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Please tell me you haven't started your Christmas shopping either.

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Amazon is my friend.

I'm planning on doing a bulk of the gifts there. Hopefully enough that I'll just have to get out to buy stocking stuffers.


Does that make you feel better?

Not that you have your kids bought for. :lol: I have nothing. Zero. Zilch. All because we don't have the money yet. So aggravating.

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Of course I have not started.


It is only the 15th so I have T E N more days.


In fact, I have to purchase an outfit for a shindig that begins in about 22 hours. Plenty of time to find the perfectly gorgeous attire.


When my children were younger and wanted specific gifts, I was much more organized and tried to be finished by end of first week in December. None of them are really into Christmas anymore beyond putting up a tree, riding around to view light displays, visiting with friends, and doing some sort of charitable project.

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I do like last minute shopping. I do not like having to wait on money in order to even do the shopping. *sigh*


Everyone I know is finished or has done a bulk of their shopping. Ugh.


Dh just today received his Christmas bonus, allowing us to buy the bulk of our presents, umm, now. :glare: But, I'm ceaselessly thankful that he receives it. This weekend will be my shopping time, methinks...:D


Same boat here...doesn't help that the kiddos give me the daily countdown on remaining shopping days :glare:

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Haven't done a thing. Just realized there are 10 days left. EEK! Getting on it this weekend. Amazon is my friend. :)


We did a lot on Amazon (ordered about 1 am Wed morning), which I got today.


BUTBUTBUT, one item was opened with something taken out. :glare: I've already got the return underway.

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doesn't help that the kiddos give me the daily countdown on remaining shopping days

Yes, here too!!!! They keep asking me when I'm going to go shopping.


Last night we were supposed to go do our family shopping (I take two, dh takes two. The two I have shop for Daddy and the sibs dh has and vice versa). Had to put that off for now.

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We've done most of the shopping. However, I haven't lifted a finger to get started on making stuff to hand out to teachers and ship to out-of-state family and friends.


Neither of my kids will actually have another lesson or class with any of those teachers before Christmas. And I have no plan for getting gifts to any of those folks.


So, you know, that's good.

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Well, last year, dh and I started our Christmas shopping on Christmas Eve. Our first stop was a parking lot to meet someone from Craigslist. We actually did rather well -- we were able to get everything we wanted and get it in one day.


This year, sorry, Heather -- I couldn't do that again this year.


But, you will be fine!:grouphug:

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I usually shop earlier but I just finished all shopping this week. I had to order a few things early for one place only offered free shipping until the end of November and Black Friday brought amazing deals that we could not pass up. I placed my last Amazon order for the year yesterday.


Now I am just waiting for the calls that relatives did receive our gifts in the mail and I can relax and enjoy the rest of theholiday.

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ohmygosh...I always feel like I am the only one who has to wait until the very last second..not just because of procrastination, but because we simply do. not. have the money yet.


my mom sent money a month ago so I got some stuff then, last night I took the kids stocking stuffer shopping (they buy/fill for each other). I still don't know what hub and I are doing, or when.

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Just had to come up with two gifts for a party my husband and I are going to tonight. No time to shop, so I dug up two DVD sets that I never watched or even opened (nice ones, including the "Romance" set that Amazon was selling) and wrapped them in Christmas paper.


I just hope someone's husband doesn't get the "Romance" set.

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I almost started hyperventilating just reading your post title! ;) I am almost done but I really don't enjoy last minute shopping - this is much more last minute than I usually am and it's keeping me awake at night.


If I could access everything that is available on amazon.com (I'm in Canada) I would be a very, very happy shopper.

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Maybe ya'll can concentrate on what you CAN do?


Snickerdoodles cost me about 50 cents to make a huge batch-- using ingredients most pantries already have.

There's lots of other snacks/treats ya'll can make using what you already have-- those make great gifts too! They also really put everyone in a great mood!


Make ornaments or decorations using whatever you have around the house/nature. (pinterest has awesome ideas) These make great gifts for the kids to give eachother OR to the family!


See what can be done for free. I took a star wars tshirt my youngest son outgrew (but LOVED this shirt!). I made it into a decorative pillow for his bed. Turned an old pillow sitting into the closet that never gets used and gutted it for the filling on his pillow. It's under the tree now-- he will go nuts for it and it cost us nothing but 10 minutes of cutting/sewing.


I also used some old star wars wrapping paper from my son's birthday party and used it to decopage a trash can we already had but wasn't being used. Free!


For my middle son who is OBSESSED with dogs, I found some awesome photos on dogs on the internet, printed them all on my printer in black and white. I painted some frames we had sitting in the garage all black to match, and framed them. My son has been asking for dog art on his walls for 2 years. he's finally getting them, and we already had all the supplies, so it was essentially free.


We traded some wii games that my kids hated with a neighbor for some other "new" wii games. Cost us noghting, but both families will wrap them up as gifts for the kids.


Were letting my son sign up for the free World of warcraft (something he's been begging for for YEARS). Up to level 20 (i think) is free, after that is paid. part of his "gift" is that we will pay for January's or February's membership, $15 -- when he gets to that level of needing a paid membership.




Watch christmas cartoons/movies! Make a big batch of popcorn and make it a family night.


We do jingle bell jaunts too. AFTER we put the kids to bed, we will wake them up by shaking jingle bells and yelling JINGLE BELL JAUNT!!!, and throw them in the car, in their pajamas. Give them candy canes and hot coco, and we go look at the christmas lights around our neighborhoods while listening to Christmas music. **My kids look forward to this ALLLLL year!


We also check out what free holiday things the local churches are offering. One church just a few bloks away has a huge nativity display where they show thousands of nativities from all over the world. Free, and they give cookies and cider to the visitors.


Play games! when it's cold and dreary outside, it's easy to get in a funk if you start thinking too much. LOL I pulled out our family games and the kids have re-discovered some favorites.




Sorry I rambled. LOL Just cheer up and it WILL work out!

Sometimes I have to keep repeating to myself, DO YOUR BEST AND LET GOD TAKE CARE OF THE REST!

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Nope, haven't bought anything yet. I usually spend an hour on Amazon and get it all bought at one time. It looks like I've procrastinated long enough that I'm going to have to venture out and shop. Yuck. DH and I are planning to run out and knock it all out this evening. Maybe we'll have a glass of wine first to make it a little less dreadful.

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