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Are you a curriculum hoarder?

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I am finding myself wanting to stock up... getting the programs that I want for several years in advance. I know that is probably not a good idea b/c kids change, I may not like the curriculums as much as I think, etc... but I can't help it! I have to show extreme restraint. I definitely want to have at least the next year's curriculum always on hand- in case I want to refer to it, see it, the child goes through faster than I thought, etc... however, I find myself wanting to purchase following years as well. Help!!:lol: It does NOT help to go on the for sale boards and see the "deals" I can get. :001_tt1: Please tell me I am not the only one. I can rationalize it-- it's just being prepared right? Like stocking up on food.

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[raises hand meekly]


I am one too...I've got 1-6 in math and 1-3 in everything else.


My excuse is we're moving to a rural area soon and I want it in my hands because...I don't know...poor internet service?


Yeah, that's it. I might not be able to order it once we move. :tongue_smilie:

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I order some stuff in advance....like way way far in advance. This is mostly the books for TOG that I collect used from places like paperbackswap. I plan to use TOG through high school, and my guide is not going to change the list of books needed, so I figure if I can get the book now for super cheap and hoard it till I need it....why not? And I do purchase all of next years curricula throughout the year before. Sometimes if I find a good deal, I might purchase even further out than that. If it is all used anyway, as long as I change my mind before it is too dated, I can always resell it if I change my mind later.

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Well I am in spirit. I don't actually have any money right now with which to buy things.


But I want to buy several things ahead. Our charter school was supposed to be giving us the AAS Deluxe kit but they haven't, so I'm thinking about ordering it myself.....and to save on shipping I might as well buy levels 2, 3, and 4 since I have a feeling Pigby will be flying through them.


I also want to buy FLL 3 & 4 and WWS to look through myself. I've never done diagramming before and want to self educate all the gaps I have in my own education. I'm also tempted to buy the high school levels of MUS to go through them myself and fill in my math gaps. And I've tried so hard to read SWB's high school history books and they just conk me out and make me feel like an idiot. I'm hoping they put those on CD because I understand more listening to it than actually reading it.

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I buy a year ahead (and that's been a good thing because money is tight here).


I think back to when my oldest was 4-5, though, and so many of those purchases were not ones that fit my student well. I grew a lot after a few years of teaching and my perspective is not the same.


If I were to think back to when my oldest was 5, I wish I would've saved for a nice microscope, built up my reference library, and bought some fun games and waited a bit before making curricula choices.

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I am finding myself wanting to stock up... getting the programs that I want for several years in advance. I know that is probably not a good idea b/c kids change, I may not like the curriculums as much as I think, etc... but I can't help it! I have to show extreme restraint. I definitely want to have at least the next year's curriculum always on hand- in case I want to refer to it, see it, the child goes through faster than I thought, etc... however, I find myself wanting to purchase following years as well. Help!!:lol: It does NOT help to go on the for sale boards and see the "deals" I can get. :001_tt1: Please tell me I am not the only one. I can rationalize it-- it's just being prepared right? Like stocking up on food.


:D guilty! I got the handwriting & reading workbooks for all my kids before some even started school. Math too for some for years!


I like to store it in file cabinets by subject.

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Absolutely. :D But when you can pack a bag full of homeschooling materials at the local thrift store for five bucks, well, what are you gonna do?


I'm not even going to list what we have. It's embarrassing. Let's just say that I could probably teach six children through sixth grade without having to purchase another thing.


I need a support group, too.

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My name is Sagira and I am a curriculum hoarder. Is there a support group? :tongue_smilie:


Yes, it's a 12 Step Program.


I'm only on Step 2, but I found a great deal on Steps 3 through 7, and just bought Steps 9 Through 12 on eBay (they're not here yet, but I'm tracking the package every hour,) so now all I need is Step 8. I've been searching all of the For Sale boards for it for over a week, and I'll go crazy if I don't find it soon.


And then I have to start shopping for the Steps 13 through 15 Supplemental Program...


;) ;) ;) ;)

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I used to totally be, until I was looking at unused stuff all the time. Some of it thankfully is getting used on later children, but I have also learned to really temper those instincts. Having 4 kids and a small house with small storage space really helps me on those urges too! LOL

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I am, somewhat. I'm a broke curriculum hoarder, so I buy cheap or deals. In our previous town there was a great thrift store. .89 hardbacks, .39 paperbacks. Yup, I stocked up. It was also a college town too. I found Lial's Intermediate Algebra books, paperback for .39 each.


I bought a ton of novels that we've used or will use.


It's paying off now because we're using many of the things I purchased, and we don't have money to buy new right now either. I can spend more money on some things now, at the high school level, because I did "hoard" a few years ago.


I wouldn't buy expensive program ahead of schedule. I do often buy used from Amazon or Abe books. We're not in a place where I can review anything, so it's cheaper to buy online than spend the gas to go shop elsewhere.

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I have a really hard time passing on things, even though I only have one DC. For example, my DD doesn't like manipulatives much, and is beyond the level where you use most of them-so why am I keeping the pattern blocks, unifix cubes, cute little counting bears and frogs, and so on? I've got a TON of preschool and early elementary learning CDs (Dr Jean, twin sisters and the like) and I have no clue WHY I'm keeping them-but I haven't been able to let them go.

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Absolutely. :D But when you can pack a bag full of homeschooling materials at the local thrift store for five bucks, well, what are you gonna do?


:iagree: I love thrift stores:D and don't forget library sales! I have certain favorites I collect and others I buy ahead when I see it dirt cheap. My bookcase is overflowing with choices.. Purge or buy a new bookshelf??? (If you know my answer to that one.. you may be a curriculum hoarder too:)

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Yes, it's a 12 Step Program.


I'm only on Step 2, but I found a great deal on Steps 3 through 7, and just bought Steps 9 Through 12 on eBay (they're not here yet, but I'm tracking the package every hour,) so now all I need is Step 8. I've been searching all of the For Sale boards for it for over a week, and I'll go crazy if I don't find it soon.


And then I have to start shopping for the Steps 13 through 15 Supplemental Program...


;) ;) ;) ;)





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we're book hoarders here... I find it impossible to resist thrift store finds.


As far as curriculum... I don't find that I hoard it. When I did order the workbooks to some teacher's guides I inherited from a friend for our Language Arts curriculum I ordered 3 of everything so I didn't have to worry about tracking down the proper editions to things. My kids are pretty close in age, so I don't think I have TOOO much to worry about, but I rather be prepared. I only did it for that particular curriculum because I can honestly say at this point I don't want to use anything else. Math is a completely different story and I don't dare buy ahead for that because I know every kid is different.

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I've found that if I like a particular curriculum, if I don't purchase the set when I have the chance it sometimes goes out of print, or gets an edit that ruins it or keeps it from going with the older part. For instance, I can't get the old Singapore Math Workbooks to go with my old Textbooks anymore; it's all US version now. I liked a particular handwriting book with my older boys, so I bought enough for the younger kids to use when they got there, and now I only have one left!


Also, as I've found good deals on upper-level math (Chalkdust cheep!) and science books that are highly recommended here and elsewhere, I have picked them up and stored them, and now I'm glad I did. When someone is having trouble with a particular Algebra II concept, I can pull out another text and we can review with a different author and more practice problems.



OTOH, as my youngest finishes with stuff, I'm getting rid of it. I don't need to store Preschool and Kindergarten curriculum anymore now that she's doing well with first grade work.


After the order I just placed for next year's supplies, I think I have officially completed my curricula through grade 12. The only things I'll be needing to buy will be individual to my children - ie if one wants to study a particular subject which we don't already have, or books that go with a particular dual-enrollment course, or perhaps restocking art supplies. Hopefully that will leave next year's curriculum money to purchase quality extracurricular experiences and nice field trips...


Of course I do have some stuff that looked good but just didn't work for us. I should really get rid of it. Anyone want to buy Literary Lessons from Lord of the Rings?

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I have all four SOTW in a box somewhere, along with the Usborne World History encyclopedia, Kingfisher world history, and then another one for high school.


Granted, I got them all used or on clearance, but still.


Don't even get me started on free PDF curricula.


Oh, and my oldest turns four this month.

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Yes, I am a curriculum hoarder too! Not as bad as I used to be though, and most stuff I only buy if it's on sale or I see something irresistible at Goodwill or the library book sale. I have to stop reading glowing reviews about curriculum items I don't yet own. I'm too much of a sucker for that type of thing.

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I am finding myself wanting to stock up... getting the programs that I want for several years in advance. I know that is probably not a good idea b/c kids change, I may not like the curriculums as much as I think, etc... but I can't help it! I have to show extreme restraint. I definitely want to have at least the next year's curriculum always on hand- in case I want to refer to it, see it, the child goes through faster than I thought, etc... however, I find myself wanting to purchase following years as well. Help!!:lol: It does NOT help to go on the for sale boards and see the "deals" I can get. :001_tt1: Please tell me I am not the only one. I can rationalize it-- it's just being prepared right? Like stocking up on food.


You are not alone. ;)

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My name is Mrs. Warde, and I am a curricula hoarder. I am also a compulsive workbook and school supplies shopper. My main weakness is the dollar store. :drool: The only thing that keeps me from buying more is that we don't have the money. I have an Amazon.com wishlist for every subject, for each stage.




The above is part hyperbole (to poke fun at myself,) part truth. The part about Amazon is definitely true.

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Yes, it's a 12 Step Program.


I'm only on Step 2, but I found a great deal on Steps 3 through 7, and just bought Steps 9 Through 12 on eBay (they're not here yet, but I'm tracking the package every hour,) so now all I need is Step 8. I've been searching all of the For Sale boards for it for over a week, and I'll go crazy if I don't find it soon.


And then I have to start shopping for the Steps 13 through 15 Supplemental Program...


;) ;) ;) ;)


Curriculum Collector?

Compiler of Educational Materials?

Some Kind of Nut?


No. Wait. Forget that last one. :tongue_smilie:


Well, that applies to some of us for sure :lol::lol::lol:

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