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What are your New Years Eve plans?

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We are staying home, eating appetizers and milkshakes.


We take a branch of the tree, tie a note to it of something we want to change about ourself and burn it as a "prayer" to Jesus to help us improve in the new year.


The children have been thinking all week about what they need to improve about themselves and what they want Jesus to help them with.



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We are staying home, eating appetizers and milkshakes.


We take a branch of the tree, tie a note to it of something we want to change about ourself and burn it as a "prayer" to Jesus to help us improve in the new year.


The children have been thinking all week about what they need to improve about themselves and what they want Jesus to help them with.



I love this idea!

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A couple of friends are coming over about 7:30 or 8:00 for appetizers and then we (these friends, my fiancee and I) are joining some other friends for 9:30 dinner seating at a local restaurant. They have a live band tonight and we'll ring in the new year there.


The kids will be at home with their dad.

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There is a local ministry that puts on a New Years Eve party every year. We are going there. Potluck, worship, games then we will be praying in the New Year and lighting off fireworks at midnight :D We will have 2 extra kids tonight. A 13 year old boy (dd's friend) and a 3 year old girl (friend from church's daughter)



We are nervous. Last year there were 9 accidents within a 3 mile radius caused by drunk drivers. We live in a TINY town. :confused:

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New Year's Eve is a family night here:001_smile:! I'm making a turkey dinner(my family loves turkey). After dinner everyone writes 1-2 activities they want to do on an index card and we draw them from a hat(i.e. play wii, play board games, hide and seek, etc.) We do each activity as a group. I add in a few to fill more time like family devotional, resolutions etc.). After that we eat snacks and watch a movie or two. Everyone stays up until midnight and we watch the ball drop. Of course we have plenty of noise makers too!

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For years, ever since we moved to Florida, we attended a family-friendly sleep-over event at our church on NYE. It usually drew a lot of the musical folks, who would jam in the center of the room while everyone else chatted or played board games . . .


It was lovely, but attendance has dropped off in the last couple of years so that it's less fun. Plus, my kids are older and less interested in hanging out with a bunch of people who aren't close friends and playing board games.


Last year was the first time we bowed out of the event. We just bought snack foods, watched movies, grazed and set off some low-key fireworks in the driveway. It was enough, so we're planning more or less the same thing for tonight.


We now live next door to the church. So, the plan is to head over there sometime after 11:00 to visit and do the fireworks for whatever audience is there. But then we can come home to our own beds.


We spent more money than I care to admit stocking up on snacks and such at Whole Foods this afternoon, which should get us through the evening nicely.

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I hope it is a quiet night.



Uh, oh...now you've done it...





You went and used the "q" word (a pox upon your house). :tongue_smilie:









It's not that I'm superstitious, you understand; it's just that long years of experience have taught me not to say certain words/phrases or do certain things. It's the paramedic version of not saying the proper name of the Scottish play backstage.

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I bet I win the most pitiful New Year's Eve. I am going to be doing a lot of school planning. :tongue_smilie: My husband is asleep for the night. My 14 yr old dd went to a birthday sleepover and my 18 yr ds is at a friends for the night. It is just me and my 5 yr old. I think that we will watch a Shirley Temple movie and once she is asleep, I am going to get some planning done. Like I said most pitiful, but that's OK, I like to stay in on New Year's Eve!!! I pray that everyone has a happy and safe New Year!!

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I will be asleep long before midnight :001_smile:



Us too! We went out to a show and had dinner with my parents last night. The show had a new years theme and several countdowns. Kids were with and enjoyed it too. So we plan to be sound asleep at midnight. New years has never been a big deal for me. My DH is out biking with friends tonight for a couple hours. He'll be long asleep by midnight too. Maybe we'll make waffles in the morning? :D

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Make-Your-Own-Pizza and a movie.

Play cards.

ETA: I forgot, Open the 2011 Family Memories and Wishes envelope, and make a new envelope for 2012.

Watch the ball drop at 9:00, let the youingest toast with sparkling cider, then put the youngest to bed.

Watch another movie and/or play a game.

Watch the ball drop and toast the New Year at midnight, our time.

Go to bed.


Hmm, looks like fun, and looks kind of boring too. :D We have one exchange student who likes our quiet family plans, and one who is (I suspect, because she really is very polite) bored out of her mind.



Edited by myfunnybunch
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I made a pot of coffee, we had dinner, and ds is working on some art in his room. I did tell him we needed to see him before the end of the year. Dh is watching TV and anything else I say would violate board rules. let's just say I'll be reaching for the rum hidden in the top cabinet in a little while. :glare:

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Not raclette, but I'm getting ready to open up some good cheeses to snack on right about now, LOL.... We just got back from a New Year's Eve dinner followed by an early party (European New Year's Eve Celebration), complete with toasted marshmallows, plenty of outdoor time in this great weather, fireworks, and bubbly. Some of us added sugar cubes and orange bitters to our champagne - yummy!


Happy New Year!

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I'll be lying on the couch watching any and every game on ESPN live. Right now it's Virginia versus Auburn (go Auburn!).


I'll likely eat m&ms... And maybe apples....


Then tomorrow morning I'll work out, go to church, put salve on my couch sores, and do it again! I love bowl season!!!!!

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Well, the plan was to go to a friend's house and do desserts and appetizers with all the kids and the the grownups were going to try a couple of foo-foo drinks we found on Pinterest :D.


Alas, my DD2 got sick and we had to cancel - booooo.


So, instead, I took the big kids to Target and let them pick out a snack and a treat and I got things for fun dips and milkshakes (including this one for DH and I!!) and we are going to play Wii games until the kids go to bed and then we are watching Lord of the Rings extended version :)

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