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CLE Math... why does everyone love it so???

Virginia Heather

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I confess-- I don't know a thing about CLE's materials, but on the recent thread discussing Favorites (or was it "what you wish you had discovered sooner"?), CLE Math was mentioned time and again. So I'm wondering-- what makes it so special?? I've used Singapore for years, but with my youngest, I just might need to switch things up a bit... therefore, I'd love to hear your feeback! Thanks!

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I've used it, but I'm currently using other materials. I think it is very good, solid math with a good amount of review. It takes a gentle approach to introducing new topics. It does a good job of drilling math facts, too. It's consumable, but it's very cheap.


I used CLE 2nd grade with ds because I was trying to figure out the best curriculum for him and had tried a couple of others. He did not need that much review and is a very visual kid. I think he missed colorful pages, too. He is my mathy child and will get math no matter what curriculum I use. I've settled on the new editions of BJU because he enjoys it and I feel it, too, is good, solid math.


I wish I had looked at it earlier with dd. Looking back, she could have used spiral review. The only one I knew about was Saxon, and I do not like that. I did use CLE in 8th grade for Pre-Algebra. The company does not have their own editions of high school math, although they had a preliminary edition of Algebra 1. I chose not to go with it because it was just out of testing and they don't have the rest of high school.

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We switched at the beginning of this year to CLE. We had tried Abeka math and MM with this particular child. Abeka was working, but it was very hard for me to wade through the instructor's guide, which had a lot of material that you needed for the program. MM wasn't working, as no matter how much we reviewed or how much we backed up, she was floundering in mental math and cried every day. That's the short version of the why's.


Enter CLE. The student workbook is directed to the student, freeing me up more, although we still go over things she doesn't understand. It's spiral, and that's how this child learns, which I didn't know until we tried MM. It has review, but not overkill IMO. It has sprinklings of mental math, which is good. It is so perfect for her, and it has boosted her confidence 100 times over.

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We use it for DD and DS8. It is a solid, basic math curriculum. It is extremely easy to teach. It's basically open and go. It is spiral in nature, but as others have said the review is not overkill. Couple all that with the inexpensive price, and it's good for us!


:iagree: Same reason for us. Its open and go for children who are ready to become more independent. My 14 yr old can open it up, read it and if she understands go right into the lesson. If she doesn't she can ask me and we go over it together. But she isn't depending on me all of the time for the lesson of the day. Which frees up my time to work with my 5 yr old, who needs my time.


Its spiral but not drill and kill either. Its amazing that they got the balance right with this. The lower levels work on drilling the math facts. When they get to about 600 level or so (maybe it starts in the 700 level) they have Mastery drill. Its not timed but its review of important facts like geometry formulas, converting fractions into decimals, the meaning of deci, centi, milli... and more. My 14 yr old struggled with the Mastery drill up until yesterday. She came to me all excited and said to me " Mom! I got them all right this time. I actually remembered them all!"


Plus the price,,, you can't go wrong.

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I found CLE this year, on this board, we and LOVE it!

I use CLE alongside of Singapore. I like the methodology of SM, but love the review and introduction of some concepts- like geometry, time, money, reading thermometers,etc. that are only covered briefly in SM- in CLE. It works well for us. We do the drill in CLE, introduce the new concept (which, since it's spiral and not mastery based, usually only takes a few minutes and not too much explanation) and I select about 10 minutes worth of problems in the section for her to work.

Then we will do the SM lesson and they work the exercises independently. With 2 dc, I spend about an hour on math. Hope that helps you!

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I love Singapore, absolutely think it is the best thing going. I used it with my oldest through sixth and am currently using it with my youngest, who is in 3B. With my middle child, though, who was doing Singapore 6 last year, when she was actually in fifth grade, it just got too hard. She was frustrated, I was frustrated. I switched to Rod & Staff 6 for the remainder of the year, and then she started CLE 7 last spring. She is now in 706, so just over half-way through, and it has been a wonderful fit for her. She can do the lessons with minimal input from me. I check her work and have her redo the ones she has missed, but I love that it gives her a subject that is mostly hands-off. Singapore requires a lot more parental involvement.


We have picked Singapore 6 back up to supplement CLE, and she is doing much, much better this year. Her problem wasn't the math computation but the word problems. She has some kind of verbal weakness, and making sense of the word problems was killing her. We are working hard on that, though, and with some comprehension remediation and another year of maturilty, Singapore CWP, two problems at a time, is again working for us. NOT that I am giving up CLE, though!



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One thing that is so great about CLE is that it is sooo easy to teach! Unlike Singapore, CLE is totally scripted... you can be half brain-dead and still teach math, lol. :)


CLE feels more complete to me than Singapore. Singapore is great for conceptual understanding, but that's all there is. There's no drill at all and not enough review, IMO. CLE includes lots of drill *and* conceptual understanding as well. There is plenty of review and good teacher notes. It's the complete package. Singapore lacks teacher's notes and drill of basic math facts. I know there are the HIG's for Singapore, but I find them way too wordy and cumbersome.


Anyway, just my humble opinion. :)

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We also use it in combo with singapore. CLE has given my children a love and understanding of math. I use itwith a gifted child and a child in the autism spectrum who struggles with math. It works forboth.


Contrary towhat some peoplemight say,especially spycar,CLE does have higher orderthinking word problems,although not at the extent of Singapore.


We also use beestar math which is a free online one time a week quizzes.Its similar to Singapore. WE donotspend more than 40 min per child in math even with Singapore. I USE the text and workbooks although I preread the Hig . CLE GET my kids excited aboutmath!

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Contrary towhat some peoplemight say,especially spycar,CLE does have higher orderthinking word problems,although not at the extent of Singapore.




So far I've used Grade 1 CLE and Singapore 1A1B. My ds who used CLE has just as good of conceptual understanding as my son who used Singapore. I think CLE's word problems were great!

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One of my DD's started struggling with SM in 1B, we added in CLE and used it as a supplement through SM 2A, when I finally came to my senses and decided that we didn't need a second complete math program. We tried a semester with just SM 2B and it bombed. I finally realized that SM isn't the end all for my DC and won the battle to let it go. Looking back they have covered the same things but at slightly different times so I don't doubt the coverage of CLE. We sometimes add in from the SM CWP since I already own them and call it good. I look at it this way, my oldest DD didn't have SM and is now doing very well with AoPS so there must be other roads that lead to the same mathematical understanding.

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I use it with a gifted child and a child who struggles with math. It works for both.


Contrary to what some peoplemight say,CLE does have higher orderthinking word problems,although not at the extent of Singapore.



:iagree: CLE has done wonders here. The flashcard system is genius and the spiral is very gentle yet effective. It even introduces preliminary geometrical concepts in first grade! I cannot say enough good things about it.

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We love it for all the reasons already mentioned. Easy to teach, gentle yet thorough, student can do independent work even in the early grades, and inexpensive. Love, love, love CLE math!!! :D


:iagree: Yep! It has been such a great addition to our homeschool for my kids that need a spiral approach.

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Yes, to all the reasons already stated. When my dd was a 6yo, she went from loving math to tears with Singapore. We gave MUS a try, and that was a bust. She started CLE and has done extremely well ever since.


There is no need to supplement, but I do. The first reason is because I sometimes find the CLE explanations lacking. I try to hit topics in MM shortly before hitting them in CLE because I prefer the explanations in MM. The second reason is because my dd now likes math, asks for more, and enjoys being challenged by Singapore's Intensive Practice.:svengo::D

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It's solid, it's thorough, it's easy to teach. It's inexpensive, it's spiral without beating things into the ground (*cough*Saxon), and it allows for a lot of independence. It has a good amount of drill. It's made math a heck of a lot easier here. We had math problems galore and CLE has ended that.

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It's solid, it's thorough, it's easy to teach. It's inexpensive, it's spiral without beating things into the ground (*cough*Saxon), and it allows for a lot of independence. It has a good amount of drill. It's made math a heck of a lot easier here. We had math problems galore and CLE has ended that.



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Echoing everyone else-we have used it since CLE1 with dd who is now in 6. Ds9 started in 2 (he already knew everything in 1-very mathy) and is now in 3. We love it!


They also start algebraic thinking early on, even simple function charts in 3rd grade!


I think the word probs can be a little lame. We do supplement w/ other math programs but it wouldn't be necessary.


ETA: Oh, yeah, I meant to add I love that it is ahead of other curric. Dd took the CAT in a grade that she was only partway thru in CLE and got a perfect score!

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We also use it in combo with singapore. CLE has given my children a love and understanding of math. I use itwith a gifted child and a child in the autism spectrum who struggles with math. It works forboth.


Contrary towhat some peoplemight say,especially spycar,CLE does have higher orderthinking word problems,although not at the extent of Singapore.





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I wanted to add that I supplement with Singapore because I like to use a different math. I think it is important to challenge kids from all angles in math and stretch them as much as possible and even beyond that :) . Singapore does that , but I think CLE is more developmentally appropriate . I do have to cross a lot of work with my typical son, ( mostly computation exercises) from CLE. I do everything with my struggling learner and he just got a 89 in a standardized test , which show a lot considering his struggles and the prognosis they gave me a year ago when he was in PS.


Sorry for bad typing in the other thread, I type from a touchpad :tongue_smilie:

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So I am reading all of these posts on math and wondering how close I am to insanity--I am thinking seriously close. I wish I saw this thread before...

I have ordered Singapore to give it a go. My daughter is just bored to tears in Saxon 6/5--just way too much repetition of old stuff and not enough drilling of new stuff. Frankly, I am bored of it myself.

She doesn't love math, but it comes easily to her. I am wondering how CLE differs from Saxon and what level she'd be on...since you all do CLE, what level do you think would be best for an advanced 4th grader? I had not even considered CLE until you all shared your thoughts. I am still unclear how it is different from Singapore also...if anyone wants to expound on that in this thread or a different one..I am all :bigear:


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I am considering this too. I am using MCP for kindergarten but I want something else for 1st. It sounds like I might like this but I am not sure if dd would do better with spiral or mastery. l think review would be good but maybe skipping around would be confusing. Does anyone know how it compares to MCP? I wish they went over certain topics more than they do like coins and unit counting in MCP so I am doing my own thing with those topics but I want a math where I won't have to do that. I want a program that does a good job explaining how to teach it and has enough practice to really get concepts. I don't want something that is really behind other programs.


I know it is Christian and a lot of the word problems are religious but is it easy to switch around the wording a little if you are not a Christian.

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So I am reading all of these posts on math and wondering how close I am to insanity--I am thinking seriously close. I wish I saw this thread before...

I have ordered Singapore to give it a go. My daughter is just bored to tears in Saxon 6/5--just way too much repetition of old stuff and not enough drilling of new stuff. Frankly, I am bored of it myself.

She doesn't love math, but it comes easily to her. I am wondering how CLE differs from Saxon and what level she'd be on...since you all do CLE, what level do you think would be best for an advanced 4th grader? I had not even considered CLE until you all shared your thoughts. I am still unclear how it is different from Singapore also...if anyone wants to expound on that in this thread or a different one..I am all :bigear:



CLE has free placement tests for download on their website.

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So I am reading all of these posts on math and wondering how close I am to insanity--I am thinking seriously close. I wish I saw this thread before...

I have ordered Singapore to give it a go. My daughter is just bored to tears in Saxon 6/5--just way too much repetition of old stuff and not enough drilling of new stuff. Frankly, I am bored of it myself.

She doesn't love math, but it comes easily to her. I am wondering how CLE differs from Saxon and what level she'd be on...since you all do CLE, what level do you think would be best for an advanced 4th grader? I had not even considered CLE until you all shared your thoughts. I am still unclear how it is different from Singapore also...if anyone wants to expound on that in this thread or a different one..I am all :bigear:



I don't know CLE, but my understanding is that it is spiral (though perhaps not as dramatically spiral as Saxon), whereas Singapore Math is mastery.


(Fwiw, my dd was in Saxon 6/5 in 4th grade at school and she too hated it. When I pulled her out, we used MM, which she liked very much. MM is also mastery, and similar to SM.)

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My daughter doesn't hate math anymore when we switched to CLE. You can always buy one or two light units (workbooks) and try it. We like that there is a lot of white spaces and the page is not overwhelming to look. There are fun lessons that still teach math concepts. It is very independent and makes my child have a sense of accomplishment to do a new lesson on her own, though we still go over them if she doesn't understand. It is great for a non-mathy teacher like me.

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Well I can't say "I love CLE Math" but after trying EVERY math curriculum but having a deep down love spiral but then having dd who begged to do mastery type MUS bored to tears with MUS I thought CLE will give us a good balance of spiral without burning us out like Saxon. But the reason I can't say "I love CLE?" UPS isn't delivery my pkg til around 1 today=D !!! So excited.

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I use Singapore Math with my oldest child and had fully intended to use it with her younger sister, but found that SM would move too quickly for that daughter. With the price of CLE being so low, I figured why not give it a shot, and I've been happy with the chance that I took. :) It works beautifully for my daughter because it explains concepts simply but not condescendingly and revisits topics often. She loves the workbook style of learning and actually likes taking the quizzes and tests. My daughter has only used the first and second grade books, but I plan to continue with CLE Math for the next few years.

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So I am reading all of these posts on math and wondering how close I am to insanity--I am thinking seriously close. I wish I saw this thread before...

I have ordered Singapore to give it a go. My daughter is just bored to tears in Saxon 6/5--just way too much repetition of old stuff and not enough drilling of new stuff. Frankly, I am bored of it myself.

She doesn't love math, but it comes easily to her. I am wondering how CLE differs from Saxon and what level she'd be on...since you all do CLE, what level do you think would be best for an advanced 4th grader? I had not even considered CLE until you all shared your thoughts. I am still unclear how it is different from Singapore also...if anyone wants to expound on that in this thread or a different one..I am all :bigear:



Before I found CLE I used Saxon with my older kids. I liked how they could do Saxon on their own and it was a great Math curriculum. Then came CLE, I went back and for and decided to give it a shot since my son is not real mathy and I had read there is not as many review problems which I did think was overkill with Saxon. I love the spiral approach which is just like Saxon. Learn a little then review a little. My son can do it on his own except when he might not understand something. I also thought he'd like to just do the problems in (I had to take a couple years off of HSing) and felt he was behind because of it. He's in 5th grade. I would just give your child the free placement test from their website to see where she'd be.

I don't know anything about Singapore. Sorry.

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i love CLE. i've used it to teach 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and now 4th grade. i can't compare it to public school because we've only ever homeschooled (although it is definitely not "new math", which is most common in PS, no?). CLE builds upon itself so nicely. it is thorough, yet simple. it is incredibly easy to teach and lacks no gaps imho. is it for everyone? no. but it is a fabulous curriculum for my kids!

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