Missouri to Florida, so we bumped up one hour. At the end of the week, we sailed into a new time zone, so up another hour. Two days later, we went back an hour. The next night, it was Daylight Savings, so up again. Flew back home yesterday, back again. LOL! Odd thing, this was the easiest transition ever. My body just said forget it.

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My husband and I forgot about it and went to a movie Saturday night, which further threw us off. I put dinner in one oven Sunday night, but turned on the other, so dinner was still stone cold 40 minutes later. I went to swap laundry loads and everything in the drier was still wet because I'd never turned it on. I've wanted so badly to nap this week, but my neighbors are having tree work done, so there are saws and wood chippers going every afternoon. Grrrrr! My aunt said she went to switch laundry yesterday and the washing machine was empty -- she'd added the soap and run the whole cycle but forgot to add the clothes! I hate the time change!

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