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Don't yell for me from another room!!!

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If my child sits in another room and yells, "Mom!" one more time, I'm going to SCREAM!!! I have told her to come to me, not sit there and yell for me. This happens 100 times a day. I've tried time outs, ignoring her, etc.


I've tried everything! How do you break this habit?!! Or do you just yell back? I can't take it anymore.

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Good question. My kids do this even if I've just told them not to. "I'm going upstairs for five minutes. Do not holler up after me, or you'll wake up the people who are sleeping upstairs." Within the next 1 minute: "MOM!" Never mind the fact that when I am within reasonable talking distance, they can go hours without needing me.


To be honest, I need to be more consistent in my reaction. Sometimes I answer because we're in a hurry and the kid has a legitimate, time-sensitive issue. Sometimes I get all haggy because REALLY, I just told you to be quiet for a few minutes! What is so hard about that?

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It must be in the DNA that gets switched off in females when the get to adulthood, but I am convinced the switch must require two X-chromosomes, because it continues in adult males of the species.:tongue_smilie:


The drive me *INSANE* because I have a moderate to profound hearing loss. There is no way I can understand anything someone is yelling from another room; I can hear the sound, just not make sense of any words. And often it is one of my two hard-of-hearing daughters that is doing the yelling, who couldn't understand me if I did yell back! Oh and talking through the bathroom door - yep, they all do that here, too.


What I hate is when they try that in a public restroom from another stall. "Honey, Mommy can't hear you! But everyone else in the mall bathroom thinks I am totally crazy because they sure can!"


Biggest problem is my DH is the worst about the yelling.


My response, "Surely you are not so insensitive to yell at the deaf woman from another room!!" :tongue_smilie: (That one may not work for you though.:lol:)

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What I do when someone calls out for me, or tries to talk to me when it's not a good idea I start yelling back and mumbling about how I can't possibly have a conversation under these conditions, .... I don't let them get in a word - or yell edge-wise. :)


I've done this. I also will sometimes just hollar back, if you want me you will come see me. Sometimes I go see what they want. I have a bad habit of yelling for them to come to me when I need them for something, so it is my own dang fault they do it to me. It's a work in progress ;)


The main thing that has worked is the fact my hearing is going wonky. Often I have no clue what they are saying unless I am looking right at them so when they start yelling for me I remind them that I can't hear their words unless they are right here.

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This drives me nuts as well, to the point that I end up ignoring them. However, this backfired on me the other day when my daughter kept calling and calling and calling and when I finally responded she yelled she was out of toilet paper:001_huh::lol: oops, I guess I'm glad she didn't just come looking for me.

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This drives me nuts as well, to the point that I end up ignoring them. However, this backfired on me the other day when my daughter kept calling and calling and calling and when I finally responded she yelled she was out of toilet paper:001_huh::lol: oops, I guess I'm glad she didn't just come looking for me.






I consistently say, "I can't hear you, you need to come here" eventually she gets the point.

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DS is dreadful at this too, and he will walk around the house calling, "mum, mum, mum, mum, mum?" until he happens across me. Me going to the bathroom means I'm in one place, so clearly available for a lengthy conversation. At least I've FINALLY stopped him opening the door and waltzing in to sit down for a chat. Most of the time I ignore him, but that means his sister gets in on the act too and the calling turns into stereo, then he yells at her to stop yelling for me, she starts crying, he yells louder, she screams at him, he starts crying... all I wanted was a 1 minute bathroom break in peace!


I think they've actually got worse as they've got older - I didn't have babies / toddlers that cried when I left the room, but now if I leave the room I can pretty much guarantee one or both will be looking for me within 30 seconds <sigh>

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I would have a not-in-the-moment chat about stopping this. Explain that she'll get X warning and NOT get what she wants, because it was not an emergency. Next offense in the same day gets a mild punishment and not what she was calling for, because it is not an emergency. Equate screaming from the other room with 911. This worked for us, with a reminder about that vivid cautionary tale: the boy who cried wolf.

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There is no inter-room communication in our house. :D


I give them one warning: "It is rude to yell to someone instead of getting off your lazy fanny and walking into the next room." The next time, he gets consequences (the girls are cured; it's just the little one left being trained.) I made ds walk back and forth one time to practice. :lol: And I've sent him to his room, etc. As with anything else, he remembers for long periods of time, but then forgets and needs maintenance.

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Yes, this is highly irritating!


I ignore the kids, too, but sometimes the interim period in which they're screaming for me and their realization that I'm not actually going to get up is too much to bear. I turn up the radio really loudly (maybe a bit passive-aggressive, but ... some days that's the best I can muster up, other than screaming back at them LOL.)


Maybe you could plug in? Charge up the iPod and earplug up? Start singing loudly, they'll come running to see what you're up to and can pose their questions/comments at that time :D

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oh, this drives me crazy as well! All too often, I yell back "DO NOT YELL AT ME ACROSS THE HOUSE!!!" Very effective no?!? :lol: I try to respond, "I will only communicate with you if I can see you." Drives me crazy, bc it is without fail, ALWAYS when I am putting dd2 down for a nap :glare: One thing that has helped with it though, is if they do it while I am putting dd down for a nap (I be sure to warn them I am going and remind them not to call), whatever it is they are asking, that they had to yell to me about, the answer is no. ;)

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LOL, I hate this too. They will holler from all over the house and expect me to come see what they want, (except when I am in the bathroom, when they will come stand outside the door and ask long, complicated questions). :D



It is a kid thing. My kids do it all.the.time. I swear. I am always telling them to go away.


I remember doing it when I was growing up to. To this day my mom says if she wants a family meeting all she needs to do is sit on the pot. :D:lol:

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I have a bad habit of yelling for them to come to me when I need them for something, so it is my own dang fault they do it to me. It's a work in progress ;)



Me too... I hate when they do it but I'm the worst in the bunch....

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If my child sits in another room and yells, "Mom!" one more time, I'm going to SCREAM!!! I have told her to come to me, not sit there and yell for me. This happens 100 times a day. I've tried time outs, ignoring her, etc.


I've tried everything! How do you break this habit?!! Or do you just yell back? I can't take it anymore.


Oh yeah! I don't know! The same thing happens here and it drives me bonkers!

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